Because of You [Chapter 6A]

Oct 12, 2007 21:04

Title: Because of You [Chapter 6/?]

Author: Sum3r

Pairing: JaeMin

Rating: R (Lemon)

Warning: Delinquent!Jae and Uke!Min = Smex / Language

Disclaimer: Plot is mine. Characters aren’t.

Summary: Min is a simple boy who was rejected by his first love. However, when he agrees to tutor a delinquent, his life turns upside down in ways he never wished it would.

Previous: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5]

[A/N]: Chapter 6 ^^ This is the longest chapter I’ve ever written, so I’m splitting it up into 2 parts to make things easier. ^___^

Chapter 6 - Part A


Shim Changmin.


The teasing didn’t stop. Changmin came in early the next day, having practiced his stuttering the previous night. He pulled out all the materials on the table, taking his time and trying not to dwell on what will happen when Jae comes in. He was in the process of taking out his notes when he felt Jae’s body press against his back. Jumping slightly, Min was about to turn around when he felt Jae press harder, Jae’s hands going on the sides of the table, making him bend over.

“Miss me much? Or…you weren’t satisfied yesterday?” Jae said, breathing into his ear. This time, Min knew better than to try and squirm to get out of Jae’s hold. He held still, his heavy breaths the only proof that Jae was affecting him. “I-I wasn’t really-”

“Shhhhh….” Grabbing Min by the hips, Jaejoong slowly slid Min down his body and then up again, making sure Min knew how aroused he was. Min nearly moaned out loud when his rubbed against Jae, gasping when he licked the corner of his ear. Leaning back, away from the table, and taking Min with him, Jae wrapped his hands on the younger body, one hand going up into the folds of the shirt, while another hand reaching to go under the pants.

Min groaned when Jae’s hand slipped under his belt, brushing his hand across Min’s cock. He arched forward, stretching his back, away from Jae’s body but deep into his hand. Jae’s eyes were narrowed at this point, diluted with images of what could happen if heard one more moan from the younger boy. But as quickly as it started, Jae slipped his hand back out of Min, his other hand moving away from the shirt. Settling down on the chair, he rested Min’s body on top of his, his thigh in between the boy’s legs.

Min was still breathing heavily, his shoulders moving with the moment as he turned toward Jae.

“I think it’s time to start our tutoring session right?” Min stared back at Jae, comprehension drawing into his eyes. He’s…he’s teasing me again. Like yesterday…

Realizing what had happened yesterday, Min turned around and tried to move to sit in the other chair, but Jae grabbed his waist and held him still. “No,” he said, with a monotone voice. Watching Min as he rubbed the younger boy’s ass against his thigh, Jae continued, “I want to keep you here.”

Min could barely say anything back, turning his head away as his eyes began to close and open at the erotic sensations Jae’s thigh was bringing. He braced himself on his leg, realizing Jae could feel how aroused he was and began to blush. He started to somehow reach for the notes, but even a simple movement as stretching further caused him press deeper into Jae’s thigh and he shuddered with the sensations. Jae stared back at Min, watching every move he made. Just want to fucking push him down, but this works too. Wonder how long he’ll last before crying out? Jae had been looking for some release when he held Min in this position. Instead, it made him hungrier than before.

Min teasingly rubbed against Jae, as the older boy felt the younger’s cock sliding against his thigh. Kid’s turning me on and he doesn’t even freaking know it. Min slowly stilled after a moment, pulling his notes as he tried to regain some normalcy. The temperature of the room had increased slightly, as Min’s body was flushed with heat.

Somehow, he had gotten through teaching Jae some notes. How he did it, Min had no idea, but he lost all sense of what was going around him as he focused on teaching and trying unsuccessfully not to focus on the warm thigh pressed into him.

Min jerked slightly, when he felts Jae’s hands on his waist again. He began turning around, but Jae easily picked him up and stood him. He had a second to think about what was happening when Jae’s lips descended on him. Biting the lower lip first, Jae sucked on Min’s mouth before slipping in his tongue. Min moaned against Jae’s mouth, pressing against him as Jae’s hands rubbed against his sides. Yanking down Min’s hair to tilt back his head, Jae grinded into Min, showing him what the little tease did to him. Min’s whimper turned into a groan as he felt Jae crush against him.

Breaking the kiss, Jae latched onto Min’s neck. His hands going lower until they reached Min’s ass, grinding the body to him. Min gasped, his pants audible as Jae bit and sucked on Min’s neck. Realizing how far he was going, Jae bit back a growl as he deftly pushed Min away from him. Min was about to fall backwards, but Jae caught him in time, sinking to the floor as he let the younger boy go.

“This time. You come to me.” With that being said, Jae nearly growled again in annoyance as he grabbed his things and forced himself the leave the mess known as Changmin.

His hands on his lap, Min sucked on his bitten lip as he still felt the feelings envelop him. He closed his eyes as he realized what Jae wanted.

“This time. You come to me.”


Later that night, Changmin laid on his bad after showering and making dinner for him and his mom. Watching the clock as it hit ten-thirty, Min couldn’t do anything as the feelings from the afternoon invaded him. He felt himself burn slightly, his pulse increasing as he reencountered scene after scene. He slowly grew hard as he imagined the sensations of Jae’s hands brushing against him, gripping him, on him, in him.

Min moaned softly, his mouth falling open, his eyes closing as visions of what had happened reenacted in his mind. His body grew hot, taut as he imagined Jae’s mouth on him, biting him, kissing him, sucking him. He moaned louder, spreading his hips and arching his back from his bed.

“ahh..ahhh…..ah,” Min panted, going under his boxers, gasping as he slid a finger inside himself. Not..ah…ahhh…not the same… Sliding in another finger, Min nearly buckled, his body jerking as his mind continued to ponder the images. Feeling something build inside of him, Min slid his fingers out, before pushing them back again and whimpering loudly. Clouded with the emotional overload he had felt during the last week made Min weak and delirious. Feeling himself come to his own orgasm, Min slid his fingers out before his body jerked of its own accord, spilling his cum as Min groaned again, sounds coming from the back of this throat.

Panting slightly, Min sank into his bed, the smell of sex taking over his body.

Oh God…what…why am I doing this? Is it attention? Why? Why the attention, the physical touch? I’m not…it’s not as though….



The next day, Changmin walked into class with his senses dulled and his body slowed down. He felt nothing as others bumped into him, his eyes unfocused as he went along his day.

Come the afternoon, and Changmin knew he couldn’t be in this state forever. Reaching the class after Jae was there, Min tried his best to ignore the older boy’s advances. The touches, the caresses, Min tried to focus on the notes, barely noticing the smirk on Jae’s face. Feeling the fingertips lightly dance across his back, Min nearly moaned out loud, blushing as he remembered the scene from last night. But Jae made sure Min couldn’t ignore him by biting at the tip of his ear, pressing against the younger boy. Min held back another moan by clenching his teeth together, as his eyes rolled back and his head jerked upward. He had opened his mouth to whisper a no when Jae’s phone began to ring.

Glancing at his bag, Jae bit once more at Min’s ear, watching the boy shiver before he reached for the phone. Staring at the caller id, Min watched Jae as the call went to voicemail. Jae listened to it, his eyes narrowing as he quickly snapped his phone shut and got up to grab his things.

“We’ll need to cut things short today.” Grabbing Min’s chin and jerking his face up for a bruising kiss, Jae swiftly shifted past the younger boy, “We’ll pick this up next time.” Without any further words, Min watched as Jae walked away, sighing as his hand reached for his heart. Thank…thank God the phone call came…. Min pressed harder against his chest, willing his heartbeat to slow down.

I don’t know how far this can go on …

The call must have been serious… next time…he said he’ll pick it up next time….


The second time Yunho saw him, it was at the library. He had been reaching his project with his partner when he noticed the younger boy at the corner of the room. He was reading a book, obviously zoning out on everything around him. His bangs were falling into his eyes, as with every page he turned, he tried to push it back, but they ended up falling back down.

Yunho stared unabashedly, following his movements as he remembered the time when the boy had confessed. “I-I’ve liked you f-for some time now, and…I was w-wondering if you w-wanted to go o-out with me…”

Does he still like me? Chances are, probably not because of what I saw yesterday…

But if he said he liked me, then why would he go to someone else? Yunho continued to stare at the younger boy, noticing how ever so often Min would look up and out of the windows, his body sinking into the chair and he stared outside.

“Yunho?” said a soft voice. Yunho turned around and looked back to see his partner looking back at him.

“Sorry Dongwook.” Flashing him a smile, Yunho turned back to his work. Studying at the library had been the other boy’s idea, quiet and soft-spoken when they were first partnered up. Looking back to him, Yunho realized the boy was definitely beautiful. Soft eyes with beautiful skin and full lips accentuated his face, as his body hidden in the sweater was lithe and lean, his fingers long and smooth. He heard Dongwook was in the choir, possessing a beautiful voice, but sitting next to him, Yunho realized he was also beautiful in appearance as well.

But he couldn’t help but look at the other student, watching him at the corner of the eye. Seeing him get up and walk toward the bookcases, Yunho quickly followed suit, telling Dongwook he was getting a book. He followed the other boy silently, seeing him as he turned around the shelf, putting the book back. Pretending to be searching for a research book, Yunho turned around the shelf and began searching, noticing how Changmin looked up and then immediately down, trying to walk past him.

Turning around, as the younger student passed him Yunho said, “Oh! I’m looking for a book about Egyptian mummies, do you know where it is by any chance?” Changmin looked into his eyes for a split second before looking down again.

“Umm…I-I think their in…um…the next shelf. If y-you go further down and then make a right, they should be there.”

Yunho smiled broadly, “Thank you…Changmin right? Shim Changmin?” Min nodded, still looking down. Bending down, Yunho caught Changmin’s eyes with his. “I know I was pretty harsh that time on the rooftop, and I apologize. I guess…I was just uncomfortable with it. I was never asked out by a guy before,” Yunho said, jokingly. He smiled assuredly when Changmin brought his head up. “Hey, since I’m going to be here the next week for my project, I would appreciate it if you could help us, me and Dongwook, with finding our research material. To make it up to you, I would like it if we became friends.”

Changmin’s eyes widened. Friends? But…he turned me down just a couple of days ago… maybe he feels guilty. Maybe I did shock him or something… Changmin smiled a slow smile up at him, crinkling his eyes in what seemed like weeks. “O-of course,” he said, nodding his head. Yunho smiled back at him, nodding at him once before heading past him toward the farther shelves.

He really is a nice guy afterall…wanting to make it up to me since he turned me down and everything… Changmin gripped the edge of his sweater as his smile began to falter. But…he really doesn’t like me that way…he doesn’t and I doubt he ever will… Changmin stayed still for a moment before slowly walking back to his table and noticing the time, grabbed his things to leave as the bell rung.


Yunho watched Changmin walk away as he stared the younger’s boy back for the second time. He...he’s interesting. He probably thinks I don’t like him, but being friends couldn’t hurt. Its not like I’m not friends with freshman and plus…he really could help us out...

“Yunho!” Yunho turned his head as he saw his best friend walking towards him. Slinging an arm around his shoulders, Junki mocked him. “The bell’s already rung! Were you so involved in your project, you couldn’t even hear it?” Yunho shook off his shoulders, smiling largely at him. “Shut up.” Walking back to his table, Yunho pushed him towards the door. “Lemme hand the books to Dongwook and ill be there in a sec.”

Junki stilled. Lowering his hand from pushing against Yunho, he stared at him. “Dongwook? Choi Dongwook?” Yunho continued to smile, looking back at his table. “Yea. He’s my social studies partner. Hold on while a give him the books.” Not noticing the way Junki’s eyes narrowed, Yunho quickly headed toward Dongwook, slipping him the books. “We’ll meet here tomorrow at the same time okay?” Dongwook looked up from his notes, smiling and nodding at Yunho before looking past him and freezing. Grabbing his bags, Yunho walked back to Junki, realizing who the boy was staring at. Raising an eyebrow, Yunho stepped in the view of Junki, making the boy’s eyes flicker into his. “You know him?”

Junki said nothing, turning around and heading out. Yunho followed him, “We used to be friends.” Yunho didn’t bother saying back. Knowing Junki for over three years, Yunho barely knew anything else about his family or childhood and thus, kept quiet, figuring Junki will tell him eventually what had happened.

Heading towards his next class, Yunho caught up with his other friends. Laughing and talking about their next game, Yunho began to think of Changmin only when he sat, talking out his math work.

Friends huh? Let’s see how far this will go….


p: jaejoong/changmin, p: yoochun/junsu, p: junki/se7en, fanfiction: dbsk, fic: multi

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