
Oct 05, 2009 17:14

Seeing the baby a week before had really made things real for Ellie. It was one thing to know she was there, but it was another to have a picture. At the very least, she was put at ease seeing everything was progressing normally. That she was finally starting to feel better after what felt like a long time of always feeling sick helped along her ( Read more... )

karen filippelli, barney stinson, serena van der woodsen, lucy carrigan, robert capa, lily strombeck, dr. ellie woodcomb

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Comments 67

ooh_lily October 5 2009, 21:53:12 UTC
"Is there one in there that says "I'm proof that she was really, really stubborn?" asked Lily, coming to stand behind Ellie with her arms folded across her chests. "Or something about daddy's single digit sperm count?"

She only made jokes because it hadn't mattered, in the end. They'd tried and tried until they made it happen and, if ever there was proof of how much her and Eddie loved each other, it wsa Emmy and the baby that Lily was carrying.


the_support October 6 2009, 01:26:40 UTC
"Stick around long enough and I have a feeling one might pop up," she said, rolling her eyes as she dropped the thing back into the box. She was starting to really suspect it was a good idea to start very early with finding clothes. "Are there parents who actually dress their kids in outfits like these? Actually, I probably don't want to know."


ooh_lily October 6 2009, 19:34:03 UTC
"You really, really don't, honey," said Lily, walking over to the box and looking over Ellie's shoulder. She didn't risk getting down on the floor just yet.

"You tell me if you find something in Emmy's size, okay?"


the_support October 6 2009, 21:14:10 UTC
"Alright," she said with a nod of her head. "I am guessing you're skipping over the more colorful sorts of clothes too?"


inthedeadzone October 5 2009, 22:11:54 UTC
"Hello, Dr. Woodcomb," Capa said as he came into the room, crossing to join her at the box. His eyebrows lifted at the sight of the baby clothes and the words splashed across the front. It was the type of thing his sister would have murdered him over had he ever brought it to her. "If that's for a gift, I would like to extend my opinion and suggest it's a bad idea."


the_support October 6 2009, 01:42:25 UTC
"There's a reason why it's going back into the box and not into the pile, don't worry," she said without looking up, dropping the clothes back in. No child of hers would ever wear things like that. Tilting her head up, she smiled, obviously taking the box's whims in stride. "I guess expecting decent baby clothes immediately was a little unrealistic."


inthedeadzone October 6 2009, 01:52:41 UTC
"Are they for you?" he asked, not sounding surprised, but faintly interested. It was fascinating to him how lives continued on without fail on the island, how people went on with everything they would have done back home. "I didn't realize."


the_support October 6 2009, 02:39:56 UTC
"Yeah," she said, ducking her head a little, a smile on her face. "We only found out recently. I'm four months along. I figured I'd start early trying to get things together."


callofkaren October 6 2009, 05:03:10 UTC
"That is so many levels of wrong," Karen chimed in, having made it downstairs and over to the clothes box in just enough time to read what was on the onesie. "Who puts that on baby clothes?"


the_support October 6 2009, 12:25:30 UTC
"Someone with a very bad sense of humor," she replied with a sigh, dropping it into the box. She really didn't want to think anyone would ever consider putting their kid in that. "That wasn't the first, either. Apparently there's a whole line the box wants to give me."


callofkaren October 8 2009, 04:36:06 UTC
"Beyond tacky," Karen decided, chancing a look into the box to see if anything changed. "The sad part is, I can actually believe someone would put their baby in that."


the_support October 9 2009, 03:11:36 UTC
"Me too," she said, frowning. She liked to think she was so opposite of that that the box knew it and was taunting her. "Well, if anyone is like that on the island, there's a ton of them in there right now. That wasn't even the worst one."


turnthebadinme October 6 2009, 05:14:25 UTC
Serena had a bundle of clothes under her arm as she walked into the basement, but she turned and headed right over to Ellie, smiling curiously. "What are those?" she asked. "Aside from the obvious." Laundry could wait a little bit. She could always make time for Ellie.


the_support October 6 2009, 12:32:04 UTC
"Offensive baby wear, apparently," she said, actually letting out a laugh at that. It was crazy to think these things even existed. Dropping the clothes back into the box, she shook her head. "I think the box wants my baby to become foul mouthed out of the womb."


turnthebadinme October 7 2009, 08:37:26 UTC
Serena laughed, brow furrowing sympathetically, and knelt down beside Ellie. "Oh, Lord," she murmured, laughing again as she reached for one to smooth out against her knee. "Oh, this is awful. Why would anyone even put that on their baby?"


the_support October 7 2009, 22:21:43 UTC
"I'm hoping this is just an island thing," she said, sighing. "But you know, I'm sure there's plenty who would let their kid wear it. Mine will not be one of those children."


with_diamonds October 6 2009, 05:18:11 UTC
"Oh, wow," Lucy said, practically stopped in her tracks when she read what was on the tiny shirt. She had seen a lot of really, really disturbing things come out of that box, but she'd have thought that baby clothes would have been exempt. Apparently not. "That... that is disturbing. Really, really disturbing. People scare me sometimes."


the_support October 6 2009, 12:46:47 UTC
"I'd say this is just a crazy island thing, but I have a feeling people actually really sell this stuff," she said with a huff of a laugh, putting it back into the box. "I'm not sure what's worse, the makers or the people who buy them."


with_diamonds October 6 2009, 15:20:19 UTC
"The people who buy them," Lucy decided quickly, nodding a little, expression wholly serious. Yes, it was terrible to make them, but there were plenty of useless things that became defunct because people never bought them. This ought to have been like that. "The companies turn a profit, so they make more. People stopped buying them, they would probably stop existing." She paused a moment, biting her lip. "It's pretty awful to make them, though."


the_support October 6 2009, 15:48:22 UTC
"I have a feeling I'll be finding a ton of these," she sighed, rolling her eyes. She could see there was more baby clothes in the box, but she didn't bother looking. It was probably all of the same. "I'll be getting the entire line by the time the baby's born."


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