aggression + out of control + mass amounts of aphro

Sep 03, 2010 15:39

Her head was reeling. It had been since she had woken up this morning, but what was much more afflicting and horrifying was the constant throb between her legs and the inability to do anything about it. Well, that wasn't quite true. She had already slipped her hand between her legs twice this morning before even getting out of bed, and the ( Read more... )

series: deadman wonderland

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ah im sorry for the delay! school work got in the way brothercumface September 10 2010, 07:52:18 UTC
It was highly unlikely for any sort of position or domination switch to happen, and if it did, Minatsuki was likely to throw a bit of a fit, especially when she suspected this girl would be slow to get to the point and quite possibly a waste of time when she could go find someone like, say, Katou? Anyone, really. But an outlet was an outlet, and Mina was just ultimately lucky to have a semi-willing one. She smirked - her teeth glinting with the slightest cover of saliva. One hand slipped under the material of Pasha's short dress, reaching up to grope those ample breasts, and the other reached to hike her own dress up before the Deadman moved to sit so their pelvises were in roughly the correct position for their sexes to rub against one another through the material of their panties. It wasn't much on the side of satisfactory, but it was wonderful for rushed foreplay, as this was.

Fluidly rolling her hips against the other females, the brunette hunched her back so that they were face to face and she could roughly nip at the other's lower lip, all teeth and nothing sweet at this point in time, just as she was all lust and no romance.


@__@ So sorry I'm late, uni work's getting me busy mr_chekov September 15 2010, 21:27:34 UTC
Pasha couldn't stop her hips rocking up with a small, ragged gasp at the sensation it had brought. Evidently walking about the halls that were filled with the potent aphrodisiac had worked it's arousing effect on the small navigator well enough that she gave a small moan of pleasure, even as Minatsuki lent forward to bite at her lower lip, that small rush of pain heightening the pleasure. Her hands found their way to the other girl's hips, keeping her there, merely out of necessity and nothing else.

She swore quietly under her breath in her native language, rolling her hips up in a new steady rhythm, Chekov let one of her hands drop back to roughly grope the other girl's ass. Mina wasn't the only one who could be rough after all.


No problem love~! I've got school work too - it's making me lag. brothercumface September 19 2010, 05:00:07 UTC
Minatsuki yipped as she was groped. Honestly it was the last thug she had web expecting from this bint, and touching was really something she enjoyed doing rather than being on the receiving end up - much like torture. But it was funny, almost, and immediately after her rather embarrassing show of surprise, the teen cackles lowly in her throat.

"I didn't know you had the guts to touch me, princess," she goaded. "Tits and daring - no wonder you lack brains." She accentuated every other word with a pointed, downward roll of her hips, causing Minatsuki to inhale sharp hisses every time the delicious pressure she was craving dragged across her clit. 


:) mr_chekov September 19 2010, 14:48:25 UTC
Pasha scowled back angrily at that comment, raking her blunted nails down the other girl's thighs in revenge. "Far more brains then you will ewer possess, Cossack." She gave a small smirk as the thrill of satisfaction ran through her body at the sight of red lines that followed her nails.

She couldn't deny however that part of the arousal she felt wasn't just from the aphrodisiac, but also from being in the full view of anybody who could wander past and not entirely not from the other girl herself. The little navigator rocked her hips up once again with a small moan at the friction on her sex, raking her nails down Minatsuki's legs once more.


brothercumface September 28 2010, 05:32:40 UTC
The scratched didn't even hurt, but Minatsuki smirked - admiring the other girls spirit internally as she freed a hand and used it to fist - rather lightly, she didn't want to break the bint - and made to pull her head to the side. In one swift movement, the teen had arched her back, sinking her teeth roughly into the skin of her neck. The bit wasn't anywhere near hard enough to draw blood, but definitely pointed enough to be painful, if not sensual too.


mr_chekov September 28 2010, 17:20:02 UTC
The catch in her breath and the breathy whimper that swiftly followed was totally unrelated. At least that was what she would swear if it was ever mentioned but the truth of the matter was quite different. Pasha's neck had always been incredibly sensitive and when she was aroused even more so the usual. Her hands clutched tightly, nails digging in slightly, to the flesh of Mina's thigh and she caught her lower lip between her teeth to muffle another moan at the pleasurable pain.


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ brothercumface October 5 2010, 04:19:27 UTC
A grumble of agreement roiled in the brunette teens throat at the claws practically embedding themselves in the naked skin of her thighs. A hand freed itself and she allowed her fingers to trail down the length of the other females body, pausing to cup her massive breasts, tweaking a nipple with relish.

Minatsuki had retracted her teeth and was now nursing the bite like a wound of her own, suckling on the tender flesh and flicking her tongue over the slight indents her canines had left. Pasha's reaction hadn't escaped the teenaged Deadman's attention, and the second she was assured she had left a decent hickey on the Russian's neck, she released the skin, moving up her neck to bite her again as she rutted against her with increasing vigor. 


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