
Dec 31, 2009 18:27


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Hubert Ozwell | Tales of Graces | II obsequience January 23 2011, 06:13:55 UTC
[ History ] :
I wish that our hearts could be one.
[ Personality ] :
Intelligent, skillful, and disciplined, Hubert Ozwell is the model soldier. Hubert strictly means business, which is reflected by his professionalism when handling matters. The fact that he holds the rank of Major at the age of 17 should speak for his level of competence and resolve. He is a very hard worker who means to make something of himself, to the point he can come across as conceited and critical, if not condescending.

But he isn't always the businessman. For the lack of a better word, Hubert is the story's resident tsundere. As a boy, he was extremely timid and lacked a backbone; now, he is prone to speaking up and taking the lead. Despite this severe change, he still retains some of his past traits like his considerate nature. Not that he's fond of it being pointed out, no. His acts of kindness are spontaneous, and while he won't deny that he was being nice, he won't comment on it either. (Not to mention he just can't express himself, and he loses all composure when he's flustered.)

That said, he's still a child at heart. When everyone starts echoing "wa~ wa~ wa~" he wants to do the same but Cheria makes them stop before he can. Then there's a skit where he acts out the team introduction of a Power Rangers-esque group that's represented by starfishes, which is supposedly popular amongst children in Strata.

Furthermore, Hubert is highly perceptive in that he sees things from an objective point of view. That's not to say he's incapable of being biased, though. He has difficulty trusting others, particularly if they give him any reason to doubt them. It doesn't help that his hunches tend to be right, as were the cases with Pascal and Malik.

Ever full of resolve, Hubert is incredibly stubborn and prideful. Perhaps he is stubborn because he is prideful. As mentioned earlier, he's a hard worker; he naturally gives his all in whatever he does. This may be why he's as resourceful as he is -- Hubert is very well-read. Seven years ago, it was he who gave an informative exposition on the road from Baronia to Lhant to his older brother and friends.

Hubert suffers from some degree of child abandonment, going as far as to indirectly taking out his grudge on Asbel by banishing his brother from their hometown of Lhant (after which Hubert makes their mother weep with harsh remarks). He flat-out tells his mother that they threw him away, ignoring her plea that his father had meant the best for the family when he gave Hubert away to another house. This event most likely contributed to the kind of person he grew into, considering his innate need to be worthy and show everyone what he can do.

Randomly, he has a strange fixation with money. He likes to bring up the "power of money" and complains about the lack of good drops from monsters in a victory quote; in another, he demands that the opponent hand over his possessions. And he has the aliases "Wealthy Man" and "Very Wealthy Man."


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