Title: Merlin XS Pairing: Arthur/Merlin Summary: Frustrated by his father's neverending list of chores, Arthur secretly buys a Druidbot to clean up after him. He probably shouldn't have chosen the Merlin XS, who turns out to be the most clumsy, disobedient, and irritatingly attractive robot Arthur has ever seen. High School AU
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Perhaps he wouldn't notice. Arthur could do this quietly. He swished his leg under the blankets to test Merlin's response, but Merlin didn't bat an eyelash. He was probably used to Arthur thrashing around at night, and not knowing any better, this would be no different. So giving himself permission, Arthur squeezed himself through his pants and exhaled with relief. He was more aroused than he was accustomed to being and his cock throbbed in his hand. A hot flush spread over his skin at the wrongness of touching himself next to his robot, but that only made Arthur want it more. He closed his eyes but as much as he tried to avoid thinking of Merlin, his mind was fixated on the idea that there was a boy in his bed, so close all Arthur had to do was reach out and touch him. Arthur replayed the dream in his mind, and when he imagined Merlin doing the same things he'd done in the locker room, excitement tightened his belly. He stroked himself harder. The motion of his hand against the sheet made a rhythmic swooshing sound, and he became so
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This is so good, anon!!! I'm so glad you've added to it!! I was afraid you weren't updating anymore. I love a lonely Arthur! And this Merlin is perfect. You are so sensitive to all the feelings Arthur is having, and they make so much sense. He is so thoughtful and unsure, and he is so young and has no guidance! I can't wait for more! Especially from Merlin! But there might always be that doubt--is it a program, or sentient feelings? In a way, it's like dealing with real people anyway, though, right, with what's 'real'? Okay, too serious! But I REALLY love it and was flipping when I saw it had been updated. <333
He rarely won against Merlin lately, but this afternoon Arthur found himself easily outplaying him. After the third time Merlin's character died, Arthur, suspicious of what was distracting him, watched him out of the corner of his eye. Merlin's attention was divided between the screen and, Arthur now saw, a young couple across the room. Their pose mirrored his and Merlin's: they sat close together, and although their eyes were fixed on their game, occasionally one would glance at the other and smile, or in between rounds the girl would stroke the boy's hair with evident fondness, and the boy would kiss her cheek. It was easy for them, Arthur thought with jealousy, without the complications he faced with Merlin. Their affection for each other was so normal it was almost invisible to everyone in the room, but if he touched Merlin they'd draw curious looks, even if people didn't intend to be hostile. Only Arthur would be aware of the greatest obstacle of all. The girl traced the outline of the boy's ear and pulled on the lobe playfully,
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OH NO! I knew after all the sweet happy feels they were having together that it had to come to an end sooner rather than later, but damn! I can't wait to see how Arthur deals with this. It breaks my heart that in order to save Merlin, the two will most likely have to be parted from now on.
As soon as Arthur closed his bedroom door on his father's retreating form, he hurried over to Merlin and turned him back on. Merlin's bright eyes made contact with his as they had a hundred times in the past, but once Merlin's memory loaded the cheerful light that shone in them faded to a weak glow. He touched Arthur's cheek with his finger as if to comfort him, even though the tears were already welling up in his own eyes
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It wouldn't do any good to jump to conclusions. Arthur heated up toast while he steeled himself to think it through the possibilities. Maybe Merlin had run out to the shops to get something. He'd done it once before when Arthur had been craving onion-flavoured crisps so much he'd made the mistake of complaining aloud. The next day Merlin had gone missing, and after an hour of worrying himself sick, Arthur had pounced on a confused Merlin returning from the grocery with a plastic bag stuffed full of the greasy snack. Arthur had ordered Merlin then and there to never leave the house without him, but these days Merlin did what he pleased
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"Hey mate, you don't have to be such a cock about it. Plenty of tits and arse to go around," one of the boys shouted after him. Their laughter followed him until the door of the gaming rooms closed behind him, but Arthur barely hear them
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Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Summary: Frustrated by his father's neverending list of chores, Arthur secretly buys a Druidbot to clean up after him. He probably shouldn't have chosen the Merlin XS, who turns out to be the most clumsy, disobedient, and irritatingly attractive robot Arthur has ever seen. High School AU ( ... )
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