Because of You [At a Glance - YooSu Side-story]

Oct 26, 2007 22:59

Title: Because of You [At a Glance/ Yoosu Side-story]

Author: Sum3r

Pairing: JaeMin

Rating: R (Lemon)

Disclaimer: Plot is mine. Characters aren’t.

Summary: How Yoochun and Junsu first met during Because of You.

Previous: (Because of You Chapters): [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6A] [Chapter 6B] [Chapter 7]

[A/N]: Mentioned in BOY Chapter 6, this is the side-story of how Yoosu came to be. ^^ Chapter 8 of BOY might be updated later this time, however, as I have things I need to take care of ><;;; sry~! But I hope you guys enjoy this~!

At a Glance

“Is it necessary that my presence is required at the party?” Yoochun said, sighing as he looked upon the invitation. His secretary smiled, knowing full well in what mood her boss was in. Shaking her head slightly, Eun-Hye pointed to the card sitting on Yochun’s desk.

“Sir, the Kim Enterprise has gone up considerably in the past few weeks, as you know. They wish to merge with several companies, such as ours and this event was brought forward for the sole purpose of creating such mergers,” Eun-Hye came closer, settling the papers on the desk as she gave Yoochun a more sympathetic smile. “I understand, sir, if you do not wish to attend, but if you do plan on merging with Kim, it is the best if you were to go and decide it upon that night.”

“It is best if I were to go…” Yoochun sighed again, but taking the invitation, he gave it back to Eun-Hye, reaching for the files his secretary had left for him. “Fine. Clear the night for that date, make sure my driver clearly knows where he is going and I expect the suit laid out at least a few days before so I can actually check it.”

Eun-Hye nodded, taking the invitation as she memorized what Yoochun was saying, adding more to what she had to do.

“Sir.” Eun-Hye turned around from walking out, as Yoocun’s head moved up from the papers he was currently reading. “Choi Siwon will also be attending this party as well, so I shall inform him that you are currently going to be there.” She bowed, turning back around and walking from his office as she heard Yoochun’s grumble, “-Could have told me that before-.” Grinning outright, she quickly turned to her desk, beginning to perform the duties Yoochun had told her.


[Two Weeks Later]

“Well, somebody looks good.” Siwon smirked as Yoochun slid into the limo, closing the door behind them as the limo smoothly sped away from Yoochun’s house. Yoochun jokingly punched Siwon on the shoulder, pushing away slightly before hugging him. Leaning comfortably against the backseat of the limo, Yoochun stared out the window.

“It’s been too long, and the only time we can actually spend together besides meeting for our businesses is this party…” Siwon laughed out-loud, his voice disturbing the quietness of the car. Yoochun chuckled with him, smiling despite being annoyed as they remembered their frequent business parties that turned out from one disaster to another.

“But really, I’m beginning to hate parties like these. Companies try to throw huge ones with everything they could offer to try and persuade us to merge,” Yoochun said, fiddling around with his tie.

“If you want to merge,” Siwon replied, checking his blackberry for messages.

“It would be wise if I did, since it would benefit my company well…”

Siwon smirked, “And when, may I ask, were you ever wise?” Yoochun smirked back, punching him again as they chuckled. When they finally reached the hotel, Yoochun and Siwon waited for the driver to open the door. “Trust me, it won’t be that bad,” Siwon said, as the door opened.

“Oh, but I know,” Yoochun said back as he slid out of the car, “that this is going to be worse than what I expected.”


Yoochun leaned back against the edge of the bar, holding a glass of wine in his hand as he surveyed the hotel floor in front of him. He lifted his right hand, taking a sip of his wine as his eyes moved from one group of people to the next. Dancers, caterers, bars, various important people…heck, they even have a fountains and a three-foot cake…guess they really want to convince us… Yoochun knew it would be better for him and his company if he mingled with the rest of the crowd, getting connections from an assortment of business leaders, but he wasn’t in the mood for it.

Parties like these barely interested him, and as items he no longer desired flaunted themselves in front of him, Yoochun felt nothing but indifference. When he was younger, yes, he would go out, act spoiled, get whatever he wanted. Now, at the age of 24, he had too much going around in his life to care for gatherings such as these.

He turned his head around, trying to find Siwon so he could get it over with, when he saw him.

It was a slight glance at first, just his side profile, but it enough to keep Yoochun interested. He was shorter than him, with lighter covered hair and, it seemed to him, a face made for smiling. The angles of his face were soft, his skin fair, contrasting against the lean body underneath the clothes. He couldn’t quite point it out, but there was something…something that attracted him to the younger boy. Turning his entire body so that it was facing him, Yoochun tilted his head slightly to get a better view of him.

Clearly, the boy was uncomfortable. He was obviously trying to enjoy the conversations, but his smiles didn’t quite reach his eyes and his laughs sounded fake to Yoochun’s ears. He was dressed simply in a dark suit, but he looked too young. Freshman in college? …….hmmm, no, probably not. Seems as though he’s still in high school. But who is he? And what is he doing at this party? Yoochun’s questions were quickly answered when he saw the host of the party introducing the boy to several other people. Ahhhh….so he’s Kim’s son…

Yoochun continued staring at the boy, not bothering to care whether or not he noticed him, his eyes narrowing as his gaze grew heated with every movement the boy was making.


Junsu nodded to what the person next to him was saying, pretending to be interested. It was hard, socializing, trying to persuade the other companies. Jae hyung was always better at this than I ever was… He stared at his father when he came near, introducing him to more people.

“And this is my son, Kim Junsu-” I don’t fit here…Appa….Jae hyung would have been better, and you know it. So why am I doing this? Why am I lying to all these people to gain more money when Jae hyung is working to pay for everything? Junsu continued staring at his father, his eyes dropping down. He sighed inwardly, I need to do the best I can… but as he turned his head to look past his father, he saw him.

A gasp caught in his throat, as his eyes widened. The older man was staring at him, his eyes boring into his own, hooded and dark. He was leaned against the bar, a wineglass in one hand, watching him carefully. Junsu froze, his body flushing and heating up with the older man’s gaze. He wanted to run away, turn away and forget this ever happened, but the man’s eyes captured his, holding them from across the room, holding them from the people who walked by.

Lifting his wineglass, the man saluted to him, winking as he drained the glass in one shot. Breaking from the contact, Junsu quickly turned, walking as far away as possible. Who…who was he? And what does he want from me? Shaking his head, Junsu calmed himself, closing his eyes and then opening them again, greeting a few new people. It was nothing, really, he was probably looking at someone else… A lie, he knew, It’s not even going to happen again…

But as the night went on, Junsu couldn’t escape from him. He tried his hardest to avoid the gaze, pretended he was strong enough to fight against it, that he couldn’t feel the attraction between the two of them, couldn’t feel the tension. But whenever their eyes met-whether it be for five minutes or for a mere second-Junsu felt himself slowly break down.

For the second time in his life, Kim Junsu truly felt shaken.

Every look he was given was a blatant invitation, every gaze filled with questions and inquires. And not matter what he did, Junsu always stared back at him. There’s…there’s just something about him…I don’t know….i can’t…

“Park Yoochun.” Junsu looked at this father in surprise, tearing his eyes away from the other man. “Park Yoochun?” Junsu’s father waved his glass toward the older man, “One of the biggest shareholders we can possibly have. Junsu-make sure you somehow convince him to merge. His merger is one of the most important ones of the night. Let me introduce you to him, and make sure he is comfortable and happy,” Junsu’s father said, adding the last words in a low and warning tone.

Junsu could only nod before the older man was moving towards him, his intense look still upon him. He was shortly joined by another man, just as tall, just as suave, but…not as handsome…

“Ah! Choi Siwon, Park Yoochun, and how are you-” Junsu could barely keep with the conversation, his entire being focused on the older man beside him. He saw him turn, smile and talk to his father, saw him laugh, a deep one, with chuckles and a shaking of his shoulders, and then, when the other man started to talk to his father, Junsu saw Yoochun moving towards him.


Finally… Yoochun had been waiting the entire night to be introduced to the younger boy, noticing how the younger was always trying to please the guests. He moved closer, seeing something flicker in the boy’s eyes as he pressed closer, moving his lips closer to his ear.

“Tell me something… Do you normally help your father out like this?”

“Like…what?” The voice was soft, a bit confused.

“Like…trying to please his future partners for mergers with his company?” Yoochun leaned further, until his lips were brushing against the boy’s ears, his voice low. He could see the effect, the chemistry between them that had ignited when they first meet and burned with every look they gave each other.

Junsu tried hard to act as though he was indifferent, but he was failing miserably. This guy was coming too close, coming too near, with every word as a promise, with every question only he could give an answer to.

“I..I don’t know what you mean…”

Yoochun smiled, a slow one, secretive and sexy, bringing his voice an octave lower as he quickly nipped the earlobe of the younger boy, watching him jerk in surprise before pulling away.

“I’ll merge with your father…if you promise to give me your private number. Your’s, and it better be real, cause if it isn’t…then I might not agree to the contract…” Yoochun winked at the shaken boy before moving swiftly to his father, beginning a conversation with him.

Junsu stayed rooted on the spot, his eyes widening at the implication of his words. It’s…it’s just my phone number right? I mean, if he does want me to say something, or doing something…I can still say no. yea…plus…if it gets the merger, than dad will probably be really happy, and then…then maybe I ask talk to him about Jae hyung... So really, it’s only for the merger. I could do what my dad wants me to do, and make him happy. Only for the merger. Knowing that he was lying to himself, knowing that it was much, much more than doing it just the merger, Junsu agreed to the decision, not realizing how that small piece of paper with his number on it would entirely change his life.

“Sir?” Yoochun turned toward the waiter, patiently waiting for the younger boy to come around as he stood talking to the other associates.


“One of the sirs asked me to give you this.” Handing the piece of paper to Yoochun and bowing, the waiter left as Yoochun opened it.

Kim Junsu


Smirking, Yoochun pocketed the note, slipping it to the insides of his jacket. Nodding to notify Siwon that he was about to leave, Yoochun quickly walked towards Kim. His eyes searched for the son, but quickly gave up when he realized the younger boy had probably left early.

“I agree to the merger. Notify my secretary and we can meet as soon as possible to finalize the details. And the house is lovely, I would wish to hold a meeting here and there since we are soon going to be partners,” said Yoochun to Kim, noticing the quick spread of happiness. He didn’t even bother with the reply, nodding to Kim and shaking his hand before heading towards the exit.

Yoochun smiled as he walked towards the limo, fully realizing how dangerous it would be to go after his partner’s son. But then again…I was never really wise, was i?


[1 Month Later]

“You little tease!” Yoochun made a grab for Junus’s legs but missed as the younger boy laughed out-loud and quickly slid away from the sofa.

“nuh…uh..uh… That’s what you get for not calling me last night!” Yoochun made another grab, nearly falling on his face as Junsu walked backwards, his feet barefoot against the floor of Yoochun’s house.

“So you decided to touch me during the meeting? To make a grab at me whenever you thought nobody was looking?” Yoochun growled, vividly recalling the moments Junsu had sneaked in a hand on him, an innocent smile on his face as he looked at the other associates.

Junsu only laughed further, his laughter quickly turning into a shriek as Yoochun quickly got off the couch and ran towards him, seeking revenge. Junsu only got so far as grabbing the door of Yoochun’s bedroom before Yoochun was on him, pushing him towards the floor.

Junsu smiled up at him, his eyes warm and full of laughter. “Now it’s payback.” Yoochun clamped the younger boy’s body against his, capturing it with his body. Junsu’s smile faltered as he felt Yoochun’s aroused body against his own, his eyes turning dark as he arched his neck off the floor.

“Right…here?” Junsu whispered, but received a kiss as his only answer. Yoochun kissed him roughly on the floor, easing slowly as the body underneath started to quickly yield to him. He kissed him softly, slipping in his tongue between his lover’s lips before his passion took over.

Junsu moaned underneath him, rubbing his body against the older male. Breaking for air, Yoochun started to pull Junsu’s shirt upward, taking it over the boy as Junsu started to pull apart the buttons. Concentrating on taking apart the shirt without ripping it, Junsu didn’t even notice Yoochun’s hand until it slipped between his jeans and grabbed his arousal. He moaned again, faltering against opening his shirt. But when Yoochun quickly took his lips again, Junsu finished the task, sucking his stomach in to let Yoochun discard his jeans and boxers.

“Don’t…don’t tease me…” Junsu gasped, his body naked on the floor as he felt Yoochun’s pants stroke his cock. “I..i need you…I need to…”

“To what baby?” Yoochun kissed along Junsu’s torso, his tongue lapping lazily against the flushed body.

It had been 1 month, but yet Yoochun couldn’t keep his hands of Junsu. After getting the younger boy’s number it had only been a matter of time before he was in his arms, only a matter of time as both fell into something they could never get out of. The small touches during the company meetings only fueled the passion, making the dangerous more forbidden, more tempting as their relationship grew heated each and every day.

“Please…” Junsu cried out with a moan, as he rocked his body with Yoochun’s fingers, clenching them tightly against his sides. He didn’t even care how desperate he sounded, how low he had fallen. His life revolved around this man, this man who came in and broke every principle he ever created, made him feel emotions he had never known, made him crave something he had never experienced.

Yoochun quickly slid his fingers out, knowing when his lover was ready. Capturing the boy’s lips with his mouth, he slid his cock into Junsu’s tightness, sliding himself against the warmth. Junsu arched against him, his moans loud even as Yoochun stole them.

“mmfh….” Closing his eyes and rolling his head back, Junsu clenched against him tightly as pressed his body closer. He swayed his body to match Yoochun’s thrusts, each getting harder and faster than the one before. “ahhh….ah…ah!” This body shuddered, wracking as Yoochun’s cock slid in and out of him, his body firmly attached to the older’s.

“Yoo…chun….yoo-” Junsu continued to gasp and breathe out Yoochun’s name, feeling himself slowly come to release. “I-I’m…I’m c-comi-ming…!” Junsu jerked harshly, his body letting loose his cum as he felt one more thrust from Yoochun before he himself lost it inside him. His body jerked again, twitching from the side effects and his face turned towards the side and his breathing came out irregularly.

“And that…is what you get for teasing me…” Junsu smiled weakly, wincing slightly as Yoochun slowly slid out him. Clasping on top, Junsu struggled as Yoochun’s sweaty body fell on top of him. “You’re so heavy…” but his struggles felt silent as he finally relaxed with Yoochun on top of him.

“I hope you know my back is going to hurt like hell tomorrow…” Yoochun smirked, softly kissing the side of Junsu’s face. “It wasn’t my fault that someone kept touching me this afternoon…”

Junsu couldn’t conceal his smile. His arms weakly brushed Yoochun’s hair in front of him, bringing it back behind his ear.

“I love you,” he softly whispered. Yoochun smiled back, getting up slightly to lean against the wall. Taking Junsu with him, Yoochun leaned against Junsu’s back, the younger boy’s body between his legs.

“I love you too,” he said into Junsu’s ear. Already a month, and he knew he wasn’t wrong. He loved spending every second with him, even though it was wrong, though his father could find out any time, his company could get in trouble, even though Junsu was going through a lot, with his adopted brother leaving him, his mother barely noticing him…

He wasn’t planning on letting the younger boy go, and wanted to be there for him whenever he need him, wanted him to call him whenever he was in trouble, whenever he was hurt.

“You’ll always have me, Junsu. Always.”


[A/N]: yAy for Yoosuness!! ^O^ Don’t worry, chapter 8 of JaeMin will be up next and this should occupy you guys before Jae pushes himself into Min, hearing the younger boy moan as he arches his back and clenches tightly at Jae's cock, feeling the pulsing length inside him the next chapter comes out xD XD 
Pics of new characters :
Eun-Hye: Yoochun's secretary, as well as a friend to her boss. (A korean actress in real life-i luv watching one of her dramas)

Siwon: Businessman, also works in his his own comapny, a close friend of Yoochun, has known him since childhood. (because really, he's just so hot ^^)

There will be more Yoosu side-stories, as well as some Junki ones too ^__^ but as usual, JaeMin will dominate the next chapter ^^ <3 <3 <3 for all the comments~!!!

p: jaejoong/changmin, p: yoochun/junsu, p: junki/se7en, fanfiction: dbsk, fic: multi

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