{fic} las noches high - chapter eleven

Nov 08, 2010 20:27

Title: Las Noches High - chapter eleven
Author/Artist: taintedkibou
Pairing/Characters: Grimmjow/Ichigo;
Rating: PG-13 (R later?)
Genre: AU; high school
Disclaimer: I own the mangas that I purchased, but Kubo owns the characters.
Summary/Notes: Forced to transfer from school to school because of something he has no control over, Kurosaki Ichigo resigns himself to expulsion, only to find out he has one last choice: attend Las Noches High.

[ chapter one ] [ chapter two ] [ chapter three ] [ chapter four ] [ chapter five ] [ chapter six ] [ chapter seven ] [ chapter eight ] [ chapter nine ] [ chapter ten ]

It was the last day for club meetings; finals were right around the corner. Ichigo would not be setting foot in the dojo again for almost three months. The three martial arts members that had attacked him returned to the dojo today only, in order to prostrate themselves in front of him, fumbling over each other in apology. They were covered in bruises and he wasn’t sure if Tousen, the detention executor, or Grimmjow was the cause. Either way, the question lingered in the back of his mind: would he see them again at the start of the semester?

Practice had ended already, but Ichigo lingered, his gaze following Grimmjow as the club manager moved about. Tired of the ‘hovering spirit’ with legs, Grimmjow stopped and glared in Ichigo’s direction. “What?” he snapped. “Go back to the dorm and start studying since you have nothing else to do. If you don’t move up to third year, I’m gonna beat the shit… out… Why are you smiling?” Grimmjow turned his nose up in distaste.

“Am I…?” Ichigo blinked in surprise. “I didn’t realize it.”

“It’s disgusting and disturbing,” Grimmjow muttered, resuming his duties.

Ichigo looked down at his feet, brow furrowed in thought. Had he been smiling? Grimmjow wasn’t one to lie-Ichigo could only assume this-so it must have been true. He sighed deeply and turned away, heading for the door. “See you back at the dorm.” He received a “whatever” in return.

Ichigo strolled slowly down the halls, his brain wrapped around questions he could find no answers for. Why had he stayed behind? Why had he been smiling?

Have you found anyone that’s your type yet?

Ichigo froze. “No…” His wide eyes stared ahead, unseeing. He couldn’t and refused to believe such an ironic twist of fate. He fished his phone from his pocket, ducking into an empty classroom as he placed a call. “Why’d it take so long to pick up?” Ichigo hissed after the ringing in his ear had ended.

“I knew I shouldn’t have picked up,” a tired voice sighed. “Kurosaki. Why are you bothering me? Don’t you have finals-”

“Forget finals! Uryuu… How did you figure out you liked Urahara?” There was a long pause that had Ichigo checking to see if the call had ended. “Oi…”

“It’s… hard to explain,” Ishida finally mumbled, his voice barely audible. “Do you think you’ve found somebody? Are you sure? Because-”

“I know.” Ichigo sank into a crouch, head dropping to between his thighs. The mistake had been made once before. His broken smile went unseen. “Forget I called you. There’s nobody.” ‘There’s nobody,’ he repeated to himself.


“Don’t sound like you care,” Ichigo laughed. “Keep an eye out for me during summer break. I’ll be back in Karakura.”

“Aa. Do well on your finals.”

“You, too.” Ichigo hung up and clutched his cell phone tightly with both hands, pressing it against his forehead. He waited until he had collected his thoughts before standing and heading out of the classroom. As Ishida had pointed out, there were finals to be had and he had to push all distractions aside. Graduation was his goal.



The scheduled finals for the day were over with and Inoue caught Ichigo while he retrieved his books from his locker. “Inoue,” he greeted after she had approached him. Orihime wore a Cheshire wide smile that had Ichigo’s orange eyebrow arching in question. She giggled, removing her arms from behind her back. A small box lay in her upturned palms. Ichigo heard the soft whispers from passing students, but, as always, paid them no mind. He took the object and opened it, his surprise quickly masked with fear and worry.

“Menoly-chan made it,” Inoue chirped. She stepped aside, revealing the shy blonde that stood a few yards behind her. She waved before turning back around. Her expression softened into a warm smile. “Happy birthday, Kurosaki-kun,” Orihime whispered. Inside the box was a cupcake, orange icing covering its top. A ‘17’inside of the Superman symbol, decorated the icing.

Ichigo chuckled softly. “Thank you, Inoue. I’ll… eat it after I finish studying.” He wouldn’t be ridiculed if he told her he had honestly forgotten his own birthday, but he kept the information to himself. “Thank you,” he repeated, closing the box.

“Nel-san was the one that came up with the design.”

“I had a feeling she had a hand in the mix.” Ichigo grinned, shaking his head. “I’ll have to remember to visit her before I go back to Karakura.”

“I should be back a few days after you.” Inoue quickly excused herself, rushing back to Menoly. Words were exchanged, and a light blush covered the blonde’s cheeks before she nodded her understanding and walked away.

By the time Inoue returned, Ichigo had closed his locker and begun walking. His school case was held in one hand and the cupcake in the other. “No Ulquiorra today?” he teased when the girl fell in step beside him.

Inoue shook her head violently, her hair whipping back and forth. She didn’t understand Ulquiorra’s behavior as of late. It could almost be described as contradicting. Her place was at Ichigo’s side, but the Student Council President saw to it that it was the one place she wasn’t. She didn’t mind spending time with Ulquiorra, though.

“I thought he was your keeper,” Ichigo muttered, his glaring and nonchalant mask back in place.

“When my arm was broken,” Orihime giggled. “That day, when Nel-san was with us at your new dorm, he came for me because it was the last checkup.”

“He could’ve said something,” Ichigo scoffed.

“He’s a young man of very little words.”

“Not true. He can be quite talkative.”

Inoue pursed her lips, a finger pushed against her chin. “True…” Ichigo smiled at the profile view she presented him with. He had missed their time spent together; it was still refreshing to be around the girl. Together, they walked back to their dorm building, separating to reach their individual rooms.

Ichigo promptly tripped over the narrow, rectangular box that had not been in the middle of the floor when he left. He made sure the cupcake was safely out of the way before tackling the new problem. There was nothing on the outside of the box to indicate who or where it was from. Ichigo opened the end flaps and found the box opened lengthwise. With a lopsided grin, he fell back onto his behind, drawing his left knee upward to brace his arm atop it.

Balanced atop a red and black decorated sword stand was a slim Japanese long sword. The stand was decorated to match the hilt, which was, indeed, red and black. Other than the crimson diamond shapes, the entire sword was a pure ebony color. From the sleek blade, to the short chain that hung from the end of the hilt, its last link broken. Ichigo used his right foot to shift the box, studying the hilt guard once he was able to view it from the new angle. The four prongs were bent in a familiar shape. Kanji was not his forte, despite his birthright, but the design reminded him of something. ‘It’ll come to me eventually.’

Ichigo’s smile remained, slipping away only after he noticed something of a purer white than the wrapping that had protected the weapon. He dropped his leg, rising onto his knees, and moved forward, reaching out to snag the piece of paper. A note. Ichigo unfolded it.

It suits you, shinigami. Think of it as your scythe for slaying humans. The owner at the store said it was called “Tensa Zangetsu”. This is an incentive to keep you studying… on your birthday.

“It’s called a birthday present, Grimmjow.” Ichigo glanced at the wall that separated his and Grimmjow’s dorm. “Thanks.” Tensa Zangetsu created the opposite effect. Ichigo didn’t study that night. He ate his cupcake and stared at the sword he had temporarily displayed on his nightstand until falling asleep.


Finals were out of the way, Shawlong was driving off into the distance-out of Karakura Town, and Ichigo was back in his house.

Kneeling in front of his sisters, Ichigo removed his hands from behind his back with a grin, revealing two wrapped packages. Yuzu gave him a quick hug before taking the gift. She ran off to the sofa, sitting to open the gift. Karin accepted hers with a smile. “Thanks, Ichi-nii. And welcome home.”

Ichigo stood, stretching his muscles. “Where’s that old fart?”

“They called him down to the hospital, but he should be back pretty soon.” He hummed softly, looking around the room. Everything still seemed the same. He had returned not too long ago, glad that he had eaten before he left Las Noches since he’d just missed dinner at home. Ichigo smiled at the large poster of his mother.

Yuzu looked up from admiring the pink, silk-woven material. “Onii-chan?” Ichigo glanced her way, eyebrow raised questioningly. A bright smile lit up her face and she giggled, “There’s something different about you. Good different,” she added.

“You noticed it too?” Karin mused with a small grin.

Ichigo looked between the twins before snatching Karin up under his arm; she was the closest. “I haven’t changed!”

“Ichi-nii!” the brunette protested with a laugh.

Running footsteps ended the moment and Ichigo placed his sister down just as Isshin came bursting into the room. “Ichi-No!” A roundhouse kick sent him flying straight into the wall.

Yuzu gathered her yukata and hopped down from the sofa. “Karin-chan. We need to refresh our memories on yukata-wearing. Onii-chan and otou-san can’t help.”

“Oi, Yuzu!” Ichigo protested.

“You can’t even cut your hair, onii-chan,” Yuzu teased. “Which reminds me…” Her features turned into a cute frown. “You’re due for a trim.”

Ichigo fingered the ends of his orange hair. It had been four months since his sister had last cut his hair. “Let’s schedule it for tomorrow.”

“Un!” With a smile, Yuzu managed to coax her sister into following her back to their room.

Ichigo tossed a disinterested glance in his father’s direction. Isshin was back on his feet and crying at the base of Masaki’s poster. ‘Take care of him, mom. All of us, for that matter.’ He smiled and ducked into the kitchen. “Hey, old man. When are you going to buy me a laptop?” Ichigo closed the fridge door and found his father now directly beside him.

“I won’t. I don’t want you looking at porn.”

Ichigo bit down on his bottom lip, but he still snorted. His eyes betrayed him, sparkling with untamed mirth. What made it even more painful was the serious expression Isshin wore. His sealed lips parted and Ichigo stumbled to the kitchen counter to support himself as he broke down laughing.

“I’m serious,” Isshin huffed, glaring.

“I… I know you are!” Ichigo wiped the tears from his eyes, attempting to catch his breath. “I’m already looking at a future of celibacy. Why bring the problem right to our front doors?”

“So you look at porn outside the house?!” Isshin squawked.

“No!” The soda can that Ichigo had been holding flew at the man’s head. The object was easily caught and placed down atop the counter. Wits gathered, Ichigo sighed, ruffling his hair. “I… just wanted to find out more about Las Noches, that’s all. Do I really have to attend the University there? I need questions like these answered. The library’s closed now, so… You have the only computer in the house.”

Isshin scratched the back of his neck. “We can buy one tomorrow,” he mumbled.

“You’re not so bad after all, old man.”

“Remember that!”

Ichigo snatched his soda off the counter, opening it over the sink so it overflowed down the drain. He rinsed off his hand and walked out of the kitchen, can pressed against his lips as he drank. He doubled back before he hit the stairs, heading for the trash. As it had been drilled into his head, the can was placed with the recyclable trash. Ichigo took the stairs two at a time, stopping to knock on his sisters’ door. “How’s it going?”

“Good,” Yuzu chirped from behind the closed door. “We’re not as helpless as you might think we are, onii-chan.”

“But it feels like just yesterday I was changing your diapers,” Ichigo sighed, his grin invisible to his sisters.


“Think of it as a pattern, Ichi-nii,” Karin spoke up. “You changed ours, you’ll probably be changing oya-jii’s, and when the time comes, we’ll be changing yours.”

“Oi, Karin,” Ichigo warned, rapping on the door once again, though his grin never diminished. The door opened, revealing a blushing Yuzu. He poked his head in, finding the brunette seated at the edge of her bed. “Do you like it?”

Karin nodded, smiling as she gently touched the midnight-blue material. “Thank you, Ichi-nii.”

Ichigo shook his head with a smile. “Any time.”

“Will you be wearing a yukata to the festival?”

Ichigo closed one eye, staring thoughtfully at the junction where wall met ceiling. “Probably not. It’s not really my style. But my baby sisters will look cute in theirs.” He laughed as he was ushered out of the room and back into the hall, the door closing behind him. Ichigo stretched his arms high as he crossed the hall and entered his room. He closed the door once inside and made a beeline for the bed, easily maneuvering his way through the darkened room. Falling face first onto the bed, he immediately rolled onto his side, staring blankly at the wall.

+ + +

Ichigo forced his way into Grimmjow’s dorm after the door was opened. “You held the sixth place rank after the midterms,” he mumbled. “Help me study.”

Grimmjow slammed the door shut. “I’m not feeding you, and you’re not staying long.”

Ichigo breathed a soft sigh of relief; he hadn’t been refused. He really did need to study and Grimmjow seemed like the most feasible choice. Ulquiorra would never give him the time of day, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to concentrate with Inoue.

Grimmjow kicked a few items aside, making a path for Ichigo to follow him. They entered the bedroom and Ichigo grinned. The cluttered desk told him the other had also been studying, but he found the bed more interesting. He hadn’t noticed it missing from the display-not that he’d been paying attention, but Pantera lay atop the disheveled sheets.

“Sometimes… having it nearby helps me concentrate.” Grimmjow picked up the sword, balancing it atop his shoulder. He nodded his head in the direction of the bed, silently telling his guest to sit. Ichigo did as he was told, opening his textbook to the page the pencil had been holding for him.

Grimmjow sat beside him, Pantera now on the bed at his outside thigh. After being shown the problem that was giving Ichigo trouble, he responded with: “We went over this that day you missed school.”

“One day… and they put it on the final,” Ichigo scoffed.

“It’s not that difficult.” Grimmjow uncurled his fingers from around Pantera’s sheath and reached for the book.

Ichigo paid close attention as the problem was explained, knowing there wouldn’t be a second chance. He leaned in and took note of the fact that there were no underlying feelings of apprehension or uneasiness as he sat beside the Student Council VP. He felt as though he could truly relax.

“Were you listening?” Grimmjow sighed.

“I was!” To prove his point, Ichigo attempted to solve the problem after the one that had been used as an example. There were a few minor mistakes-which Grimmjow crossly pointed out-but he’d gotten his point across.

“Why are you here?” The question came out of nowhere.

“I came here to… ask for you help? Should I call Lulu for you? Argh… When did I start calling him Lulu?” Ichigo received a clout to the back of his head. “Ow…!”

Pantera was the culprit, wielded by Grimmjow, who was now standing and glaring down at him. “Why… are you in Las Noches?”

Ichigo’s eyes narrowed. “The guy that ran the dojo before you… He asked the same thing. Is there something I don’t know?”

Grimmjow grinned darkly. “If you’re looking for something, you won’t ever scratch the surface. We’re misfits. Delinquents. Orphans. The reason we’re not allowed to leave is because there’s no one waiting for us outside these walls. We can only make a name for ourselves in Las Noches.”

Ichigo remembered that Nel had stated something eerily familiar. He didn’t know how to respond, and stated the only thing that came to mind: “You’re all… pretty smart and talented.”

“That’s your rebuttal?” Grimmjow laughed harshly. “Go study, shinigami. Remember what I told you about not failing.”

Ichigo rolled his eyes, but flashed Grimmjow a crooked grin as he stood from the bed. “I might do better than you.”

“You wish!” Grimmjow’s laughter followed him as he walked out of the bedroom.

Remembering at the last minute, Ichigo turned back around, poking his head inside. Blue eyes regarded him coldly, almost as if to say ‘you’re still here?’. “Thanks for the birthday present.”

Grimmjow sucked his teeth, turning back to his own notes. “Whatever. Hurry and go back.”

Ichigo grinned, finally leaving.

+ + +

Ichigo pushed the memory aside and closed his eyes, embracing sleep.


They spent over two hours searching for a laptop before Ichigo finally decided. He handed it over to his father after it was purchased, telling him to take it back home. “I’m hanging out with some old friends today,” was added in a shout as he ran down the sidewalk.



As he had just been left behind, it was not Isshin that received the loving clothesline attack. Asano Keigo went sprawling on the sidewalk.

His ebony-haired companion smiled up at ichigo. “Welcome back,” Kojima Mizuiro chirped with a bright smile. “Enjoying your new school?”

“Of course. They have a martial arts club, so I get to fight for fun.” Ichigo grinned.

“That hit did feel more powerful.” Resilient, Keigo sprang back onto his feet. “How are we spending our break?”

“The only thing I can guarantee is today and the festival.” As with his sisters, Ichigo also noticed the slight changes in the appearances of his friends. ‘We all have to grow up,’ he told himself

“That’s fine!” Keigo clapped his hands excitedly.

Ichigo smiled. ‘He only grew up in height. He kinda acts… just like Nel, except she’s definitely not as cowardly.’

“You never showed us that expression before,” Mizuiro commented, a knowing smile on his face.

Ichigo arched an eyebrow, experiencing another feeling of déjà vu. “What expression?”

Mizuiro shook his head with a soft laugh. “Nothing. Let’s go.” Keigo looked between the two, his features revealing that he was even more confused than Ichigo. He opened his mouth to whine, but a quick punch in the side from the brunet sent him into another fit, but off the current subject. Ichigo grinned, following them. Keigo and Mizuiro were two of a handful of friends he’d acquired during his stay at Karakura High. Ishida was another, though he refused to admit it.

“Let’s go bowling,” Ichigo suggested.

“Too heavy for a first day,” Mizuiro hummed, brow creased in thought. “I would say karaoke-”

“Karaoke!” Keigo chimed in.

“-But,” Mizuiro continued, shooting him a glare, “That’s too much fun for the beginning of our little vacation. Also, Ichigo doesn’t like it too much.”

“I might participate this time around,” Ichigo stated offhandedly. With an exclamation of joy, Keigo launched himself at the orange-haired teen, only to get smacked down out of mid-air. “We can just wander around the arcade, for now. I also need to do my summer homework…”

Mizuiro and Keigo recoiled, scurrying away from Ichigo, clutching each other as they stared at him in horror. “What?” Ichigo scoffed, breaking between them. “It’s important. You two should become more serious about school. It’s our last year.” He glanced over his shoulder at the sniveling duo. “Let’s go.”

“Aa,” they agreed dejectedly.

* * * * *

When Ichigo returned late that afternoon, he was dragged off by Yuzu for his trim appointment. After that task was completed, he headed for his room and found that the laptop had been set up and displayed on top of his desk. Ichigo smiled half-heartedly as he sat behind it, turning on the power. Isshin had gone so far as to make sure his Internet worked and everything. In the SEARCH box, “Las Noches” was typed.

As with Karakura, and definitely Shinou, the main website of Las Noches simply boasted why their school would be the best for any child to attend. Ichigo didn’t care for the “surface”, but there was nothing else to be found. Every forum he wandered into spoke only good things; of a typical day at Las Noches; of how the students enjoyed themselves immensely. Maybe Grimmjow was right. If that were the case, it meant Aizen Sousuke had his hand in everything, and controlled everyone. How could one person control even the contents of the largest computer network in the world?

Ichigo leaned back in his chair with a sigh, glaring at the ceiling. His eyes widened and he sprang up to his feet. “Urahara-san!” Urahara Kisuke and Shihouin Yoruichi knew everything. He was out of his room and down the stairs in twelve long strides. “Leavin’, old man! Urahara-san’s!” The front door slammed shut on Isshin’s request from the shop and he whined.


Urahara Shoten was three districts away, and very much within walking distance. With ichigo running, however, he arrived in fewer minutes than it would have taken him had he been casually strolling. He stumbled into the front yard, catching himself before he tripped over his feet. Straightening up, Ichigo’s eyes widened, his grin wiped clean off his face. The front door was opened, as someone was coming out. Urahara could be seen sitting on the inner hallway, his haori spread out behind him. His right leg was tucked beneath him while the other hung toward the floor below. Ichigo was used to his presence. What made his blood run cold was the presence of a certain redhead from Shinou Academy, one who seemed just as surprised to see Ichigo. “Ren…ji.”

“Kurosaki-san.” Urahara snapped his fan shut, revealing a wide smile. “I was just finishing up with Abarai-san. He was here placing an order. Did you wish to discuss something with me?”

“Aa…” Ichigo started forward, tunneling his vision so only the blond remained in his sights. The redhead reached out and Ichigo jerked away, eyes wide, an unknown emotion swirling in their russet depths. He shook his head as if to warn the other.


“Abarai-san. Since we’re finished here, I suggest you take your leave. I will inform you when your order has arrived.” Urahara stood, waving Ichigo over. Shrugging his shoulder, warding off the other teen’s presence, Ichigo started forward once more, quickly ducking inside after he had arrived at the shop’s entrance. Urahara waved until the door slid shut.


“He smells like candy!” Yoruichi cackled, an empty sake jug beside her on the floor. “Do you think if I lick him, he’ll taste just as sweet as he smells?”

Ichigo hunched his shoulders up to his ears, glaring at his socked feet. A cup of tea was placed in front of him and he lifted his head, revealing his pain and anger to a sympathetic Kisuke.

“Yoruichi-san put it quite crudely-no, we can’t taste him,” Urahara shot at the tipsy woman. He turned back to Ichigo with an apologetic smile. “You are emitting strong pheromones. Maybe if you think about the individual you left behind at Las Noches? No… That might just make things worse.”

Ichigo’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “Ishida told you?”

“The scent’s fading now,” Yoruichi murmured, her nose slightly twitching as she sniffed the air.

“He was worried about you,” Urahara explained, taking a seat on the cushion across from Ichigo. He smiled. “Putting all that aside-you came here for…?”

Ichigo sat up straight, forgetting about Renji’s sudden appearance, for now, that is. “Is there something I don’t know about Las Noches?” Urahara’s smile became a grim expression and Ichigo knew he’d made the right decision coming here. He glanced at Yoruichi and found the woman wore a look of distaste, her head propped up with a hand under her chin. “Will you… tell me?”

“I’m not at liberty to do so. Will it change the way things are progressing at school for you?” Urahara folded his hands in his lap, leaning forward. His gray eyes cut through Ichigo like glass. “Will it change the way that you look at a certain someone?”

“Stop mentioning him!” Ichigo fisted his hands on the floor, screwing his eyes shut. The darkness behind his lids only made things worse. Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez’s face danced in front of his mind’s eye and Ichigo grunted in frustration. Was Grimmjow his solace in a world of lies, or was he an accomplice to it all? “Graduation,” Ichigo forced through gritted teeth. “I’ll come back to see you when I graduate. I have no intention of attending University behind those walls.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Urahara chirped, sitting back with his trademark carefree smile. “Also… I’ll have Tessai-san fix you a futon. You’re… fluctuating, for lack of a better word, and I don’t want your father to end my life because I sent you out on the streets like this.”

“Whatever.” Ichigo resumed his glaring, the act now directed at the cup of untouched tea.

“Cheer up, kid,” Yoruichi spoke from his right side. “Have a drink with me!” Tessai must have snuck in while Ichigo was distracted with Urahara, because the dark-skinned woman had a new jug of sake and three cups.

“Yoruichi-san,” Urahara chastised.

“What?” Yoruichi drawled, grinning. “It’s not like you’re going to tell. I’m not going to tell…”

Wordlessly, Ichigo stood, dragging himself to where the woman sat. He dropped down beside her and she grinned. There was no one around to make an arrest-no one to arrest him for underage drinking, and no one to arrest the two adults for aiding his criminal ways. Besides, a stiff drink sounded nice right about now.

A/N: This and the previous chapter have been the longest thus far. *clears throat and throws her arms in the air* Renji~! xD

And I think I may have put too much emphasis on Las Noches being its own separate “world” with secrets. I’m… just making this up as I go along, srsly o.o; So people might get disappointed when some retarded excuse of a secret is revealed. This is about the GrimmIchi… which I’m slowly building up to! *cheers* DX

Also~ the next chapter might be late… Who can I expect to meet at Anime USA ’10 in VA? No one? No one…? *pout* But, yes, I’ll be out there, and I won’t be returning until Tuesday night, then it’s straight to work Wednesday, which means… a Wednesday update :3

[ chapter twelve ] [ chapter thirteen ] [ chapter fourteen ] [ chapter fifteen ] [ chapter sixteen ] [ chapter seventeen ] [ chapter eighteen ] [ chapter nineteen ] [ chapter twenty ] [ chapter twenty-one ]

grimm/ichi, yaoi, fic: las noches high, fic, !bleach, grimmjow, ichigo, !multi-chapter, !au

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