{fic} las noches high - chapter eight

Oct 19, 2010 06:56

Title: Las Noches High - chapter eight
Author/Artist: taintedkibou
Pairing/Characters: Grimmjow/Ichigo;
Rating: PG-13 (R later?)
Genre: AU; high school
Disclaimer: I own the mangas that I purchased, but Kubo owns the characters.
Summary/Notes: Forced to transfer from school to school because of something he has no control over, Kurosaki Ichigo resigns himself to expulsion, only to find out he has one last choice: attend Las Noches High.

[ chapter one ] [ chapter two ] [ chapter three ] [ chapter four ] [ chapter five ] [ chapter six ] [ chapter seven ]

Ichigo woke one fine Sunday morning to incessant and continuous pounding to his dorm door. He threw back the covers and dragged himself across the room. He opened the door and his eyes flew wide after he was bowled over. Green flooded his vision and the softness smothering him was also a dead giveaway. “Nel?! How-what?! Get off, first!” The beaming woman obeyed, sitting back on her calves.

Ichigo took a few deep breaths before pushing himself up off the floor and into a sitting position. “Why are you-No. Scratch that. How do you know where I live?” he stressed.

“Orihime told me,” Nel chirped, proudly stating the fact. “She told me you get bored easily, and to keep you company. This will be so much fun! We can go out every Sunday. And holidays, when you don’t have school!”

Ichigo grinned nervously, feeling his eyebrow twitch. “…Maybe. Either way, you’re here now. Let me shower and get ready-”

“I promise not to spy on you!”

Ichigo hadn’t thought about it until Nel had made the declaration. “I’ll hold you to that promise. Maybe you should wait in the kitchen….” He smiled. “Afterwards, you can show me around Las Noches.”

Nel’s response was another bone-crushing hug.

+ + +

Ichigo asked Shawlong to drive them into town. From there, they were on their own. Everything was going fine until Nel attempted to drag him into a tattoo parlor.

“I don’t need one!” Ichigo hollered.

“Yes! The Superman symbol with a ‘15’ inside… for Ichi-go!”


“I have a tattoo!”

“No-what?” Ichigo ceased his struggling and turned around to stare incredulously at the grinning woman. “…where?”

“I’ll show you if you get one.”



“I’d know that voice anywhere… Neliel.”

Nel froze, her grip tightening on Ichigo’s arm. The expression on her face, however, was far from being frightened. A tall and lanky brunet young man smirked disdainfully down at them. Another-a blond-stood nearby, obviously his companion. “Nnoitora,” Nel stated coldly. Ichigo had never seen her look so serious before. Her eyes were almost as emotionless as Ulquiorra’s.

Nnoitora laughed loudly. “Neliel,” he drawled. “I’m surprised to see you up and about… especially after what happened.”

Ichigo’s eyes narrowed, realization dawning on him. He stepped in front of the woman protectively. “You’re saying… you were the one who attacked her?”

“Aa.” Nnoitora smiled darkly. “She was an eyesore. I wanted to get rid of her.”

“It sounds to me that you were just jealous of her because she was better than you.”

Nnoitora turned to glare at Ichigo. He extended his arm, but his long reach was cut short before his fist could connect with the teen’s head.

Nel had intercepted, grabbing Nnoitora’s wrist. “Not today, Nnoitora. If you have business here, then we’ll leave. If not, I suggest you keep walking. Despite my absence, I’m sure you also don’t have the help and trickery that you did on that day.” Nel’s eyes narrowed dangerously.

“Still full of bullshit,” the brunet spat, snatching his arm away. “Don’t let me catch you in town by yourself, Neliel.” Nnoitora walked away with a scowl, shooting Ichigo one final glare. The quiet young man followed along behind him.


“Ichigo!” Nel latched onto the teen’s side, rubbing her cheek against his. He smiled nervously. “You were so brave-standing up for me! Get the tattoo~”

“Nel…” Ichigo’s brow creased as he studied her smiling face.

Nel giggled, “I’m fine, Ichigo. Even if Nnoitora somehow managed to become stronger than me, I’m confident that I would still be able to take him on.” Her smiled faded, the look in her eyes becoming distant. “The day of my accident… he tried to get to me through my brothers. I remember telling him that, because he hurt people who are very dear to me, he was going to pay for it. I’m not the type of person to let my judgment be clouded by rage, but he still managed to get the upper hand on me. I’m… positive he wasn’t working alone that day. But that’s beside the point!” Nel turned a warm smile in Ichigo’s direction. “You’re dear to me, Ichigo. So there’s no way I could let him hurt you.”

Ichigo smiled, “Thanks, Nel. And I can completely understand where you’re coming from.”

“Then it’s tattoo time!”

Caught off guard, Nel managed to drag him into the shop. Kicking and screaming, Ichigo fled, running down the sidewalk. Nel stayed on his heels until she could finally embrace him when his stamina ran out.


When Ichigo returned to his dorm that evening, he felt he had been subjected to an intense training session in the dojo.


Ichigo made it his business to be there when Inoue had her cast removed during the second week of June. She flexed her arm and made a muscle, grinning proudly up at her friend. With a smile, Ichigo shook his head. “Does this mean you’ll be coming back to the dorm?”

Inoue’s eyes brightened. “You should move to the Student Council dorm,” she exclaimed, almost breathlessly. “Well… it’s not really the Student Council dorm. Only Ulquiorra-san and Grimmjow-san are there. If you moved, you could probably deepen your friend with Grimmjow-san.”

Ichigo laughed dryly, “There’s no friendship there.”

“Then make one!” Even Aaroniero seemed startled by the outburst. “Sorry,” she giggled, glancing between the two wide-eyed men. “Think about it, though, Kurosaki-kun-moving, that is. You don’t do it right now, but… Grimmjow-san will make a reliable friend.”

“I’ll think about moving,” Ichigo stressed. “Let’s get you to class.”

“Un.” With a smile, Inoue stood from her perch on the edge of the bed and followed behind Ichigo, who led the way. She waved to Aaroniero before exiting the infirmary, receiving a similarly energetic one in return. Ichigo walked Inoue to her room before heading off to his own classroom.

Orihime turned away from the door to find an eye-widening surprise waiting for her at the desk. Menoly Mallia stood there, a small, wrapped package in her hand. The blonde was actually in a different homeroom, so she was endangering her own status by being out of class. “Inoue-san,” she stammered out, bowing her head. The box was held outward. “An… apology.”

“Menoly!” Chairs scraped along the floor as students moved aside to make way. Loly slapped the box to the floor, grabbing Menoly up by her shoulder. “Go to your homeroom,” she hissed, releasing the other with a shove.

“Hai…” Menoly’s green eyes glanced at Inoue and she felt a surge of relief at the apologetic smile she found on the transfer student’s face. Menoly hurried out of the classroom.

Loly made it her sole purpose to walk around the desk and crush the box beneath her boot. Orihime waited until she walked away before picking up and dusting off the object. She slipped it into her desk, taking her seat.

* * * * *

“Do you think your actions are just?”

Inoue smiled in response to Ulquiorra’s question. “I believe that they are,” she responded. The Student Council President stood on the outside walkway that led to the pool and gymnasium. Inoue was tending to a rose bush she had found before the bullying began. Weeks had gone by that she hadn’t seen the flowers, so she lavished them with her undivided attention. Inoue grimaced, pulling her hand back.

“Gardeners wear gloves when they do the work you’re doing. They know, no matter how beautiful a rose is…” Ulquiorra stepped off of the concrete path, heading to where the girl sucked her pricked finger. He bypassed her and stared down at the bush. “It still has thorns.” Ulquiorra reached out, fingers ghosting over the petals of a blossomed rose. “I’ll ask you again: do you believe your actions are just?”

Inoue removed her finger long enough to respond: “Yes.”

Ulquiorra crushed the rose in his fist. He unfurled his fingers, letting the petals flutter to the ground. He turned back around, heading for the walkway. “You’re still in my care. Lunch is almost over.”

“Hai, Ulquiorra-san.” Orihime smiled at the rose bush, whispering to them that she would return; apologizing for Ulquiorra’s actions. She quickly followed the stoical teen that waited for her.

* * * * *

Despite not being a third year, Ichigo was granted one free period. Twice a week. This free period, which took place on Tuesdays and Thursdays, was scheduled right before the last bell, so, technically, school ended early for him. The one problem with that was that they were not allowed to leave campus until school was officially out for the day.

It was during his walk through what he thought was an empty hall that Ichigo met the duo from the rooftop again. He also recalled the incident that had taken place t the end of that same day. Rather than run with his tail between his legs, Ichigo continued forward, hands remaining in the pocket of the white school slacks.

“Oi, second year. Shouldn’t you be in class?”

Ichigo flashed a half-smirk. “I don’t have a class this period.” For such a situation, he always carried his student class schedule on him to show as proof.

Ggio looked it over before handing it back. “Why are you here?”

“I wonder that myself.” Ichigo knew the question had nothing to do with his current location in the hall. “This was a last resort for me. I have every intention of graduating from here, leaving it behind, and moving on with my life.”

Avirama let out a bark of laughter. “You’ll be moving onto the University from here. You’re part of our system now.”

Ggio smirked. “Aizen-sama made an exception letting him in. He might make an exception to let him out also.” Ichigo’s brow knitted as he frowned.

“Instead of having you wander the hall, maybe we’ll squeeze you into Baraggan-sama’s afternoon classes,” Avirama suggested with a smug grin.

“I already have a History class. Thanks, but no thanks. May I… leave now? I was heading to the library, to study.”

Ggio indicated for him to pass. Ichigo resumed walking, giving both his senpai a curt nod as he passed them. “I don’t get what everyone’s talking about,” Avirama sighed, tucking his arms behind his head.

“I do.” Ggio breathed out deeply. “But Baraggan-sama’s orders are not to be disobeyed.”

“I know that,” Avirama huffed.

Ggio glanced at his friend, grinning at the frown he found etched across Avirama’s face. “C’mon. Let’s go find some more troublemakers.” They were, after all, members of the Student Disciplinary Committee. Avirama energetically agreed, cracking the knuckles of his hands.

* * * * *

Inoue Orihime waited in an empty classroom as the members of the Student Council convened and discussed a matter. She was not allowed to leave without Ulquiorra, and, coincidentally enough, she had no club meeting. Remembering Menoly’s package, Inoue pulled her school case into her lap, opening it to retrieve the damaged object. After removing the plain wrapping, the box was opened and a giggle escaped the girl.

The Sewing Club gathered during certain days of the week. When they weren’t using the Home Economics room, the Cooking Club utilized it. Menoly was obviously a member of the Cooking Club, for in the box were crushed cookies.

Orihime found one still intact and held the crown-shaped treat at eye level. “Don’t put me on a pedestal so high,” she whispered aloud, bringing the cookie down to take a bit of it. ‘It’s only my name. I’m no princess.’ A satisfied hum escaped and she promised to thank Menoly the next time she saw her.

* * * * *

Having accidentally falling asleep, after having told Ggio he was going to study, Ichigo was rushing through the halls in order to reach the dojo before Grimmjow considered him to be “late”. He was one hall away when he caught sight of a few fellow club members heading towards him-away from his destination.


Ichigo slowed then came to a full stop, tightening his hold on the shoulder bag.

“Club’s been cancelled.”

Ichigo snorted. “There’s no way he would let that happen.”

The small group shared a laugh. “Hard to believe, right? Ichimaru came and informed us that the Student Council was having a meeting, so Grimmjow wouldn’t be available.”

‘Ichimaru…’ Ichigo recalled the smiling man that had inquired about Rangiku. “Ah… The Vice Principal…” An arm was slung around his shoulder and he reflexively tensed up. “If there’s no club meeting, I should probably go back to my dorm and study. I have a test in Math tomorrow.”

“That’s no fair. We hardly ever see you outside of school.”

“And if we do, it’s in The Village.”

“Which is technically still ‘in school’!”

Ichigo smiled nervously as the students laughed.

“We’ll help you study.”

“Yeah. Come and hang out with us.”

“…for a little bit, I guess.” Ichigo exhaled deeply.

+ + +

Ichigo was quickly reminded that he had his own problems. He made his way back to his dorm, his shirt covered with multiple blood stains, none of which were his. His school case dangled from his fingers, and also contained traces of DNA from one of the students that had attacked him. Ichigo entered the empty building, heading straight for his dorm. He threw the school case to the side and made his way to the bathroom, turning the water on in the tub to fix a bath.

Almost twenty minutes later, he was still submerged, and had no desire of leaving the tub. Ichigo sank beneath the lukewarm water, screaming into the liquid, the inaudible sound creating bubbles. He sat up, water flowing from his mouth, and covered his face with both hands. It was becoming tiring now.

“Maybe…” ‘If I let it happen, their urges will go away.’ He shook his head furiously. “That’s not the way to think, Kurosaki Ichigo. Fight this!” Ichigo clenched his hand into a tight fist. He sank beneath the water, his fist still held high.

A/N: Nnnngh! I wanna just throw up three chapters just to get closer to the good stuff, but… I have to follow my pattern and timeline, and… *claws for the GrimmIchi* Also, again, it’s like half-Ichigo, half-Inoue. Told ya… following my draft pattern.

[ chapter nine ] [ chapter ten ] [ chapter eleven ] [ chapter twelve ] [ chapter thirteen ] [ chapter fourteen ] [ chapter fifteen ] [ chapter sixteen ] [ chapter seventeen ] [ chapter eighteen ] [ chapter nineteen ] [ chapter twenty ] [ chapter twenty-one ]

grimm/ichi, yaoi, fic: las noches high, fic, !bleach, grimmjow, ichigo, !multi-chapter, !au

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