Title: I Scream You Scream Pairing: Yunho/Changmin Genre: high school aged fluff Rating: NC-17 Words: 1267 Warnings: underage (both of them) (but everything's consensual and fluffy) Unbeta'ed Summary: This was the worst idea ever. Notes: Based on this. Enjoy!
Title: Your Bet's as Good as Mine (9/16) Pairing: Yunho/Changmin Words: 6,989 Beta: chibisuz <3 Warnings: none Note: I don't have time to post this fic here, so I'll just be providing a link to my AO3. I apologize for those who like to read on LJ. (I appreciate all of your comments!!)
Title: Clementia Pairing: Yunho/Changmin Rating: NC-17 Genre: romance, fluff, angst, humor, smut Words: 4,772 Warnings: Unbeta'ed. Other than that, none. Summary: Yunho is a very indulgent hyung. Notes: Written for the lovely
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Title: Your Bet's as Good as Mine (7/16) Pairing: Yunho/Changmin Words: 5,013 Beta: chibisuz <3 Warnings: mentions of past domestic violence, slight dub con Rating: NC-17 Comments are love ^^
Quick note: I'm not sure when I'll be posting the next chapter. I have an idea for where I want this to go, but that's all at this point. Comments are love ^^