Delirium rarely dreamed but when she did the dreams were vivid and colourful. Cannibal balloon men tearing each other apart and feasting on long balloon intestines filled with cotton candy. A woman standing at the edge of a cliff before falling into a sea of red horses. A child dressed in a purple playsuit with a television aerial sticking out of
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On his way to the kitchen he found the woman that should have been inside making it next to a tree, clearly distressed and chained to a book.
Chained to a book?
“What happened to you?” he asked bluntly.
"it SHouLdN't bE HerE, it shOULDn't. hE CAN't giVE it AWAY, HE caN't takE it off... it shoULDn't be HERe." Delirium said trying to slip her slender wrists out. It'd give eventually with some lubricant but she didn't have that now. Now she was panicked and not thinking. "gET it oFF me. iT's not minE. iT CAN't be mine."
Harry knew mad fits, he knew them better than he would have liked to. Dayton in hospital, Barkin' Bob in prison, Joe Meek in his apartment. He knew all about mad fits.
He kept his hands open and visible he approached her. "All right, all right," he said calmly. "Calm down. We'll get it off you."
He didn't know what the book was about, why it would be chained to her and why it would upset her as much as it did, but now was not the time to ask. He wondered instead if he could pick the lock or break the chains, or at least get the book out of the picture. "Will you let me look?" he asked.
"yOU doN't uNDerstaND, yoU CAN't." Delirium said, though she stopped struggling. She held her hand out with the chain on it. It would be a tight squeeze to get her hand out but it could be done.
"gET it OFF mE, pLEase?" Delirium asked, still panicked and scared but he could help. She needed that. She need it off her.
After a few moments and eventually with some more force than he had anticipated, her hand came out of it. "There," he said finally. "Gone."
"S'nOT Gone, stiLL THere but nOW m'fREE. Free. LiKE a BUTTERFLy. iT SHouLdn't be HerE THouGH EVeN if it'S not chaiNED TO ME, it shOULDN't be hERe." Delirium said still looking at it nervously before she covered it in the cardigan she'd worn with her pyjamas to bed last night. There now she didn't have to look at it. Even if she could feel it looking at her. "eVerYTHing's aLL WroNG now."
He also knew not to try to make a mad fit sane, but to go along with it. "What can we do to make it right again?" he asked.
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