'if this was funny, I'd be whistling the Great Escape theme'

Apr 14, 2010 11:52

'And don't you think 'bout running, brat' the most memorable thing about it all had been his disgusting breath. She hated when they were so tall they could lift her off the damn ground. The assholes could've just cuffed her. Instead they nearly ruined her favourite jacket, just to prove a point ( Read more... )

✝ julian 'scion' keller, [content] arrival, chris 'bolt' bradley, ✝ david 'agent zero' north, ✝ jubilation 'jubilee' lee, ✝ nicky creed

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lightbulbtrix April 15 2010, 06:11:07 UTC
Bradley was currently cursing his bad luck. He had gotten completely turned around trying to find his way around the new base, and had somehow ended up in a long corridor Lights flickered on and off as he made his way down the hallway in rhythm to his irritation. And hello, what was this?

One cell was already occupied. Chris wondered which one of his teammates had already gotten themselves in hot water, but he didn't recognize the girl in front on him. He definitely would have remembered her from the ridiculously long plane ride. That left only one other option. Keeping his voice pleasant, he asked, "So what'd you do to piss off the local recruiters?"


bubblegumfizz April 15 2010, 21:07:16 UTC
She'd gotten bored again, was picking her teeth with her tongue, having a right old ball of it on her own.

The whole thing was far past old now and she was looking to find a way to get herself out of this damn cage. But why people strolled in aimlessly, she had no clue. "I told them I voted Republican, they weren't too happy about that."

She raised her eyebrow, wondering what he did here, before shrugging slightly. "You joining the chain gang?"


lightbulbtrix April 16 2010, 08:09:33 UTC
Chris smiled at the witty retort. It was clear that she was a new recruit, and judging by the cuffs and bruises, had apparently had been 'persuaded' to join with some force.

He leaned up against the bars. "Already pressed into it, sweetheart. Let me guess, Stryker made you an offer you just couldn't refuse."


bubblegumfizz April 16 2010, 20:44:13 UTC
"No one's offered me anything," she grumbled, a touch of her own childish nature seeping though, "not even a pot to piss in."

True enough, she'd been roughed up, probably a precaution they'd been told to take because of her powers. Naturally, she wasn't even sure who 'they' were. But she was beginning to hear a lot about this Stryker guy.

"You been in my shoes already?"


lightbulbtrix April 16 2010, 21:36:12 UTC
"'Fraid I can't offer you that either." The girl had some bite to her. He wasn't quite sure if that was a good thing or not. "Just my name. I'm Chris Bradley. Welcome to Team X." The last bit was said sarcastically.

Chris nodded, thinking back to his own recruitment process. "Yes. In my case, it was join or rot in a prison cell. Uncle Sam apparently gets touchy when you steal his money." Sometimes, Bradley wondered if he hadn't made the wrong choice. Still, it hadn't been all bad. "I suggest saying yes when they offer you the choice between a rock and a hard place."


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