'if this was funny, I'd be whistling the Great Escape theme'

Apr 14, 2010 11:52

'And don't you think 'bout running, brat' the most memorable thing about it all had been his disgusting breath. She hated when they were so tall they could lift her off the damn ground. The assholes could've just cuffed her. Instead they nearly ruined her favourite jacket, just to prove a point ( Read more... )

✝ julian 'scion' keller, [content] arrival, chris 'bolt' bradley, ✝ david 'agent zero' north, ✝ jubilation 'jubilee' lee, ✝ nicky creed

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hellion_king April 14 2010, 13:38:18 UTC
[ooc: big entrance is.... big.]

X-13 was the type to memorize their new barracks upon arrival. It just made sense to him. In case of attack or some real emergency you would be at a horrible disadvantage to be trapped in side your own local because you had been too lazy to know where everything was therefore you were trapped.

Its common sense.

So Scion had spent his first few hours (after putting his things in his room and checking in with proper authorities of course) making his way through the camp. Examining every bare inch of the place and committing it to memory. The man also enjoyed things like this, exploring on his own. It gave him time to ... think. Was that the word? Sure , why not. Scion could think. About what he wasn't really sure. His thoughts drifted from current orders to proper team mates to things that Martini had told the weapon about his past. Had the scientists at weapon X known that Scion was thinking so much lately, they would more than likely find a way to beat it out of him.

But they weren't here. It was just Scion in his new team with the freedom to think for his own.

it was an odd feeling, but he was sure he enjoyed it.

The weapon had now made his way down to the brig, his large hand closing around the door knob as he twisted it open and made his way in. It was a standard brig, long hall way lined with cells for the prisoners. However this... was something new. Scion stopped short of the cell that had a girl in it. An asian girl, one he had never seen before on the team. The man tilted his head slightly, looking down at the woman curiously.

Yeah. She was definitely new.


bubblegumfizz April 14 2010, 14:22:06 UTC
The door opening made her tense up, half wondering if this was the 'boss' she was waiting for and half wondering if they were going to feed her. When the guy just stood there, Jubilation's eyes narrowed. So not in charge, so not the boss, and he didn't have food with him.


"What, ain't ya ever seen a girl before?" Her accent was distinctly American, she wouldn't get mistaken for a local. The Japanese girls in the city didn't even mistake her for one of them. They could tell she was Chinese in ancestry.

She pushed herself to her feet, she didn't like the way he had to look down to meet her eyes. Her back went rigid and she stood at her full height, eyes narrowed at the brunette male. "You understanding a word I'm sayin' here buddy?"


hellion_king April 14 2010, 14:28:26 UTC
... She was american. She must have been a mutant if she was dragged to weapon X. Just what was an american mutant doing in japan in the first place? Scion remained silent when she interrogated him the man curious to her actions.

Soon enough she was on her feet walking over to the cell bars to meet him, eye to eye. He was taller then her, but there was still a spirit to her that said she could handle herself on her own. Was she always this defensive? Then again, its hard not to be when you in a situation such as hers.

"...I understand you."

He replied softly as he shifted his weight, turning to face the cell bars completely as his shoulders squared, his back a little straighter.


bubblegumfizz April 14 2010, 14:39:43 UTC
Maybe he was just brain frozen or something. One of them genius types that really lacked any kind of social ability. Or he was just stupid. Jubilee rolled her eyes. Just what she needed.

"Well, if you can understand, wanna do a girl a favour," she held her hands up, both still encased in the stupid cuffs that covered her hands. It was like a pill had been made out of metal and cut in half, then fastened to her hands, "I've got an itch on my nose, need my fingers."

If she could get her hands free, it'd be half the battle. Blowing up the cell was a no, God only knew if the place would fall down around her. But maybe she could pick the lock later. "Any chance you can get this off?" She watched him expectantly.


hellion_king April 14 2010, 14:49:48 UTC
People always assumed that about Scion. That he was too stupid to think on his own, to understand. He was just muscle. That wasn't the case. Scion followed orders because it was what he was raised to do, but the telekinetic telepath was smart. He used that on the field. He was just a man of very little (if at all any) words. He didn't talk too much because he could hear what everyone else was thinking. His own opinions didnt matter. It was all about listening.

Blue eyes fell upon the cuffs as Jubilee held them up. He then lifted his eyes to her again before setting straight.

"No." He replied solemnly. The man lifted his hand pointing to the cuff. "If they placed you in those types of restraints I must assume that you have a possibility of your mutation being affective with hand motions. They restrained you in that was for a just reason, therefore you must remain under such lock down."

Scion didn't enjoy following orders to every tooth and nail. It reminded him of the time that Martini got locked away and Scion simply... left him there.

Because he was ordered to.


bubblegumfizz April 14 2010, 14:58:27 UTC
"Dude, what the hell?" Her hands fell to her waist, it was damn awkward and she'd already tried every method she could to get out of them without her hands. It didn't work.

Every word sounded a if he'd just read it out of a book, she had to wonder if this was some kind of brain washing place and they were just waiting to get her in there too. Well, nu-huh. No way. She wasn't going to go through that.

"Listen, I don't wanna be here, and I ain't sticking around. You gotta just unlock the damn thing and I'll be gone. C'mon, I won't tell no one it was you. I don't even know yer name, right?"

If she was still in Japan, which she counted on since there was no long boat journey or plane trip and she'd been conscious the whole time, Jubilee could still count on Shaw's contacts to get her out of there. If brain-boy would just cut her some damn slack.


hellion_king April 14 2010, 15:05:43 UTC
"No one wishes to be here."

Scion replied to her, his lips turning down in to a frown as he watched the woman.

"However you have been brought in for reason. I am certain General Stryker has specific reasons for bringing you in. I believe you will find that most of the team members do not wish to be on his 'bad side'."

It sucked, the fact that Jubilee was here and she obviously didn't want to be. Scion could sympathize. Not a lot of people were born for this type of life. Not many could handle it. So thats why when he frowned there was a genuine look of regret in his eyes.

"...I'm sorry."


bubblegumfizz April 14 2010, 15:12:41 UTC
Staring at him, since at least none of that seemed like brain-child behaviour, she sighed and let her shoulders slump.

Turning her back on him, since she didn't feel any real threat coming from him, Jubilee wandered to the back of her cell, sliding down the wall to sit on the floor again with her cuffed hands in her lap.

She was really hating these three walls.

"Yeah, well, sorry doesn't get my ass back outta here." And she wasn't so sure about this 'Stryker' guy at all. And now her nose really did itch. All this because of a stupid piece of sparkly rock? Whatever this thing that Shaw so badly wanted, it better be worth her little imprisonment.

"Okay, so, you can't let me out. Can you at least tell me what the hell is goin' on around here?" She didn't want to suddenly find out she'd been recruited into the mutant version of the Devils rejects.


hellion_king April 15 2010, 09:07:42 UTC
Brain-Child. That sounded just about right. Had Jubilee known she should have been busting with pride that Scion actually apologized to her. It was difficult and just not his style, which explained why he looked so uncomfortable doing it. However soon enough he was slowly untensing, his eyes lifting to watch her curiously.

"...You are in the Team X facility." The man replied, standing there rigid and formal as he spoke. "We hare a government sponsored team of meta-humans who accomplish work that is assigned to us do to the specific natures of the crime. Mostly everyone here is in fact a mutant. So you shall be with your own kind."

Yup, Scion spoke to Jubilee as if she had already agreed because he knew Stryker and that man always got what he wanted.


bubblegumfizz April 15 2010, 21:03:31 UTC
Oh yeah, Shaw wasn't going to stand for this. You didn't get out of the Hellfire Club just because some Government facility decided you were hot stuff and wanted you. And she wasn't interested in dropping her pay scale that much, now way, no thanks.

"Well, I was fine before, still with my own damn kind." Although she didn't look at it that way. She'd never looked at it that way. If she could, Jubilee would've huffed and crossed her arms over her chest, regardless of how petulant it made her look.

"I never did anything, I was just in the damn hotel and they busted in. What the hell is with that?"


I thought i tagged this, sorry :X hellion_king April 22 2010, 15:31:55 UTC
"They wanted you."

Scion said simply, slightly shrugging his shoulders as he watched her still. The man crouched down by the bars, his eyes watching her curiously before he reached back in to his belt pouch and flicked it open. His hand went inside and he pulled out a small health bar, still wrapped. The weapon unwrapped the top of it, pushing down covering so there was a clear way to get to the bar before he pushed his arm through the bar and held it out for the woman. Sure her arms may have been bound but this was the least Scion could do for a woman in a desperate situation.

"You are valuable so the military acquired you."


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