Interrupt my lunch! (open to noobs)

Oct 19, 2009 04:08

((OOC - open for all the new characters in case you haven't yet met the big guy or haven't talked to him much at all. That includes Rhane ^__^ ))

Creed was currently outside doing his thing. Probably making snow-assholes. Fred chuckled a little at the joke, but in all seriousness, Victor Creed was likely out hunting, and that meant that Dukes would ( Read more... )

✝ fred 'blob' dukes, ✝ katherine 'fade' pryde, ✝ jessica 'siren' davies, ✝ rahne 'wolfsbane' sinclair, ✝ elizabeth 'el' gamble, atticus bergenson

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intangibleuse October 20 2009, 02:49:35 UTC
Katherine didn't want to be social, but she figured that if she got out more, maybe she'd get used to it. She turned the corner, wishing she could just phase right through the wall into the rec room, but honestly she hadn't been in the room enough to know if she'd be short circuiting out anything by doing so.

So, it seemed that the normal way of travel would be wise. She walked into the room, intent on checking the news, and she glanced around, seemingly nonplussed by the very large man currently devouring a couple of hefty sandwiches.

"Mind if I use the television?"


un_move_able October 20 2009, 21:20:34 UTC
Perhaps Dukes should have just eaten lunch in his room. Damn.

"Uhhh..." he stared at the girl for a moment. "Don't rightly know if you'll get much from it. But you can try."

He continued to stare. He had not met this one yet, did not even know what her ability was, or even so much as her name.


intangibleuse October 20 2009, 21:36:39 UTC
Kat waited, a patient look on her face, though a hint of sarcasm waited there. She smirked at his answer and nodded. "I speak Russian if that's what you mean. If not...well then, I won't be surprised if it's a piece of crap."

She flicked on the television and narrowed her eyes, scowling for a moment as she flicked through the channels. Glancing over, she shrugged a shoulder at his staring.



un_move_able October 20 2009, 21:57:37 UTC

".... oh. I see. Fred."

He finished one sandwich and started on another.

"What I meant was, he got Bradley workin' on the connection. I didn' know if he'd get anythin' but tv snow on it. I hope not, it'd give people somethin' to do 'sides fightin' each other."


intangibleuse October 20 2009, 22:00:57 UTC
She smirked a little, giving up on the television with a flick of the remote.

"Damn. Be nice to know what was happening in the world besides snow." She walked over and curled up on a chair, folding her legs up as she contemplated giving the television a look over. It wasn't a computer, but she was a fair hand at electronics. If it was the connection, though, it was unlikely she'd be able to help there.

"You'd think that something would work around here."


un_move_able October 20 2009, 22:14:30 UTC
"Oh hell no," Fred chuckled. "Nothin' works. Just like in the army, everythin' is all to shit."

He stuffed another bite of sandwich into his mouth.

"So... what do you do?"


intangibleuse October 20 2009, 22:18:26 UTC
She's not familiar with the Army, but hey...this is technically the Army in some strange roundabout fashion. "Mm. Don't they realize we'd be a lot more effective if we had the right equipment?"

Her eyebrow raised and she gave him a look, smirking. "Well. I'm a computer specialist...among other things. Or were you talking about why I'm a participant in this so-called freak show?"


un_move_able October 20 2009, 22:55:08 UTC
"I meant... the last one."

I he wanted to say the ladder not the former, but that didn't quite sound right. ((ooc - poor simple fred lol))

"Like what can you do? I... well it's weird to explain. I don't move. I could stop a truck. Or lately even bullets. I just stay put and don't move."


intangibleuse October 20 2009, 23:51:12 UTC
Kat had a feeling that's what he meant and she really wondered how much of her power to divulge, but if Stryker hadn't wanted certain things known, he would have told her not to mention them, right?

"Ah, so you're the mythical immovable object. Wonder where the unstoppable force is?" she chuckled and then pursed her lips. "I can move through anything. Walls, people. Just...phase right through them."


un_move_able October 21 2009, 16:57:05 UTC
Fred glanced at her, wiping his mouth with the back of his arm. He liked to be on his best behavior around the ladies, but his upbringing did not leave much to his expertise on proper etiquette.

"Whoa, that's pretty damn cool! Bet yer real handy when it comes to sneakin' into places."


intangibleuse October 21 2009, 17:47:54 UTC
His behavior didn't seem to bother Kat any as she smirked and glanced down at the remote.

"Thanks. The bosses seem to think so. I can also fight pretty well, but...when you've been with the military that long, it's just one of those things you learn." Another shoulder shrug.


un_move_able October 21 2009, 19:36:01 UTC
"Oh yeah, I hear that." Fred grabbed his drink and guzzled it down.

"Army's where Stryker found me. Said he could use someone with my..." he searched for the right word, "capabilities, that's it."

He belched loudly.


intangibleuse October 21 2009, 19:51:36 UTC
"That sounds familiar." She wrinkled her nose and chuckled a little at the belch. "So I'm sure you're used to the whole 'be all you can be' speech by now, huh?"


un_move_able October 21 2009, 21:00:57 UTC
Fred sneered at the words.

"Yeah, screw all that horsehockey," he said, finishing off his drink. He would need another by the time he was finished with his sandwiches.

"I'm in all this because it's the only thing I'm good at. Everyone else here is a mutant, so I didn' feel too bad comin' into the team as a mutant."


intangibleuse October 21 2009, 21:10:24 UTC
"It's important. Being good at something. Gives life a purpose." She smirked, nodding as she looked down at the remote again. "I like being good at things. Makes the days a bit more fun."


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