WTF Wednesday - Round 83

Aug 26, 2009 22:49

To make up for even more more of my tardiness (again, because last week and this week were late, I went and altered the date to reflect the date it SHOULD have gone up), I went a little wild with the links. Set aside some time, because I have 25 for you today. If you went looking and didn't see last week's, they are up now as well.

  • THIS XBOX. IT'S SUCH A BARGAIN. Especially with the price cut not two weeks ago. Wow. I guess it's kinda fun in a post-apocalyptic sort of way.

  • Everyone loves hats, and here are 15 insane ones for you to gander at. One you'll recognize if you caught last week's linkies, because it's just that great. X3

  • iGun Trafiic rampage. And oh my god. Not work-safe at all, but it's hilaaarious. (It's one of those rare links that's NSFW due to language rather than boobies this time.) *snerk*

  • You know what? I'm pissed at this a little. Well, first I should introduce the link: basically one doctor has figured out a cosmetic surgery that allows him to change a person's eye color, through use of an ocular implant. Which, I guess, is kinda cool (and very "it's the fuuutuuure"). It was actually designed for people who are albino, who have pink eyes and desire a somewhat more normal eye color. But I'm mad. Not because the implants look kinda fake... because they do. I wish there was some more color variation within each implant, to better reflect real eye colors. I'm mad because in the before and after gallery, there was a woman with heterochromia (eyes two different colors) who got her eyes swapped to just one. Something about that makes me go, "nuuuuuu! :("

  • Fuck... I laughed. I hope I'm not the only one who gets it.

  • Here's a gorgeously well done piece of art that's basically the cross-section of a snail. I'm really quite impressed.

  • YES. Mailman versus Milkman. What's even better is that it's a sketch for an unaired pilot "This Is Culdesac" for NBC! If something more comes of this, I'm gonna squee from the awesome hilarity.

  • The greatest philosophical questions ever? Well... probably not.

  • Stumbled over this quite accidentally: "shit my dad says." Yes, it's for those of you with Twitters. It's like a little Cid Highwind gem every day.

  • If you haven't heard "I've Gotta Feeling" by the Black Eyed Peas... well, you're able to hide from pop culture a lot better than me. You may want to look it up on YouTube because clicking this link, so you get an idea, but all you need to know is that song has been everywhere this summer. From that comes this EPIC parody I've Gotta Feeling (I'm A Korean) which is almost as offensive as it is hilarious. But mostly hilarious. Click it while you can, since it seems to keep getting taken down on various websites... if for some reason this link also dies, please type the title into google or YouTube. It's not too hard to find.

  • Science ponders zombie attacks. No really. "Experts" agree: "If zombies actually existed, an attack by them would lead to the collapse of civilisation unless dealt with quickly and aggressively." Oh science, you crazy guy.

  • It's hardly the linkies without at least ONE case of extremely epic fail on someone's part, and this time is no exception: Marriott abandons argument that rape victim was at fault. "The Marriott hotel chain on Monday abandoned its legal claim that a Connecticut woman raped at gunpoint in a hotel parking garage, in front of her young children, had been careless and was partly at fault." Of course, as to why the Marriott thought that was a good stance to take is anyone's guess.

  • Here's some completely drug-free ways to apparently hallucinate. Woo! I know what I'm doing next Friday night!

  • OH SHI-. Unlike those asshole jellyfish from last week, this octopus is adorable. And looks like Dumbo. So cute.

  • However THESE fish are just douchebags. Here's some diabolical fish to give you nightmares, most of which I'm sure you will have seen through some avenue before.

  • No they didn't, no they... yes, they really did. Kermit the Frog and Christian Bale win/fail for the win. Just don't walk into their light. :|


  • A truly fine day for Lego indeed. Lego Pharaoh floats down River Thames: "A giant Lego Pharaoh brought traffic on the River Thames to a standstill as it made a stately journey through London." ...I like to think the gods looked down and smiled.

  • I knew that pink dolphins existed because of Venture Brothers, but it's not everyday that one turns up in a lake in Louisiana. Pretty epic.

  • YOU SIR, WIN. " An unusual disguise has helped a Bangkok fireman rescue an eight-year-old boy who had climbed on to a third-floor window ledge, Thai police say. The firefighter dressed up as the comic book superhero Spider-Man in order to coax the boy, who is autistic, from his dangerous perch." Love it.

  • Aww... how cute! The paper clip is a bone! That's so... hey wait... what the crap. Vaguely NSFW but the description still applies. Best potential gag-gift ever.

  • FUCK NO. THIS IS SCARY. It's called "Man In The Dark. Don't worry, nothing jumps out at you or anything but ugh. No. It's so wrong with it's... jelly, Uzumaki-ness.

  • Well... if you have a dog guard a plush toy, what did you think was going to happen? A £40,000 teddy which used to belong to Elvis Presley was among scores of toy bears destroyed when a dog meant to guard them went on the rampage. That dog either really likes or really hates teddy bears.

  • 15 creepy as fuck album covers. Actually, some of them are hilarious. Most of them will make you >_o.

  • And to end... na naaa na-na-naa na-na katamari damaaacy.
  • dogs, video games, douchebag, wtf, sex, science, toy, sweet jeebus no щ(゚Д゚щ), art, under da sea, anatomy, animals, it's da future! :o, music, creepy crawlies, fashion, videos, photos, cats, politics, kids, when fandom attacks, links tiem, smooth criminal, zombies/vampires, dolphins, egypt, ways in which they fail, lists, drugs, epic lulz

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