Delirium rarely dreamed but when she did the dreams were vivid and colourful. Cannibal balloon men tearing each other apart and feasting on long balloon intestines filled with cotton candy. A woman standing at the edge of a cliff before falling into a sea of red horses. A child dressed in a purple playsuit with a television aerial sticking out of
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"Tell me?" she asked, softly, wondering if she had the skill to remove the chain with its burden.
"iT's nOT suppose to be heRe, it'S not. hE can'T give it AWAy, hE caN'T take it oFF. IT'S not suPPOsed to be... gET it oFF me, i doN'T want it." Delirium said trying to get her and the babies as far away from it as she could.
"I'll get it off, sweetheart, but you need to stay calm, or the babies will feel it," she said. "This belongs to one of your brothers, doesn't it?"
It might make sense, then, why it upset the lady so. Family was special, and hers...she might have been familiar with Death, or Desire, but a book meant nothing to Surreal.
"StAY cALm, StAY cALM." Delirium said touching her rounded stomach. It would be bad for the babies. She had to remain relaxed for them or they might come and that would be bad. Everything in the books said that being early was bad. "Destiny. iT's thE boOK of Destiny. iT COntAins thE univERSE. eVEryTHinG THat hAS HaPPeNED, is HAPPeninG AND wiLL HappEN."
"Then we'd better keep it safe," she said, after a long pause. "It's not the sort of thing mere mortals should read. The Darkness only knows what would happen, then."
Delirium sighed as she was set free. Rubbing her wrist, she looked at book oddly before pushing it away from her. It was wrong. So wrong. "i hAVe to... i hAVE to hiDe it. hiDe it aWay whERe no oNE CAN finD it."
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