5th tea party: A safe haven during revya's mindless kill spree

Sep 07, 2009 15:04

*While Revya is busy going batshit crazy, Shinku has been bringing people to her tea house, to offer protection. The tea house, which is away from the battle, is surrounded by a thick wall of her flower petals, that seems to do an ok job blocking the random debri that sometimes goes towards it. Shinku and the prinny are inside, fixing tea and cakes ( Read more... )

teahouse, protection_from_pyscho_lady, shinku

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Comments 280

pet_moonrabbit September 7 2009, 19:17:32 UTC
*of course, Reisen's there. She has no intention of confronting Revya again anytime soon*

*she's silently sitting there, sipping some tea*


the_5th_doll September 7 2009, 19:22:31 UTC
*Shinku walks up with some carrot cake.

Nice to see you're safe. That lady is out of her mind.


pet_moonrabbit September 7 2009, 19:25:34 UTC
*Reisen nods in agreement*

How long was I in... you know... 'there'?

*she looks at the carrot cake, obviously not sure if it's for her... she didn't even know the place had carrot cake*


the_5th_doll September 7 2009, 19:30:46 UTC
You mean Mao's heart? Had to be a few hours. So, did you two work things out.

*and hands Reisen carrot cake. Shinku made it, so it looks a bit... iffy


maocontent September 7 2009, 21:02:03 UTC
*Mao comes in, quite irate. He'd challenge Revya himself, but he hasn't level grinded enough to deal significant damage, neither has he yet perfected his death machines*

What kind of freaking Devourlord rampages at the end of disc one?! I hate earlygame hopeless boss fights!

Oh hi Reisen


the_5th_doll September 7 2009, 21:20:09 UTC
How should I know? She obviously has some problems


maocontent September 7 2009, 21:43:41 UTC
For every one notable demon, there has been at least ten failures! Some lunatics don't get that if you DESTROY EVERYTHING then there's NOTHING LEFT TO TERRORIZE!

Gah... How long is this going to hold up? You got any way to reinforce it?


the_5th_doll September 7 2009, 22:01:03 UTC
Those people are the worse. One of my sisters is like that.

You mean the tea house? My rose petals are holding up so far, but a direct blast will break like through... you have any ideas?


konoka_chan September 8 2009, 01:20:25 UTC
*Konoka drops in, worry on her face*

That woman is frighteningly powerful... is there any way to stop her?


the_5th_doll September 8 2009, 01:49:58 UTC
I am not sure. We just got to hope someone does. maybe Baal will step in. Would you like some tea?


konoka_chan September 8 2009, 01:58:05 UTC
Sure. *takes tea, sips*


the_5th_doll September 8 2009, 02:13:28 UTC
So, where did Miss Setsuna go?


darkmastern September 8 2009, 05:15:34 UTC
*Beryl rushes in and shuts the door behind her, she suddenly has a look of "Aww dammit" and rushes back outside for a moment. A few explosions are heard from the nearby battle and she runs back in holding her book now*

*huff puff*

W-what is.. WRONG with her... sheesh.. and.. did you see that other guy! It's like a fight scene between two final bosses!!


Ah, I need to talk to you. Its about kyoko. the_5th_doll September 8 2009, 05:50:19 UTC
Ah, Miss Raspberyl. Glad you are ok. I was worried you might have started to fight her, with her hurting others and all.


Speak of the Devil fasterthan_u September 8 2009, 05:59:53 UTC

*Sonic dashes in with a seriously wounded Kyoko, skids to a stop* I hope you've got a good healer, she's bleeding seriously! And I can't get her to the hospital thanks to that bitch's rampaging!


darkmastern September 8 2009, 06:52:51 UTC
Well, I do think ti would be nice to stop her, but there isn't anything I could do to get close to her.. she's really powerful!

*Beryl looks back at Sonic and then double takes when she sees Kyoko*

W-what the! K-Kyoko! Oh no! D-Did Reyva do this!? We need a healer quick! Is Konoka here? She can heal!

*She rushes over to Kyoko's side quickly, looking EXTREMELY worried*


Late to the party, but woo! big_whoop September 8 2009, 20:01:44 UTC
Fleeeeeee oh hey safe house.

*huff* *puff* This... *puff* isn't a standard thing around here isn't it? I'm kind of allergic to psychotic beings of ultimate power.


Guybrush is always welcome to the party the_5th_doll September 8 2009, 20:18:56 UTC
Well, this has not happened since I've been here. I'm glad to see your ok Mr. Guybrush. Would you like some tea?


big_whoop September 8 2009, 20:34:45 UTC
Well, at a time like this I'd seriously prefer grog, but tea will do in a pinch.

Man, I knew nothing good would come of going to a library around here.


the_5th_doll September 8 2009, 20:36:43 UTC
*Orders some green tea for Guybrush

Why were you going to the library?


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