Title: It's Too Hot Pairing: Yunho/Changmin Rating: PG-15 Words: 556 Genre: fluffy? Unbeta-ed Summary: Changmin is complaining again. Notes: Based on this.
Title: Your Bet's as Good as Mine (1/16) Pairing: Yunho/Changmin Words: 5,468 Beta: chibisuz <3 Notes: It'll be weekly updates from now on. Comments are love ^^
Quick note: I'm not sure when I'll be posting the next chapter. I have an idea for where I want this to go, but that's all at this point. Comments are love ^^
Title: Candy Pairing: Yunho/Changmin Rating: PG-13 Genre: Fluffy, of a sort Words: 765 Warnings: none Unbeta'ed Summary: Changmin gets the last piece of candy, but Yunho doesn't really think that's fair. Notes: Based on this.