Lurgy was apparently more serious than just lurgy :-(

Mar 21, 2011 12:28

 So apparently the lurgy that I thought I had all weekend long was actually a mild case of pneumonia.  AND, since I'm diabetic and had been running a fever, they admitted me to the hospital.  BOOOOOOO!!!!!!!  Plus, they haven't even been able to get me into a room yet.  That's right.  I've been in the ER since 6 o'clock last night.  Granted I am in ( Read more... )

real life, fail, personal

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Comments 17

fredbassett March 21 2011, 17:37:44 UTC
Poor you!!!

Hope things improve soon!


tay_21 March 21 2011, 17:46:46 UTC
Me too. You know, you'd never guess by this last year, that I'm a relatively healthy person. This is bordering on ridiculous.


prehistoriccat March 21 2011, 17:44:44 UTC
Just emailed you, *big hugs* Hope they get you either into a proper ward or let you home soon ... that is appalling treatment!

I hope you can go to your Papa's wake too, maybe they'll allow you out for a couple of hours if you're not well enough to be discharged.

Have another yummy Connor icon to cheer you up!


tay_21 March 21 2011, 17:51:25 UTC
Got your email. Thanks. *hugs back* They are supposed to move me soon, but it's still not going to be an actual room. It'll be much the same as where I am now. *iz frustrated*

I'm hoping I'll just be out. I really don't want to stay any longer than is absolutely necessary. :-(

He's totally lickable. Thanks for that.


deinonychus_1 March 21 2011, 18:02:51 UTC
meep, poor you *hugs*

Here, this might cheer you up (or at least, it might distract you!)

... )


tay_21 March 21 2011, 18:18:49 UTC
Awww. Thanks. You totally rock. I love that picture. It's definitely distracting. :-D *hugs back* Hopefully it'll still be up by then. I'll be looking forward to it.


evenstar_estel March 21 2011, 18:06:25 UTC
Well.... THAT SUCKS! Beyond all rhyme and reason. I'm sorry *hugs*. I've had pneumonia before too. At least some antibiotics will set you to right. Prompt me for a wee feel better fic :D


tay_21 March 21 2011, 18:15:58 UTC
This might seem weird, but there have been a lot of sick babies in here with me, so of course that gets me thinking of Daddy!Connor. Maybe daddy!Connor with a sick kid. :-) I know I'm weird. (Please no vomiting! I'm not doing any of that and I don't want to read it. I've heard enough of it over the last few hours.) Thanks. You guys are all so sweet. :-)


(The comment has been removed)

tay_21 March 22 2011, 18:33:42 UTC
OH God! It's up closes. *flails*

*Keels over ded*


pottsfanatic March 21 2011, 18:24:06 UTC
That really stinks that they haven't been able to get you a proper room. Maybe they are hoping they won't have to?? That you'll be well enough to leave soon...that's what I'll hope for anyway. Now that the internet's back up and running you can browse through youtube for Andrew vids. :) Get well soon and I hope you'll be able to attend your Papa's wake tomorrow. Oh..and bonus..more Andrew...

... )


tay_21 March 21 2011, 18:33:20 UTC
LOL!!!! Thanks for that. That video is hilarious. It totally cracks me up. :-D You're so funny. Maybe it'll end up being something like that. I just want to get out of the freaking hospital. This is the weirdest hospital I've ever stayed at. *Iz unimpressed* It's totally like one side doesn't know what the other's doing. Grrrr. Thanks for the GIF. It's lovely and full of shiny funny Andrew. I think that's really what the Doctor ordered. LOL!


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