I didn't know you could stop being a god...

Mar 19, 2009 13:31

Delirium rarely dreamed but when she did the dreams were vivid and colourful. Cannibal balloon men tearing each other apart and feasting on long balloon intestines filled with cotton candy. A woman standing at the edge of a cliff before falling into a sea of red horses. A child dressed in a purple playsuit with a television aerial sticking out of ( Read more... )

asher talos, trance gemini, item post, delirium, abby sciuto, harry starks, dani reese

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Comments 48

black_harry March 19 2009, 15:00:55 UTC
Man has to eat, and that was the thing that brought Harry to breakfast every morning. He rarely skipped breakfast, regardless of the time he woke up. He could just as easily stow away a fry-up in the limo, on his way to a business associate at a very early morning hour, as he could stay in bed late until a continental breakfast was brought to him. Breakfast was essential for a good work-day, or in fact any day, no matter how dull.

On his way to the kitchen he found the woman that should have been inside making it next to a tree, clearly distressed and chained to a book.

Chained to a book?

“What happened to you?” he asked bluntly.


endlessdel March 19 2009, 15:12:45 UTC
Delirium couldn't carry the book. She'd tried, it was too heavy and too big. She'd gotten as far as the outside before she'd had to stop because she was tired. The book was the size of her torso and it was heavy. The book of Destiny was a heavy burden. It wasn't supposed to be her burden.

"it SHouLdN't bE HerE, it shOULDn't. hE CAN't giVE it AWAY, HE caN't takE it off... it shoULDn't be HERe." Delirium said trying to slip her slender wrists out. It'd give eventually with some lubricant but she didn't have that now. Now she was panicked and not thinking. "gET it oFF me. iT's not minE. iT CAN't be mine."


black_harry March 19 2009, 15:28:30 UTC
She was living up to her name, her voice, her eyes mad. It usually distressed Harry more than he would ever let on. But now, instead of a predatory smirk on her face, she seemed more scared than anything. That made him feel almost sorry for her.

Harry knew mad fits, he knew them better than he would have liked to. Dayton in hospital, Barkin' Bob in prison, Joe Meek in his apartment. He knew all about mad fits.

He kept his hands open and visible he approached her. "All right, all right," he said calmly. "Calm down. We'll get it off you."


endlessdel March 19 2009, 18:38:41 UTC
"PLease, pLease get it OFF. Get it OFF me, iT's not riGht... it'S SO wrONG." Delirium said rocking back and forth touching her stomach with her free hand protectively. It shouldn't be here. She wasn't supposed to have it, it was Destiny's mantle and responsibility. Not hers. Never hers. "i'M Not thE OLDest. iT's NOT mine."


9mmshotglass March 19 2009, 15:05:18 UTC

It was difficult not to hear the screaming and so she went and she saw and she frowned both at the book and the chain. A hand found Del's cheek, brushed her hair, tried to soothe.

"Del," she murmured. "We'll get it off."


endlessdel March 19 2009, 15:09:50 UTC
"iT's Not minE, iT's Not MiNE, iT's NOT- iT's Not suPPosed to bE herE. hE CAN't tAKe it oFF, CAn't givE it away. iT's not mine," Delirium said rapidly pulling at the book panicked. It wasn't right. It wasn't her burden to bear. It wasn't hers to carry. She couldn't even lift the damned thing it was bigger than her torso. So big. So heavy. "iT WAS cruShing me, whAT if it Hurt Danny aND aBBY?"


9mmshotglass March 19 2009, 15:23:15 UTC
Wordless for a moment, she knelt and peered at the chain, then the cuff, trying to figure out if there was anything she could do about it as she murmured softly. Some things came from home, tried to squash people, tried to hurt them.

Her fingers curved against Del's abdomen.

"I'll get this off," she whispered, her fingers on the chain. "They'll be okay, they'll be fine. You have strong babies, Del." There had to be something she could do. "I'll make everything okay, I swear."


endlessdel March 19 2009, 18:35:58 UTC
"StROng and HEaLThy," Delirium said though her heart was fluttering and she was panicked. She couldn't have the book. It wasn't hers to have. It wasn't hers to read. It shouldn't be here, it was all wrong. "aLL WrOng. It caN'T be hERe, it CAN't, hE can'T GivE it away-Can'T- cAN't. NOt eVEN iF he diES. it SHouLDN't be heRe."

If she calmed down they would be able to ease it off maybe with a little difficulty but that was like trying to convince a screaming child that it wanted to stop throwing a tantrum. A lot harder than it sounded.


asher_talos March 19 2009, 15:44:11 UTC
When he hadn't seen Del in the kitchen that morning, Asher couldn't really find it in himself to care too much about the islanders who would have to fend for themselves during the breakfast rush. He'd made it slightly easier for them, loading the counter up with box after box of cereal and then called it that day's good deed done for humanity. Next stop: Sainthood.

Clearly, those cooking classes had paid off.

He headed to Del's immediately after, figuring she just hadn't been up to the task of fumbling about in the kitchen while carrying the added weight of the two people growing inside her. He couldn't blame her.

"Del?" He found her mid screaming fit. Why the fuck was there a giant book chained to her? "Who can't be here?" He didn't see anyone, but the sooner she answered, the sooner he'd get his hand off the gun in his holster.


endlessdel March 19 2009, 18:21:11 UTC
"gEt iT oFF me Asher, GET it oFF me, get it off-" Delirium said, trying to pull her hand out. If she calmed down, if she used something to ease her hand out then she'd get out of the chain as her brother's wrists were bigger than hers but she was panicking. It wasn't supposed to be here. Everything was wrong. "The bOOK. thE Book can'T be hERe, it'S not minE. iT's hiS And hE can'T TAKe it oFF, iT's impORTANt. hE CAn't givE it awaY, iT CAN't be taKEn but it's hERe and iT's not minE. i doN'T want iT."


asher_talos March 19 2009, 19:12:13 UTC
The book?

Books didn't need to be shot. Burned, maybe, but not shot. "Hey, you're okay. We'll get it off you, alright?" Once he figured out how.

Moving closer, he examined the chain and the cuff around Del's wrist. "You've gotta relax, Del. You'll just hurt yourself it you keep struggling. Do you have anything slick hoarded in here? Lotion, sunscreen, something?" He'd worry about who 'He' was and where the damn thing came from when she wasn't attached to it anymore.


endlessdel March 19 2009, 20:54:28 UTC
"Get It Off," Delirium said, looking at it like she was attached to a corpse or something others would consider bad or traumatic or wrong. It shouldn't be here. It shouldn't but it was and she didn't understand what that meant. The world should have ended. He was supposed to have it with him until the end of time. "SuNCrEAM in thE RainBOW BAG wiTH ALL THe ThiNGS i nEED Like Food ANd wATER. nOt in thE rAinbOW fisH bag, thAT's For WHen thE tWins coME. tHE bOOK Said YOU shOULD HAve a bAG with STuff in iT."


sadiablo_witch March 19 2009, 17:42:13 UTC
Surreal brought flowers every few days, trying to help as she could. There was little enough for her to do, as she had no knowledge of pregnancy beyond how to avoid it. The sounds of distress let the bundle of dried blooms fall from her hand, and she moved swiftly to her side, sitting on the edge of the bed, combing her fingers through Del's hair, wanting to soothe her friend.

"Tell me?" she asked, softly, wondering if she had the skill to remove the chain with its burden.


endlessdel March 19 2009, 18:42:45 UTC
If she calmed down, if they had something to help then she would easily be able to get her wrist out but she wasn't calm at all. She was panicked by the fact that it was here. It wasn't supposed to be here. It wasn't supposed to be anywhere but chained to her brother.

"iT's nOT suppose to be heRe, it'S not. hE can'T give it AWAy, hE caN'T take it oFF. IT'S not suPPOsed to be... gET it oFF me, i doN'T want it." Delirium said trying to get her and the babies as far away from it as she could.


sadiablo_witch March 19 2009, 18:48:58 UTC
With a moment's consideration, Surreal pulled two hairpins out of a pocket, taking the book and Del's wrist onto her lap as if it were something very precious, starting to work on the lock.

"I'll get it off, sweetheart, but you need to stay calm, or the babies will feel it," she said. "This belongs to one of your brothers, doesn't it?"

It might make sense, then, why it upset the lady so. Family was special, and hers...she might have been familiar with Death, or Desire, but a book meant nothing to Surreal.


endlessdel March 19 2009, 21:09:35 UTC
Delirium evened her breaths like she'd practised in meditation. Calming herself. She could do it when she had to, she could be sane when she had to but she really, really just wanted to get away from it. It only would have been worse if she'd woken up in her wedding dress. Then she would have been terrified and hysterical.

"StAY cALm, StAY cALM." Delirium said touching her rounded stomach. It would be bad for the babies. She had to remain relaxed for them or they might come and that would be bad. Everything in the books said that being early was bad. "Destiny. iT's thE boOK of Destiny. iT COntAins thE univERSE. eVEryTHinG THat hAS HaPPeNED, is HAPPeninG AND wiLL HappEN."


abbysciuto March 20 2009, 03:26:27 UTC
Abby always went by the kitchen on Thursday mornings to see Del and her nascent namesake. The breakfast offerings were always characteristically Del-like and the coffee was perfectly scientisty, so overall it was a win-win situation.

Well, normally it was, anyway. Of course, normally Del wasn't chained to a book and clearly having the grandaddy of all panic attacks in the hallway. Abby's usual pre-coffee stroll turned into a dash and she wrapped her arms around Del, or as much of Del as she could reach.

"Hey, hey, Del, shh," she said soothingly, working on calming her down before she tried to figure out why there was a book there.


endlessdel March 20 2009, 21:39:05 UTC
"i cAN't gEt iT oFF aBby, i cAN'T geT it OFF me. it SHouLDn't be hERe, it shOULDN't bE- hE ALWays has it, ALWAYS and i doN'T wanT it. iT's nOT MY respoNSibiLity. i caN'T changE AGAin," Delirium said trying to tug her wrist out of it. If she calmed down, if they eased her out then she'd be fine but she was panicking and not thinking clearly. "i cAN't. i HAVE to Be a mOthER ANd i haVE TO Be saNE foR THem but i can'T Be him. i can'T HAVe the bOOK... iT's not mine, i dON't wanT it."


abbysciuto March 21 2009, 03:48:42 UTC
"If it's not yours and you don't want it, then we'll get rid of it, get it out of your sight," she promised, examining the shackle as best as she could with Del trying to tug her hand free at the same time.

"Hey, Del, I think we can get this off. And then you won't have to have it. Can you calm down just for a sec?" she asked, holding Del's hand.


endlessdel March 25 2009, 11:03:05 UTC
"iT's not minE, it's big bROtherS and it SHouLDn't bE herE. it rEALLY shOULDn't, bad thiNGS wiLL HAPpen. big, bad things." Delriium explained as Abby took her hand. She wasn't sad or upset, she was scared. She was really, really scared. She didn't want to change again. It hurt too much. Delirium stopped tugging, sniffing as she did so and squeezed Abby's hand. "okiES."


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