aggression + out of control + mass amounts of aphro

Sep 03, 2010 15:39

Her head was reeling. It had been since she had woken up this morning, but what was much more afflicting and horrifying was the constant throb between her legs and the inability to do anything about it. Well, that wasn't quite true. She had already slipped her hand between her legs twice this morning before even getting out of bed, and the ( Read more... )

series: deadman wonderland

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brothercumface September 15 2010, 03:18:10 UTC
She choked, to put it nicely, as he came. The warm, tingly sensation of semen was seemingly crawling up her nose, and the teen immediately withdrew, a hand clutching her nose and struggling to breath properly. She'd lied about swallowing - even if it would have been intensely easier to spit out the milky fluid, the brunette gulped the salty, oddly textured ejaculate with difficulty before panting. Both hand splayed out on the floor once the dry heaves subsided. But while the coughing left as soon as it came - and as soon as he came - she was still rather...

Well, to put it simply, Minatsuki was still amazingly horny. Glancing out of the side of her peripheral vision, the teen spotted the blond squatting against the wall and immediately had an idea. She wasted no time reaching a hand out to wrap around the ankle of his left foot, and tugged. Her strength wasn't nearly enough to pull the male onto his back as she would have liked, but the second that became apparent, the female was up on her knees, face mere inches from his and hands splayed against his shoulder. With one, good shove the Deadman threw all her weight against the - hopefully disoriented - cohort, attempting to at least get him on his back so she could straddle his hips.


backing_wind September 15 2010, 03:32:39 UTC
The retching managed to make it past the blood-pounding haze, planting some hefty seeds of guilt in Cloud's already overgrown mental garden. He didn't have long to contemplate it before the world started shifting again.

"Whuu... ?" Cloud barely had time to blink at her quizzically before he found himself toppled quite effectively onto the floor. On the way down he had the presence of mind to look over his shoulder to plan his landing but not much more than that. He kept his hands carefully at his sides, palm down, looking back up to check that he hadn't fallen onto her ankle or something.

He opened his eyes in surprise and grunted softly in sensory shock as the woman (girl?) landed across his lap, planting her weight over his just-spent cock. With this much aphrodisiac in the air he might be hard again fairly quickly, but for now he was merely oversensitive and slightly sore. Cloud looked up at her with rapt attention, trying to anticipate her next move.


brothercumface September 15 2010, 03:43:47 UTC
Minatsuki paid no mind to just how sensitive or sore the blond might be at this point in time, nor how painful it may prove as she dug her fingernails into the flesh and fabric of his shirt and rolled her hips at an almost violent downward angle, breath catching as her aching clit was finally treated to a little friction and pressure. It felt entirely different and all the better when another party was involved, and his skin and pants were a whole lot better at sending shivers up her spine than her own hand was.

"F - fucking shit," she hissed under her breath. It would be quite easy to get off with just this dry humping, but greed was one of the sins practically engraved in the brunette's being. She wanted more, and as much as it practically hurt to wait until he was hard (it wasn't long, honestly, but her patience was already worn quite thin) it was just something she'd have to do, and do with grace, and dignity and -

"Fucking hell, can't you get it up faster? What the fuck - do you need damned viagra or something!? You can't be that old."


backing_wind September 15 2010, 04:03:18 UTC
"Nnnnngh!" Her fingernails didn't even register, but the grinding smash against his crotch made him spasm against the floor. Usually when he had a more... savage partner, Cloud took the pounding in his ass instead of his half-limp dick. Did she really think that this was the right way to have sex? What were those weird magazines teaching girls these days, anyway?

Cloud gave her a dismayed helpless shocked expression when she started her contumely about his lack of male sexual prowess. Had he ever been yelled at this much during sex? It's not like he just knelt on her hair, or something. When he replied there was no anger in his voice, only consternation. This must be his fault, somehow, but how? "Gnngah... If you wanted me hard... then... why did you suck me off?"


brothercumface September 15 2010, 04:31:58 UTC
"I -" she stopped and thought on the question for a moment. Honest answer? "I - I don't know. I wasn't really thinking much, was I?" Her face was flushed, red from both embarrassment and pent up sexual frustration now as she stilled her motions above his pelvis. It hurt to stop - almost physically pained her, but it sure as hell beat continuing at this painful pace and tormenting herself by any lack of gratification and him... Not that she could give a shit about Cloud at this moment. No, she was much more concerned with...well...getting off.

Taking a moment to run a hand through her hair and muss up the short, dark brown and sweat dampened locks, Minatsuki sucked on her tongue before spitting, "I guess...It was just...longer stamina. For you. Or whatever."


backing_wind September 15 2010, 17:42:04 UTC
"Right... stamina." Cloud pulled himself up far enough to rest on his elbows, looking none-too-furtively for an escape route. Back the way he came would only get him further from his destination, but he had no idea how far down the hall the crushing level of aphrodisiacs extended. If he wanted out, he'd better get on that as soon as possible. He'd only been breathing the drugged air for about a minute or so and he'd just had an orgasm, but those advantages were fading by the second. As if to drive the point home, he was starting to get hard again. Why the hell had his refractory period gotten shorter and shorter since he'd arrived here?

"So... it's been fun and all, but... " He grimaced a little at how rude he was being. What would his mother think?


brothercumface September 16 2010, 01:02:04 UTC
Her contemplative and passive persona vanished the second he hinted at leaving. Minatsuki was in possession of too much pride to beg him, and after their brief but rather rocky acquaintance, it would already be too much of a stretch to revert to the sweet and innocent personality she defaulted to when she felt it would get her what she wanted. Lips twitched before turning downward in a snarl and she ground her hips, fitting them to his pelvis and sneering as she felt his member close to half mast.

"You're...not going...anywhere," she breathed darkly, eyes narrowed and both hands splayed on his shoulders, applying a firm pressure that was not as forceful - yet - as it was insistent.


backing_wind September 16 2010, 17:51:25 UTC
Yielding to the pressure, Cloud found himself shoved back down onto the floor. His hands twitched with the vague thought of pushing her off, but he really couldn't justify the use of force. She hadn't even come close to hurting him and unless she was a powerful magic user she probably couldn't. Besides, what was her crime? Giving him a delightfully invigorating blow job? The pelvic grinding had been a bit much, but exposure to the heavy aphrodisiac was making his body more responsive and the friction was quickly becoming less painful.

"Okay... I guess I'm not... It was just a thought... " The thought was rapidly being discarded for other reasons. Aggressively dominant women seriously turned him on and triggered all of his submissive buttons, and in Cloud's mind this particular position exemplified the dynamic rather effectively. Slowly, he rocked his hips up into hers, eyes going half-lidded at the pleasant sensations that this movement brought.


brothercumface September 17 2010, 05:35:07 UTC
She snickered - but the sound dampened into a slight moan as his hardening length and pelvis ground up, applying particularly delicious pressure to her slicked clit. However, now was not the time for slow dry humping or any sort of foreplay. No, Minatsuki was far too hot and bothered, and very, very turned on to waste time with such things. With deft actions, she hoisted her weight up onto her knees, groaning at the sudden loss of contact, and clumsily dropped her hand to his length, stroking once - twice - before guiding the blunted tip to her slick entrance and sliding down his entire shaft.

"Ah - ah oh fuck," the teen groaned, very pleased with the sudden rush of sexual frustration leaving her frame and another rush of lust replaced it. "Oh fuck yes." Her big brown eyes fluttered closed, and her mouth slackened as she rolled her hips with vigor.


backing_wind September 17 2010, 18:27:25 UTC
"Aaaahh... !" Cloud really should have expected that, but he was too busy thinking about mundane things like who the heck this person was and what crazy kinky stuff she was planning to pull. The shock of sudden deep penetration on already frazzled nerves made him arch his back hard and start gasping for breath. It was probably a good thing that Minatsuki had already gotten him off, otherwise he wouldn't have lasted very long. Right now, dizzy as he was with aphrodisiac and overwhelmed by sensation, it would still be a good long while until he came.

He wanted to ask her to slow down, maybe even stop altogether and let him go, or at least find someplace private. He wanted to ask her name, learn more about her, and find out what her fighting style was like. Cloud wanted these things but it would never even occur to him to ask. Instead he thrust his hips up again in the hope that he was giving her what she wanted.


brothercumface September 24 2010, 15:37:45 UTC
It was almost impossible to give Minatsuki what she wanted. Ever. And it wasn't as if she had freakishly high standards - no, she didn't even h e standards - but no one could do things any better than she and thus everyone else was incapable.

But this still felt very, very good. He was a partially consenting party, and even if his mental idea of why was going on was seriously flawed, Cloud's body obviously had no problem complying to her wants, which simply made the brunette smirk before she moaned. "Ah, fuck yeah..." she breathed, pausing momentarily to grind her hips in a circular, stirring motion. 


backing_wind September 24 2010, 18:36:13 UTC
In between heavy panting and curling his toes inside his boots, Cloud reached up to rest his gloved hands lightly on her hips. Now that he was over the initial shock, he was much more confident about his ability to touch her gently enough. He was still rather uncertain about this whole experience, but if it was happening anyway he might as well relax and make himself comfortable.

But what if this was a never-ending cycle? Women's bodies didn't need any time to recover, right? Was he going to be here in this hallway for hours with this crazed nymphomaniac fucking him raw? "It might be better... if you got away from the drugs... "


brothercumface September 24 2010, 23:41:28 UTC
"Ah - w...what fucking drugs?" she attempted to snap mid-moan, rocking her hips and reaching to pull his hand forcibly from her hip, tugging it up to fondle her breast through the material of her dress. "Oh..." Did he mean the aphro in the air? Yeah, it'd be fucking better if she had gotten away from them, but that was almost impossible given their current residence and... Wait. Hold up.

"Ah, oh shit. Are you actually complaining about sex, boy?" She laughed, momentarily pausing in her constant rutting. "Seriously? You're really just shitting me, right?" No one had...well, not many had ever complained about sex unless she was forcing herself on them.


Sorry about the delay! : ( backing_wind September 29 2010, 01:50:34 UTC
Okay, hips were no good, and he was supposed to do... something... to handle her breasts. Cloud wasn't completely naive about women's bodies, but he had much more experience having sex with men than with women. So they liked having their chests touched during sex? Sure, he could give that a try.

Cloud grimaced and let out a quiet sound of displeasure when she stopped moving. His skin was practically crawling at the combination of choking amounts of aphrodisiac and the lack of movement. His brow was a bit furrowed when he focused his strangely blue eyes up at her. "I'm not complaining. Just... when we can, we should get away from the aphrodisiac. Or it will only get worse." He grimaced harder and thrust upward, fingers tightening a little against her chest. If she didn't start moving again soon, it was going to start getting painful.


's all good hun~ like you said, there is no delay in rp times! 8D brothercumface September 30 2010, 23:50:41 UTC

"It'll be fine," she snarled, slightly jostled as he bucked his hips under her. It almost felt like she was being told what to do, but Minatsuki started grinding her hips, angling so that - while she was doing a whole mess of the work - his shaft was thrusting in and out of her at a rapid pace. "It always is." mostly was. Sometimes things got messy, and it felt as if you could just keep going. But Minatsuki was certain that the second she finally climaxed, the poison in the air would at least stop effecting her and...well, she didn't really care if he was still hard. She would be taking a shower and going to bed. Alone.

The brunette moaned. Sure, he was fumbling a little with her body and it wasn't like he was the best lover she had ever slept with, but he was fine for a coerced, drug induced fucking session. "F - fuck," she growled, panting slightly as the movement of her hips became less measured, more instinctual. "Fuck yes..." But then she slapped his hands, reprimanding more than demeaning he unhand her, and snatched his wrist, jerking to get his attention. "Oi, idiot. Not like that - tweak my nipples you insufferable moron."


<3 ! backing_wind October 3 2010, 20:33:19 UTC
"Aaaahhh... " The resumption of movement was both very soothing and really agitating. He was a long way from a second climax and the heavy stimulation plus build up of drugs would assure him of a rather torturous journey. Cloud clenched his hands a little more firmly against her breasts, so small in his hands, and tried to forget for the hundredth time that he was being fucked by a stranger in the middle of a hallway. Seeking out a rhythm complementary to hers, Cloud started bucking up his hips to relieve just a little of the frustration. Or maybe to enhance it?

He was knocked out of his semi-reverie by the slap to his hands and abusive language. Why was she making this so much harder than it had to be? Though Cloud was quite capable of being perfectly calm while being mistreated, he was really starting to get irritated. With a small vindictive glare, he closed his thumbs and forefingers around her nipples with a lot more force than he'd normally dare use on a mere human. Hope she likes pain as much as she likes pushing innocent people around.


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