Jul 21, 2007 23:11
At 12:34pm I bought the last Harry Potter book from Wal-mart, resisting the urge to buy the $44 special edition.
At 3:22 I sat down to read.
11:12 I finished the book.
No spoilers here out of respect for those that haven't gotten/finished it.
I will say that the ending disappointed me, it was... anti-climatic?
Oct 12, 2004 15:39
Ask me 6 questions. Any six - no matter how personal, private, or random, I just have to answer them all honestly. If you want, post this meme in your journal and see what people ask you.
Making this public because I'm curious as to even what random people and friends who don't want to be added to my lj will say.
Ask, I command you!
Sep 10, 2004 07:42
Guess what?
Decided that if you aren't a friend, you don't get to read my journal.
Nonfriends are SOL. Shit outta luck!
Peace and baby frying grease.