Because of You [Chapter 4]

Oct 01, 2007 20:06

Title: Because of You [Chapter 4/?]

Author: Sum3r

Pairing: JaeMin

Rating: R (Lemon)

Warning: Delinquent!Jae and Uke!Min = Smex / Language

Disclaimer: God, if I owned these boys I would pray thanks every single moment of the day.

Summary: Min is a simple boy who was rejected by his first love. However, when he agrees to tutor a delinquent, his life turns upside down in ways he never wished it would.

Previous: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3]

[A/N]: Here it is: the Fourth chapter ^^ yAy!

Who would have thought I wanted to spend more time with my tutor this year?


Changmin slowly opened his eyes, making them readjust to the darker setting. He recognized his room from the dim light and that he was lying on his bed. He turned around and was about to get up when he felt the pain shoot up into his lower back. He quickly got back into the bed, gripping the sheets and pulling them closer to his body. He breathed slowly, letting the pain fade out until only a dull ache at his lower back was left. He started out the window into the dark night as he tried to stop the images from playing inside his head. I didn’t…he didn- this NEVER happe- Changmin closed his eyes again, preventing the tears from leaking out. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t forget it. It was impossible to do so and his pain only furthered the truth.

He couldn’t stop the tears. They couldn’t be held back and escaped his tightly shut eyelids, soaking into his pillows. As he started tearing, his body shook, suppressing the sobs as he covered his mouth and curled his body deeper into the bed. The pain of being taken, his first time/the hurt of him being the one to do it instead of Yunho/the anger at himself for not stopping, not leaving/the disgust of the pleasure he felt, the way he grasped into the older student/the emotions slowly rocked his body as Min felt himself sliding into them, losing touch of his surroundings. This wasn’t supposed to happen...i could deal with the rejection, the fact that he didn’t want me…but this? Oh God, why? Did I do something so bad that I received this as a punishment? Why?

“If you don’t…ill tell the entire world your little secret.”, “You don’t know what you want. But I know.”, “I can be much better than Yunho.” Changmin asked himself for the reason, tried to find the answer as to why he didn’t push away, why he couldn’t. Jaejoong’s words echoed in his head, only voicing out his fears. The sobs had subsided somewhat, taken over by his sniffles as the tears continued to fall. He wanted to know the answers to his questions, but whenever he closed his eyes, the same scene replayed over in his head and he just couldn’t find any.

Let me forget this. Please, God, Please. Let me forget. Forget I ever met him, forget I agreed to come to him. Let me forget this ever happened…


A knock was heard on the door as Changmin’s mom came into the room when Min’s body had calmed down. She took one look at her son curled up in his bed and quickly rushed to his side.

“Baby, you’re burning up!” Wrapping the sheets more comfortably around her son, Min’s mom brushed aside his bangs, looking into his eyes. Gently, she leaned into the bed, taking Changmin into her arms. “Sometimes…things happen for a reason baby. I don’t know what happened, but I’m sure you’ll figure out what you need to do. I’m here, you know that, but remember, there is a reason for everything. It may not seem obvious now, but you’ll know it Minnie-ah, you’ll know.”

Min leaned his head into her shoulders, as his remaining tears left his eyes. “But what if you don’t know? What if you just don’t?” She didn’t say anything as she held onto him, letting him rest and slowly watch him go back to sleep. She slipped out if his bed, making sure he was warm enough and became worried about his fever.

“You will Minnie-ah, you will.”


Jaejoong stared at the clock again in frustration. When they say after school, it should be right AFTER school right? Where the fuck is he? He had been waiting for over half an hour, looking forward to meeting him again. After yesterday, his mind was still focused on him. Even when he went out, even when he felt another girl on him, trying to suck him off, all he could think about how it would feel if had the younger student do the same. All he could remember was the way he writhered underneath him, the way he felt the younger’s pulse, his sweaty body trying to regain control. I told him what would happen if he didn’t come. Knowing that, he still stood me up?

Jaejoong reached the main office of the school, swiftly reaching the head desk. The administrators knew who he was, so he didn’t even bother with the introductions.

“I’ve been waiting for more than half a fucking hour. Where the hell is my tutor?”

“Well…” The woman in the desk quickly searched the computer, pulling up sites. “Shim Changmin didn’t come to school at all today. There should have been a note given to-”

“He didn’t come in?”

“No, there should-” the secretary started again.

Jaejoong interrupted her again. “Since I know him quite well, I think I should give him his class work that he missed today, right?” The woman looked at him incredulously, but didn’t comment as she gathered Changmin’s work. Jae took it when she gave it to him and left the office without a word. He’s 16, almost 17, so yesterday shouldn’t have hurt him that bad. Jae slowly felt the anger rise up from inside him, He thinks he can just stay home to hide from me? As he stuffed the work into his bag, reaching for the helmet to the motorcycle, and putting it on, He better think of something else if he’s planning on getting rid to me, because it’s not going to happen any time soon.


The second time Changmin opened his eyes, he realized it was morning, later than the usual, but it was still morning. He turned slowly, feeling himself for any pains. As he stretched, swiping at his tear-crusted eyes, the door of his room slowly opened.

“You still had a slight fever this morning, so I thought it would be better if you stayed in bed. I also made some soup, so make sure you eat it.” Changmin’s mother put the soup on Min’s desk, smiling at him as she unfurled the blinds of his windows. Changmin stayed silent, pushing the sheets aside to step away from his bed and slowly walked into the bathroom. His mom stared at his back worriedly as she saw him practically drag himself.

He slowly shed his clothes, staring at himself, at the visible marks on his body. He stumbled into the shower, letting the cold water fall as he closed his eyes to the sight, to the memories, to the feelings.


As Changmin finished his shower, he sank back into his bed, watching his mother clean around his room. He knew his room was already clean, but he didn’t mind her presence, and especially needed her love.

“How-” Changmin’s voice cracked. It was obviously still hoarse, a bit on the sore side. He started again, “How did I come back home?” He had already guessed on the answer, but he just wanted to know if it was true.

She smiled at him. “That delightful young man carried you back, saying how you fainted during the tutoring lesson. Did you know how worried I was? Maybe tutoring isn’t such a good idea…I’ll have to talk to the principle.” Changmin’s eyes widened at the last sentence if I stop going, I don’t know what he’ll do next… “No. Please. I’m fine, really.” He wanted to assure his mother, but he knew he couldn’t lie to her. If he couldn’t even lie to himself, there was no way he could lie to her. But before she could say anything else, he leaned back, falling into his bed once again.

Maybe if I sleep as much as I can… it’ll seem as a dream…

He didn’t go to sleep this time, but simply closed his eyes and tried to erase the memory, tried to prevent it from haunting him over and over again. He barely focused on anything else, so he didn’t hear the door bell ring, didn’t hear his mother’s laugh. His eyes were still closed as he felt her come into her room.

“Minnie-ah! Your friend came today to drop of your class-work, isn’t that so sweet?” Changmin jerked his eyes open, his body snapping together as though he was a high-strung bow. His eyes widened at seeing him behind his mother, his gasp silently heard. His mind wanted to get away, knew that he didn’t belong here, shouldn’t be here.

“-should leave you two alone.” His mother smiled at him one more time before smiling at him and then shutting the door behind her.

“Your mom’s hot,” were the first words he said, before stacking the work on the desk. Changmin moved further away from him, pressing against the headboard, his mind telling to get out of this room. He didn’t say anything, jus stared at him as he let the older know he didn’t want him in his room, didn’t want him anywhere near him.

Jae smirked, slowly getting nearer; as he saw the younger push his long legs to his chest, pushing against the headboard. “If you were waiting so much for having sex in a real bed, you could have just asked me to come over instead of me making some stupid excuse,” Jae taunted Changmin, coming to the corner of the bed and wrapping his hands around Min’s ankles.

Min gasped at his touch, reeling back and nearly falling off the bed. Jae pulled Min closer by his ankles, making Min fall down on his back.

“No! Let me GO! Let me-” Jae silenced Changmin with a kiss, slipping his tongue in and nearly moaning when he felt the inside of the younger’s mouth. Coming back up, he covered Min’s mouth with his hand and whispered into his ear. “Your mom’s downstairs right? You wouldn’t want her to come in, now would you? You want her to see you like this, to find out what happened?” Changmin stared back into Jae, realization hitting him as he slowly closed his eyes, trying to close himself off to what was happening, to what will happen.

Getting up, Jae gripped Min’s hips, jerking the boy’s body to him, with each leg of his around him. “Relax. It’s too early for a second round of sex. I just want to know how sore you are.” Staring into Changmin’s eyes, holding them into his own, Jae pried off the pajamas, slipping off the boxers next. Spreading Min’s legs, Jae hoisted the boy’s body practically right off the bed, letting some of the weight lay on the younger’s shoulders. Changmin yelped in surprise, trying to push his body back down to the bed, but with no avail. He breathed deeply, still staring at Jae, letting his body be prepared. He shouldn’t be surprised really.

But when he felt Jae’s tongue lap around his entrance, Min couldn’t help but arch himself up, his body twisting in air, as he felt himself start to heat up.

“Noo.. ooo, d-don’t do th- that’s dirt-ty..” Each word came out as a gasp or a sigh, as he felt Jae’s tongue push against him, as his fingers, his hands, held him as the only anchor he had.

Jae pushed his tongue in deeper, causing the body he held to moan as he began to suck around the entrance. It was tighter and redder, sore from the previous day, but Jae continued his actions, delving deep into Min, as far as he could. Min arced and sank back down, trying not to push against Jae’s mouth. He continued to get warmer, started to feel the burn as Jae moved past his entrance and around his thighs. A little bit further and Jae started sucking on the edge of his cock, lowering the body he held to gain better access.

Min covered his moans with his hands, his body beginning to sweat with the heat he felt. He wanted to stop, wanted it to end, but he didn’t have the strength to. He wondered briefly if he could ever have the strength, but then Jae slowly slid Min’s cock into his mouth, and as he started to slowly suck on it, Min knew he couldn’t. Jae rotated from sucking and licking Min, taking whatever he had and leaving behind nothing.

When Min felt himself cumming, he arched one more time, feeling Jae’s throat convulse around him as he swallowed it. He whimpered after releasing, feeling himself sink back into his bed in an exhausted limp mess.

“It’s not like making love, but neither is it rape.” Jae looked back into Min’s light brown eyes. Pulling Min’s clothes back on him, he wiped his mouth, licking the corner and his hand of cum. “It’s sex. Pleasure between two people. Don’t think that you can get off by not coming to school or ditching me to go home. Because you can’t. I’ll make sure of that next time.”

Jae leaned over, licking into Min’s ear before adding, “You better be there tomorrow.” He smirked when he felt Min’s shudder, stepping back and leaving the room.

Min closed his eyes for the fourth time, wrapping his arms around himself. Curling himself up as tight as he could go, he felt the self-disgust and emotions rise up into him. He barely listened to the voices downstairs, barely heard the front door close.



By the time Jaejoong got home, it well into the afternoon. He closed the front door of his apartment with a slam, pulling apart his clothes as he walked over to his telephone to replay the messages. He was putting on his shirt, walking toward the kitchen as the last message played.

“BEEEP. Jaejoong-hyung, it’s been a while since we’ve talked. I heard about the graduation issue, hyung, and I wanted to know how you felt, what you’re planning on doing. I want ... i miss you Jaejoong hyung, please call me when you get this message. I want to talk to you again, want to see you again. Please call me back.”

Jae snorted as he opened his fridge to make dinner from whatever he had. My little brother wants to talk to me? He says he misses me? Bullshit. Does he think I’m fucking crazy that I’d ever step into that freaking house again?

Recalling all the times Junsu “stuck up” for him in his and his father’s famous fights, Jae shook his head. Wouldn’t be surprised he’s only doing this because dad told him too. Either that, or the kid thinks we’re going to become some happy family again.


Bullshit, fucking bullshit.


And that’s the end of chapter 4 ^^ Finally Junsu appeared no? XD Don’t worry, the rest of the characters will be revealed/developed upon later chapters ^__^ Also, im posting up the way i portray my characters in the story=

Changmin: who-look-so-damn-bangable-in-his-uniform-and-Jae-totally-sees-himself-taking-apart-these-clothes-and-banging-Min-senseless *cough*

And Jae: who-looks-like-he-about-to-jump-Min-and-make-Min-forget-that-there-ever-was-a-Yunho-in-his-life *cough cough*

I was also planning on taking picture of the biology class, or in particular, the biology desk yes, the desk Jae fucked Min on but i decided against it. XDDD thanx so much for the comments! i <3 reading them! ^____^ <3 <3 <3

p: jaejoong/changmin, p: yoochun/junsu, p: junki/se7en, fanfiction: dbsk, fic: multi

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