Interrupt my lunch! (open to noobs)

Oct 19, 2009 04:08

((OOC - open for all the new characters in case you haven't yet met the big guy or haven't talked to him much at all. That includes Rhane ^__^ ))

Creed was currently outside doing his thing. Probably making snow-assholes. Fred chuckled a little at the joke, but in all seriousness, Victor Creed was likely out hunting, and that meant that Dukes would ( Read more... )

✝ fred 'blob' dukes, ✝ katherine 'fade' pryde, ✝ jessica 'siren' davies, ✝ rahne 'wolfsbane' sinclair, ✝ elizabeth 'el' gamble, atticus bergenson

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Comments 47

silverhypnosis October 19 2009, 08:51:37 UTC
*Elizabeth had wandered around, mostly out of boredom. She hated the cold. A large part of her missed LA, missed the heat, missed the beaches. She entered the Rec. room intending to see if there was anything remotely interesting on television, even if she couldn't understand it.

She spotted the man on the couch, and a pang of guilt shot through her when she started at his size. She refused to let that be an issue however and moved forward to introduce herself.*



un_move_able October 20 2009, 02:32:29 UTC
*Fred looked up and saw that his gorging now had an audience. He instinctively tried to say hi back but food fell out of his mouth. Brilliant.

Desperately he chewed up what was in his mouth, and swallowed.*

Howdy. You usin' this room?


silverhypnosis October 20 2009, 08:56:32 UTC
No, just wandering.

*She smiled at him.*

I'm El.


un_move_able October 20 2009, 20:02:11 UTC
Fred Dukes.

*He looked her over, warily. He had seen her around but had never talked to her before now.*

Yer one of the new kids I reckon?


wolfsbane_rahne October 19 2009, 09:14:15 UTC
Rahne was very bored. She couldn't let the wolf out to play for fear of being shot or attacked by accident and she was getting a bit pacy and a little hyper. She rounded the corner and slipped into the rec room, seeing Fred there. Slowly she crept up behind him until her head was brought to where his shoulder was, nearly putting her head on his massive shoulder as he sat there on the couch.

"Whatcha' eatin'?"

She whispered before giving an audible sniff, not meaning to give him too much of a start, but she couldn't help it. It's not like there were that many here that she could sneak up on that wouldn't hear her coming anyway.


un_move_able October 20 2009, 02:36:45 UTC
The voice at Fred's ear was unexpected. He had not even heard anyone enter the room. Startled, he jolted in his seat with a yelp. Either he had been too consumed with his... consuming, or the visitor was very good at sneaking around people.

Turning as far as his huge size would allow, he recognized Rahne and calmed a bit, although still slightly annoyed.

"If you weren't a lady I'da kicked yer ass," he grumbled, trying to sound mad, though he was more embarrassed than anything.


wolfsbane_rahne October 20 2009, 03:45:31 UTC
Rahne couldn't help but crack into laughter at Fred's reaction and what he'd said. It was so worth it. Rahne made her way around to sit next to him on the couch.

"Aww, sorry Fred," she chuckled, "...just remember you can startle anyone but to actually *scare* them is a whole 'nother matter."

She hoped the words would help him get over it. She put her hand on his shoulder reassuringly.


un_move_able October 20 2009, 21:24:15 UTC
This girl was awfully comfortable around Dukes. He cleared his throat and went back to eating, trying not to look bothered.

"Yer awful friendly for just meetin' me as of recent," he said, eyebrow raised.


intangibleuse October 20 2009, 02:49:35 UTC
Katherine didn't want to be social, but she figured that if she got out more, maybe she'd get used to it. She turned the corner, wishing she could just phase right through the wall into the rec room, but honestly she hadn't been in the room enough to know if she'd be short circuiting out anything by doing so.

So, it seemed that the normal way of travel would be wise. She walked into the room, intent on checking the news, and she glanced around, seemingly nonplussed by the very large man currently devouring a couple of hefty sandwiches.

"Mind if I use the television?"


un_move_able October 20 2009, 21:20:34 UTC
Perhaps Dukes should have just eaten lunch in his room. Damn.

"Uhhh..." he stared at the girl for a moment. "Don't rightly know if you'll get much from it. But you can try."

He continued to stare. He had not met this one yet, did not even know what her ability was, or even so much as her name.


intangibleuse October 20 2009, 21:36:39 UTC
Kat waited, a patient look on her face, though a hint of sarcasm waited there. She smirked at his answer and nodded. "I speak Russian if that's what you mean. If not...well then, I won't be surprised if it's a piece of crap."

She flicked on the television and narrowed her eyes, scowling for a moment as she flicked through the channels. Glancing over, she shrugged a shoulder at his staring.



un_move_able October 20 2009, 21:57:37 UTC

".... oh. I see. Fred."

He finished one sandwich and started on another.

"What I meant was, he got Bradley workin' on the connection. I didn' know if he'd get anythin' but tv snow on it. I hope not, it'd give people somethin' to do 'sides fightin' each other."


cantseethis October 20 2009, 03:00:15 UTC
Atticus was in the rec room playing his guitar calmly to himself. He'd had a nice night's sleep for once, thanks to Hope, and he was feeling well. He looked up and smiled when he saw Fred.

"Afternoon Fred, how are you doing?"


un_move_able October 20 2009, 20:10:39 UTC
"Hungry. That's how I'm doin'."

He regarded the older man, smiled briefly, and picked up one of the large sandwiches, taking a huge bite out of it. He asked Atticus a question, but it was obstructed by a mouthful of food.


cantseethis October 20 2009, 20:13:53 UTC
Atticus chuckled both at the question and Fred's attempt to ask him one. He stopped playing his guitar and let it rest in his lap.

"I'm sorry, what was that?"


un_move_able October 20 2009, 21:10:51 UTC
Fred swallowed, his food not completely chewed. It sat in his stomach like a lump and he grimaced.

"Apologies. You handlin' the move alright?"


cover_your_ears October 20 2009, 03:47:41 UTC
Jessie was bored out of her mind. She wandered into the rec room in hopes of finding someone to talk to. Someone was playing guitar.

And the fella sitting on the couch was humongous. She walked in just in time to see him stuffing a bit of sandwich in his mouth and recognized him from the group that had been watching the fight between Victor and Logan the other day.



un_move_able October 20 2009, 21:14:43 UTC
Fred rolled his eyes. Victor was gone, but it seemed he still would not get his peace and quiet. He held up a hand until he was finished chewing and swallowed.

"Hey." Mustard and mayonnaise was smeared on his mouth.

"Damn, I ain't never seen a team with so many ladies in it."


cover_your_ears October 21 2009, 03:05:34 UTC
"I'm Jessie," she chuckled. "I still haven't met all the others yet. And you are?"


un_move_able October 21 2009, 16:59:10 UTC
"Gettin' tired of sayin' my name," Fred replied, meaning to be joking.

"Fred. Nice to meet ya. I'd shake hands, but..." he held them up. "Got mustard on 'em."


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