lazy man-child is lazy (OTA)

Nov 15, 2009 11:48

It was mid-afternoon and he'd missed lunch. And breakfast. That was fine. He was used to doing things himself anyway so, now, Jamie was at the stove, keeping his eyes on what he hoped would end up a grilled turkey and cheese sandwich and a pot of chicken soup. He had a bad habit of becoming mildly distracted and things burned just slightly. It was ( Read more... )

✝ kurt 'nightcrawler' wagner, elisabeth 'psylocke' braddock, ✝ jamie 'multiple man' madrox, ✝ edie daine/tammy daine, st john 'pyro' allerdyce

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Comments 62

fuzzylittleprob November 15 2009, 20:03:38 UTC
Kurt stumbled through the hallways with his eyes half-open. He was sure that it was probably too late to be just getting out of bed but his internal clock was not synched up with Russia and so his boots were untied, his camo shirt untucked... really it was lucky his fly was up and his image-inducer on. Dirty blonde hair stuck up at impossible-looking angles.

It smelled like food. Like slightly burnt cheese. It called Kurt like a bright shiny beacon.

Following the smell through a few rooms, Kurt made the last turn into the kitchen with his nose up and sniffing and eyes nearly shut and ran straight into the far edge of the prep counter.

At least, anyone else would have. Kurt merely disappeared with a quiet bamf noise and as pink smoke crawled over the counter in his wake, he himself reappeared sitting next to Jamie and rubbing his eye with a fist. "Guten morgen," he yawned.


uptonogod November 15 2009, 20:11:13 UTC
Jamie watched as Kurt enter, a mildly wary look on his face. So far, he'd either really gotten along well with people or he seriously didn't much care for them. He was only picking at his sandwich, not as hungry as he thought he was. His internal clock was still a bit screwy, as well.

Kurt vanished and before Jamie had time to react, Kurt reappeared sitting right beside him. Jamie startled and a second him appeared. Both Jamie's watched Kurt with surprise.

"Hello," the still seated Jamie said. The second one chimed in with "That was cool."

Pointing at his food, Jamie asked "You hungry?"


fuzzylittleprob November 15 2009, 20:16:27 UTC
The second man appearing out of nowhere got the attention of blue-grey eyes and Kurt's hand hovered in front of his face for a moment as he blinked at the twins who had... not been twins a moment before.

"That is cool," he finally said in a thick German accent, breaking into a wide smile and pointing at the second young man--and then the first. "Überraschen." It took a moment for him to refocus.

"Aren't you hungry?" Kurt finally asked, looking from one man to the other. "If you're eating for two," he added slyly.


uptonogod November 15 2009, 20:23:41 UTC
Jamie noted the accent, smiling a bit more. Very cool. He tilted his head slightly, studying his duplicate a moment before shrugging, the eating for two comment making him laugh. Good! Finally! Someone with a sense of humor in this establishment.

"It's a fully stocked kitchen. If we get hungry again later, we can always come back." The duplicate vanished, a faint ffffft sound as he was reabsorbed. "I'm Jamie."


proper_twinkie November 15 2009, 21:48:58 UTC
"You know that could be a very handy ability you have there. Too bad it can't cook for shit." Betsy muttered from the doorway. The smell drew her to the kitchen but she stopped to watch for a few minutes before letting her presence be known.

Rather than go over to the table, she head for the kitchen and started searching the refrigerator.


uptonogod November 15 2009, 22:23:22 UTC
"It was useful back in Kansas," Jamie replied, taking a bite of his sandwich before looking up at the girl. "So far, it's been pretty useless here."

This didn't sit well with Jamie, as was apparent by the faint frown on his face. "The turkey in there is from yesterday. The roast beef is from..a couple days before? And I think there's leftover spaghetti in there, too."


proper_twinkie November 15 2009, 22:35:06 UTC
"I don't eat leftovers if I can help it. Food never tastes as good reheated." Of course, that left her options limited since most things were bought in bulk specifically to feed an army, not just one person. So she took the eggs, a loaf of bread, butter, and a frying pan and moved over to the stove.

"I would think you would be well suited for reconnaissance." She offered as she set to work buttering the pan as it heated up. "You're not actually going to eat that, are you?"


uptonogod November 15 2009, 22:40:35 UTC
"i'm good for whatever," Jamie said, sounding just a little smug. It wasn't an entirely honest statement but Jamie was a fast learner. He looked at his sandwich for a moment, large brown eyes returning to the woman as one eyebrow raised slightly.

"Yeah, actually." A pause. "Maybe. Why?"


blazing_touch November 16 2009, 03:30:45 UTC
*Edie wandered into the mess hall, searching out an apple or two and to make herself a hot chocolate. As the water boiled, Edie turned and spotted Jamie. Leaning against the counter she took a bite of her apple. Once she swallowed, she spoke.*



uptonogod November 16 2009, 03:48:36 UTC
Jamie's eyes flickered up once at the person that was speaking. Long enough for him to recognize her as the weird girl from his first day here. Great. The chick that talked to herself.

Jamie stood and picked up his empty plate and bowl, having eaten while discussing entertaining ideas with Kurt. When he got to the sink, he frowned. There were several other dishes in there, none of them his. Jamie set about washing them.

"Good afternoon."


blazing_touch November 16 2009, 03:52:55 UTC
*Edie moved to make her drink. As she reached for a mug, she turned to Jamie.*

Want a hot drink?


uptonogod November 16 2009, 03:58:12 UTC
"Not really, no," Jamie replied as he continued washing dishes, setting them on a towel to dry. This wasn't getting done fast enough for him and he was running out of room on the towel so, one moment later, there were three of him. One was drying, one was putting dishes away and the original Jamie was still washing.

"Thanks for offering."


codenamepyro November 16 2009, 17:00:06 UTC
St John had eventually ventured back inside from the garage where he'd taken to pretty much vegetating all the time. No one bothered him there, and it was quiet enough to just think. He'd decided to start writing again.

But his shoulder was twinging from the cold, and he'd gone inside to see about getting something to heat it up. Rather than just set fire to his shoulder he'd grabbed a heat pack and started heading towards his room.

Staying there wasn't so bad any more. Most traces of Evan had been removed save from the few shirts Pyro had kept -Evan kept some of his anyway. But with Madrox around, St John wasn't left to his own devices much.


uptonogod November 16 2009, 17:04:18 UTC
Jamie had returned to the kitchen long enough to grab a couple more cans of decaf and a bag of potato chips before heading back down the hall to his room.

Er...correction. His and John's room. He hadn't much spoken to the young firestarter. Just the typical getting to know you conversations. They usually didn't much interest Jamie. He was used to being his own best friend/worst enemy/whatever he needed at the time.

Now, there were other people and it was a bit strange.

Stepping into the room, he spotted Pyro and held out one of the cans of decaf, one eyebrow raising slightly.


codenamepyro November 16 2009, 17:13:37 UTC
The fact that Jamie bothered to remember or had noticed that John didn't drink anything but decaf had surprised the firestarter at first, but now it was just a thing he was used to. Jamie seemed to prefer them too.

So John took it with his good arm, nodding a silent thanks and sitting back on his cot. Leaning against the wall took the weight off his back and shoulder and it kept the heat pack on the right spot.

He'd been told they'd take the brace off at the end of the week. And then he'd need to get used to using his arm again, slowly to build up strength. Fuck if he didn't hate being shot.



uptonogod November 16 2009, 17:19:22 UTC
Jamie had, by this point, flopped backwards onto his own lovely bed. One arm draped over his eyes and his other hand held the soda steady on his stomach. John's one word question got a brief smirk from Jamie.

"Bored." Very bored. "And I had another enlightening conversation with Edie." He wasn't sure if he should tell John about the prank just yet. He was sure the fire-starter would be most helpful, however. It was just a matter of talking to Kurt first.


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