Aug 20, 2009 18:21

Below listed is weeks 1-82 of every single thing I've posted in the linkies, in alphabetical order (if you're wondering where the rest are, please read this!). The FULL list can be accessed at any time from the top of my journal at any time (example viewable here). The format for the master list goes:

  • "Name of article/link" (# week it debuted) [ANY SPECIAL TAGS TO NOTE - REFER TO KEY]

    List is in alphabetical order
    (#) = what week it appeared

    If it starts with...

    * indicates my personal favorites

    Fail = failblog or equivalent macro link
    Quote = or equivalent quote link
    PHOTO (random) = photos with no explanation

    If it ends with...

    [NSFW] = not safe for work/dubiously safe for work
    [PICT] = contains/is photos or pictures OR are short comics/comic pages. Exempt for linkies with "PHOTO (RANDOM)" & "FAIL" headers.
    [SCI] = contains Science content (studies/some technical reading). Some of these are undoubtedly tl;dr, depending on your level of patience.
    [VID] = contains/is videos or flash animation

    ( Take me forward to weeks 83-current! )


  • 10 amazing contemporary sculptures (66) [PICT]
  • 10 awesome computer mice (67) [PICT]
  • 10 bizarre work related illnesses (that you've probably never heard of) (78)
  • (Top) 10 celebrities you'd never guess were Scientologists (3)
  • 10 Cocaine and other drug related products of the past (51)
  • 10 cool robots [PICT][VID]
  • 10 coolest foreign words the English language needs (75)
  • 10 creepiest Craigslist encounters (55)
  • (Top) 10 disturbing and inescapable Christmas songs (54)
  • 10 fascinating art installations (74) [PICT]
  • *10 fascinating twin stories (75)
  • 10 ironic ads from history (82) [PICT]
  • *(Another) 10 insanely titled books (72) [PICT]
  • *10 lamest dinosaur names ever conceived (16)
  • 10 lamest Super Bowl XLII Ads (3)
  • *10 lamps I want in my house (48) [PICT]
  • *10 manilest ways to die (73)
  • 10 of the strangest people on the planet (46)
  • 10 ways in which they fail (34) [PICT]
  • 10 words and Phrases You Won't Believe Shakespeare Invented (3)
  • 10 of the world's smallest animals (47) [PICT]
  • 10 unfortunate store names (59) [NSFW][PICT]
  • 10 ways to have fun with boobs (69) [NSFW][PICT]
  • *(Top) 11 Disney Villainesses (54) [VID]
  • *11 most badass last words ever said (76)
  • 11 most un-necessary internet how-to guides on the net (79)
  • 11 weird dresses (50) [PICT]
  • 12 bizarre and unique roofs (67) [NSFW][PICT]
  • 12 outstanding wall paintings (68) [PICT]
  • 12 worst photoshop mistakes (80) [PICT]
  • 13 unintentionally disturbing children's toys (81)
  • 13-year old steals dad's credit card to buy an X-BoX; hookers (21)
  • 15 bizarre animal mating rituals (69)
  • 15 bizarre beards and moustaches (77) [PICT]
  • *15 celebrities that look hot with Kate Gosselin's hair (72) [PICT]
  • 15 insanely titled books (72) [PICT]
  • 15 photos from the Body World's exhibit (78) [PICT]
  • 15 unfortunate t-shirts for a mugshot (79) [PICT]
  • 15 unfortunately placed ads (2) [NSFW][PICT]
  • 17 girls under the age of sixteen reportedly make pregnancy pact (23)
  • 18 of the world's most disturbing sex toys (69) [NSFW]
  • 19th century sex-tip guide (27) [NSFW]
  • 120-year tortoise adopts baby hippo (13)
  • 1930s marital scale test (33)
  • *123456789 Day (76)
  • *2 horses die in head on collision (17)
  • *"2 million dollar baby" (15 1/2) [VID]
  • 2 villages where mothers killed EVERY baby born a boy for ten years (77)
  • 20 horrible engrish signs (60) [NSFW][PICT]
  • *22-foot robot giant made entirely out of excess styrofoam (31)
  • (Top) 25 Men Who Look Like Old Lesbians (3)
  • 25 Most Baffling Toys From Around the World (3)
  • $2000 vibrator (69)
  • *"$2164 Paving Stone in a MacBook Pro Box Looks Nice, But Won't Run Photoshop" (68)
  • *3D sidewalk chalk drawings (17) [PICT]
  • (82)
  • 4 US sheriff deputies suspended for dumping a quadriplegic man out wheelchair (19.3)
  • 4-year old dies in washing machine (66)
  • 4chan Scientology raid organizes (2)
  • 4chan raid results (3) [VID]
  • *5 diabolical animals that out-witted humans (78)
  • 5 Douchebag Behaviors Explained By Science (3)
  • *5 guys who make Rambo look like a pussy (75)
  • *5 heroes who did nothing and saved the world (80)
  • *5 horrific serial killers that are free right now (66)
  • *5 hot lady-bots you probably shouldn't have sex with (78)
  • *5 mild blowing LSD experiments the CIA have done in the past (77)
  • *5 most badass presidents of all time (73)
  • 5 Most Horrifying Bugs in the World (3)
  • 5 Most Ill-Conceived Action Figures (3)
  • *5 movie martial artists that lost a deathmatch with dignity (3)
  • *5 movies ruined by last minute changes (65)
  • *5 people you've never heard of who saved the world (80)
  • 5 real ways to get high, right out of science fiction (60)
  • 5 ridiculous, safe-for-work fetishes (69)
  • 5 scientific discoveries that spell doom for your penis
  • *5 scientific reasons a zombie apocalypse could happen (14)
  • *5 super powers from the Bible that put Marvel and DC to shame (71)
  • 5 things they skipped in college orientation (70)
  • 5 upcoming comic book movies that MUST be stopped (77)
  • 5-year old sings Johnny Cash (80) [VID]
  • *50 incredible film posters from Poland (57) [PICT]
  • 6 of the cutest animals who can still destroy you (3)
  • 6 formerly-kickass animals, ruined by evolution (31)
  • 6 insane, stupid moral panics in America (68)
  • *6 insane attempts at killing a president (74)
  • *6 islands easily more terrifying than the one on Lost (77)
  • 6 of the world's strangest plastic surgeries (51)
  • *6 raunchiest and depraved sex acts from the bible (69)
  • 65 things that look like Pacman (30) [PICT]
  • *666 found to not be "number of the beast" (22)
  • *7 animals that get more high than humans do (79)
  • *7 awesome super powers, ruined by science (75)
  • *7 badass animals presidents have kept as pets (61)
  • 7 hacks that turn every day objects into weapons (71)
  • 7 robots likely to raise up against humanity (76)
  • 7 terrifying creatures you'll never see coming (65)
  • 7 viral videos you didn't know were staged (and how they did it) (3) [VID]
  • 73-year-old porn star bedazzles Japan's aged (69)
  • *8 Celebities You Didn't Know Were Geeks (3)
  • 8 old school toys that got badass makeovers (43)
  • 8 Strangest Communities on the Web (3) [NSFW]
  • The 800lb enema (79) [PICT]
  • *8x8x16 cement bricks Craiglist ad (20.3)
  • 9 corporate attempts at being edgy that failed miserably (64)
  • 9 creative staircases (25) [PICT]
  • 9 funny street intersections
  • *9 Most Badass Bible Verses (3)
  • 9 Most Racist Disney Characters (3)
  • "A Canadian in Beijing: Naked Baby Bums EVERYWHERE." (12) [NSFW][PICT]
  • A Good Poop: Strange Seizure Stimuli (19.5) [SCI]
  • *A Walk in the Woods flash animation (46) [VID]
  • Aboriginal children forced to suckle dogs' teats in search for food (19.7)
  • Actor cuts throat on stage, audience thinks it's part of the act (80)
  • *Addams Family to hit Broadway (17)
  • *Adventures in Cybersex (55)
  • Aerogel: glass that's 3x heavier than air (46) [SCI]
  • Afghanistan quarantines its only pig (67)
  • African youths distilling Jenkem sewage mixture (19.3)
  • Ailing man's family finds kidney donor on Craigslist (60)
  • Albinos in Tanzania hunted for body parts (23)
  • *Alice & Kev - living homeless in Sims 3 (73) [PICT]
  • *All-purpose tanuki testicle prints (81) [PICT]
  • *Alli: the drug that will make you shit oil (19.4)(23)
  • *"Alternative take" of Joker Interrogation Scene (with bloopers + fan art) (40.5) [VID]
  • Amazing hair styles from France (82) [PICT]
  • *Amazon attack/bee weapon Batman (20.3) [PICT]
  • Amazon bans rape video game (58)
  • *Amazon reviews of milk (80)
  • AMC movie theatre accidentally plays Saw IV instead of Bee Movie (22)
  • *American Psycho: Re-enactment (56) [VID]
  • *American Psycho - Romantic Comedy (47) [VID]
  • Amorous moose mounts bison statue (15)
  • Amputee ballet (78) [VID]
  • Analog television broadcast ends, ET won't know end to Lost (73)
  • *Anatomical charts from feudal Japan (19.5) [PICT]
  • Ancient baby-eating devil frogs (6) [SCI]
  • Ancient species of doom scorpion (19.4)
  • Andy Rooney on computers (47) [VID]
  • *Andy Samberg, Will Arnett in Slaughter Shack/best fight scene ever (67) [VID]
  • Angished Engrish/your what examination? (12) [NSFW][PICT]
  • *Angry pig holds woman hostage (54)
  • Anti-emo riots in Mexico (19)
  • Anti-obesity drugs may be effective against flu, hepatitis, HIV (59) [SCI]
  • Apologies to Mr. Lovecraft/dancing Cthulhus to J-pop (72) [VID]
  • Appendix removed through mouth (19.5)
  • Appendix removed through vagina (19.5)
  • Are cats for true christians? (14)
  • Aryan Outfitters (36) [PICT]
  • *Attack of the Show William Shatner interview/Shatner ballet (76) [VID]
  • Australia's Fee Hugs Guy to donate kidney to stranger (45)
  • Auto industry creates "bail out" video for YouTube (49) [VID]
  • Avia: Vampire Hunter (6)
  • Avril Lavigne manga (61)
  • *Awesome Samsung packaging from the future (45) [VID]
  • Babies understand dog body language before spoken language (78)
  • Baby falls out window, is caught by postal worker (15) [VID]
  • Baby head candles (19.4) [PICT]
  • Baby laughs at spoon (28) [VID]
  • Baby pandas are fucking adorable (43) [VID]
  • Baby walrus gets bling (66)
  • *Bacon alarm clock (59)
  • Bacon enlightenment chart (1) [PICT]
  • Balls found in "rattling" dog (37)
  • Barack from Krypton (41)(52) [VID]
  • Barack Obama photo stream waiting for 2008 presidential election results (42)
  • *Barackroll (42) [VID]
  • *Bat Pussy, the worst porno ever made (36) [NSFW][VID]
  • Batman and Robin commercial from 1987 (40.5) [VID]
  • *Batman city sues Batman over Batman (why so serious?) (53)
  • *Batman musical episode/Neil Patrick Harris lends voice (78)
  • *Batman potential corporate origins (40.5)
  • *Batman theme song sung to the Batman theme song (40.5) [VID]
  • Batman "Tumbler" recreated in boxcar form (82) [VID]
  • *Batman vs Batman (40.5) [VID]
  • *Batman vs The Dark Knight trailer (40.5) [VID]
  • *Battle of the Batmans (40.5) [VID]
  • Battlefield Earth (3)
  • *Baz Luhrmann, Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen) music video (70) [VID]
  • Be grateful for what you have comic/"But I could be doing it IN SPACE" (49) [PICT]
  • lets you get your own knit bead (61)
  • *Beaten by a girl (32) [VID]
  • Bee truck tips over in Canada (25)
  • Beetle species named after Steven Colbert (68)
  • Before-and-after effects of meth (15)
  • *"BEHOLD, OTTER HOODS!" causes Lune epic lulz (23.5) [PICT]
  • Belgian Blue Beef Cows/Schwarzenegger Super Cows (19.6) [PICT]
  • Belgium's "joker killer" admits guilt (53)
  • *Ben Linus is creepy (75) [VID]
  • *Best filled-out scantron ever (11) [PICT]
  • *Best referee ever (68) [VID]
  • Betty Page, the original queen of pin-up, dies at 85 (47)
  • *Big Dog by Boston Dynamics (76) [VID]
  • Bikini pants combine low-cut jeans, G string (81) [PICT]
  • Billy Mays orders breakfast at the drive through (77) [VID]
  • Billy Mays R.I.P. tribute song (74)
  • Bishop allegedly attacked by angry masked little people (33)
  • BITCH... Go Buy Me A Hot Dog concept album (19)
  • Bizarre blow-up doll sex suspect arrested in Australia (53)
  • Black firefighters sue, say city exam biased (57)
  • *Black Sheep movie is The Howling with lambs (49)
  • *Blowjob girl/"Dry as a desert" (51) [NSFW][VID]
  • *Bobcat and fawn find friendship after fire (81)
  • *Bolivia bug looks like small dog and is highly poisonous, fluffy (72) [VID]
  • *Boston Police zombie defense force via Twitter (72)
  • Bottle-nosed dolphin, humpback whale: BFFs (8) [PICT]
  • Boy dies after imitating Naruto (54)
  • Boy hangs self after father takes away Wii (70)
  • Boy marries dog in India to ward off tiger attacks (78)
  • Boy with OCD thinks he caused 9-11 attacks (32)
  • Brothers killed in collision with each other after both hijack cars (76)
  • Bug in mouth brings out street in reporter (35) [VID]
  • *"Bum Review" of Twilight (54) [VID]
  • *Burger King fragrance for men (52)
  • Burglars break into police training session (19)
  • Burger King takes no-shoes-no-service very seriously in regards to baby (81)
  • Bra for the boys an online bestseller in Japan (53)
  • *Brutal Honesty: best sex story ever (14)
  • Bush flashes The Shocker (52) [PICT]
  • Bush Pre-Senile Dementia Video (11) [VID]
  • Byron (Low Tax) Looper, world class fail (32)
  • *Cabin Fever "pancakes" scene (19) [VID]
  • Cadaver sex exhibition in Germany is criticized (69)
  • *Cadbury Rube Goldburg machine (64) [VID]
  • Cadbury warns Dairy Milk eaters product contains milk (62)
  • Cake Wrecks (69) <[NSFW][PICT]
  • "Call him Doctor Orgasmatron" (55)
  • Canadian beheading on Greyhound bus (40)
  • Capslock_Sweeney Todd (2)
  • Captain America dies (10)
  • Captain Awareness comic (4) [NSFW][PICT]
  • Captive shark has virgin birth (19.3)
  • Carrots cause Swedish bomb scare (81)
  • *The case against Christopher Handley/Iowa is really bored (53)
  • Cat gets head stuck in peanut butter jar for 19 days (15)
  • Cat meets dolphin (9) [VID]
  • Cat versus cake (58) [VID]
  • Cat with no face (40) [PICT]
  • *"Catch the moment" split second photography (37) [PICT]
  • Catholics ordered to keep quiet over Virgin visions (52)
  • Cats that grow "wings" (7) [PICT]
  • Caylee Sunshine doll based off of Caylee Anthony and is so wrong (60)
  • Cell phone symphony (79) [VID]
  • Chair that tweets (65)
  • *Cheat claiming disability benefits caught after 10k run (66)
  • Cheetah loose on Delta flight (50)
  • *Cheetos lip balm can restore my lips and manhood at the same time (81)
  • *Chemistry "mingler" video (82) [VID]
  • *Chess boxing (33)
  • Chicken Head Tracking (53) [VID]
  • *Chicken in a can (67) [PICT]
  • Child chokes on used condom (82)
  • Childbirth can cause orgasms (69)
  • *Child porn law that created a catch-22 (15)
  • Childhood movies that are upcoming: Battleship, Candyland, Monopoly (72)
  • Children traumatised by 'War of Worlds' abduction of teacher (78)
  • China blocks access to iTunes store (39)
  • China dog executions (10) [NSFW][PICT]
  • China sex theme park comes to abrupt end (69)
  • China tells living Buddhas to obtain permission before they reincarnate (32)
  • *Chinese jumper gets "extra push" (71)
  • Chinese lightsaber dual (47) [VID]
  • Chinese man sticks 2008 needles in head for 2008 Olympics (28) [PICT]
  • Chocolate dieties (48) [PICT]
  • The choking game (6)
  • Chris Dane Owen's Shine On Me is 80s meets D&D (62) [VID]
  • "Christian Bale takes David to the Dentist" (Mash-Up) (56) [NSFW][VID]
  • *Christmas lights to music/Wizards of Winter house (48) [VID]
  • Christmas Tree star cluster (48) [PICT]
  • *Chronicle of "I Believe in Harvey Dent Too" Dark Knight viral campaign (40.5)
  • Chuck Norris can't take a joke (17)
  • Chuck Norris can't tell a Chuck Norris joke (17) [VID]
  • Church attempts to increase youth attendance with gun give-away (27)
  • *City As Quiet As Death print & story (77) [PICT]
  • Cleveland's Suicide Bridge (19.7)
  • Cloaca 5 is a monster pooping machine (60) [PICT]
  • *Clock Spider (19.4) [PICT]
  • *Clowns KKKick KKK Ass!! (9)
  • Club promoting "all white" attire party puts KKK image on website (68)
  • Coca-Cola's 100-flavor interactive freestyle soda fountain in action (79) [VID]
  • Cocker-spaniel addicted to toad-sucking (24)
  • *College ghostbusters (40) [VID]
  • Colorado catches "thong bandits" (28)
  • *Comcast accidentally airs porn during Super Bowl (55) [NSFW][VID]
  • *Comic with ending twist by Jon Phillips [PICT]
  • *Command+Z (52) [VID]
  • Commercial selling washing machines has naked flying women (69) [NSFW][VID]
  • Communion in a Jell-O Pudding Brand cup (9)
  • Company specializes in spray-painting lawns green (67)
  • Concrete cocks terrorize Oregon town (9) [NSFW][PICT]
  • Coney Island Mermaid Parade (35) [NSFW][PICT]
  • Conservative group argues video games akin to fighting words (74)
  • Conspiracy gibberings on Morgellons Disease (22)
  • Convicted molester claims he was a victim of Bigfoot (19.1)
  • Corpse kept upright for 3-day wake in Puerto Rico (40)
  • Corrections officer fired for tasering kids in demonstration (68)
  • Cosmetic surgery addict injected cooking oil into her own face (53) [NSFW][PICT]
  • Costco told to stop treating their employees so well (29)
  • *"Could violent video games be saving lives?" (77)
  • Couple accused of assault using Cheetos (74)
  • Cow hit by landing plane (78) [VID]
  • Cow eats baby chick (31) [VID]
  • Cow-human cross embryo lives three days (19.5) [SCI]
  • Craiglist Mario Ad - want it from behind while you play Super Mario Brothers? (55)
  • *Crank: High Voltage trailer (62) [NSFW][VID]
  • *Crazy Clay Faced Mimes (23) [VID]
  • Criss Angel "exposed" as the anti-Christ (39)
  • *Cuddly felted Jabba the Hutt (76) [PICT]
  • *The Curse of Cheddar Bay (75) [VID]
  • Cute things falling asleep blog (52) [VID]
  • *The Dark Black Knight (40.5) [VID]
  • *The Dark Knight 1966 [VID]
  • Dark Knight Inspires Copy Cat Crimes, Over-reactions (40.5)
  • *The Dark Knight reenacted by children (40.5) [VID]
  • *The Dark Knight Trailer Spoof (40.5) [VID]
  • Dave Holland, the man who lived (19.4)
  • Daycare worker throws baby to ground in frustration (52)
  • *The Dead One movie is Mexican Crow (49)
  • *"Dead-tired" cat (41) [VID]
  • *DEAD SNOW movie should start with "Nazi Zombies in the..." (49) [VID]
  • Death threats forced firm to drop octuplet mom ("octomom") (57)
  • *Deco-Gundam is super girly (75) [PICT]
  • Deep fried coke (25)
  • Deer butt art (24) [PICT]
  • Definitive guide to Asian poses (75) [PICT]
  • Del Toro is set to direct "The Hobbit" movie (80)
  • Dell's "Della" website is ridiculously sexist (71)
  • Devil dog is cooed at (20) [VID]
  • The Devil Went Down to Georgia claymation (44) [VID]
  • Dinosaurs fucking (65) [NSFW][PICT]
  • Disabled spy satellite threatens planet (2)
  • *Disney templates (82) [VID]
  • Divorced man wants kidney back from ex (52)
  • DIY Mummification (5) [VID]
  • *DJ scratches Imperial March (46) [VID]
  • *Do you have Swine Flu? - official website (67)
  • Do you know why 3000 chickens crossed the road? (19.6)
  • *Doctor fills up SUV with fat from patient's liposuctions (52)
  • Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde movie with Keanu Reeves (71)
  • Dr. Phero (78) [NSFW][VID]
  • *Doctors confirm woman's imaginary third arm (81) [SCI]
  • Dog gets $4.2 million designer tiara (66)
  • Dog "laughter" shown to quiet and calm down other dogs (81)
  • Doggy sex toy (55) [NSFW][VID]
  • *Dolphins pwn Somali pirates with barrier of win (66)
  • Dolphin humps man (8) [VID]
  • Dolphins save whale's life (10)
  • Dolphin voyeurs who ruin the mood (1)
  • Donkey jailed in Mexico for violent behavior (21)
  • *"Double Meaning" photos (79) [PICT]
  • Dozens sickened in Japan after suicidal farmer emits toxic fumes (51)
  • Dragonball: Evolution is real and is coming for you next (49) [VID]
  • * Dress Your Dog Up Like The Katamari Prince (If You’re Crazy) (57) [PICT]
  • Drugs to grow your brain (48) [SCI]
  • *Drum Machine Splash (15) [VID]
  • Dust "comes alive" in space (11) [SCI]
  • Elephant cured of drug addiction (66)
  • Elephant has way with a dumbass (47) [VID]
  • *Eli Roth on Cabin Fever/Dennis (19)
  • *The Enigma of Amigara Fault manga (40) [PICT]
  • Engrish menu/temple explodes the chicken cube(80) [NSFW}[PICT]
  • Episode iii, the Backstroke of the West (27) [PICT]
  • *Every "that's what she said" joke from The Office (55) [VID]
  • Evil Empress Guide (16)
  • *Excessive ping-pong celebration (65) [VID]
  • *Ex-cop beheads "Hitler" (30)
  • *"Expelled!" - how Richard Dawkins snuck into a movie (19)
  • Experiment in Nudity/top female names according to Google (17) [NSFW][PICT]
  • *Exploring the mysteries of the mind (with Sims 3) (73) [PICT]
  • Exxon reps unviel "human flesh" fuel (4)
  • Fail: 1986 custom Camry on Craigslist (74)
  • Fail: application typo (45)
  • Fail: batman design (55)
  • Fail: cow transportation (56)
  • Fail: car in snow in car (46)
  • *Fail: doll pricing (81)
  • *Fail: google suggest (Chinese) (60)
  • *Fail: google suggest 2 (dinosaur) (77)
  • Fail: Jenga fail (82) [VID]
  • Fail: Mickey Mouse statue has a giant... yeah (60) [NSFW]
  • Fail: "More Than Half!" percentage (59)
  • *Fail: "Soggy Holes" newspaper headline (42) [NSFW]
  • *Fail: "Teen pregnancy fall" (34)
  • *Fail: Vermont syrup design fail (55)
  • *Fail: Virginia license plate (54)
  • Fail: Washing instructions/no sumo wearing for you (62)
  • *Famously eerie (and completely true) tale of nine dead Russian hikers (19.4)
  • Fart scares baby (39) [VID]
  • Father and son charged in assault and buttery (25)
  • Father charged with rape of 8-day old baby (55)
  • Father inflates child, son blows up (21)
  • *FDA blasts General Mills over Cheerios claim (81)
  • *F.E.A.R. 2 launches crazy awesome "silver suitcase" viral campaign, is petrifying (49) [VID]
  • *Female karate champion roflpwns mugger (61)
  • Fetish Birdo (12) [NSFW][PICT]
  • Fighter Teaches Dog To Kick-Box (19.6)
  • Final Fantasy XIII demo to be 2 hours long (50)
  • Financial difficulties snare Broadway's Spider-Man (81)
  • * Fire Alarm Jam Session (67) [VID]
  • First-class flier uses emergency exit to avoid coach-class riff-raff (73)
  • *First man put to death by electric chair gets more than he bargains for/anniversary of the electric chair (28)
  • Fish Tacos are Gooooooood Craigslist ad (59)
  • Fishermen catch deer at sea (8)
  • *"Floating" dog (68) [VID]
  • *Florida alligators take refuge in nuclear power plant (67)
  • Fluorescent transgenic cats (7)
  • *"Flying Eagle" bowling maneuver sends crowd into frenzy (59) [VID]
  • For senior, abortion a medium for art, political discourse (50)
  • "For Sale By Owner: deck furniture, slightly used" (19.1)
  • "Forget Martians, Mars itself is coming to get us" (72)
  • FOX News debate: is Obama really prez after bobbled oath? (53) [VID]
  • Fruity Oaty commercial from movie Serenity (51) [VID]
  • "Fuck a kitten up" rap (33) [VID]
  • Full list of stuff that white people like (10)
  • *Full-sized cardboard figure causes shoot out
  • *Funky Forest movie filled with crack, weird dancing (50) [NSFW][VID]
  • Funniest balloon launch ever (73) [VID]
  • *Funniest dog costume ever (73) [PICT]
  • Gamers dress as heroes for record (44)
  • *Gang of Santas brawl, puts two Father Christmases in hospital (49)
  • Gang tried to steal £229m from bank/was led by Batman's The Penguin (53)
  • Garfield minus Garfield (23) [PICT]
  • "Geeks in the Woods"/A Tribute to LARP (20) [VID]
  • *George Lucas in Love (71) [VID]
  • German gameshow involves plungers/gymnastics (20) [VID]
  • Giant catfish devouring swimmers in river. (54)
  • Giant cow size of small elephant (61)
  • Giant inflatable vagina (1) [NSFW][PICT][VID]
  • *Giant Interstellar Void Baffles Astronomers, Receives Boring Name (19.5)
  • Giant pink bunny eats mountainside (13) [PICT]
  • *Girl in Bangladesh born with four extra limbs (16) [PICT]
  • Girl dies in bathtub while Twittering (73)
  • Girl sues for 53 facial star tattoo (AND FOLLOW UP) (74) [PICT]
  • *Girl survives pitchfork through leg (81)
  • Girl swallows 30 magnets, steel balls, mistook for candy (28)
  • Girl tries to flush baby down toliet, THEN things get weird (64)
  • Girl wearing dark clothing killed in goth hate crime (19.3)
  • *Girls of the Israel army (13) [PICT]
  • GE goat milk protects against deadly nerve agents (19.3)
  • General Motors conjures up people-moving pod; strongly disappoints (43)
  • George W. Bush meets easter bunny (20.3) [PICT]
  • *GLaDOS GPS (71) [VID]
  • Goats sacrificed to fix Nepal jet (19.3)
  • *The good, the bad, and the ugly: Gary Oldman (60)
  • *Google FluTrends is more accurate than your influenza surveillance data (58)
  • *Google Street View catches kid crash his bike. (19) [PICT]
  • Goth couple banned from bus/human pet (11)
  • Government-funded group claims children as young as three should be reported for potentially racist comments (such as "yuck") (35)
  • *GRAYSON fan movie (53) [VID]
  • *Great Internet Porn-Off (69)
  • Great pyramid mystery to be solved with hidden room? (73)
  • Great slumber pillow (2) [NSFW][PICT]
  • *Green Porno (47) [VID]
  • The Grim Purge (LJ lays off 1/2 staff) (50)
  • Gummi bear rug (4) [PICT]
  • Guinea pig rumble (20) [VID]
  • Guy attempts wooing girl with blood injections (21)
  • *Hairworm charms grasshopper into committing own suicide (19.5)
  • *Halloween theme song sung to the Halloween theme song (40) [VID]
  • *Hallowindoween (41) [VID]
  • Hamburger in a can (67) [PICT]
  • Hamster porn (12) [PICT]
  • Hamster runs in its wheel for great lulz (26) [VID]
  • *Hamsters fight over wheel usage to epic background music (26) [VID]
  • *Hamtrax, the official Twitter feed (67)
  • *Harbin Ice and Snow World 2005 (48) [PICT]
  • Hardcore for Christ (15)
  • *Harvard psychiatrist explains zombie neurobiology (74)
  • Hats of meat (23) [PICT]
  • *Healing Heart, Drunken Pit Bull: Making Peace (76)
  • Heavily pregnant five year old (19.4)
  • Heavy metals monks release second album (31)
  • *Hellboy vs Batman (40.5) [VID]
  • Hello Kitty Hell (7) [NSFW][PICT]
  • Hens eggs exploding because of hot-air balloons (75)
  • Hermit crab with glass shell (8) [PICT]
  • Heron eats rabbit (80) [VID]
  • *Hilarious penis misquote (21)
  • Hilary Nutcracker (and Bill Corkscrew) (48) [PICT]
  • "His Own Seat" on the big-rig D: (61) [PICT]
  • The History of LOLcats (20) [VID]
  • *HITLER KAPUT! movie (49) [VID]
  • Hockey game spontaneously becomes more exciting (20) [VID]
  • Honeymoon to Puerto Rico (15)
  • *Horrifyingly cute photoshopped animals (73) [PICT]
  • *Horror alert: vampire moths (81)
  • *The horrors of porn (55) [PICT]
  • *Horse racing commentary could be the best/ARRRRR (30) [VID]
  • *"Hot moth action" - macros of moths (50) [PICT]
  • Hotdoll: the sex doll for dogs (19.1) [PICT]
  • Hotel mistakes Nobel laureate for bag lady (19.7)
  • How much LSD does it take to kill an elephant? (2) [SCI]
  • *How to get your ass not beat by the police (63) [VID]
  • How to smoke Smarties (66) [VID]
  • *How wearing underwear led to increased medieval literacy (19.5)
  • *Human hybrid faces could populate Google maps (74) [PICT]
  • *Humper Monkey's Ghost Story (6)
  • Husband hires man on Craiglist to rape wife to fulfill fantasy (74)
  • Hydnora africana, nature's plant vagina (21) [PICT]
  • Hyper intelligent spiders work together to lure, trap and eat human prey (68)
  • "(I Fell In Love With The) Majesty of the Colors" Cthulhoid flash game (57)
  • I RAVE U music video (75) [VID]
  • *I, Rubik (29) [VID]
  • "I Sue Dead People"/mp3 case gone awry (29)
  • "I am different from you" Japanese meme (39) [PICT][VID]
  • *I Am Home Alone Legend (57) [VID]
  • "I Am Legend" prequel movie (43)
  • *I'm On A Boat song (62) [VID]
  • *I've Got a Spell on You preformance by Screaming Jay Hawkins (44) [VID]
  • Ika resuraa movie (English title: The Calamari Wrestler) (49)
  • Immortal jellyfish swarming across the world (82)
  • *Impatient kitty is half goat-half insane (20) [VID]
  • *In A Snuggie Rap (58) [VID]
  • In love with a Jersey smell (of maple syrup) (56)
  • Increased exorcisms by the Catholic church (5) [VID]
  • Incredible savings have finally pushed Billy Mays over the edge (51) [VID]
  • Indian baby recovers from being dead (34)
  • *Indiana Jones and the Lego boulder (74) [VID]
  • Inmate arrested trying to break into jail (59)
  • *Inochi-kun (81) [VID]
  • Insane plane landing & gas mask showerhead (25) [PICT][VID]
  • *Insane Thundercats fan produces his own trailer (53) [VID]
  • *Inspector Gadget: Book of Shadows fake trailer (79) [VID]
  • Interactive toilet is petrifying (82) [VID]
  • Invention of Coca Cola old-school video (79) [VID]
  • Invisible friend for sale (56)
  • Italian boy diagnosed with "Playstation Addiction" (61)
  • Italian Spiderman (20) [VID]
  • It's raining tadpoles (79)
  • The Incredible Hulk of hounds (11)
  • James Bond (David Craig) Popsicles (71)
  • James Kuhn's face paintings (47) [PICT]
  • *Japan finishes life-sized Gundam (82) [PICT]
  • Japan official says that it's alright to fire upon Godzilla. (1)
  • Japan officially least sexually satisfied nation in the world (25)
  • Japan's health standards are farkin' high (44)
  • Japan's Hello Kitty cat humiliation system (7) [PICT]
  • Japan's "We are the World" (39) [VID]
  • *Japanese dizzy boxing (20) [VID]
  • Japanese Manga-Ka Takes on Batman (40.5)
  • Japanese sex book (12) [NSFW][PICT]
  • *Japanese wax frosting game show (13) [VID]
  • Japanese workers in Wikipedia row (73)
  • Jesus banging a lion banging some other dude (78) [NSFW][PICT]
  • *Jesus pwn3d U (60) [VID]
  • *Jesus was gother than thou (9)
  • *Jhonen Vasquez nominated for Shorty Award in "Best Content" for Twitter feed (49)
  • *Jinnetic Engineering (80)
  • *Jizz in my Pants song (53) [NSFW][VID]
  • *John Taylor's "time eating" £1m clock/world's strangest clock (48) [PICT][SCI][VID]
  • johnny_fro's Pacman flash animation (43) [VID]
  • *Joker vs Joker (40.5) [VID]
  • *Jones' Big Ass Truck Rental and Storage (65) [VID]
  • *Jones' Good Ass BBQ & Foot Massage (65) [VID]
  • Joseph Pujol, Le Pétomane (The Fart Maniac) (27)
  • Jupiter's newest spot (19.5) [PICT]
  • *Kansas BoE bans Pokemon cards, "promotes kids to believing in evolution" (19.6)
  • Kanye West designed X-rated Mario-like video game (57)
  • *Keanu Reeves, teddy-bear convention, circa 1984 (68) [VID]
  • Keanu Reeves hopes to star in live-action Cowboy Bebop movie (49)
  • "Kelly Hildebrandt, you may now kiss Kelly Hildebrandt" (79)
  • *Kevin Smith protests Dogma (62) [VID]
  • Kid gets hit by meteorite - and survives (73)
  • *Kid sinks full-court front handspring basketball shot (73) [VID]
  • *Kids re-create tetris theme by blowing on glass bottles (20) [VID]
  • Kindly Elf Gives Away $13,000 to Los Angeles Homeless (48)
  • *Kirk knows how to treat a lady (61) [VID]
  • *Kissing book (20.3) [PICT]
  • Kite to pull ship across Atlantic (54)
  • *Kitten fail (59) [VID]
  • Kitten found stuffed inside Marijuana bong (58)
  • Kitty intestinal crank look-alike (7) [NSFW][PICT]
  • *"Kobe Bryant Scores 25 In Holy Shit We Elected A Black President." (42)
  • *Kool-Aid Man Wanted/strategically placed poster (29) [PICT]
  • *Lady GaGa acoustic version of Poker Face in Japan (82) [VID]
  • Lady in White in Buffalo (78) [PICT]
  • Lazy bastard cat put on treadmill (7) [VID]
  • *LED sheep herds (67) [VID]
  • *The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass review from The Escapist (25) [NSFW][VID]
  • *Lego Silence of the Lambs musical (61) [VID]
  • *Leonardo DiCaprio stars in upcoming live-action Akira remake (49)
  • *Leeroy Jenkins remix (82) [VID]
  • *Lesbian Vampire Killers movie (49) [NSFW][VID]
  • *Let the Right One In (Låt den rätte komma) movie (49)
  • Letter to Dairy Queen (60)
  • "Level-One Human" baby clothes (21) [PICT]
  • *LHC had "black hole" button (39) [PICT]
  • Life-and-death photos (40) [PICT]
  • "Life is like chewed bubblegum"/giant bubblegum modern art (80) [PICT]
  • *"Lighthouse" candies (21) [NSFW][PICT]
  • *Literal interpretation of Take On Me music video (71) [VID]
  • *"Little Hitler," siblings, taken into custody by the state (68)
  • Lion mutilates 42 midgets in Cambodian ring-fight (57)
  • Live-action Jonny Quest movie is in the works (49)
  • *Live-action Legend of Zelda trailer (20) [VID]
  • *Live-action Wall-E (48) [VID]
  • *Living statues contest (74) [PICT]
  • Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch (15)
  • LOLTrek (11) [PICT]
  • London's hardcore gang names (39)
  • *London invaded by floating smilie faces (60)
  • "Lost" Amazon tribe not really all that lost (49)
  • Love Making Jesus (19.1) [NSFW][PICT]
  • 'Lunar Ark' proposed in case of deadly impact/Okami in reverse (38)
  • *Macropinna microstoma (57) [VID]
  • *Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade gets Rick Rolled (45) [VID]
  • Male teacher caught leering at girls while using homemade sex device from car (69)
  • Mammoths to return? DNA Advances Spur Resurrection Debate (21) [SCI]
  • *Man abducts, sexually assaults Amish man (there were no Amish girls available) (55)
  • Man admits to having sex with over 1000 cars (19.1)
  • *Man arrested for making baby smile (82)
  • Man attempts sandwich bribe to avoid arrest (77)
  • Man beats vampire peacock to death at NYC Burger King (14)
  • Man busts into flame after tazer strike (78)
  • Man charged for 90 days in jail for having sex with a car vacuum (69)
  • Man buys Chevy with small change (38)
  • Man denied insurance post dog attack for "not learning karate" (19.6)
  • Man dies in vat of melted chocolate (76)
  • *Man eats wife, chokes to death (45)
  • Man finds snake head in broccoli (68)
  • Man hacked wife to death with cleaver after Facebook status change (44)
  • *Man in wheelchair (from being hit by a bus) gets hit by a bus again (66)
  • Man killed in gun-safety demo (71)
  • Man looses arm in accident, is reattached. "I can't complain" (50)
  • Man miraculous survival when hit by flatbed truck, only minor injuries (63) [VID]
  • Man on Death Row says he's too obese to be executed (28)
  • Man pees way out of an avalanche (23)
  • Man rapes, kills 400+ cows (34)
  • *Man replaces lost finger with USB drive (60)
  • *Man replicates DiVinci self-portrait in nails (82) [PICT]
  • Man reports stolen sandwich, Gatorade (45)
  • *Man robs store with Klingon sword (65)
  • Man seeking woman for Metal Gear foreplay on Craiglist (55)
  • Man sent kids out on 16-km walk in snow to mother's house results in death (52)
  • *Man shot in Philadelphia for talking in theater (49)
  • Man smuggles 13 birds on flight in his pants (67)
  • Man thrown into air at retirement party dies after colleagues fail to catch him (54)
  • Man throws 3-month old out of car, states, "it's a dirty game" (68)
  • Man wearing Transformers shirt in airport deemed a security risk (21)
  • Man wrongly jailed for 27 years walks free, is hit by taxi (76)
  • *Manatee squish (32) [VID]
  • *"Manga Murderer" in Belgium claims to be Kira (23)
  • Mangrove killifish, evolutions' WTF (19.6)
  • "Manned cloud" design by Jean-Marie Massaud (22)
  • Marco Polo rap (62) [VID]
  • Mario News Report from the 80s (60) [VID]
  • Mark Hamill Laughing sequence from B:tAS (40.5) [VID]
  • "Marilyn Monroe and Albert Einstein - Separated At Birth?" optical illusion (26) [PICT]
  • Mario is a menace to society (37) [PICT]
  • Masturbate-a-thon (29) [NSFW]
  • *McDonald's in Swedish strip club dispute (78)
  • McDonald's refuses service to woman without hands (19.7)
  • "Me Giving Birth To Myself" costume (60) [NSFW][PICT]
  • "Measurements," the hilarious online "erotica" (21) [NSFW]
  • *Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus (81) [VID]
  • Men no longer necessary for sperm production (75)
  • Mexican resort offering 3 free trips if you catch swine flu (78)
  • *MGMT's "KIDS" music video (80) [VID]
  • Michael Jackson fans call for Nobel Peace Prize nomination (79)
  • Michael Jackson's gaming basement (76) [PICT]
  • Microsoft Songsmith commercial (54) [VID]
  • *Midwest Teen Sex Show is funny as informative (69) [NSFW]
  • *Mike, the headless chicken (19.6)
  • Mike Roberts photography/deep sea photos (79) [PICT]
  • *"Millimeters Matter" (20) [VID]
  • *Minnesota Toe Licker Nabbed (4)
  • Minnesota Toe Licker follow-up (11) [VID]
  • Minnesota Toe Licker copycat: The Groin-Kick Weirdo (16)
  • Missing scenes from Metropolis found (49)
  • MIT creates robot "so like you." (15)
  • Mitt Romney attempts to recreate dog sack, car gets covered in poo (59)
  • *Mr. Ando of the Woods (66) [VID]
  • Mr. "I Am Morally Without Sin" (13)
  • Mr. Rogers and break-dancing (20) [VID]
  • *Mommie Dearest inspired photoshoot (40) [PICT]
  • Monkey laughs like human being (57) [VID]
  • *Monkeysphere (19.5) [SCI]
  • Monster (48) [PICT]
  • Most honest cyber sex session ever (32) [NSFW]
  • *Most improbable Lil' Jon mashup ever (61) [VID]
  • *Most original epic movie plots ever. :| (19)
  • *Most terrible cakes ever designed (81) [PICT]
  • Most unfortunate names poll (56)
  • Mom in packed car with 14-year-old driver charged after wreck kills child (81)
  • Mother wants Oprah to turn her into a $2m TV star (54)
  • *Moustachioed horse evades barbers (68)
  • Munch-a-Moth campaign to reduce Australian pests (24)
  • The Muppets Rick Roll (44) [VID]
  • *The Muppets spoof Ode to Joy (27) [VID]
  • *Musical graduation speech (70) [VID]
  • Mutant puppy cute as a button (19.6) [PICT]
  • Mybigdick (my big dick) jokes on Twitter (77)
  • Mysterious Aurora Spotted on Saturn (47) [PICT][SCI]
  • Mysterious idol washed up on beach in Holland (11) [PICT][VID]
  • *Mysterious smashed Civic found on San Francisco streets (78) [PICT]
  • *Mythbusters flow chart (77) [PICT]
  • *"A Nanking Romance" local single ad brings on the WTF (53)
  • National Geographic special on a sea lion and her human crush (35) [PICT][VID]
  • *National Sex Offender Website (69)
  • *Nazi angel of death Josef Mengele 'created twin town in Brazil' (53)
  • *Nazi's Littlest Mascot [was secretly Jewish] (19.3)
  • *Nelson Rocks Preserve has a delightfully snarky disclaimer (60)
  • Nemomatic YouTube page for robot art (79) [VID]
  • Nepal's restaurant for vultures (34)
  • Neurological science of an orgasm (55) [SCI]
  • New Restaurant Lets You Pork Your Pork (19.1)
  • New "super earth" found in space (19.3) [SCI]
  • New York City flyover mistaken as terrorist attack (71)
  • New York Times message to 2009 graduates (70)
  • New weapon turns fire ants into headless zombies (71)
  • *Newborn had foot, other body parts, embedded in brain (52) [PICT]
  • *The news report of Dorian Gray (20.3) [PICT]
  • Nigerian man advises other men not to marry 86 women like he did (33)
  • Nigerian witch hunt focus is mostly children (19.7)
  • *Nightclub owner writes drug denial letter covered in drugs (60)
  • *Ninja cat/Cat moves without moving (37) [VID]
  • *"No cake for Little Hitler" (67)
  • *"No vaginas please, we're Floridian" (14)
  • *Notepad internet predator PSA fails with technology (47) [VID]
  • Nuclear weapons guarded with bicycle lock (17)
  • Nude biker crashes with trooper's car in Arkansas (56)
  • *Nude Mona Lisa uncovered (74) [PICT]
  • *The Number To Heaven (82) [VID]
  • Obama beats out Jesus as America's hero (58)
  • Obama City, Japan (42) [VID]
  • Obama has weekly YouTube shows (53) [VID]
  • *Obama-kun and Hilary-chan" Yatterman anime segment (42) [VID]
  • Obama-inspired dildo (52) [NSFW][PICT]
  • Obama painting. Naked. With Unicorns. (81) [NSFW][PICT]
  • *Obamaterasu ("Obama Wins Election, Becomes Sun Goddess") (42) [PICT]
  • *Octopus jack-o-lantern molests normal jack-o-lantern (40) [PICT]
  • Octopus sets off flood at aquarium (58)
  • Oh snap! attack on twitter (80)
  • Oh Snap! flow chart (76) [PICT]
  • *Ombudsmen Watchmen parody (59) [PICT]
  • *One-minute space painting (21) [VID]
  • Online divorcee jailed after killing virtual hubby (44)
  • *"Only In Kenya" flash animation (13) [VID]
  • *Open Letter To Mother Nature (42)
  • *The Opto-Isolator (21) [PICT][VID]
  • Orangina drink in trouble for it's sexual ads (55) [VID]
  • *Origin of Pacman art (67) [PICT]
  • *Original Campbells soup ad/"now a days, most husbands have stopped beating their wives" (20.3) [PICT]
  • *The original "kitten fight" video (7) [VID]
  • *Original Lysol ad (20.3) [PICT]
  • Organic Batter Blaster (51)
  • Outrage as Department of Correction) drops $77,000 on flat-screen TVs for convicts for Super Bowl (57)
  • Overheating koalas beat the heat (57) [PICT]
  • *Paleo-Future: 2063 A.D. (19.5)
  • Paranormal restraining orders (40)
  • Peanut business cards (15)
  • Peanuts Christmas lights (48) [VID]
  • *Pelican meets an Australian F-111 bomber (19.6) [PICT]
  • Pen Island URL LOL (10)
  • Penguin knighted in Edinburgh ceremony (30)
  • Pentagon makes moves to shoot down spy satellite (4)
  • *People who look exactly the same in all pictures (65) [PICT]
  • *Pepsi vs Coke logo evolution (79) [PICT]
  • Personal action figure (48)
  • Pet creepy-crawlies eat human owner (19.4)
  • PETA attacks Obamas's Mr. Miyagi-worthy swipe on a fly (73)
  • *Petamix: world's most insane Rubix cube (61) [VID]
  • People celebrate Festivus for reals (49)
  • Phallic Logo Awards (12) [NSFW][PICT]
  • *PHOTO (random): 1 illegal download = 3 1/3 dead relatives observation (75)
  • *PHOTO (random): 30 minute exposure of a Roomba's cleaning path (71)
  • *PHOTO (random): alien pumpkin owns all you bitches (40)
  • *PHOTO (random): baby f'n porcupines (74)
  • *PHOTO (random): ballerinas and guns (48)
  • PHOTO (random): balloon Master Chief (33)
  • *PHOTO (random): cat found, but not too friendly (16)
  • PHOTO (random): cheer up dude D: (61)
  • PHOTO (random): "cloud" tree (17)
  • *PHOTO (random): Comic - someone famous has died (73)
  • *PHOTO (random): coolest guy on earth/NOT WITHOUT MY MACAW! (19.6)
  • PHOTO (random): Dalek Christmas tree is better than YOUR Christmas tree (49)
  • PHOTO (random): Dolphin tribal tattoo smoking a bong in a recyliner (20.3)
  • PHOTO (random): Easter book with special cover (9)
  • *PHOTO (random): Engarde! (20.3)
  • PHOTO (random): Flabby shar-pei (77)
  • *PHOTO (random): hornet flier (13)
  • *PHOTO (random): Hypnotic iceberg (71)
  • *PHOTO (random): I find your lack of chicken nuggets disturbing (81)
  • PHOTO (random): I has a bucket, 2008 style (20.3)
  • *PHOTO (random): I Have A Dreamcast graffiti (60)
  • PHOTO (random): "I Love Satan Santa" (49)
  • *PHOTO (random): I SEE WUT U DID THAR (20.3)
  • PHOTO (random): "I wish my drawings would come to life" (20.3)
  • PHOTO (random): Idolomantis diabolica/Devil's Flower Mantis (76)
  • PHOTO (random): iPod nano warning (20.3)
  • PHOTO (random): kittens. Oodles of kittens (68)
  • *PHOTO (random): LOOK AT THIS CAT (39)
  • PHOTO (random): man mimics beaver (20.3)
  • *PHOTO (random): man with birds on antennae (64)
  • *PHOTO (random): misplaced ads - suicide whoops (45)
  • *PHOTO (random): octopus bookmark (37)
  • *PHOTO (random): OK... Ready! (That's gotta hurt) (51)
  • *PHOTO (random): OMFG cats (43)
  • PHOTO (random): opposite of recycling (20.3)
  • *PHOTO (random): origami Yoda (48)
  • *PHOTO (random): Otter mom (72)
  • *PHOTO (random): Pedobear and Michael Jackson amazing photoshop (54)
  • PHOTO (random): Peen bling (69) [NSFW]
  • *PHOTO (random): The Pope Chair (9)
  • *PHOTO (random): "Property Defender" jack-o-lantern (40)
  • PHOTO (random): rainbows (20.3)
  • PHOTO (random): real cuckoo clock (28)
  • PHOTO (random): "Retarded children's clothing store" (20.3)
  • PHOTO (random): singularly most bad-ass pet ever (33)
  • *PHOTO (random): S. J. Perelman quote/Mad science (72)
  • *PHOTO (random): Snow White (75)
  • PHOTO (random): Some pictures defy all explanations (38)
  • *PHOTO (random): spine lamp (5)
  • PHOTO (random): TMNT dog/DO NOT DO THIS TO YER DOG (19.4)
  • PHOTO (random): Wet ladybug macro (66)
  • *PHOTO (random): what we see in Twilight (78)
  • PHOTO (random): Woman police scare baby (20.3)
  • PHOTO (random): YOU CAN SHAVE THE BABY (82)
  • *Photo essay on plasination (40) [NSFW] [PICT]
  • *Photography of Chema Madoz (21) [PICT]
  • Photography of Steve Bloom (8) [PICT]
  • *Picard song and dance (62) [VID]
  • Pied Piper of puppies (76) [VID]
  • *Piglet squid (79) [PICT]
  • Pixar grants dying girl's wish to see Up (82)
  • *Pneumatic vacuum elevators a reality ala Jetsons (43)
  • *Pokemon themed valedictorian speech (70) [VID]
  • Police raid home of blogger whose writing is highly critical of them (79)
  • Police seek diary of suspect in Va. Tech killing after coffee shop beheading (53)
  • Police use Wii to create wanted poster (56) [PICT]
  • *Politically incorrect valedictorian speech (gets standing ovation) (70) [VID]
  • Politician fumes over "gay" elephant in zoo (77)
  • Polygamist colony techno remix (20) [NSFW][VID]
  • Pope Benedict XVI texting out messages of encouragement (43)
  • *"Pope Facts" on twitter (71)
  • Pope lifts excommunication of 4 bishops while mollifying some, annoying others (53)
  • Popular Science ad for dog sack for car trips (59) [PICT]
  • Porcupine meets dog, wins (19.4) [PICT]
  • Pork brains in milk gravy (68)
  • Porn Bread(.com) (12) [PICT][NSFW]
  • Porno filmed in Japanese bathroom (28)
  • Porno mom reality show (75) [VID]
  • Possessed snake head (43) [VID]
  • *Prayer and fasting fee includes meals (47) [PICT]
  • *Presidental Anagrams rap (45) [VID]
  • Presidential Debate: Anime Style (42) [VID]
  • *Prop 8 - The Musical (49) [VID]
  • Psycho goose unrelentingly attacks (20) [VID]
  • Public school kids forced to go to Bible class w/o parental permission (19.7)
  • *Puddle eats child (57) [VID]
  • *Punk rock turtle with bright green mohawk (76) [PICT]
  • *Puppy cries for Elmo (59) [VID]
  • Puppy survives after 'flush' with death (75)
  • Puppy swallows 13" knife, lives (19.4) [PICT]
  • Purple squirrel baffles experts (56)
  • *Prankster turns world-famous Spanish Steps into plastic ball playpen; fountain to spew "blood" (10) [PICT]
  • Premiere Japanese grapes cost $910 (or about $26 a grape) (38)
  • Queen greeted by gurning champion (19.3)
  • Quote: bishop (45)
  • Quote: don't you hate it when you drop shit? (54)
  • *Quote: drunken antics (62)
  • *Quote: effects of mutated genes (60)
  • *Quote: FBI are always watching (43)
  • *Quote: [insert-your-own-insult] conversation! (42)
  • Quote: inverted b? (37)
  • *Quote: Legend of Zelda graduation (38)
  • *Quote: Mac VS PC (39)
  • Quote: math puns (43)
  • Quote: metaphorically what sucks (42)
  • Quote: nerdy cybersex gone awry (41)
  • Quote: paid =/= laid (47)
  • Quote: racism and diversity class (56)
  • *Quote: smoking pot turns really awkward (39)
  • *Quote: "Son, can I see your pilot's license?" (4)
  • Quote: think before you act/ex-girlfriend sex pictures (46)
  • *Quote: thumbtacks =/= Tampax (38)
  • *Quote: who stole the cookie from the cookie jar? (56)
  • Quote: wrong place, wrong time (47)
  • Quote: WTF is a palindrome (46)
  • *Rabbit with a cyber eye (4) [SCI]
  • Raccoon steals carpet (36) [VID]
  • *Radio caller reveals cannibal habits (56)
  • 'Rape is Like Being Force-Fed Chocolate Cake' Blogs BNP Official (21)
  • 'Rape victim upset? Well, she's smiling on Facebook' said lawyer (43)
  • *Rapist asks for death: is afraid of getting raped in prison (60)
  • Rate my (36)
  • *The "real Iceman" cometh (19.5)
  • Real dragon ladies fake death to avoid sex (69)
  • *Real life Ironman/HAL (Hybrid Assistive Limb) Cybernetic Suit (65)
  • Real life Twitter (78) [VID]
  • *RED MUSEUM comics combines Uzumaki, Twilight Zone (79) [NSFW][PICT]
  • *Reform School Zombie Squad should be a real movie (49) [NSFW][VID]
  • Reporter squees over Japanese host clubs (6)
  • Recession forcing layoffs at Sesame Street Workshop (59)
  • Ribcage inspired luggage (51) [PICT]
  • Rick James was a crazy SOB (61)
  • *Rick-Rolling the baby (45) [VID]
  • Roadkill Toys (40) [PICT]
  • *Robin "holy-holy-holy!" sequence from 1966 Batman (40.5) [VID]
  • *RoboGeisha movie (75) [VID]
  • *Robolamp (48) [VID]
  • Robot flies will be watching you (76)
  • *Rollerblader reproduces Mozart's 40th symphony (20) [VID]
  • Russian church taken by thieves (80)
  • Russian dragon cars (24) [PICT]
  • Rusty White, the 9 year-old homosexual (14) [PICT]
  • Samurai "Knight" Mickey (2)
  • San Francisco Airport exhibit on "20th-Century Space Invasion of American Pop Culture" (52) [PICT]
  • *The Sandlot meets 300 (20) [VID]
  • *Same blue dye in M&Ms linked to reducing spine injury (79)
  • Santa Shooter douchebag of the year [planned to flee to Canada] (49)
  • Santasm (49) [NSFW][VID]
  • Sarah Palin action figure (42)
  • *Sarah Palin Turkey TV Interview Incident (44) [VID]
  • *Sarah Palin Quits! Auto-Tune the News #6 (Sarah Palin musical) (78) [VID]
  • *Saturday Morning Watchmen (59) [VID]
  • Saving Private Ryan/Finding Nemo mashup (38) [VID]
  • Scans_Daily shut down (59)
  • Science of dolphin "bubble rings" (8) [SCI][VID]
  • Scientists discover chicken is T Rex's distant cousin (31)
  • Scientists discover top tunes to get sharks in the mood (8)
  • School SADD funds used to stage drunken party (50)
  • *Scientists reveal secret of girl with "all seeing eye" (81)
  • *Sea pig (76) [PICT]
  • Seagull becomes master thief (35)
  • *Seal rapist attacks penguin (15)
  • *Seattle's Filthy, Prostitute-Ridden Automated Public Toilets Now Available on eBay (26)
  • Senior denied diploma after blowing kiss to mother on-stage (73)
  • Sensory defensiveness (16)
  • Seth MacFarlane's speech at Harvard (70) [VID]
  • "Sex chip" being developed by scientists (69)
  • Sex in the MRI, a structural study on sex (71) [PICT]
  • ShamWOW guy beats up cannibal hooker (63)
  • Shaolin monks have balls of steel (22) [NSFW][VID]
  • *Shark Shield" attracts irony-loving big white (8)
  • Shewee (77)
  • *Shoe... ads...? (22) [NSFW][PICT]
  • *Shoe-Tie Trick (20) [VID]
  • *Sicko's outrageous "marriage contract of wifely expectations" emerges in Iowa kidnap case (57)
  • *Sigmund Freud's theory on female genitals (5) [NSFW]
  • Silent night, naked night (15)
  • *Silk & Steel by Ron Miller is the worst book ever written (60)
  • Single mom jailed over overdue library book (56)
  • The sky really is falling/"It's like god got drunk and started harassing humans." (20) [VID]
  • Small asteroid nearly hits Earth, somehow wasn't reported until after (60)
  • *Smell Yo Dick music video (52) [VID]
  • Smoking ban hits home. Literally. (53)
  • Snakes on a Dulles plane (17)
  • *Snorting "brain chemical" may replace sleep (19.5) [SCI]
  • *Sound of Music - Central Station Antwerp, Belgium (77) [VID]
  • *Space storm alert: 90 seconds from catastrophe (61)
  • Spanish politician kills cats in free time (7) [NSFW][PICT]
  • Speedboat shaped like a dolphin (48) [PICT]
  • *Spider the Tylercore (19)
  • Spider that :D (2) [PICT]
  • *Spiderman full-torso tattoo (41) [PICT]
  • *Spiderman taken to Broadway by Bono (72)
  • Spiders on drugs (15) [VID]
  • *Squid hat (82) [PICT]
  • *Squid jack-o-lantern (40) [PICT]
  • *Squirrel taught to play dead for treats (24) [VID]
  • *Star Wars - an a cappella tribute to John Williams (50) [VID]
  • *Starfish Hitler enemy on old Kamen Rider episode (57) [VID]
  • Starving snakes grow large heads, digest own hearts (19.6)
  • State spends $900k on signs telling you about stimulus dollars (77)
  • Steampunk Justice (steampunk versions of heroes) (59)
  • *Stem cell contact lenses correct blindness in less than a month (72)
  • *Steve, Don't Eat It! (14)
  • Stretch Armstrong movie (71)
  • Stroke patient dies after ambulance driver clocks off (72)
  • Student animation shows Super Mario ruthless, sex-crazed (77) [VID]
  • Student suspended over use of PHP (70)
  • Students in Maine make their own snow day (6)
  • Study: cats and their reactions to beards is fake but funny (62)
  • Study: correlation between intelligence and intercourse (19.5) [SCI]
  • *Study: Facebook, YouTube at work make better employees (63)
  • Study: men who do more housework may get more sex (9)
  • Study: thin people eat differently than heavier patrons at buffets (30)
  • Study in Canada links obesity to avid T.V watchers (22)
  • Study finds in fruit flies, homosexuality is biological but not hard-wired (19.5)
  • *Study tests effectiveness of aluminum foil hats against mind probing (19)
  • Sumo-wrestlers shake 200 babies until they cry (35)
  • *Superhero dunks (61) [VID]
  • *Surrealist photography of Rodney Smith (48) [PICT]
  • *Susan Boyle destroys Simon on Britian's Got Talent (71) [VID]
  • Suspicious wife who demands to smell husband's genitals beaten (53)
  • Swan falls head-over-heels for peddle boat (19.6)
  • Swarovski crystal contact lenses (75) [PICT]
  • Swing a baby (80) [VID]
  • *Talk Like A Pirate Day song (44) [VID]
  • Tanning bed "tattoos" (75) [PICT]
  • *Taxidermy fashion (81) [PICT]
  • Teacher in Florida looses job for "sorcery" (19.7)
  • Teacher lets kindergartners vote out one of their own from class (19.7)
  • Teacher's teddy bear with "grand plot against Islam" (1)
  • Teen bites 11 people; father blames Twilight (43)
  • Teen faces prosecution for calling Scientology a cult (19.7)
  • Teen in bomb plot wanted to die, and then kill Jesus (19.4)
  • *Teen wedding comes with trashest (and most expensive) dress ever (62) [PICT]
  • Teens come forward to claim they fathered 13-year-old's daughter (57)
  • *The teenager audio test (58)
  • Teenager finds bat living inside her bra (29)
  • Teenagers don't know who Hitler is (10)
  • Terminator bear toy (79) [PICT]
  • The Terrifying Batman (40.5) [VID]
  • *Things bears love (82) [PICT]
  • *Tetrachromats (5)
  • Texas death row inmate in psychiatric facility after pulling out eye, eating it (52)
  • *Texts From Last Night (73)
  • "That ain't a cat... now THIS is a cat!"/people keep weird pets (36) [PICT]
  • *Things that shouldn’t - but still do - go boom (26)
  • Thrill the World/worldwide Thriller dance (47) [VID]
  • *Tokyo Gore Police review (36)
  • Tongue Orchids’ sexual guile: utterly convincing (55)
  • *Torch of Saint Dismas/home made Hand of Glory (24) [NSFW][PICT]
  • Transgendered man is elected into office of mayor (52)
  • Trial of a married woman's supposed sexual offenses in 1677 (21)
  • Triceratops toy you can ride (65)
  • *The truth about Obama's parents (52) [VID]
  • TSA forces woman to remove nipple piercings at airport (30)
  • *Tube Attack (21) [VID]
  • Turkey Guillotine (45) [NSFW][VID]
  • *Turtle Sex (12) [VID]
  • Twilight anime is go (60)
  • Twilight fans create mini riot in San Francisco (46)
  • *Twilight book review ("If I could review Twilight in 3 letters, they would be 'WTF'") by avphibes (47)
  • Twilight movie review by avphibes (47)
  • Tyra Banks is completely insane/VASELINE! (46) [VID]
  • *UCSD sends acceptance e-mail to wrong list on April's Fools Day (70)
  • *UFO reported discovered to be full moon (66)
  • *Uncle Sam wants your brain (60)
  • Under-cover cops bust drunk drivers at fast food stops (74)
  • Underwear cops (58) [NSFW][VID]
  • The Unicorn Kingdom Club (30) [VID]
  • Unintentionally hilarious comic panels (19) [NSFW][PICT]
  • Unintentionally sexual comic-book covers (12) [NSFW][PICT]
  • Uranium ore on (34) [PICT]
  • Urinal art (16) [PICT]
  • *US Military dolphins with toxic dart guns escape in Katrina aftermath (8)
  • US says it has right to kidnap British citizens (19.7)
  • USB rechargeable vibrator offers discreet sensations (69)
  • *Vampire unearthed in Venice plague grave (60)
  • *Vanity Fair re-creates memorable Hitchcock scenes (24) [PICT]
  • Vatican has weekly YouTube videos (53) [VID]
  • Vatican updates on the "thou-shalt-not" list with pot, pollution (9)
  • *Viper created from spare keyboards (46) [PICT]
  • Vladmir Lenin Head Pop (32) [PICT]
  • *Vladimir Kush's artwork (48) [PICT]
  • *Vladimir Putin hailed as virile vampire (25)
  • Vote for Lando Calrissian (41) [VID]
  • VW Pubis Bug (52) [NSFW][PICT]
  • Wall-E deeply offends right-winged populace (26)
  • *Wasp lays eggs in caterpillar; uses dead host as zombie bodyguard (21)
  • Watermelon may increase sex drive (69)
  • Wave of the future/digitized painting of The Great Wave of Kanagawa (80) [PICT]
  • Web addict beaten to death in Chinese addition camp (82)
  • *A Week in the Life of The Sims 3 (73) [PICT]
  • Weight Watchers recipe cards from 1974 (73)
  • Weird sex: giant squid do it deeper (55)
  • *Weirdest not-robbery ever (13)
  • *Weng Weng rap (79) [VID]
  • Werewolf Bar Mitzvah rap (40) [VID]
  • *"What Are Germs?" parody instructional video (20) [VID]
  • What party? D: (19.4)
  • What would you do with a penis for a day? (69)
  • What would you do with a vagina for a day? (69)
  • *When your credit card signature fun backfires (58) [NSFW]
  • Where's Waldo movie (72)
  • *Whip It flowchart (66) [PICT]
  • Who has Kirby been eating? (36) [PICT]
  • *Why I am going to become a cat lady flow chart (72) [PICT]
  • WiiFit blamed for £20.1 million worth in damages (37)
  • *Will it explode (that is the question)? (56) [VID]
  • *Will Ferrell's landlord is a dick (with bloopers) (71) [VID]
  • Will Smith puts son into The Karate Kid remake (49)
  • Winter: the dolphin with prosthetic tail (8) [SCI]
  • *Winter photo montage (48) [PICT]
  • *Wirepod: world's most artsy surge protector (48) [PICT]
  • *With Obama election comes the return of the vampire (52)
  • What is Burger King Thinking?? (51) [NSFW][PICT]
  • Where do babies come from inappropriate picture book (55) [NSFW][PICT]
  • *"Who Killed Bambi?" (12) [PICT]
  • *Woman accused of shoplifting, brandishing a female sanitary napkin; is informed of "being gross" (54)
  • Woman arrested three times over 3 days due to drunk driving (63)
  • Woman burnt to death after setting her own car alight in road-rage incident (45)
  • Woman charged after throwing baby, car seat at Wal-mart employee (81)
  • *Woman dials 9-1-1 over lack of shrimp in fried rice (63)
  • *Woman dies when two pieces of corset steel shoot through her heart (80)
  • Woman getting married to fairground ride (81)
  • Woman has 200 orgasms a day (55)
  • Woman in India has twins at age 70 (31)
  • Woman is pregnant, chased by a bear, and is hit by a car during escape (66)
  • Woman sells mysteriously appearing sea-lard that scares dog as soap (37)
  • Woman ‘tricked into sex’ by penis cream treatment (41)
  • *Woman visits own heart at an exhibit (19.5)
  • Woman wearing cow suit is charged for disorderly conduct (62)
  • Women with long ring fingers at greater risk for arthritis (79)
  • Wool Fetist SWAT (12) [NSFW][PICT]
  • World Beard and Moustache Championships (5) [VID]
  • World cutest bookend (7) [VID]
  • World class violinist goes undercover (26) [VID]
  • *World quickest personality test (78) [VID]
  • *World record in human-mattress dominos (80) [VID]
  • World of Warcraft Mountain Dew (72)
  • 'World's Dumbest Criminals' nabbed in Pennsylvania (79)
  • *Worst Barbie commercial ever made (81) [VID]
  • *The worst roommate ever (12) [NSFW]
  • Worst workout machine ever (62) [PICT]
  • *XboX is in fine condition except for a few things - Craigslist (61)
  • *Y the Last Man: saved by the hand (47) [PICT]
  • *The year 2008 in photos, (49) [NSFW][PICT]
  • *Yelling at cats (56) [NSFW][VID]
  • Yellowcake (50)
  • *Yellow-Drum Machine (Let's Make Robots!) (48) [SCI][VID]
  • *Yet another reason why civilization is doomed/Le-a (62)
  • *Yeondoo Jung artwork is based from children's drawings (60) [PICT]
  • (68) [VID]
  • YouTube's 7 Scariest Teachers (3) [NSFW][VID]
  • Zombie animals and the parasites who love them (66)
  • Zombie fan fiction gets teen arrested for terrorist activity (60)
  • Zombie Jesus movie musical (10) [VID]


    The only weeks not listed in their entirety was 40.5 - Batman Friday (most of the comic pages are not in an attempt to reduce redundancy).

    If you're a new-comer to my journal, I readily except any oddball links you might have found on the tubes. Feel free to leave me a message here or on any of my entries with a hyperlink to the site and I'll be sure to credit you when I post it. No porn please for we all know there are hundreds of bizarre fetishes and dozens of "two girl, one cup"-esque videos out there.

    If I have missed anything/mislabeled anything/anything is out of order, please let me know. The purpose of the list is as an archive, both to you and me as I attempt to reduce my chances of posting something twice. My track record is pretty good: it's happened only a few times (and of those, only one was accidental and happened before the list was born - the others have been deliberate).

  • links tiem, lists

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