
Dec 31, 2009 18:27


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Hubert Ozwell | Tales of Graces | I obsequience January 23 2011, 06:13:27 UTC
[ Player Name ] : Jae
[ Personal LJ ] : lyphia
[ Age ] : 17 years old
[ Timezone ] : (Pacific) GMT-8
[ Other Characters ] : N/A

[ Character's Name ] : Hubert Ozwell
[ Character's Age ] : 17 years old
[ Series ] : Tales of Graces
[ Canon Point ] : Post-main story, pre-future arc


Hubert Ozwell | Tales of Graces | II obsequience January 23 2011, 06:13:55 UTC
[ History ] :
I wish that our hearts could be one.
[ Personality ] :
Intelligent, skillful, and disciplined, Hubert Ozwell is the model soldier. Hubert strictly means business, which is reflected by his professionalism when handling matters. The fact that he holds the rank of Major at the age of 17 should speak for his level of competence and resolve. He is a very hard worker who means to make something of himself, to the point he can come across as conceited and critical, if not condescending ( ... )


Hubert Ozwell | Tales of Graces | III obsequience January 23 2011, 06:14:58 UTC
[ Strengths/Weaknesses ] :
Hubert is generally hailed as the bookworm of the party. And he keeps a calm head on his shoulders during the most serious of matters, which further lends to his reliability ( ... )


ACCEPTED thalassino January 25 2011, 06:28:07 UTC
Congratulations! Your application has been accepted into Vatheon.

Now that you're in the game, please follow the next few house-keeping steps.
☆ Comment here on the Taken Characters post.
☆ Comment here with your friend add information and add everyone!
☆ Join vatheon, vatheon_ooc and batheon with your character journal.
☆ Add your information here at the Player Contact page. You may need to wait a few days for the mod account to add you as a friend, due to the fact that the page is f-locked.
☆ Reread the rules and premise for a refresher.
☆ A list of permissions posts for the characters of the game can be found here. Please take a look at the posts there, and if you need a permissions post for your character, don’t forget to post a link there!
☆ Introduce yourself over at vatheon_ooc☆ Game chat is on AIM, group name vatheon. Information about it can be found on the game's ooc community ( ... )


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