{fic} las noches high - chapter sixteen

Dec 14, 2010 20:58

Title: Las Noches High - chapter sixteen
Author/Artist: taintedkibou
Pairing/Characters: Grimmjow/Ichigo
Rating: PG-15 (R later?)
Genre: AU; high school
Disclaimer: I own the mangas that I purchased, but Kubo owns the characters.
Summary/Notes: Forced to transfer from school to school because of something he has no control over, Kurosaki Ichigo resigns himself to expulsion, only to find out he has one last choice: attend Las Noches High.

[ chapter one ] [ chapter two ] [ chapter three ] [ chapter four ] [ chapter five ] [ chapter six ] [ chapter seven ] [ chapter eight ] [ chapter nine ] [ chapter ten ] [ chapter eleven ] [ chapter twelve ] [ chapter thirteen ] [ chapter fourteen ] [ chapter fifteen ]

At exactly noon on Sunday, there came a series of raps to Kurosaki Ichigo’s dorm door. He made sure he had his phone-just in case-before exiting the room. “Hi~!” Gin chirped after the door was opened.

“Ossu,” Ichigo greeted, closing the door behind him. “Let’s go.”

“Of course.” With a grin, Gin led the way. Outside, he held the car door open for Ichigo before climbing in behind him. Once they were out of campus grounds, Gin visibly relaxed, his fingers splaying open atop his thighs after he unclenched his fists.

Ichigo noticed, but said nothing. Instead, he asked, “Why are you doing this for me?”

The silver head turned, Gin’s lips pursed as he pondered the question. “Because it’s my civil duty as Vice Principal?”

“Aizen doesn’t care as much,” Ichigo mumbled, turning to look out of the window. ‘His eyes say that anyway…’

“That’s… not true. He cares in his own way.” Gin didn’t know why he had hesitated. He wore a solemn smile and turned back around to continue staring out of his side of the car. “Ya wanna know da real reason? I like yer eyes.”

Ichigo chuckled softly, the sound coming through his nose rather than his lips. “I think there are some people out there that hate my eyes.”

“Is that so?” the Vice Principal drawled. “I thought they hated your hair.”

“That too,” Ichigo scoffed.

Gin looked around just in time to catch Shawlong’s eye in the rearview mirror. He grinned. “So! Kurosaki-kun. Have you decided?”

“Aa,” Ichigo sighed. He smiled at the light condensation his breath created on the window. “We’re going to sign me up for courses, right?”

“And git ya hired at Adjuchas Grocer. I talked wit’ ‘em after you left. We’re good friends, and I sung high praises ‘bout ya. The owner still wants ta meet wit’cha, but I think it’s a guarantee dat ya got da job.”

Ichigo hummed softly, blowing out an even stream of warm air. Half the katakana that made up the name had already been written before he realized what he was doing. With a sweep of his hand, Ichigo eradicated the “Grimm” he had written in the condensation. He turned away and sat back in the chair, closing his eyes for the remainder of the trip.

Adjuchas Grocer was not the corner shop Ichigo thought it would be. Comparing it to Seireitei, the building took up two blocks by itself, parking included. Rather than wait with the car, Shawlong joined them, and they all headed into the larger supermarket. The quiet brunet wandered away almost immediately. There was already a chill being carried along in the wind, so when the automatic doors opened then closed behind the trio, the difference and the warmth could be felt.

Ichigo let his eyes scan the overhead signs. Adjuchas Grocer didn’t contain just food. The “ELECTRONICS” sign he saw in the distance led him to believe so. “Nothing is what it seems in Las Noches,” he sighed.

“Nothing,” Gin chirped in agreement, leading the way to the offices. He left them alone, after introducing Ichigo to the kind woman, stating he had some shopping to take care of.

As it was protocol, Ichigo was asked to fill out the store’s application. The task took thirty minutes. Because of Gin’s recommendation, he was able to move right along to the drug test. Lucky for him, there was no peeing into a cup, just biting down on a stick. The baking soda taste was still in the corner of his mouth when Gin came to collect him. A juice bottle was handed over and the silver-haired man flashed him a knowing smile, his eyes still closed and arched high. Ichigo emptied the bottle, handing it the bespectacled woman when she asked for it. She explained it would be properly recycled. He bowed, expressing his gratitude, and headed out behind Gin.

Shawlong had gone ahead-“To warm up the car,” Gin gigged-so he was waiting for them outside the black sedan as usual. The next stop was- “Lunch!’ the excited Vice Principal exclaimed. Following orders and directions, Shawlong had driven them to a restaurant.

“Fast food would’ve been fine,” Ichigo mumbled, shifting uncomfortably. “Ramen. Maybe even a burger…” He enjoyed being driven around, but luxuries such as this didn’t bode well with him.

“Can’t do.” Gin shook his head, silver hair swishing back and forth across his face. “I dragged ya outta yer dorm, so I’ll be takin’ care a’ ya.”

“Fine,” Ichigo sighed, shrugging his shoulders. “I won’t order much.”

Gin hummed, taking a step forward. He stopped, glancing over his shoulder with a puzzled expression. “Shawlong?”

The tall, narrow brunet shook his head, bowing slightly at the waist. “I politely decl-”

“Declination refused,” Ichigo deadpanned. Arms tucked behind his head, he fixed his driver with an annoyed glare. “I’m suffering, so you’re suffering. If I see you eat, I’ll know you’re human.”

Gin’s lips formed an ‘o’, the soft sound escaping as he watched an almost indiscernible smile appear on Shawlong’s lips. He glanced at Ichigo and grinned. ‘Not bad, Kurosaki-kun. You keep winnin’ ‘em over.’ He giggled, leading the way into the restaurant. After a pleasing meal, the trio remained within, allowing the food to digest while exchanging broken conversations. Soon, they were on their way to the final stop of the day.

* * * * *

With it being Sunday, only the offices were open, but that was all they needed. Kurosaki Ichigo was enrolled and would be starting Tuesday evening. “If it’s you, I have confidence,” was the encouraging words Gin left his student with after returning him to his dorm. The day was still young. Ichigo decided a walk was in order.


Nel was I the middle of a Dance Dance Revolution match with a purple-haired young woman. Ichigo recalled her from the campus. ‘Cirucci… Sand… wich-or the other.’ He exhaled deeply, surprised that he even remembered her first name. She had already graduated. At the end of the match, it was declared a tie. Ichigo smirked, crossing his arms over his chest. ‘Only at Las Noches’ was becoming his new catchphrase.

Nel glanced over her shoulder and her entire face lit up as she grinned. “Ichigo!” Leaping over the security bar-the device hadn’t been touched once by either woman-Nel flew to Ichigo’s side, latching on. “Dance with me, Ichigo!”

“Ha…” Ichigo laughed nervously. “No. No… I don’t think I can.” His type of games centered around handheld and stationary consoles, where he didn’t have to much moving to do. Cirucci stepped down from the DDR platform, hands on her hips as she walked to the pair. “Senpai.” Ichigo bowed his head.

“You have manners,” she laughed. “Rare amongst our kind.”

“Ichigo is very sweet and kind!” Nel argued, tightening her hold.

“And very popular.” Cirucci smirked. “Nel-san. I’ll see you around. A winner will be decided on that Revolution.”

Nel giggled, releasing Ichigo long enough to wave to the departing young woman. “Ichigo.” She took his hand, leading him to the closed karaoke section. They took a seat, but his hand was never released. “What brings you here?” Nel questioned, breathless and excited.

“Well…” Ichigo began to left his right hand, but found it weighed down. He used his left instead, rubbing the back of his neck with a sigh. “We might only be able to hang out on Sundays.” Innocent, wide hazel eyes blinked at him and he smiled sheepishly. “Tomorrow, I start work, and I decided to start attending cram school sessions. In another week, club practice resumes.” The time had been pushed back, but as he listed his schedule, Ichigo never thought he would be this busy during high school. “If I can find time, I’ll remember to come by and visit you and Bawabawa.”

“Ah. That’s right. Ichigo did ask Nel about finding a part-time job. Congra-wait. Where?”

Ichigo grinned. “Adjuchas Grocer.”

“Nel shops there!” Nel exclaimed, releasing Ichigo to clasp her hands together. “We might still get to see each other!”

“Maybe. I’ll spend time with you today, though.”

“Dance Dance-”

“No.” Ichigo shook his head firmly. Nel pouted. It was an expression Ichigo had seen many a’ times, but today, for some reason, he couldn’t help but stare. And wonder. He wondered what it would be like if he ‘switched sides’, as Tatsuki had once commented. Nel was older than he was, but he found her innocence charming. Even the scar that ran from her forehead down across the bridge of her nose gave her character. She was a warrior and a survivor.

Nel smiled, her hazel eyes warm and gentle. “That look shouldn’t be directed at me.” Ichigo glanced away. His hand was taken once again and nestled between the valley of the woman’s bosom, against her heart. “Don’t give up, Ichigo. If you get rejected, though, I’m sure Pesche would-”

“Never!” Ichigo bellowed, eyes wide as he jerked his hand away. A quick glance was thrown in the direction of the front counter of the arcade. The blond in question stared at them with a puzzled expression, forcing Ichigo to look back to the ‘sister’.

Nel cackled, combing her hair away from her face. “There’s the Ichigo I know! Never give up! If your mind and heart is set, you can do it!”

“Yeah.” Ichigo smiled. His eyes widened when Nel’s chest was pressed against his, her tongue flicking over his cheek. “N-Ne-Nel?!”

“I wanted to see if you tasted as good as you smell,” Nel replied honestly, a wide grin splitting her face.

‘Just like Yoruichi-san… Nel… She’s the embodiment of everyone I already know, rolled into one.’ Ichigo hung his head in defeat, his smile unseen.


Nel hand-delivered Ichigo back to his dorm that evening, waiting until he was safely locked in before leaving.


With things settled down, and a new school week in session, Orihime resumed her duty of retrieving Ichigo so they could have lunch together. Grimmjow continued to give him the cold shoulder, so her presence was greatly welcomed. After lunch, it was off to visit Starrk and Lilynette.

“Have you made up your mind yet?”

“It’s been four days,” the small teen hissed, dropping beside Ichigo on the bleachers.

“Don’t you read manga? That’s roughly how long it takes to fall in love.” He grinned after being punched in the shoulder.

The basketball game was in intermission, but she wouldn’t be returning for the last quarter. Her hair was dampened with seat, the left side somehow falling lower to cover one narrowed pink eye. “But I have been asking around,” Lilynette sighed, staring down at the students that continued to play.

“They said Rome wasn’t built in a day, so I’m not expecting any miracles.” Ichigo smirked at the fiery glare thrown in his direction. “Don’t make him your final choice if you already had someone else in mind. I just wanted you to know of his feelings, and that he existed.”

Lilynette scoffed, “He’s cute… and naïve.” She remembered how flustered he’d been when he blurted out ‘Lily-san-senpai’. It was a step up from being called ‘Lily-chan’, so she didn’t beat him within an inch of his life. Lilynette exhaled deeply and stood. She skipped down the benches to the corner with Starrk lay, ripping a towel from the stack he used as a makeshift pillow. The brunet whined softly and his cousin rolled her eyes before heading out to shower and get herself freshened up.

Ichigo decided now would be a good time to move on. There was one more period before he headed off t his first day of work. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday were club days. They were also the days he would not be attending cram and school, and would be heading straight for work. All other days, Sunday excluded, he would be amongst others that sought to reach University. Then he would go to work.

Ichigo slid open the door to the nurse’s office and frowned. Aaroniero was with patient. The ebony-haired man smiled at him. “The back one’s free. I’ll try to be quiet.” Ichigo nodded wordlessly, walking around the patient bed being used to reach the empty one. He slipped off his slippers and climbed in, dragging the partition curtain across to give himself some privacy.


It didn’t seem like an hour-long nap, but Ichigo was dragged from his slumber by the bell. He sat up, slouching forward, and glared drowsily down at the bed sheets. After several minutes, he finally pulled the curtain back, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. Aaroniero was at his desk, busy with something that was of no concern to Ichigo. Even if this was Las Noches, he wasn’t expecting anything from the nurse so soon. Wabaki back on his feet, he shuffled to the door. “Later, Lulu.”

Aaroniero smiled at the closed door, shifting his gaze back to his notes.

Ichigo headed to his locker to retrieve his school case and necessary notes for tomorrow’s classes. From his locker, it was out of the school building, and into the sedan.


Shawlong parked in front of the larger supermarket. “I should be finished after five hours,” Ichigo told his driver. “Please don’t wait out here for me. I’m sure you have better things to do.”

“As you wish, Kurosaki-san.”

Ichigo grinned and stepped out of the car. He stretched his upper body, marching forward to his new job.

“Kurosaki-san.” The brunette, her dark hair cut to chin length, smiled at her new hire. “Since this is your first day. Sorry… You need a uniform. For students, we provide top and bottom. What size?” Ichigo told her and she excused herself with a smile, disappearing around the corner. She returned with a black and white article of clothing wrapped in plastic. Plus a separate white piece. “You may change in the employee’s bathroom.”

Ichigo was escorted down the hall, but left alone so he could go inside. He wrinkled his nose at the white slacks. White wasn’t his color; it looked better on Ishida. He enjoyed various colors. The only different between his work and school slacks was the black hem at the bottom of the legs of the work pants. Las Noches’s uniform had two parallel black stripes that ran down the outside of the leg. Ichigo tucked the shirt into his pants. The right side was black, the hems and edges of the sleeve and collar trimmed white. The left side of the shirt was white, the edges trimmed black. ‘AG’ was printed in bold, black letters on the left side, beneath it was ‘Adjuchas Grocer’, printed in English.

Ichigo smoothed his hands over his hair, sighing when the orange spikes right themselves. ‘Here we go!’ Since it was his first day, and he was earlier than his intended time of arrival, he was handed off to his supposed supervisor. A tall, muscled young man by the name of Edrad Liones. Las Noches and their personalities still continued to amaze him. The left side of his head was shaven, revealing he may have originally had black hair. The unshaven side was long, and a blood red color. Ichigo stared up at him, his trademark scowl in place, waiting to be instructed.

“What do ya wanna do?” Edrad asked, his grin wide, revealing perfect white teeth.

“My job,” Ichigo replied curtly. Edrad’s grin widened and he laughed. Ichigo arched an eyebrow, but remained silent, waiting for the laughter to finish.

“They brought a nice one,” Edrad chuckled. “I’ll show ya everything you wanna know!”

“Can we start with inventory?”

“No!” Edrad boomed. His loudness seemed to be an everyday occurrence; no one seemed the least bit concerned. He slung a heavy arm around Ichigo’s shoulder, dragging him off. “We’ll work on stock, then a bit of customer service by stickin’ ya on the register.”

Ichigo gritted his teeth, imitating a forced grin. “Great…”


At the end of his shift, Ichigo managed to remember five of the grocery aisles and what was located on them. There was the remaining aisles, plus the other side of the department store. Ichigo stretched his stiff muscles, from lifting and unloading boxes, yawning loudly.

“See ya tomorrah!” Edrad waved as Ichigo walked out, his school uniform folded over his arm. He spotted his driver and crossed the parking lot to reach him, wearily climbing into the backseat. Gin had asked him if he had the willpower. Ichigo closed his eyes, drawing forth the strength he knew he would need in order to get through this semester.


There was no game playing, and Tensa Zangetsu remained on its stand. Ichigo stretched out, staring at the ceiling until he was only seeing the back of his eyelids.


Ichigo had never been to cram school before, but everything seemed normal. The only news that was given to them at the beginning of the session was that the original instructor Nakeem Greedina wouldn’t be back until the end of the year-possibly-for personal reasons. The instructor at the moment was a tall, muscular, dark-skinned man that went by the name of Zommari Rureaux. Whatever his heritage, Zommari recreated it in his own personal image. With a clean-shaven head, the only remains of his hair, which was a stark white, was styled in a Mohican, with short, low spikes that ran from front to back.

There were some familiar faces in his class. The uniforms of others informed Ichigo that they were first and second years. No one talked, because everyone had their noses buried in their textbooks.

Afterwards, it was off to Adjuchas Grocer to spend quality time with Edrad and the customers he was forced to smile for.


Grimmjow finally spoke with him the morning club practice was to resume. “You’re workin’?” was what he asked, eyebrow arched questioningly. Ichigo nodded wordlessly, unconsciously bringing his hand forward to cover his mouth as he yawned.

“How many days?”

Brown eyes narrowing, he glared at the Student Council VP. “What’s it matter to you? I’ll be at practice this afternoon, so don’t worry.”

“That’s not what I’m worried about,” Grimmjow muttered, tucking his arms behind his head as he stared at the board ahead of them.

Ichigo had been expecting a response more along the lines of: who says I’m worried, shinigami? He sighed, staring blankly at his open notes. After almost two weeks of silence, the few words Grimmjow spoke threw his thoughts into disarray.

* * * * *

Inoue waved at him from the door and Ichigo was out of the seat and heading her way with no further prompt.

Grimmjow was left sitting in his seat, his head propped up by his hand. Shifting slightly, he glanced to his left where Ulquiorra sat, and caught the brunet staring at the open door. He smirked. ‘Suffer, you fuckin’ bastard!’ As though sensing the animosity from the other, Ulquiorra turned to stare at his fellow Student Council member. He looked away and began packing his school case.


Ichigo slammed his locker shut, letting his fisted hand rest on the closed door. Why was he upset? His thoughts betrayed him, revealing the answer immediately: because we were actually holding conversations until a week and a half ago.


The questioning voice drew him back to the present and Ichigo smiled at the girl standing beside him. Since Inoue always managed to make it to the lunch lines first, it was decided that she collect their foods and he would pay her back once they came together.

Inoue frowned; she was always able to see through his non-genuine smiles. “What’s wrong?”

Ichigo scoffed, shaking his head. “Nothing,” he sighed.

“I got you a taiyaki and pudding!” Inoue cheered, holding up the paper bag she held. There were also three more taiyaki in the bag for herself. “In celebration of you getting a job, and taking the initiative to attend cram school.” She giggled, shaking the bag invitingly. Inoue Orihime didn’t need cram school sessions.

Ichigo grinned. “Thanks. How much?”

Inoue shook her head fervently, orange hair flying back and forth wildly. “No charge.”


Another frown. “No charge, Kurosaki-kun,” she persistently insisted. “This is my treat, to you. If you want…” Inoue lowered the bag, hugging it to her chest, and glanced at the wall of lockers shyly. Ichigo raised an eyebrow, amused at the sudden change in her personality and attitude. “After you get your first paycheck,” Inoue continued in a whisper. “There’s this place… not too expensive!”

“I’ll take you,” Ichigo stated, putting an end to what would have end up being a long and drawn out request. The sparkle in Inoue’s eyes kept him grinning. “Let’s go eat.”

“Yay! Oooh. Let’s go to the roof.” Inoue grinned, falling in step beside the teen as they began walking.

“I think hanging out with me is bad for you. We can go… find a tree to sit under.” That wasn’t hiss style, but Ichigo would bend just this once in order to keep feeding off of Inoue’s energy.

“To the roof!” Inoue announced, marching forward with a soldier’s gait.

With a grin, Ichigo followed along obediently. His mood had significantly improved by the time lunch ended and Ichigo was on his way to Aaroniero’s office after they had parted ways. He threw open the sliding door, an everyday glare thrown in the brunet’s direction. Aaroniero remained silent.

Now it was Ichigo’s turn to discern that something was wrong with the faculty member. “Lulu?”

“Kurosaki-kun.” Aaroniero exhaled deeply, combing both hands through his hair. He let them fall into his lap, smiling apologetically at the boy. “Aizen-sama… put a stop to our little project. I’m sorry.”

Ichigo shrugged his shoulders, heading for his usual spot. He took a seat, toeing his slippers off so he could swing his legs up onto the bed. “We tried, right? I’ll just… have to remember to stay calm.” He shot the relieved nurse a quick grin before pulling the curtain across to separate them. Ichigo’s brown remained creased and furrowed even as he slept.

After the final bell had rung to signal the end of school, Aaroniero was left staring at the unmoving curtain. He glanced at the man that stood on the other side of his desk.

“Leave ‘im,” Gin mumbled. “He obviously needs ta rest. He should wake up before werk.” He smiled at the nurse before walking out. His original plan had been to tell Grimmjow of Ichigo’s absence, but his inner voice told him to go back to his own office. With a smirk, he complied with the nagging inner voice. ‘This is perfect. They have some issues ta work out.’ His whistling could be heard as he traveled the halls.

Aaroniero was in the middle of cleaning up when the curtain began violently shaking before being thrown aside. Ichigo glared at the ebony-haired man before the clock that hung on the wall. “Sorry,” Aaroniero whispered, pressing his hands together as he bowed in apology. “I… wasn’t sure if I should wake you or not.”

“Don’t worry about it…” Scratching the back of his neck, Ichigo climbed from the bed, in no hurry whatsoever. He smirked lazily, wondering how pissed off Grimmjow would be at him for skipping practice. With a wave, he left the nurse’s office and headed for his locker. Once he had his work uniform in his hands, he made a quick stop at the bathroom nearest the main entrance and changed, heading out to the waiting sedan.

Ichigo left his school uniform in the backseat after they arrived at Adjuchas Grocer and properly fixed his attire once he had stepped out of the car. He grinned at Shawlong. “I’m early, so I don’t know when they’ll let me out. Can you come back after five hours? I may not be finished, so I apologize now for making you wait.”

“Don’t apologize, Kurosaki-san. It’s my job.” the brunet stated methodically.

Ichigo nodded before running off into the building. Edrad greeted him heartily as always. His early arrival was noted and the time was used to show Ichigo the basics on how to start working inventory matters. Once it was time, however, he replaced the cashier that was leaving and took his place at the register. During his break, Edrad pulled him aside. “Since ya came in early today, ya can cut one of yer remaining shifts in half. Sound good?”

Ichigo shook his head. “I’ll work, unless… I’m not supposed to?”

“We have the hours to spare,” Edrad laughed, “So you’re not violating any overtime rules.”

“If that’s the case, I’ll work however many hours you can give me. I’m the same as you and everyone else.”

Edrad grinned, shrugging his shoulders. “If that’s what ya want.”

Ichigo nodded firmly, his face set in a determined frown. He would work to earn enough to live for and by himself. Since there was time left on his break, he decided to find something to much on before it was time to return to scanning groceries.

At the end of his shift, Ichigo said his goodbyes to Edrad before walking out through the automatic doors. Shawlong was waiting and he climbed into the backseat. He had just completed an eight hour shift. “Sorry,” Ichigo yawned, making himself comfortable. “…for makin’ you wait.” Head against the rest of the backseat, the orange-haired teen closed his eyes after the engine turned over.

+ + +

Ichigo yawned, slipping the key into the lock so he could enter his room. He smiled sleepily after hearing the deadbolt slip away. He opened the door, only to find himself stumbling across the floor after being rudely shoved. Catching himself, Ichigo spun around and found Grimmjow looming in the open doorway. “What the hell-”

“You skipped out on practice,” Grimmjow snapped.

“I’ve done it before!” Ichigo retaliated, his voice just as loud.

“That woman was the cause then. Was there a cause this time? Especially after you told me you would be there-don’t worry,” the taller figure mocked.

“Like I also said this morning… what does it matter to you?!” Ichigo placed both hands to Grimmjow’s broad chest, pushing firmly in an attempt to get him out. His eyes narrowed as his wrists were snagged. Managing to wrestle himself free, his surprise was overshadowed by shock when he found himself slammed against the inner wall of his room. “Let go, damn it!” Ichigo’s gaze rose to stare at both wrists now pinned above his head by one of Grimmjow’s hands. He looked back at the other and found a smirk directed at him.

“You wanted to be punished-that’s why you skipped practice,” Grimmjow drawled.

“Wha…? No… I fell asleep! Ask Lulu!” Ichigo shook his head until his chin was clasped between rough fingers, putting an end to the movements. His heart began to race when he realized what was in store for him as he was guided forward. His eyelids fluttered, threatening to close in order for him to enhance his sense of touch, but he kept his eyes open and locked with the gleaming blue ones across from him.

Ichigo parted his lips expectantly after feeling the warm breath ghost across them. Grimmjow’s tongue slipped in first before their mouths were sealed together. Ichigo broke his hands free easily from the now lax grip, and wrapped his arms tightly around Grimmjow’s neck. He also used the other’s solid frame as support, his legs threatening to give out on him as Grimmjow’s tongue slid along his, sweeping over every inch of his mouth; tasting, savoring.

Ichigo moaned, reluctantly pulling away to catch a quick breath. “Grimm…jow…” This was what he had always dreamed about and wished for.

“Kurosaki.” The low growl of his name was followed with another rough kiss, Grimmjow nibbling his bottom lip.

Ichigo inhaled sharply, reflexively arching against the thigh that slid between his legs. He made a soft exclamation of surprise after finding his feet leaving the floor. Hoisted over Grimmjow’s shoulder, he was carried to the bed and dumped onto the mattress. Grimmjow followed, tugging the hem of his work shirt up over his head.

Ichigo knew he should have been resisting-asking questions, but rationality had left him, and he eagerly returned the favor, tugging desperately at Grimmjow’s t-shirt until the other got the hint and backed off enough to pull it up over his head. Ichigo reached up to pull him back down, but found his arms were once again trapped, bound by the hand that pinned his wrists together. “I need my hands, Grimmjow…”

“Not tonight, you don’t, shinigami.”

Ichigo tilted his head with a whimper, exposing more of his neck as Grimmjow’s hot mouth traveled along the arched expanse. “Call me… by my name.”

“Kurosaki-san. Kurosaki-san.”

‘San?’ Ichigo blinked, eyes widening when he found his love interest had vanished. The colors surrounding him began to melt away.

+ + +


Ichigo sat up with a sharp gasp, wide, wild eyes staring back at his driver. Scrambling into a sitting position, he looked out of the window to find the familiar sight of his dorm building. He pressed his face against the glass, hoping to cool his heated cheeks. The other problem would be remedied after he got out of the car. Ichigo exited from the opposite side, away from Shawlong, and collected his belongings. With a quick ‘later’ to the man, he jogged, albeit a bit uncomfortably, up the walkway and into the building.

Two of his dorm mates lounged around downstairs. Ichigo ran right by and up the stairs, heading straight for his room. He locked the door once inside, stripping down as he stumbled into the bathroom.

Head against the tile of the shower wall, he let the water run its course. ‘Why…?’ It was the only coherent thought he could form. A cold shower was the price he had to pay if he didn’t want his door broken down. His teeth were still chattering when Ichigo climbed into bed.

A/N: Sorry for the late/almost Wednesday (kinna) update. But! There! As… promised? Haaa… it was just kissing and some light gropage, though XD; *flees*

[ chapter seventeen ] [ chapter eighteen ] [ chapter nineteen ] [ chapter twenty ] [ chapter twenty-one ]

grimm/ichi, yaoi, fic: las noches high, fic, !bleach, grimmjow, ichigo, !multi-chapter, !au

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