aggression + out of control + mass amounts of aphro

Sep 03, 2010 15:39

Her head was reeling. It had been since she had woken up this morning, but what was much more afflicting and horrifying was the constant throb between her legs and the inability to do anything about it. Well, that wasn't quite true. She had already slipped her hand between her legs twice this morning before even getting out of bed, and the ( Read more... )

series: deadman wonderland

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textile_kanji September 4 2010, 01:07:07 UTC
Kanji hears a thud in the room next to hers where he was actually staying. Curious, he pokes his head out to see that some girl (Minatsuki) had gone and punched the wall. To say she was pissed about something would be an obvious statement to say the least.

"Hey okay?"

(OOC: Non-con him~ She can be rough, violent, even draw blood. Just don't hurt his groin area cuz that's never hot, and don't injure him. Cuts and such are okay if she has weapons or whatever. If she ends up digging him after forcing whatever on him, perhaps we can do another post following after or something?)


brothercumface September 4 2010, 03:38:56 UTC
"Do I fucking look okay, ass wipe?" she snarled back, never ceasing in her violent assault of the wall. Her hands had started to throb, but were also steadily going numb and the loss of feeling made it all the easier to just brush any thoughts of, oh say stopping the mutilation of her hands, off to the side.

Delivering one more punch before an audible crack sounded from her bones - it probably wasn't a broken bone; it was all the more likely just her joints popping painfully - she recoiled from the wall completely. The exercise hadn't done anything to diminish her anger, and simply hurt, and as she cradled her wrist in her other hand, Minatsuki inadvertently switched her line of sight and aggression over onto...well, the human being that had just so rudely interrupted her. "Can I fucking help you?"


textile_kanji September 4 2010, 03:45:58 UTC
Kanji looked shocked; he hadn't come across someone like this here, or really too much back home. The surprise is soon replaced by annoyance after her second question, if it could be called that.

"...Shit, prolly not. I ain't in the mood for bitchin." He moves back into his room and closes the door, grumbling about 'that's what he gets for trying to be helpful', or something to that extent.


brothercumface September 4 2010, 03:57:57 UTC
Oh, things weren't going to come to a conclusion that quickly, or that easily as far as Minatsuki was concerned. Her teeth dug into her cheek as she snarled at the closing door, and in several quick strides, she was there as well - wedging her foot between the door and door jam and hands wedged just so that it made closing the door near impossible without inhuman strength and breaking her fingers.

"Don't think you can fucking just walk away from me, you shit," she cursed, animosity lacing her words far more than it should have considering she had only just met this man.


textile_kanji September 4 2010, 04:02:04 UTC
See, he tried to be nice. He really did. Where was Senpai, any of them for this? Nowhere. KAnji frowns and has no problem responding back.

"I'll walk wherever the fuck I want!" He didn't care about trying to close the door more on her or anything. Despite his walking away, Kanji Tatsumi had a little temper on him too.


brothercumface September 4 2010, 04:25:39 UTC
"No you fucking won't," Minatsuki snarled back at him, making to wrench the door open and storm inside the room where she pointedly made to shove this man. He was taller than her, sure, and probably a great deal stronger, but now was not the time to think about such things. She was far to mad to even consider that this was a very stupid thing to do. She just cared about making a point and -

Oh, look. A bed.

- perhaps alleviate the rather obvious and irritating arousal in her skirt.


He looks old, yes? Only 16~ textile_kanji September 4 2010, 04:53:57 UTC
Kanji had been in quite a few fights, it was true. He was also easy to fluster, or annoy and whatnot. The young boy gets shoved back, but doesn't respond just yet. He doesn't just go around hitting girls for no real reason you know; even if they were bitches.

"The Hell was that for, huh!? The Hell's your problem anyway! I...I was just tryin to help!"


Lol Really? She older than him - dayum brothercumface September 4 2010, 05:28:51 UTC
"You suck at helping you piece of shit!" she hollered, stepping further into the room to shove the blond boy again before reeling her fist back and making to punch him viciously in the stomach with her bloody knuckles. "And I don't want your fucking help in the first place!"


Yeah XD How old is she? textile_kanji September 4 2010, 05:31:05 UTC
Kanji doesn't see it coming for some reason, the wind being knocked out of him when Minatsuki's punch solidly connects with his stomach. "Wh-Why the fuck are you in my goddamn room then!?" He gets out, only doubled over because he hadn't expected her to do that.


Seventeen ad a complete psycho prison bitch. brothercumface September 4 2010, 05:42:14 UTC
Her eyes were narrowed into a look of utter revulsion at...well, just him in general. She stepped forward and made to stomp the heel of her foot onto his toes and then - if she happened to catch him off balance made to shove him backwards - and toward the bed. Minatsuki offered no reason for her actions, and simply looked at him with murderous intent.


Oho~ textile_kanji September 4 2010, 05:44:54 UTC
Kanji yelped at his foot being stomped on, cursed, and found himself almost falling onto the bed. Fuck that shit, he was going to fight back! Who knew how bad he would get messed up if he didn't!

So Kanji, maybe a little fast than Minatsuki was expecting, lashes out, kicking a long leg out suddenly, aiming for her side.


brothercumface September 4 2010, 06:16:14 UTC
The kick was solid, and caused Minatsuki to double over and stagger sideways ever so slightly as both hands flew to her side. The brunette had, though, felt worse and wasted no time in brushing off the ache and returned to in front of her suddenly pinpointed victim, teeth barred and hands curled into a fist again. She made to punch him in the jaw with all the might she could muster, quickly darting out of the way in case he attempted to retaliate before aiming another kick at his knees, this one guaranteed to send him sprawling if he didn't get out of the way in time.


textile_kanji September 4 2010, 06:24:13 UTC
Kanji ducks the swing, and actually is trying to jump away when the kick catches his legs. The boy ends up stumbling back and falling onto the bed anyway, landing on his back. His upper body is clearly nicely built, muscles flexing and shifting as he tries to sit up.

"Sh-Shit...The Hell is wrong with you!?"


brothercumface September 4 2010, 06:33:07 UTC
Boy down, Minatsuki spared no time crawling onto the bed as well, and swinging a leg over his midsection, successfully straddling the blond and leering down at him. "I'm fucking mad," she snarled. "And too fucking horny to deal with whiny little boys." She hurridly made to run her hands up his torso, up to the collar of his shirt which he fisted in her hands and jerked upwards, toward her face. "And if you fight me, I will fucking kill you."


textile_kanji September 4 2010, 06:38:02 UTC
Kanji stares, wide-eyed in surprise. What...was she saying?

"Wh-What?" Kanji stutters, squirming underneath Minatsuki.


brothercumface September 4 2010, 07:43:20 UTC
"You heard me, shit head," Minatsuki cursed, busying herself with his the buttons and zippers on the boys pants while hurriedly hiking up her own dress. "Now you gonna cooperate, or am I going to have to hit you again?" She hopped the answer was...well, she kinda wanted to hit him again. Just for fun~!


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