Title: Merlin XS Pairing: Arthur/Merlin Summary: Frustrated by his father's neverending list of chores, Arthur secretly buys a Druidbot to clean up after him. He probably shouldn't have chosen the Merlin XS, who turns out to be the most clumsy, disobedient, and irritatingly attractive robot Arthur has ever seen. High School AU
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Arthur flipped them over and pressed Merlin into the mattress. By now he knew exactly what Merlin liked best. He teased him with lips and tongue, enjoying the sight of Merlin unwinding and then slowly losing control beneath him, his mouth falling open and his fingers twisting in the bedsheets. Arthur lingered along the soft hair that began below Merlin's belly button and disappeared beneath his pants, and he observed with satisfaction the gradual swell of Merlin's cock as his intentions became unmistakable. Arthur took his time, greedy himself but wanting even more to draw out Merlin's pleasure, giving in only when Merlin's thighs began to tremble. It was short work to free Merlin from his pants and admire the lovely curve of his cock against his belly, before Arthur licked one last teasing stripe up his length and swallowed Merlin down
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SO GOOD. After the last update I was really worried Merlin would be dismantled by Uther or have to be secreted away to some other location to keep him safe. I'm so glad Arthur stuck to his guns and refused to be parted from Merlin. I was shocked, but happily so, that Uther came around.
This ending was absolutely lovely. Merlin speaking Arthur's name made my heart grow three sizes bigger!!! I hope you'll consider reposting to AO3 at some point because I'd love to download this story and give it a kudos as well.
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Summary: Frustrated by his father's neverending list of chores, Arthur secretly buys a Druidbot to clean up after him. He probably shouldn't have chosen the Merlin XS, who turns out to be the most clumsy, disobedient, and irritatingly attractive robot Arthur has ever seen. High School AU ( ... )
This ending was absolutely lovely. Merlin speaking Arthur's name made my heart grow three sizes bigger!!! I hope you'll consider reposting to AO3 at some point because I'd love to download this story and give it a kudos as well.
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