{fic} las noches high - chapter six

Oct 06, 2010 09:24

Title: Las Noches High - chapter six
Author/Artist: taintedkibou
Pairing/Characters: Grimmjow/Ichigo; other side pairings
Rating: PG-13 (R later?)
Genre: AU; high school
Disclaimer: I own the mangas that I purchased, but Kubo owns the characters.
Summary/Notes: Forced to transfer from school to school because of something he has no control over, Kurosaki Ichigo resigns himself to expulsion, only to find out he has one last choice: attend Las Noches High.

[ chapter one ] [ chapter two ] [ chapter three ] [ chapter four ] [ chapter five ]

Things were going good so far for Inoue Orihime. She was slowly, but surely acclimating well enough to the new school, and most everyone seemed friendly and willing to show her around. Aizen Sousuke had given her a quick tour, but it was far from informative.

Inoue didn’t think too much of it when Loly Aivirnne offered to be her guide, but everyone else warned her that the brunette and her blonde counterpart were nothing but trouble. Inoue smiled at them, hoping to reassure her new friends and let them know she would be fine. How wrong she was.


Loly snatched a fistful of Orihime’s orange hair, revealing her disgusted scowl to the new transfer student. “What’s so special about you…? You’re just leading Aizen-sama and everyone else on… We don’t need you here!”

“I was brought here because of-”

“I don’t want to hear your excuses!”

Orihime held back her voice as she was tossed to the floor. Menoly stepped aside to make room for her. Loly’s booted foot landed in her gut and she did cry out. Her sounds went unheard as they always did. They were located on a hallway of an empty wing of the school that was no longer being used. The trio had been coming for a week now. Inoue would never tell she was being bullied; this was her battle to fight.

“I won’t stop until you voluntarily withdraw yourself from our school. Got that?!” The boot heel was ground into her stomach.

“I can’t… do that,” Inoue stated haltingly, trying to find her breath.

Loly’s grin turned maniacal. “You can’t?”


Ichigo could tell there was something wrong with Inoue. She continued to smile, but it seemed more forced than natural. There was that, and also the fact that a compress was visible on her cheek and neck when she rushed by him to reach her next class after lunch had finished. He waited until they had Theater Arts together before confronting her, taking her behind a rack of costumes after she had walked into class wearing her jersey rather than her school uniform.

“You’re being bullied.” It was a statement, not a question.

Inoue shook her head fervently, hair whipping back and forth. “I’m not! I just… dirtied my uniform.”

“And broke an egg in your hair?” Ichigo reached up, holding the egg shell up for her to see. Her mouth opened, but nothing came out, so she closed it, ducking her head. “Who is it?”

“I’ll take care of it, so don’t worry-”

“There’s no way I can’t,” Ichigo hissed, taking the girl by the shoulders. The outfits parted and a suspicious Dordonii peered in, eyes narrowed.

“Sensei,” Inoue exclaimed.

“Is this punk bothering you?”

“I’m a punk now?” Ichigo released the girl, stepping through the rack’s frame. “Not niño?”

Dordonii sidestepped the poke aimed at his chest, circling the costumes to reach Inoue. He took her hand in his, pressing his lips to the back of it. Inoue blushed. “If he’s bothering you-”

“No one’s bothering me,” she quickly rushed out, the pitch of her voice growing higher. Inoue slipped her hand away with a polite smile, heading across the room to join a small ground of friends that excitedly accepted her. Dordonii turned around, meeting Ichigo’s glare with a stern expression. His lack of comment as he walked away left Ichigo puzzled.

* * * * *

Inoue returned to her homeroom class to see if her uniform had dried. The instructor had agreed to let her use a space in the back of the classroom where the sun always shone. After slipping into the classroom, she froze, hand falling away from the sliding door. The desk and her uniform were both missing. Inoue took her time crossing the room to the open window. Bracing her hands atop the frame, she leaned out and felt tears well up in her eyes. The desk was down below, along with her uniform. The new stains were visible from her two-story location.

“Do you wish it to stop?”

Inoue visibly jumped, her hands flying to her face, and she wiped away a few tears that had managed to escape. “No. No… It might just get worse.”

“There’s also the possibility that it won’t end. Loly is quite persistent.”

Orihime turned, smiling brightly at the Student Council president. Ulquiorra remained impassive as he moved forward. He glanced down below.

“At least they didn’t throw it,” she joked.

Ulquiorra glanced back at her, not finding humor in her quip. “I’ll have a new uniform for you at the end of the school day. That one will be discarded for you. The desk will also be replaced.”

“Thank you, Ulquiorra-san.” Inoue bowed, remaining that way until Ulquiorra’s light steps faded. She straightened up, a sad smile now etched across her face.

* * * * *

If it wasn’t for the fact that he had club practice-and Grimmjow didn’t like skippers, Ichigo would have walked Orihime back to the dorm himself. Since he couldn’t, he called for Shawlong.

“It’s right up the street,” Inoue protested with a laugh. She took his hands, squeezing them firmly. “Kurosaki-kun. I promise you-I’m fine. I told Tatsuki-chan I would look out for you, and I will.”

Ichigo smiled half-heartedly. “Okay.” He pumped their hands once before pulling away. With a smile and a wave, Inoue walked backwards a few steps before turning around to begin her trip back to their dormitory.


Ichigo remained distracted during the entire training session and decided to remain on the mat after getting thrown several times. Grimmjow, disgusted with his behavior, sent him home first.


Inoue lifted her head and smiled sadly at the orange-haired teen that stood in the open doorway of the nurse’s office. The news had finally reached him. “I fell down the stairs,” she whispered hoarsely. “After… Sewing Club.” It was the one time Ichigo couldn’t see that she made it home, and her bullies seemed to have been waiting for just that moment. “I really did fall down the stairs,” Inoue pressed on.

“There were witnesses who saw it happen,” Aaroniero stated calmly from his desk. Ichigo glared at him before turning back to Orihime. Her head was wrapped and a small Band-aid lay at the left corner of her lip. Her left arm was wrapped in a cast and hung from her neck by a sling. “She was treated at the hospital, but she won’t be attending classes. She’ll be keeping me company. Aizen-sama wants her to remain here so I can keep an eye on her.”

“Do that.” Ichigo left, Inoue’s voice following him as he stormed down the hall.


Ichigo confronted Grimmjow at lunchtime. “Put an end to it.”

Grimmjow stared down at the orange-haired teen with a blank expression.

“You’re the VP.”

“She told the President she didn’t need any help.”

“She’ll die if this keeps up! Have you seen her…?”

The pleading look in the other’s brown eyes made Grimmjow sneer. He pushed by Ichigo , heading for the classroom’s back door.

“Grimmjow! What do I have to do-”

“Nothing! Don’t beg… I don’t like that kind of shit.”

The door rattled open, closing only after the Student Council Secretary had stepped inside. “I, too, am a member of the Student Council,” Szayel chuckled softly. “You were asking what you have to do-”

“I don’t need your help,” Ichigo snapped.

“Then I must have overheard wrong. Were you not just begging our dear Grimmjow for help? Or…” Szayel Aporro smirked. “Is that where your interest lies?”

“You just piss me off.”

“That’s harsh.” He smiled sinisterly. “I’ve been keeping watch of your actions, so I probably know you best at this point in time.” Irritated, Ichigo snatched up his school case and stormed for the door. It slammed into its frame after he stepped out and the Secretary chuckled softly, “I’ll let you leave… this time.”

* * * * *

Skipping be damned-Ichigo never went to club practice that afternoon. Had it not been for her broken body, he would have tossed Orihime over his shoulder and taken her back to the dorm. Instead, he escorted her to the waiting sedan, getting in after she had. Ichigo glared out of the window at the school building as they completed a one hundred and eighty degree turn to leave the roundabout. If no one wanted to help him, he would take matters into his own hand.


Ichigo continued to miss practice. Each time, he took Orihime back to the dorm himself. He even went so far as to wait outside the Home Economics room so he could be there when the club meeting came to an end. There were still minor incidents that he had no control over-much to his dislike, he couldn’t be with her twenty-four hours of the day-and Inoue still refused to divulge the name of her bully. The warmth and light had returned to her smile, however, and that made Ichigo feel a little at ease.

There was a certain Student Council Vice President that was far from being at ease.


It was easy finding them-he had eyes everywhere and they always moved together. The blonde grimaced as she was forced against the wall.

“Hey-” The fist to her gut sent the brunette to her knees.

Grimmjow tightened his fingers around the fragile neck, a grin splitting his face. “I don’t have to push you down the stairs to break your arm.”

“Are you blaming us?” Loly shouted from her location on the floor. “We had nothing to do with that!”

Menoly frowned. “I heard she tripped.” She released a small cry of pain after being brought forward then having her head slammed roughly against the wall.

“When they find your body two stories below in the yard, I’ll tell them you tripped.”

“We didn’t-” Menoly’s head cracked against the wall a second time.

“Huh?! Speak louder!”

“Stop,” Loly groaned. “Stop it! And… we’ll stop. She’s just worthless trash anyway!”

Grimmjow tossed the blonde aside, setting his sights elsewhere. Sinking into a crouch, he balanced one arm atop his thigh. With his free hand, he snatched one of Loly’s ponytails and dragged her upward by it until they were face level. He grinned, his incisors visible. “We’re all expendable trash at this school. Stopping you will just bring me one step closer to my goal, is all.” With an almost insane laugh, he slammed her head into the floor before rising. He slipped his hands into the pockets of his pants and strolled away from the scene.

Ulquiorra made his presence known after Grimmjow had reached the stairs. “Are you going to tell on me?” Grimmjow sneered.

“No. I had also intended to stop them.”

“Heh. I’m glad I got to them first then.” Grimmjow smirked. “They’ll still be alive to graduate.”

Ulquiorra regarded him with cold eyes. “He won’t let you have him so easily.”

“I never expected it to be easy,” Grimmjow laughed, continuing on his way. Ulquiorra let his gaze travel to the female duo. Loly struggled to sit up, but Menoly remained motionless. A stain of red was mixed into the yellow tresses where her head had connected with the floor.

+ + +

Orihime was left alone with Ulquiorra after he informed the school nurse that he was needed in the old building. “You won’t have to worry about them anymore.” The statement broke the endless silence.

Orihime’s eyes widened. “I told you-”

“I did nothing, and neither did Kurosaki Ichigo. He never even knew who was behind the acts. You could say…” Ulquiorra glanced over his shoulder at her. “The problem resolved itself.”

“Oh.” Inoue lowered her head.

“You don’t seem glad.”

“I am!” She waved her good hand, a nervous smile on her face. “I’m glad, honest.”

Ulquiorra turned around, walking to the bed where the girl sat. “How can you smile so easily?”

Clueless, Inoue blinked questioningly up at him. The corners of her lips lifted and spread outward to form said smile. “Try it. It’s easy.”

“It’s pointless.”

“They say a smile can brighten anyone’s day,” Orihime chirped.

“It apparently didn’t work with Loly and Menoly.”

Her smile sank, but Ulquiorra felt no surge of triumph or smug satisfaction at having been the cause. “There… are some people whose hearts can’t be reached or changed. I won’t give up, though.” A blush spread across her cheeks at the hand now pressed against her chest.

“It’s just an organ for keeping the body alive. That much alone is enough.”

“Ah… It does… more than that.”

“Can you prove it?”

Orihime shrank away from Ulquiorra’s touch, scooting downward on the bed.

“Are you scared of me?”

“No,” she replied firmly. The conversation came to an end there.

Aaroniero had returned. Enlisting the help of a few male students, he had the unfortunate pair brought back to the nurse’s station. “I think it’s safe to allow Inoue-san back to her classes. Also, I need the beds.”

Orihime sprang up, stepping aside. Menoly was loaded onto the first bed. Lying on her back, the blood stain was quite obvious. Ulquiorra took Inoue by the crook of her arm, leading her past the brunette being supported. Loly had enough strength left to glare before Orihime disappeared around the corner.

* * * * *

Ulquiorra intercepted Ichigo at the end of his final class. “That woman is no longer being bullied. I will be taking care of her from now on. She will be temporarily moved until she fully recovers. Golden Week starts in a few days. Enjoy it. After that, I advise you to begin studying for your midterms.”

Ichigo wanted to ask if he could trust him with the task of seeing to Inoue’s health, but, so far, Ulquiorra and Grimmjow were the only ones that he could trust somewhat. He accepted the terms with a firm nod. Ulquiorra offered no further information, turning and walking away. Left with his thoughts, Ichigo wondered what to do for the long weekend fast approaching.

A/N: …I caught a cold *feels like the Main Character from Persona 3* =_=
Ahaaaaa… but, I was listening to BrEaK when I wrote the scene between Grimmy and Loly and Menoly xD *…coughs up a lung!* Also… sorry if this chapter was all Hime? It just kinna… turned out that way.

[ chapter seven ] [ chapter eight ] [ chapter nine ] [ chapter ten ] [ chapter eleven ] [ chapter twelve ] [ chapter thirteen ] [ chapter fourteen ] [ chapter fifteen ] [ chapter sixteen ] [ chapter seventeen ] [ chapter eighteen ] [ chapter nineteen ] [ chapter twenty ] [ chapter twenty-one ]

grimm/ichi, yaoi, fic: las noches high, fic, !bleach, grimmjow, ichigo, !multi-chapter, !au

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