Lurgy was apparently more serious than just lurgy :-(

Mar 21, 2011 12:28

 So apparently the lurgy that I thought I had all weekend long was actually a mild case of pneumonia.  AND, since I'm diabetic and had been running a fever, they admitted me to the hospital.  BOOOOOOO!!!!!!!  Plus, they haven't even been able to get me into a room yet.  That's right.  I've been in the ER since 6 o'clock last night.  Granted I am in ( Read more... )

real life, fail, personal

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deinonychus_1 March 21 2011, 18:02:51 UTC
meep, poor you *hugs*

Here, this might cheer you up (or at least, it might distract you!)

And if you still have internet later, I'm planning to post the Monday picture in the next hour or so.


tay_21 March 21 2011, 18:18:49 UTC
Awww. Thanks. You totally rock. I love that picture. It's definitely distracting. :-D *hugs back* Hopefully it'll still be up by then. I'll be looking forward to it.


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