aggression + out of control + mass amounts of aphro

Sep 03, 2010 15:39

Her head was reeling. It had been since she had woken up this morning, but what was much more afflicting and horrifying was the constant throb between her legs and the inability to do anything about it. Well, that wasn't quite true. She had already slipped her hand between her legs twice this morning before even getting out of bed, and the ( Read more... )

series: deadman wonderland

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mr_chekov September 3 2010, 23:49:43 UTC
What was it with people in this hotel and taking their anger out on inanimate objects, Pasha wondered to herself silently as she heard a distinctive thump of somebody taking their rage out on a wall around the corner. The little navigator gave a heavy sigh, it would just have to be the day she left her room without her phaser on her, wouldn't it? Fate seemed determined to fuck her over once more.

It would be fine, the girl assured herself, if she just kept her head down and didn't make eye contact with whoever was making that dreadful racket. She pulled in a breath, smoothing down her yellow uniform mini-dress before turning the corner and ducking her head so her brown curls tumbled over her face. Of course, the natural curiosity of the girl wouldn't allow itself to go unsatisfied and she glanced up, eyes widening in surprise when she saw it was a girl doing the damage to the wall. It was an awful sexist view of hers but she hadn't expected that ( ... )


brothercumface September 4 2010, 07:24:46 UTC
Minatsuki paid the other female no mind. More appropriately, she didn't even realize that Pasha was there, let alone that her little tempter tantrum was being watched. She was far too focused on beating the shit out of the wall at this point in time to consider that she may be causing a spectacle, and by the time the brunette needed a break from her rapid and constant assault, the wall was pretty heavily spattered with her blood and her knuckles were red and swollen. And yet, the venting had done nothing to ease the other, completely different ache between her legs.

"Motherfuck -" she started, spinning on her heel with the intent to vent on the wall opposite her last "opponent", but halted. She was, in all honesty, shocked she had the ability to stop now - stop hitting something and stop herself from automatically jumping the rather attractive female that had been eyeing her. In hindsight, that was probably the reason it had felt as if the hairs on the back of her neck were standing up out of paranoia than pent up sexual frustration ( ... )


mr_chekov September 4 2010, 11:18:15 UTC
Pasha bristled slightly, both in shock and at being called a bitch, before she had the chance to remind herself that yes she had been rude and been staring and that she should have been running along about now. She didn't stop eying her inquisitively though. "No. I do not require any help. Howewer, your hand requires medical attention to prewent it from bleeding further." She noted astutely, glancing down to the other girl's hand with a raised eyebrow. That as going to be sore.

"And I am not a bitch, thank you wery much." Pasha added in a slight anger. Being a girl genius made meant the young woman had been pampered and pandered to over the years the result of that being that she didn't take to criticism well. With an irritated sigh she flicked her curly hair over her shoulder, wishing once again that she'd brought her phaser with her.


brothercumface September 4 2010, 11:37:23 UTC
The brunette would have rather not paid the other female any mind and gone about her violent attack of the hotel wall, but the accent piqued her interest, and the uppity way her acquaintance denied her insult made Minatsuki bristle, not one to take kindly to bratty females that thought saying something made it true.

Both hands dropped to her side, bruised and torn knuckles rubbing streaks of blood on the soft fabric of her short dress as she - almost casually - advanced toward Pasha. "Wour not a bwitch?" she goaded, a scathing and poor imitation of the other girls accent as well as diminutive baby talk being fueled by the rather unwarranted animosity she felt toward the other female. "

"Awre you wery, wery, wery, wery, wery swure? Ah, you wight be wright..." She batted her eyelashes here, and stepped right up to the other female, never one to respect other peoples personal space. The simpering, babyish demeanor vanished, and the teens brown eyes hardened as she snapped in her normal tone, "Because you strike me as a but of a cunt


mr_chekov September 4 2010, 12:14:06 UTC
Pasha raised herself to her full diminutive height of just five foot, straightening her back at the invasion of her personal space, refusing to step back or give any space. She hated when people made fun of her accent and this girl was grating on her nerves already. Her own thin hands curled into tight little fists, the skin over her knuckles paling as it stretched over the delicate bone.

The little navigator positively scowled. "I am neither a bitch or a cunt. But you might want to watch your language before somebody amends you." She replied stiffly, trying to focus on keeping her quickly boiling temper under control. "If you will excuse me, I hawe better things to do then argue with a petulant child." Pasha made to walk around her, deliberately bumping her shoulder, it was extremely childish, but also extremely satisfying in it's own way.


brothercumface September 4 2010, 12:26:54 UTC
Minatsuki had a good three inches on this girl, and she was sure to use them to their full intimidating compacity, taking special care to loom over the other female and push out her chest. It was all about body language and domination in these sort of verbal spats, Mina had discovered; no matter how big of a talk you talked, if you seemed cocky enough to back up your bark with a decent bite, people rarely called bullshit, and she would seriously hate for the little bint before her to know just how needy and horny and utterly frustrated she was currently ( ... )


pffft obviously I was half asleep while tagging XD mr_chekov September 4 2010, 14:55:46 UTC
Pasha had already preoccupied her thoughts with finding the gym once again and running her frustration out instead of punching something, clenching and unclenching her small fist tightly. She gave a sharp yelp as Minatsuki's ankle caught her booted foot and she felt falling forwards, the young woman cursed in her native Russian as she fell, face first to the ground.

A flash of humiliation and anger shot through her body, grinding her teeth as she pushed herself up onto all fours before pushing herself up right completely. 'Be the bigger woman, Pasha, just walk away' She schooled herself silently, forcing herself to take a calming breath and brushing her curly hair over her shoulder. And then she thought to herself 'Fuck it. The bitch is going down.' The officer snapped around, turning on the very balls of her feet and fixed the other girl with a steely glare. "You fucking bitch." Pasha snarled. That kind of behaviour reminded her of every bully she'd ever dealt with, every snicker about her age or odd accent and there was no way she ( ... )


Lol it's a fun time to tag! I do it all the time. brothercumface September 5 2010, 01:10:02 UTC
Pasha's blow proved a good one, and her aim true. A short, pained grunt slipped past Minatsuki's lips and she momentarily doubled over, waiting for the bile that had suddenly risen in her groat to go back down before. It didn't take long, however, and it was a matter of seconds before a thoroughly delighted smirk graced the teens features. Fuck, that had felt better than abusing the wall, and was definately more exciting. Sure, she had found a fair few fights in this hotel, but as angry and frustrated as she was, Mina hardly had reserves about engaging in another.

Besides, something told her this chick could only deal out and take so much, which was just what she was willing to take. Straightening swiftly, a hand darted out to wrap her spindly fingers around the other females small wrist, making to jerk Pasha bodily toward her and return the gut punch with vigor and delight.

A stomp to the toes was added into the move as well for originality, and the Deadman sneered vehemently, "You're still the bitch here, shithead."


I'm normally tagging at like 3 am so most of my tags never make sense. mr_chekov September 5 2010, 01:21:37 UTC
Pasha was winded at the returned gut punch, eyes watering from the harshness of it, she grunted angrily at the stomp. Whoever this girl was "In your dreams, bitchface!" She snarled back. Her next move was to get get close in before snapping her hand upwards in an attempt to break Mina's nose. She could practically see the contempt in the other girl's eyes and it did nothing more the fuel the little Russian's already fiery temper. It had gotten Pasha into troubles more times then she cared to remember but this time it was really flaring up and making her see the red.

She yanked on her arm, trying to pull away from the other girl. "Let go of me, you filthy Cossack." Pasha hissed, just able to keep herself from biting. There was no need to get into truly dirty fighting just yet although that stamping hadn't exactly been all that kosher. The young officer noted that if the worst came to the worst she could run like hell and go lick her wounds elsewhere, thanks to her sturdy runners legs.


Lol. I personally like 11 pm for tags. brothercumface September 5 2010, 02:44:21 UTC
Minatsuki was probably a great deal faster than Pasha was giving her credit for - her speed was part of the reason she had been dubbed Hummingbird in prison, the fastest wing beats of them all. It was also the reason she had always escaped sticky situations in school and home, as well as how she had prolonged the battle between herself and Woodpecker for twelve rounds - that and he had been rather unwilling to hit a girl. Unlike her - she was perfectly willing to hit a girl and would gladly take hits in return ( ... )


mr_chekov September 5 2010, 11:02:53 UTC
The navigator hit the floor with a pained exhale of air. 'Oh Fuck' She silently monologued. 'Great, I spend all these years getting into Starfleet and going into space and 'm going to have the hell beaten out of me by a girl of all things.' Pasha immediately snapped her arms up to defend her face as soon as she felt the other girl straddling her and pinning her with her weight.

Then she blinked, completely bewildered. "What the fuck are you doing?" Without her even realizing it, Pasha's voice had gone very shrill as she lowered her arms from their defensive position and grabbed the other girl's wrist. For a shorter girl, the diminutive officer was very well endowed, somewhat of a sore point for her with living on a ship full of rake thin modelesque female officers, she stood out like a sore thumb. Pasha stared at the other girl, morbidly fascinated as to just what she was doing. Was this like some bizarre play ground politics thing? Like pulling little girls hair because they liked them or was she just completely weird.

[ooc:No, it' ( ... )


brothercumface September 7 2010, 03:02:16 UTC
It shouldn't be anything for Pasha to be ashamed of - being bested by Minatsuki. She wasn't a fighter, and had never really had much training, but when the Promotor put two superhuman-esque beings in a small cafe for over an hour and threatened to take out the losers insides, one learned a few dirty tricks, and usually only a few was what it took to make someone go down ( ... )


mr_chekov September 7 2010, 07:41:02 UTC
"It seems like you are the one trying to fuck at the moment." Pasha replied dryly. "I newer do anything half heatedly. You made fun of my accent, I dislike it when people make fun of my accent." She squirmed beneath the other girl, she could feel her uniform dress rucking up from being laid out of the floor like this which probably meant anybody coming past could see her sky blue panties. Or her practically being molested by this crazy son of a nutcracker, but frankly the panties seemed more important to her at this moment of time.

This whole thing was getting very old, very quickly and her temper was beginning to flare up again. "Now, if seems you hawe two options; fuck me or get the fuck off me." Pasha stated simply as she stared back at the other girl defiantly, she was fed-up of people and their many riddles. She half wished everything could be easily translatable into mathematical equations, she could deal with equations, they never gave her headaches. Or black eyes for that matter.


brothercumface September 7 2010, 08:09:04 UTC
Minatsuki paused, staring the other female straight in the face with a rather shocked that the - had she seriously just suggested that? Well, sure, Mina was thinking about hoisting up the dress the other female was wearing and simply pinning her down while she finally got off with a little assistance, but she really expected this...well, whatever her name was to resist. And now ( ... )


mr_chekov September 7 2010, 08:46:47 UTC
Pasha had an incredibly long history of being incredibly blunt. Its seemed to have worked to her favour so far in life so it was doubtful she was going to change her ways anytime soon. She just completely lacked tact or social skills for that matter.

Damn it. People would definitely be able to see her panties now. But somehow that seemed a much less pressing concern right now. But then again, she noted, her boots were still on. "I am not particularly bothered." She replied. It wasn't as if Minatsuki was exactly hard on the eyes after all, far from it, if her knuckles weren't all bruised and bloodied up she could pass for an angelic little schoolgirl. Pasha doubted she would be able to flip them, so that she was on top without the other girl also flipping and trying to beat her up. Being a switch was damn hard sometimes.


ah im sorry for the delay! school work got in the way brothercumface September 10 2010, 07:52:18 UTC
It was highly unlikely for any sort of position or domination switch to happen, and if it did, Minatsuki was likely to throw a bit of a fit, especially when she suspected this girl would be slow to get to the point and quite possibly a waste of time when she could go find someone like, say, Katou? Anyone, really. But an outlet was an outlet, and Mina was just ultimately lucky to have a semi-willing one. She smirked - her teeth glinting with the slightest cover of saliva. One hand slipped under the material of Pasha's short dress, reaching up to grope those ample breasts, and the other reached to hike her own dress up before the Deadman moved to sit so their pelvises were in roughly the correct position for their sexes to rub against one another through the material of their panties. It wasn't much on the side of satisfactory, but it was wonderful for rushed foreplay, as this was ( ... )


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