2008 Nov Pati Pati Chap. 1 Part 1

Nov 13, 2008 02:00

I bought the Pati Pati magazine last Saturday and was so excited to read the first real article about Gackt in a year that I decided to translate it right away. Between class and work, that is. XD ( Read more... )

magazine translations, pati pati

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Comments 53

ntkufreak November 12 2008, 18:20:48 UTC
::Glomps:: <3 ( ... )


sweiled November 13 2008, 05:00:52 UTC
Hahaha XD

XD In that case, there's a line in the other part of the translation that will make you very happy. X3 I don't think he will retire anytime soon tho, I mean while his health holds up of course. ^^; He's too ambitious to just stop. Even if he completes the Moon Project, I'm sure he will move towards some other new stuff. Maybe a Moon Project Part 2. XDDDDD Besides, he's started to expand into other areas as well, so we might see him do more of those and not just music in the future. The possibilities are truly limitless when it comes to Gackt!

I AGREE! I love the chorus. I couldn't catch what he was saying at first (the English bit) XD but the lyrics sound really cool too and I can't wait to see the rest or hear/watch his performance on tv!!! >___< Still have not listened to Justified~ I don't like to listen to previews online (unless it's released by official sites like Dears!), and I'm really anal when it comes to that, so I probably won't listen to Justified until it's released in single or when I get 9*9. XD *sighs* I ( ... )


shiro_ko November 12 2008, 18:40:33 UTC
*eats up the Gacktness with a spoon*


Thanks for the translation!
I'm actually rather more excited now having read it!
Lots is revealed and yet... as usual not revealed! XD"

So... the tour will be new songs from a new album which will probably come out after the tour you think?

As for MOON over Rebirth...

I'm just happy to hear him talk about new albums and singles! X3

Tho, somehow after so long away from music rebirth theme seems appropriate.
Also makes me intrigued to how he might use this as an oppertunity to reinvent himself or do somthing even more spectacular than he has before! X3

Interesting to read about Jesus too, I was wondering how symbolic/religious or not it would be!

Looking forward to the 2nd part of the translation! X3


sweiled November 13 2008, 05:06:23 UTC
Kyaaa!! Spit it out! Spit it out, I say!! XDDD

Wow, you are fast~! I sure wasn't expecting to see your reply so soon. XD You are welcome, sweetie! Thanks for reading. :D

Hahaha, exactly! Gackt is such a teaser. XD You feel satisfied after reading his articles but when you think about it, you realize you're still pretty much clueless about a lot of things! XD Tricksie~~

Yeah, me thinks so. :/ Plus Rebirth songs of course. :D

Oh wow, that is actually quite a close guess of his reason for choosing to reopen Rebirth! Wooot, very astute of you. Haha, I think that's the main thing on everyone's mind. What the song title actually symbolizes. XD

Looking forward to doing them! XD


shiro_ko November 13 2008, 13:14:22 UTC
*chokes on it* XD"

ah haha yeah usually I'm the last to respond ne! XD"

Yes yes I often feel clueless XD

I hope he doesn't wait till after the tour to release the album... that'd be too cruel to those of us who can't go see him. ;___;

wow really! me, be astute! HAHA always a first time I guess! XD

When you choose such an iconinc figure as the title of your song, it's not surprising ne.
Why does no one ever name rock songs after Buddha tho!? XD"

anyways I'll stop rambling and let you get back to translating!


sweiled November 14 2008, 15:33:26 UTC
Yeah, I don't know... ^^;; It seems unlikely that he will release the album in the middle of the tour. He usually does it before it starts ne? Like Diabolos and Mars. Or maybe he's planning on doing a double tour of sorts? ^^; Like Moon and Crescent? Hmmm, too many possibilities! XD

XD!!! That's right! I have seen some pop songs after Buddha, but yeah, never a rock song. XD; It's too mellow~~ XDDD


pixiezdust November 12 2008, 23:48:28 UTC
AHHHHHHHHH OMG! I fell asleep halfway through last night Y___Y
(Not because its boring.. NOOOoooOOOoo It's anything BUT that!)

Thank you so so much for all your hard work amidst your busy crazy schedule! This interview is so amazing because it explains so much of what he's been doing and.. I suppose.. what to expect from him. You're right that this is the first "real" article from Gackt in a long time ( ... )


sweiled November 13 2008, 05:14:09 UTC
Hahaha, are you okay? XD I think you are probably more tired than I am! XD *massages you ( ... )


pixiezdust November 14 2008, 01:06:03 UTC
haha of course I'm okay ^^ I think my schedule may not be as bad as yours? O_o Main thing about mine is that its emotionally draining XD; *massages you back ala camp-fire style* XDDD

Oh yeah! I remember reading it on eiennoyume, the part where you mentioned us being the ones to weave out a story based on the many pieces he gives us. Like a huge puzzle of sorts? XD Unfortunately I'm kinda lost in that ^^;;; (I really should take to reading... *embarrassed*) Actually to be honest it feels rather pressurizing because I feel that there's a need to try to understand and grasp the concept of REBIRTH before his upcoming Tour starts. There's really not much time left to do that XD; But I guess "Jesus" will be a good motivator? heee~

Thanks!!! I've posted it last night ^^ I hope more people will be able to read this, as well as share their thoughts with you :) Take care~! *chu*


sweiled November 14 2008, 15:37:42 UTC
Haha, I think both of us have rough schedules. XD XD Ahh, well, something happened which I will post over at my xxxx LJ soon, but it's happy news. ^^ Stressful at first, but it all worked out well in the end, so YAY~ Sorry for talking in riddles, you'll know about it when you read it I guess. X3

Yeap, yeap, that's right! :D Aah, that's okay though. I mean his stories always work both ways. If you like to analyze and go deep into his songs, you'll always be able to find something down there; but those who don't can still enjoy the song on its own. So if you like puzzles, go ahead and try to solve it but if you don't you can still enjoy the pieces on its own. XD XD You don't have to force yourself to try to understand it~~

He talks some more about the "formula" to enjoy the coming tour in the next part, so that should be useful to you. XD;;;

Thanks a lot as always!! :D Yeap, it definitely worked. *points to the number of comments below* XD


hydeist_wannabe November 13 2008, 00:47:22 UTC
wow, i haven't seen you around in so long!
i'll have to read the article later (i just noticed the jesus pv on jpopsuki too, ...really suprised lol)
i hope you've been keeping yourself well ^__^


sweiled November 13 2008, 05:16:24 UTC
Hey~! :D Hahaha, yeah, I've mainly been working "behind the scenes" over at EnY, translating internet articles with Gekka_no_neko and editing my old translations and stuff. ^^; I definitely miss translating a full article like this!

Thanks, and I hope you're doing well too~ :D Do let me know your thoughts on the article when you've read it! ^^


michiyo_fir November 13 2008, 03:44:33 UTC
Thank you very much for the current translation ( ... )


sweiled November 13 2008, 05:27:32 UTC
You are most welcome ( ... )


michiyo_fir November 14 2008, 23:25:52 UTC
I guess it's true, but his music doesn't seem to have a lot of European influence. I generally find European bands a bit less shallow and boring that American ones. I'm just really afraid he's turning into every other Jrock band where it's just similar to American rock (Green Day, Sum 41, etc). Although I like their music, I don't like people(especially foreign) that try to copy it. I mean if you grew up in that kind of influence, then it's normal but to imitate it annoys me ( ... )


sweiled November 15 2008, 03:24:17 UTC
No, when I said European influence, I meant for telling the story, not his music. Hmm, I don't listen to other Jrock bands so I don't really know how it is with them, but I don't think American bands are considered major here. At least I don't hear it very often. But yeah, I don't like imitators either. ^^;

Speaking English is a symbol of "coolness" and I think that's main reason why it has become so popular. *sighs* I hate hearing English in Japanese songs because 1) they are usually gibberish 2)contain major grammatical errors 3) the singers themselves can't pronounce the words! XD

As for Gackt using them... I notice that he uses them as background of sorts (don't know the technical term for that) or just one words like Ash, Redemption, Black Stone, etc. Compared with other artists, his is still considered English-free in my opinion.

You know, I don't even remember what he wore during the R&R concert. o_O Except for that military uniform and the pants for U+K. Hahaha, I do know what you mean with the boots. XDD


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