5th tea party: A safe haven during revya's mindless kill spree

Sep 07, 2009 15:04

*While Revya is busy going batshit crazy, Shinku has been bringing people to her tea house, to offer protection. The tea house, which is away from the battle, is surrounded by a thick wall of her flower petals, that seems to do an ok job blocking the random debri that sometimes goes towards it. Shinku and the prinny are inside, fixing tea and cakes for people. Yes even shinku is making tea, since there are quite a number of demons there already, hiding from revya.

"That bitch is crazy!" Says a Rifle demon. "I shot it with my cannon, and she didn't even flinch. She then looked at me. Her look cause me to pee myself, while I ran for my life! She even destoryed the bar!"

*Shinku got him some sake, since they had some of that, then walked around seeing who else needed something

That revya person is bad news. There is no way I can fight against her. If only the twins were here, then maybe we could access her subconcous, and that her down that way.

teahouse, protection_from_pyscho_lady, shinku

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