Lurgy was apparently more serious than just lurgy :-(

Mar 21, 2011 12:28

 So apparently the lurgy that I thought I had all weekend long was actually a mild case of pneumonia.  AND, since I'm diabetic and had been running a fever, they admitted me to the hospital.  BOOOOOOO!!!!!!!  Plus, they haven't even been able to get me into a room yet.  That's right.  I've been in the ER since 6 o'clock last night.  Granted I am in ( Read more... )

real life, fail, personal

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evenstar_estel March 21 2011, 18:06:25 UTC
Well.... THAT SUCKS! Beyond all rhyme and reason. I'm sorry *hugs*. I've had pneumonia before too. At least some antibiotics will set you to right. Prompt me for a wee feel better fic :D


tay_21 March 21 2011, 18:15:58 UTC
This might seem weird, but there have been a lot of sick babies in here with me, so of course that gets me thinking of Daddy!Connor. Maybe daddy!Connor with a sick kid. :-) I know I'm weird. (Please no vomiting! I'm not doing any of that and I don't want to read it. I've heard enough of it over the last few hours.) Thanks. You guys are all so sweet. :-)


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tay_21 March 22 2011, 18:33:42 UTC
OH God! It's up closes. *flails*

*Keels over ded*


evenstar_estel March 21 2011, 18:40:03 UTC
"Please Connor, stop crying. You'll make me start up again," sniffled Abby, pacing their tiny corner of the children's ward at the hospital. The baby was only four months old and even though the doctors said her fever had broken, she wasn't out of the woods yet. Neither one of them had slept much at all in the past three days since the baby had gotten sick ( ... )


tay_21 March 22 2011, 18:36:48 UTC
Awww. That was lovely. I love when he kissed the babies toes. So sweet. Daddy!Connor and Mummy!Abby are so awesome. :-)


evenstar_estel March 22 2011, 18:47:27 UTC
I hope it made you feel a smidgy bit better. I see you're home now. Just lay there and read n' write fic, watch the telly, eat soup and veg veg veg.

New Dawn 4's up on my LJ, so you can chill and read that (even though it's a bit of an emotional bender, lol).


tay_21 March 22 2011, 19:23:17 UTC
It did. :-)

Gonna go read it in a bit. :-)


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