'if this was funny, I'd be whistling the Great Escape theme'

Apr 14, 2010 11:52

'And don't you think 'bout running, brat' the most memorable thing about it all had been his disgusting breath. She hated when they were so tall they could lift her off the damn ground. The assholes could've just cuffed her. Instead they nearly ruined her favourite jacket, just to prove a point ( Read more... )

✝ julian 'scion' keller, [content] arrival, chris 'bolt' bradley, ✝ david 'agent zero' north, ✝ jubilation 'jubilee' lee, ✝ nicky creed

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Comments 36

hellion_king April 14 2010, 13:38:18 UTC
[ooc: big entrance is.... big.]X-13 was the type to memorize their new barracks upon arrival. It just made sense to him. In case of attack or some real emergency you would be at a horrible disadvantage to be trapped in side your own local because you had been too lazy to know where everything was therefore you were trapped ( ... )


bubblegumfizz April 14 2010, 14:22:06 UTC
The door opening made her tense up, half wondering if this was the 'boss' she was waiting for and half wondering if they were going to feed her. When the guy just stood there, Jubilation's eyes narrowed. So not in charge, so not the boss, and he didn't have food with him.


"What, ain't ya ever seen a girl before?" Her accent was distinctly American, she wouldn't get mistaken for a local. The Japanese girls in the city didn't even mistake her for one of them. They could tell she was Chinese in ancestry.

She pushed herself to her feet, she didn't like the way he had to look down to meet her eyes. Her back went rigid and she stood at her full height, eyes narrowed at the brunette male. "You understanding a word I'm sayin' here buddy?"


hellion_king April 14 2010, 14:28:26 UTC
... She was american. She must have been a mutant if she was dragged to weapon X. Just what was an american mutant doing in japan in the first place? Scion remained silent when she interrogated him the man curious to her actions.

Soon enough she was on her feet walking over to the cell bars to meet him, eye to eye. He was taller then her, but there was still a spirit to her that said she could handle herself on her own. Was she always this defensive? Then again, its hard not to be when you in a situation such as hers.

"...I understand you."

He replied softly as he shifted his weight, turning to face the cell bars completely as his shoulders squared, his back a little straighter.


bubblegumfizz April 14 2010, 14:39:43 UTC
Maybe he was just brain frozen or something. One of them genius types that really lacked any kind of social ability. Or he was just stupid. Jubilee rolled her eyes. Just what she needed.

"Well, if you can understand, wanna do a girl a favour," she held her hands up, both still encased in the stupid cuffs that covered her hands. It was like a pill had been made out of metal and cut in half, then fastened to her hands, "I've got an itch on my nose, need my fingers."

If she could get her hands free, it'd be half the battle. Blowing up the cell was a no, God only knew if the place would fall down around her. But maybe she could pick the lock later. "Any chance you can get this off?" She watched him expectantly.


createdevidence April 14 2010, 23:15:47 UTC
Nicky hated the feeling of being chained but having to walk while chained was worse than most things. He was led to the brig his pace slowing when he realized that someone else was there. He turned his head looking at the girl curiously,"Hello."


bubblegumfizz April 14 2010, 23:23:46 UTC
She frowned at the kid was marched past her, and then again when the officers left. What the hell? They were putting a kid in a cell? Was this some messed up cult?

"Hey," she shifted from the wall at the back, to the wall at the side, "what ya in for?" Since she'd not gotten many answers previously, she hoped that maybe the kid would be some help. Maybe she could get them both out.


createdevidence April 14 2010, 23:25:21 UTC
"Almost killed one of the guards. I kind of snapped,"he shrugged looking down a bit. "So you're new and already locked up? What'd you do?"


bubblegumfizz April 14 2010, 23:35:24 UTC
"Me? I'm a good little girl," or at least she was when she was sleeping. "These assholes raided my hotel room and threw me in here."

Once again, she tried to shift her hands, the urge to press the formed bruise on her neck brought back as she remembered it. "I'm not even sure why I'm here."


lightbulbtrix April 15 2010, 06:11:07 UTC
Bradley was currently cursing his bad luck. He had gotten completely turned around trying to find his way around the new base, and had somehow ended up in a long corridor Lights flickered on and off as he made his way down the hallway in rhythm to his irritation. And hello, what was this?

One cell was already occupied. Chris wondered which one of his teammates had already gotten themselves in hot water, but he didn't recognize the girl in front on him. He definitely would have remembered her from the ridiculously long plane ride. That left only one other option. Keeping his voice pleasant, he asked, "So what'd you do to piss off the local recruiters?"


bubblegumfizz April 15 2010, 21:07:16 UTC
She'd gotten bored again, was picking her teeth with her tongue, having a right old ball of it on her own.

The whole thing was far past old now and she was looking to find a way to get herself out of this damn cage. But why people strolled in aimlessly, she had no clue. "I told them I voted Republican, they weren't too happy about that."

She raised her eyebrow, wondering what he did here, before shrugging slightly. "You joining the chain gang?"


lightbulbtrix April 16 2010, 08:09:33 UTC
Chris smiled at the witty retort. It was clear that she was a new recruit, and judging by the cuffs and bruises, had apparently had been 'persuaded' to join with some force.

He leaned up against the bars. "Already pressed into it, sweetheart. Let me guess, Stryker made you an offer you just couldn't refuse."


bubblegumfizz April 16 2010, 20:44:13 UTC
"No one's offered me anything," she grumbled, a touch of her own childish nature seeping though, "not even a pot to piss in."

True enough, she'd been roughed up, probably a precaution they'd been told to take because of her powers. Naturally, she wasn't even sure who 'they' were. But she was beginning to hear a lot about this Stryker guy.

"You been in my shoes already?"


donthink_shoot April 15 2010, 15:22:15 UTC
Zero as making his rounds around the new site as to become familiar with them. He of course would be doing patrol so he might as well become familiar with every little bit of the place.

He couldn't help but marvel a little at the brig once he reached it. Despite the copious amounts of time that a team member (most predominantly Victor) would step out of line, even if it could be disastrous, all they received was time in the brig. The marksman had a feeling that this one would be used frequently.

It hardly surprised him when he heard a voice in there passing a cell. What did surprise him is that someone was already in there, and he had no idea who they were. But he had an idea. She wasn't in any contained cell, just a holding one.

"Are you here from the military base, or the..mutant private one?"


bubblegumfizz April 15 2010, 21:10:29 UTC
Looking up, raising an eyebrow, Jubilee let a sneer curl her face. "I'm from the base of 'I don't give a rats ass' would you care to enrol?" She was tired, she was sore, she was irritated and she wanted to be let the hell out.

Or at least told what the blue-hell was going on.

Being locked up, she didn't really like it. And the fact that they knew to immobilise and restrain her hands, that didn't sit well with her. "What the hell do you mean military?"


ooc Late tag is late, sorry donthink_shoot April 18 2010, 16:40:58 UTC
It was the private one then. Only Stryker would take in annoying mutants like this and bother to keep them chained up. For whatever the purpose.

He'd heard far worse from Wade and even Victor. But he shifted his stance at her question.

"There are two bases here. You're currently on a private attachment of a much larger, much more normal, military base. This one isn't quite as standard."


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