Into The Coming Storm (6/8)- SPN/FF/HL/SV - Immortal!Dean

Jun 20, 2008 21:01

Title: Into the Coming Storm (6/8)
Author: strangevisitor7
Beta: Pen37
Rated: PG - 13
spoilers: For the movie Serenity: The plot goes AU from the end of the movie
Prompt: #94 Independence for crossovers100 my table is here
Fandom: Firefly, Highlander, Supernatural & Smallville. The rest of the Immortal!Dean Universe can be found here.

Characters: From FF: Mal, Zoe, Wash, River, Jayne, Simon, Inara, Kaylee. From I!D 'Verse: Dean Winchester, Duncan MacLeod, Richie Ryan, Chloe Sullivan and Sam Winchester. Dean/Chloe

Disclaimer: The characters you know and love all belong to their respective creators.

Summary: The Immortal hunters have joined forces with the crew of Serenity in hopes of capturing a Reaver and finding out what these creatures really are. Unfortunately, the answers are not what they expected.

Chapter Summary: Sam confronts the Reaver as he and the rest of the crew try to determine his role in the conflict to come.

Chapter List:
Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4; Chapter 5; Chapter 6; Chapter 7

Chapter 6

Once Sam had given up his blood sample, Duncan ushered everyone except Wash and Zoe out of the infirmary. “Let’s let the Doc do his thing in peace while we pay a visit to our unwelcome guest.”

The ten of them walked the rest of the way to the cargo bay in relative silence.

“I say we throw Sam in with the Reaver and see if he ain’t got some mystical power,” Jayne said.

Dean whirled on Jayne. “That is not happening,” he growled.

Jayne didn’t back down from the anger. “Hell, he’s Immortal what’s it matter if he goes round about with a Reaver?”

Chloe slipped her hand into Dean’s. “Jayne’s right,” she said trying to pull him away from the big man.

“Well thems two words I’d never thought I’d hear put together,” Mal laughed breaking the tension in the room. Jayne just looked confused; not sure if he was being insulted.

Dean shoulders slumped as he looked at his little brother. “You sure about this?”

Sam nodded. “I’m game but I have no idea what to do.”

“I might have some techniques that could help you with your abilities,” Chloe said. “Stuff that I learned when I was trying to develop mine.” With that, she dragged Sam off to talk.

“Jayne, those stunners recharged yet?” Duncan asked. “We may need them.”

“Uh, I’ll check,” he said walking toward the weapons cache.

Dean watched Chloe and Sam; their heads bent together in deep discussion. Chloe had used a wide range of focusing techniques as she’d learned to control her healing abilities. Dean hoped the crash course she was giving Sam would be enough to determine if he truly was able to connect in some freaky way to the Reavers.

Richie came to stand next to him. “River says that all the testing the Alliance did was so that they could develop an infection that even Immortals couldn’t fight off.”

“The demons want to turn everyone into mindless foot soldiers?” Dean wondered.

“Appears that way. Capture the best genetics of the past few generations to create the ultimate virus. With no hunters, Immortals or even civilians to oppose them the demons would have the run of this plane of existence.”

“The demons already here would have the power to unleash what ever evils they wanted with no one capable of stopping them,” Duncan offered as he joined the conversation.

The others had gathered around to listen to the brainstorming of the Immortals. Their mood was one of worried frustration. Mal and his crew were completely out of their realm of experience.

“That don’t sound good,” Mal said. The darkness in his eyes betraying the light hearted tone of his voice. “You saying the Alliance really is controlled by demons.”

“Maybe not controlled, but my guess is that there are definitely some demons using the Alliance resources to further their agenda,” Duncan said.

“Any way to know who’s on the demonic payroll?” the captain asked.

The Highlander shook his head. “We are definitely flying blind here.”

“And Sam is the key?” Kaylee asked. “What does that mean?”

Dean scrubbed a hand across his face. It was always a crap shoot trying to understand the motivation of evil and it had been centuries since demons had tried to break through on this scale. “You guys don’t ask the easy questions do you?” he sighed.

“The questions are easy, Dean,” Duncan quipped. “It’s the answers that are hard.”

“Any question that puts my brother smack in the middle of a demon war is not the kind of question, I want to be asking,” he admitted.

Duncan nodded. He was as frustrated as Dean when it came to understanding what role Sam might play and he definitely didn’t like feeling at the mercy of River’s cryptic pronouncements.

“When we understand how Sam fits in then we’ll understand what we have to do next.”

“What about Zoe?” Mal asked. “Can we save her? The last time you ran into a demon created virus everybody died. Tell me the same gorram thing ain’t gonna happen here?”

Dean was saved from answering as Jayne returned holding the stunners. “Thought we was gonna let Sam have at ‘em?”

“Just a little back up, big guy,” Dean said.

Silence descended over the group as they waited for Sam and Chloe. Chloe looked toward Dean and nodded. Sam straightened his shoulders and approached the group.

“Well, I’m as ready as twenty minutes of preparation can make me,” he said.

Dean held up the stunner. “I’ve got your back whatever the plan.”

“Chloe thinks that I should be able to reach him through the door,” Sam explained. “So we’ll try that first before we put anyone in danger.”

Dean nodded and took a position with the others watching the Reaver on the monitor. The creature was pacing and pounding on the walls. Since it had woken from its last go around with the stunner, its behavior had been one of extreme agitation.

Sam glanced quickly at the monitor before placing his hand on the door for focus. After a moment, he placed his other hand there as well and leaned his head in as if trying to hear something just out of reach.

“Look!” Kaylee exclaimed, pointing at the display. A chorus of shushing followed but everyone’s eyes were riveted to the screen. The Reaver was slowly approaching the door its hand stretched out before it. As it contacted the portal, Sam jumped back as if burned.

“You okay?” Dean asked.

“Yeah, I just…it startled me,” he explained.

As Sam looked at the monitor, the Reaver let lose a howl; eerie in its silence as it could not penetrate the cell’s soundproofing.

Chloe placed a hand on Sam’s arm. “Try again. It was working. Don’t be afraid to just go with the feeling,” she encouraged. “See if you can understand what its thinking.”

Sam nodded, shook out the nervous energy from his hands before placing them back on the door. Immediately the Reaver responded. When the creature touched the door this time, Sam flinched but stayed focused; eyes closed, head tilted in concentration.

Suddenly, Sam straightened and stared at the door. He reached over and was about to flip the switch to open the door when Dean’s hand on his arm stopped him. “Dude, what are you doing?”

“It’s okay.” He assured his brother.

Dean and the others looked at him like he was about to do something crazy which it appeared he was.

“Sam, you sure about this?” Duncan pressed.

“I need to be. I need to see him.”

Duncan nodded to Dean to take up the position on the opposite side of the doorway. Stunner at the ready, he waved the mortals back. “Okay Sam, go ahead.”

Sam opened the door and stood waiting for the Reaver. The creature took a tentative step out of the cell and fell to its knees in front of him.

Dean let out a low whistle. “My brother, king of the Reavers.”

Sam waved him into silence. “It’s okay,” he addressed the creature. “You don’t have to do that.”

The creature stood and glared at those assembled. Everyone stood stock still not wanting to draw the attention of the Reaver. It made some growling noises and gestured but didn’t move from its position in front of Sam.

“No. No.” Sam repeated. When the creature gestured again at the others. “Please go back in the cell.

The creature focused on Sam again and growled before backing into the cell. Duncan hit the switch and the door slid closed.

“What the hell just happened?” Dean asked. The others in the room adding their incredulity to Dean’s

Sam waved them into silence. “I can communicate with it. I’m not sure I explain it.” He paused searching for the right words. “It’s like tuning a radio. Once I found the right frequency, it was easy.”

“Easy?” Dean asked. “You were mucking around in that thing’s brain. How is that easy?”

“I don’t know. How could Andy make you let him drive the Impala?”

Confusion crossed Dean’s face before he finally placed the reference. “You mean Obi Wan Andy?”

Sam nodded. “He was at Cold Oak. He could put images and commands into other people’s head’s. I think that’s what I was doing only in this case I could hear the Reavers response.”

“Gotta tell you Sam, not comfortable with that.”

“Me neither,” Jayne agreed. “Sam ain’t gonna turn those freaky powers on us?”

“Well now see I always thought Jayne was real similar to a Reaver.” Mal joked. “Sam you should check.”

“That ain’t funny, Mal,” Jayne said and backed away from Sam.

“Don’t worry. I’m sure it wouldn’t work any way,” the younger Winchester assured them

“Actually,” Chloe interjected. “You should try on one of us just to be sure.”

Sam thought about this. “I’m not sure I’m comfortable with that.

“We need to know.” Duncan insisted.

“You should use your brother. If you fry his brain, we may not notice.” Richie teased as Dean made a face at him.

“I guess I should try.” Sam said as he turned back to face Dean.

“Dude, I am not your guinea pig.”

“You are now,” he said. Sam placed a hand on his brother’s shoulder and closed his eyes as he tried to tap into the power that had controlled the Reaver.

“Should I be clicking like a chicken or something?”


As time dragged on and Dean didn’t cluck like a chicken or really do anything unusual, it was obvious, and much to everyone’s relief, that talking to Reavers was the limit of Sam’s powers; at least at this point.

Finally Sam stepped back from his brother. “Nope nothing there,” he admitted.

“I could have told you that,” Richie quipped.

Dean let loose with a fake laugh. “Ha ha, Good one,” he mocked. “You do know you’re not as funny as you think you are?”

Sam tried not to laugh. “Richie might be right. Your brain may not be a good choice. Maybe I should try someone else.”

“Alright that’s enough boys,” Duncan said stepping in to the conversation. He sent Chloe a look that said ‘they never grow out of it do they?’ She smiled in agreement.

“Best we get back to the matter at hand.” Mal said trying to focus the group. “Did you learn anything about the demons plans? What about how the alliance fits into all this?”

“Other than wanting to kill everyone,” Sam sighed. “No, nothing really coherent. It’s like trying to have a conversation with a crazy person. Its thoughts were disjointed. Random.”

“But the killing part you got?” Dean smirked.

“It was its overriding desire. What it was designed to do.” Sam explained.

“But you stopped it from acting on those feelings.” Inara observed. “That was amazing.”

“Yeah, kinda surprised me too.” Sam admitted.

River laughed and clapped her hands. “He figured it out. Sam is the one who can control them.”

“That’s why the demon was afraid.” Richie said. “She knew you had this power.”

As what he’d accomplished filtered in, Sam began to laugh hysterically at the overwhelming reality of the situation. “It’s like Dean said, I’m king of the Reavers.”

richie ryan, immortal!dean, dean winchester, jayne cobb, duncan macleod, supernatural, sam winchester, crossovers100, highlander, my fic, firefly, smallville

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