
May 28, 2009 20:48

Second pregnancies were supposed to be easier than the first, or at least Sharon could have sworn she read that somewhere ( Read more... )

kara thrace, john winchester, dean winchester, john sheppard, sam winchester, gaius baltar, sharon agathon, jessica moore

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Comments 59

wayward_dad May 29 2009, 00:54:58 UTC
She was smaller than John thought she would be, all rosy-cheeked and perfect. He stood in the doorway of the room, not wanting to disturb Sharon but not wanting to go away at the same time. It had been a long night but the tiny bundle in Sharon's arms had been worth the wait.

A lump rose in his throat and John swallowed against it, awed and proud and anxious all at once.

"She's beautiful," he said.


blessed_by_god May 29 2009, 01:42:37 UTC
"Isn't she?" Sharon said softly, the smile on her face going for permanence for how often it was there. She turned her smile on John, just as warm.

"Come in, what are you doing way over there?"


wayward_dad May 29 2009, 01:51:04 UTC
"She is," John said, all eyes on the infant. Seeing her there, it was hard for him to remember how awful he'd felt about the whole situation when Sharon had told him she was pregnant. He'd berated himself for his stupidity more often than not. But now, with the baby actually here, seeing Sharon hold their daughter, John couldn't imagine how he'd ever thought they'd made a massive mistake.

"Wanted to give you your space," he said almost sheepishly, though he did come in the room and go directly to her side. Stopping at her bedside, John looked down, completely mesmerized by the baby.


blessed_by_god May 29 2009, 02:00:11 UTC
"Mmm, I might have to give her to you for a little bit so I can sleep," Sharon admitted. She was reluctant to let go of Terpsichore, but for John she would. She was his too, after all. "Sit. You can hold her. I think she'll sleep through anything."


rewarded_by_god May 29 2009, 02:00:57 UTC
Peaking around the door frame was Gaius Baltar, a bit disheveled and out of place. Catching sight of Sharon, exhausted and glowing in her bed, he shuffled indecisively and whispered, "Wanted to pop in and say hello. Should I come back?"


blessed_by_god May 29 2009, 02:10:20 UTC
Sharon looked up and her smile became a little teasing. "Yes, Gaius, hello. You can come in. Have you recovered?"


rewarded_by_god May 29 2009, 02:18:37 UTC
"I have," he said, looking proud of himself as he smoothed a hand over the front of his shirt and said teasingly, "It was touch and go there for a bit, but I managed to pull myself together."

Approaching the bed with quiet steps, he asked, "How are you feeling?"


blessed_by_god May 29 2009, 03:41:24 UTC
Sharon managed a laugh, even if it kind of hurt. She looked down at Terpsichore's sleeping face a moment before replying to Gaius. "Sore, tired, but amazing."


flyboy_shepp May 29 2009, 02:04:28 UTC
It was just a little surreal, seeing Sharon with another baby, but that was probably John's own thoughts on the subject crowding in.

He walked over a bit hesitantly, not wanting to overstay any welcome he got, and ready to bolt if he was bothering either of them. "Hey," he said quietly, giving Sharon a grin.


blessed_by_god May 29 2009, 02:21:40 UTC
"Hey there yourself," Sharon said, smiling over at John. "Don't worry, I'm not shouting obscenities anymore, you can come in if you want."


flyboy_shepp May 30 2009, 03:20:07 UTC
"Just wanted to be sure I wasn't bothering you," John replied as he walked over, pulling a nearby chair up to the bed. "How are you guys doing?"


blessed_by_god May 31 2009, 19:44:16 UTC
"I don't think anything can bother me right now, to be honest," Sharon said, looking down at Terpsichore's tiny, perfect face.

"We're both good, no complications this time. Cameron was great."


off_the_ceiling May 29 2009, 02:12:14 UTC
Jess didn't knock on the door, just in case momma and baby were both sleeping, but it was already open a crack so she peeked her head inside to see Sharon still awake, if barely. It was only then that she motioned for Sam to join her.

"Hey," she said, keeping her voice soft. "I promise we won't keep you long, we just wanted to come meet the newest member of the family and see how you were doing."


unchosen_son May 29 2009, 03:09:59 UTC
Sam was leaning in tightly with Jess, not knowing how hard this was going to be. It was a happy moment, but at the same time, he didn't know what to make of it. He had new family, he had his father's new life right in front of him and he had his arm around Jess' waist to hold on tight as she could.

"How is she?" he asked, voice subdued.


blessed_by_god May 29 2009, 04:22:47 UTC
"Hey," Sharon said, sleepy and soft, but glad to see the both of them. She beckoned them both closer with a small motion of her hand. "We're both doing fine. Tired, but I guess that's to be expected, huh?"


off_the_ceiling May 29 2009, 05:13:24 UTC
"You were sure in here for an awfully long time," said Jess, slipping inside the room once they were invited. She really wasn't going to impose for long, but she knew how important a moment this was for Sam. And for herself, too. "Wow, she's gorgeous. What's her name?"


weary_head May 29 2009, 02:13:49 UTC
Dean poked his head in the door. The mark on his forehead had yet to fade, a large, pink welt that was shaped suspiciously like a forcep, but Dean forgot it the moment he saw the bundle in her arms.

"Hey," he said quietly, figuring Sharon would be at least to worn out to try murdering him again. "Can I, um..." He trailed off, eyes widening at the sight of his baby sister's face.


blessed_by_god May 29 2009, 02:25:27 UTC
Sharon looked up, her smile guilty, eyes flickering over Dean's forehead.

"Of course you can. I'm sorry about the, uh..." She nodded toward the welt, making a face. "The contractions kind of hurt, if you couldn't tell..."


weary_head May 29 2009, 03:01:29 UTC
"I kinda figured when the cussing started," Dean admitted as he stepped further into the room.

God, the baby was so little. He couldn't remember Sam ever being that small, but then, Dean had been small, too back then. "You named her Terp - uh, Terpsichore?"


blessed_by_god May 29 2009, 04:25:45 UTC
Sharon grinned a little and nodded. "Yeah, it was Kara's idea. Thought it'd be nice to have a name to go along with Calliope, and it just kind of stuck. You can call her Cori for short, if you want. I know Terpsichore's kind of a mouthful," she said, and motioned for Dean to have a seat in the chair next to her bed.


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