
Dec 31, 2009 18:27


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Hubert Ozwell | Tales of Graces | III obsequience January 23 2011, 06:14:58 UTC
[ Strengths/Weaknesses ] :
Hubert is generally hailed as the bookworm of the party. And he keeps a calm head on his shoulders during the most serious of matters, which further lends to his reliability.

Physically, Hubert is a glass cannon, meaning he's incredibly strong and unfortunately frail. He skillfully wields a weapon that can assume four different forms (only two of which are available in actual game play outside of his Blast Calibers) consisting of a swallow, guns, spears, and a bow. Between being able to use a wide variety of weapons with expertise, Hubert is nimble and capable of performing backflips and the like. In addition to this he can cast a few offensive and healing spells called artes.

For all his versatility, Hubert is fragile. Game-wise, he has low hit points and defense compared to those of his party members. There's also a delay when he puts his weapon together from dual guns which leaves him vulnerable. He kills fast, but he dies fast too.

Hubert doesn't do emotions. Being chummy is not in his list of things to-do, and so he has a difficult time connecting with others on a friendly basis. (It's only easier when he's able to empathize with their troubles.) He treats most like acquaintances, after all. While this isn't a terrible flaw, it tends to give off the impression that he's antisocial or overbearing. It doesn't help that he's relatively hot-blooded.

* Here's an exhibition of his artes for your viewing pleasure and to see how his impossible weapon functions.
[ Other Important Facts ] :
➊ Hubert states his weapon's origin is a military secret of Strata, so we don't know how it works, exactly.
➋ He's warmed up to his brother by his canon point. Of course, the relationship between them is not like it used to be when they were children.
➌ When the party is cast to put on Snow White, Hubert plays the role of the Evil Queen, much to his chagrin. This is important, you know it is.

➍ Tales of Graces has yet to receive a Western release date, so I will put up a permission post for spoilers.
[ Sample ] :
T-this is . . .

[ He clears his throat. This is no time to be fawning over the peculiar device, starfish-shaped or not. ]

This device is Vatheon's primary means of communication, correct? Allow me to be frank: I must speak with those of you in the know about the circumstances of this place. Preferably, the conditions to departing. [ He pauses. ] And what this creature by my shoulder might be.

I cannot afford to waste any more time. It's imperative that I return to my post immediately.
[ Questions? Comments? Concerns? ] :


ACCEPTED thalassino January 25 2011, 06:28:07 UTC
Congratulations! Your application has been accepted into Vatheon.

Now that you're in the game, please follow the next few house-keeping steps.
☆ Comment here on the Taken Characters post.
☆ Comment here with your friend add information and add everyone!
☆ Join vatheon, vatheon_ooc and batheon with your character journal.
☆ Add your information here at the Player Contact page. You may need to wait a few days for the mod account to add you as a friend, due to the fact that the page is f-locked.
☆ Reread the rules and premise for a refresher.
☆ A list of permissions posts for the characters of the game can be found here. Please take a look at the posts there, and if you need a permissions post for your character, don’t forget to post a link there!
☆ Introduce yourself over at vatheon_ooc
☆ Game chat is on AIM, group name vatheon. Information about it can be found on the game's ooc community.
☆ While not required, it is highly suggested that you set up a Voicemail entry for your character. Be sure to use the ‘date out of order’ option!

If you have any further questions or comments, please head over to the f.a.q.
Congratulations again, and we hope you enjoy the swim!


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