lazy man-child is lazy (OTA)

Nov 15, 2009 11:48

It was mid-afternoon and he'd missed lunch. And breakfast. That was fine. He was used to doing things himself anyway so, now, Jamie was at the stove, keeping his eyes on what he hoped would end up a grilled turkey and cheese sandwich and a pot of chicken soup. He had a bad habit of becoming mildly distracted and things burned just slightly. It was ( Read more... )

✝ kurt 'nightcrawler' wagner, elisabeth 'psylocke' braddock, ✝ jamie 'multiple man' madrox, ✝ edie daine/tammy daine, st john 'pyro' allerdyce

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fuzzylittleprob November 15 2009, 20:03:38 UTC
Kurt stumbled through the hallways with his eyes half-open. He was sure that it was probably too late to be just getting out of bed but his internal clock was not synched up with Russia and so his boots were untied, his camo shirt untucked... really it was lucky his fly was up and his image-inducer on. Dirty blonde hair stuck up at impossible-looking angles.

It smelled like food. Like slightly burnt cheese. It called Kurt like a bright shiny beacon.

Following the smell through a few rooms, Kurt made the last turn into the kitchen with his nose up and sniffing and eyes nearly shut and ran straight into the far edge of the prep counter.

At least, anyone else would have. Kurt merely disappeared with a quiet bamf noise and as pink smoke crawled over the counter in his wake, he himself reappeared sitting next to Jamie and rubbing his eye with a fist. "Guten morgen," he yawned.


uptonogod November 15 2009, 20:11:13 UTC
Jamie watched as Kurt enter, a mildly wary look on his face. So far, he'd either really gotten along well with people or he seriously didn't much care for them. He was only picking at his sandwich, not as hungry as he thought he was. His internal clock was still a bit screwy, as well.

Kurt vanished and before Jamie had time to react, Kurt reappeared sitting right beside him. Jamie startled and a second him appeared. Both Jamie's watched Kurt with surprise.

"Hello," the still seated Jamie said. The second one chimed in with "That was cool."

Pointing at his food, Jamie asked "You hungry?"


fuzzylittleprob November 15 2009, 20:16:27 UTC
The second man appearing out of nowhere got the attention of blue-grey eyes and Kurt's hand hovered in front of his face for a moment as he blinked at the twins who had... not been twins a moment before.

"That is cool," he finally said in a thick German accent, breaking into a wide smile and pointing at the second young man--and then the first. "Überraschen." It took a moment for him to refocus.

"Aren't you hungry?" Kurt finally asked, looking from one man to the other. "If you're eating for two," he added slyly.


uptonogod November 15 2009, 20:23:41 UTC
Jamie noted the accent, smiling a bit more. Very cool. He tilted his head slightly, studying his duplicate a moment before shrugging, the eating for two comment making him laugh. Good! Finally! Someone with a sense of humor in this establishment.

"It's a fully stocked kitchen. If we get hungry again later, we can always come back." The duplicate vanished, a faint ffffft sound as he was reabsorbed. "I'm Jamie."


fuzzylittleprob November 15 2009, 20:29:37 UTC
No smoke, no linger smell of sulfur--nice. Kurt flashed another toothy smile and reached over to clasp Jamie's hand, given it a good firm shake. "Kurt." He was confident enough about the image inducer now, thanks to Heather, and it wasn't as if the palms of his hands were hairy like the rest of him. Besides, people tended to believe what they saw based on the easily explanation; it was a lesson that Kurt had learned long ago.

There wasn't any hesitation in taking the food and Kurt bit into the sandwhich with obvious relish. "'iz gud," he said around a mouthful and a smile. Between the food and the accent it was probably nearly impossible to understand him. "Cheese iz burn'dt. Mmm."


uptonogod November 15 2009, 20:37:46 UTC
"Nice to meet ya," Jamie said, returning the handshake with a grin. So far so good. Jamie wasn't that good with interacting with others but Kurt seemed pleasant. This worked for him.

"Did you just arrive?" Jamie asked. "I've only been here a week but I don't remember seeing you."


fuzzylittleprob November 15 2009, 20:44:19 UTC
"Fresh off the Jeep yesterday," Kurt said with a nod after he swallowed his probably too-large mouthful. The second bite was smaller and better chewed. Raising an eyebrow, Kurt pushed the plate back toward Jamie and inch or so. "So what is there to do around here? And sure you don't want the other half?"

Not that a week was a long time but it was, comparatively, about 90% more time than Kurt had spent on base. Besides, he got a laid-back vibe from Jamie that he liked.


uptonogod November 15 2009, 22:21:05 UTC
Jamie was as laid back as a person got. Nothing much bothered him, honestly. It was all due to working on the farm by himself. He couldn't let things bother him. Otherwise, everything fell apart and that was quite honestly the last thing he needed.

"You know what? I think the other half of that sandwich might be wise." Jamie just shrugged when Kurt asked what their was to do around here.

"Honestly? Other than the exercise room and the rec room? I have no clue. So far my activities consisted of avoiding a big guy with claws and no sense of hygiene.


fuzzylittleprob November 15 2009, 22:34:56 UTC
Kurt chewed thoughtfully. A big guy with claws? And--

A nose wrinkled and mid-munch Kurt leaned in towards Jamie and took a big whiff. "Oh," he said with a smile. "You meant your friend has no hygiene." Sitting back he sucked some grease and crumbs from his thumb. "What did you do to him? Perhaps a basket of soaps might be a good peace offering." One corner of his mouth was quirking.


uptonogod November 15 2009, 22:39:08 UTC
"Yeah. My 'friend' seems to have a thorough dislike of soap and water," Jamie said. He chuckled when Kurt sniffed him, closing his eyes and shaking his head a moment. He reopened his eyes, toying with his half of the sandwich before shrugging a shoulder.

"I was apparently in his way as he tried to stalk down the hall. I probably made him miss a mouse or something. Terrible, huh?" Because it was just so obvious Jamie cared about the misfortunes of the smelly cat-man.


fuzzylittleprob November 15 2009, 22:45:35 UTC
"You know that poor hygiene can be bad for team morale," Kurt said with an absolutely straight face. He stuffed the last bite of his half of the sandwich into his mouth and looked at Jamie. "If he doesn't care about his teammates perhaps someone should, ja?"

Oh, it was absolutely a terrible idea. A day and a half here and Kurt was already thinking about pulling a joke on someone--someone who it was probably safe to say, based on limited information, didn't have a lick of a sense of humor. But there was something about Jamie that made Kurt feel safe suggesting it... if underhandedly. It could always be glossed over and forgotten.


uptonogod November 15 2009, 22:53:47 UTC
Jamie stopped mid bight, turning to look at Kurt. The man had his full attention now. He held still a moment, a slow smirk appearing on his face. Already, his mind was working out the details.

"It'd be good for morale. We'd be doing everyone a favor." As he spoke, he began to wonder how many duplicates they'd actually need for something like this.


fuzzylittleprob November 15 2009, 23:05:38 UTC
From the outside it probably looked amazing--or terrifying--how Kurt's lips stretched to mirror the look on Jamie's face. "I feel like maybe I should meet the kitty first," he said after clearing his throat and putting on an acceptably grave expression. He nodded twice and then...

"Or," Kurt muttered, face breaking a little, "that perhaps I should be behaving. We are in a military facility." He looked at Jamie, raising his eyebrows as if to say, right? Clearly looking to be contradicted.


uptonogod November 15 2009, 23:12:49 UTC
"Misbehaving is how I got stuck here in the first place," Jamie said, his smirk growing just a little more. "I think they're expecting me to act up occasionally." He took a bite of his sandwich, chewing and swallowing before speaking again.

"Really, it'd just be awful of me to not meet their expectations."


fuzzylittleprob November 15 2009, 23:21:40 UTC
There was a silent moment in which Kurt thought about that, leaning his head back to contemplate the ceiling. He was here because he really didn't have anywhere else to go--surely even the military had to expect their soliders to blow off some steam somehow. And so long as no one got hurt it was fine, wasn't it? Everyone loved a good prank.

Kurt looked sidelong at Jamie. Jamie seemed to love a good prank.

A hand was extended once more toward the other young man. "It would be heartbreaking," he murmured with a shifty grin. "I don't think that we should let that happen."


uptonogod November 15 2009, 23:41:30 UTC
Jamie liked this guy. He seemed to think the same way Jamie did. The trouble they could get into if they were around each other for too long. The possibilities were endless. The only other person he'd planned things like this with had just been other hims so this was new and exciting.

Jamie took the offered hand, grinning and nodding. "Exactly. I may be a jerk but I just can't go against someone's expectations. It's just not right. Plus I think this is the start of a fantastic friendship.


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