Answer me these questions three... x2!

Oct 12, 2004 15:39

Ask me 6 questions. Any six - no matter how personal, private, or random, I just have to answer them all honestly. If you want, post this meme in your journal and see what people ask you.

Making this public because I'm curious as to even what random people and friends who don't want to be added to my lj will say.

Ask, I command you!

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Comments 2

rmesler3 October 12 2004, 18:33:55 UTC
I dont know if I have six good questions, but lets see...

1) What is it that you see in me?
2) Why are you so suspicious of new people and slow to open up to them?
3) If you could do/have absolutely anything, what would it be?
4) What do you see as being the purpose in your life?
5) Who is your hero?
6) Are you in love with me?


tekan October 12 2004, 18:45:28 UTC
1) Organs, blood, bones, and what you had for dinner tonight?

Hee. Um. You're interesting, smart, have a sense of humor. All good.

2) Because Some people don't seem to look below the surface, and I don't want to know people like that. If they just want to look at the cover, then they can walk on. If they see past it, or find it interesting, then I'd like to get to know them. I don't want to be hurt and getting to know what's safe to tell people is a slow process.

3) Um. Happiness. Or a way to make all the chocolate in the world into a diet food without taking away anything in its make up or taste.

4) To rule the world, or at least save it from domination by evil squirell overlords.

5) My grandmother

6) I have affection for you. Leaving it at that.


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