Into The Coming Storm (5/8)- SPN/FF/HL/SV - Immortal!Dean

Jun 19, 2008 18:43

Title: Into the Coming Storm (5/8)
Author: strangevisitor7
Beta: Pen37
Rated: PG - 13
spoilers: For the movie Serenity: The plot goes AU from the end of the movie
Prompt: #70 Storm for crossovers100 my table is here
Fandom: Firefly, Highlander, Supernatural & Smallville. The rest of the Immortal!Dean Universe can be found here.

Characters: From FF: Mal, Zoe, Wash, River, Jayne, Simon, Inara, Kaylee. From I!D 'Verse: Dean Winchester, Duncan MacLeod, Richie Ryan, Chloe Sullivan and Sam Winchester. Dean/Chloe

Disclaimer: The characters you know and love all belong to their respective creators.

Summary: The Immortal hunters have joined forces with the crew of Serenity in hopes of capturing a Reaver and finding out what these creatures really are. Unfortunately, the answers are not what they expected.

Chapter Summary: Zoe is infected with the Reaver virus and the crew struggles to find a cure.

Chapter List:
Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4; Chapter 5; Chapter 6; Chapter 7

Chapter 5

Mal, Simon and the three Immortals headed back to the cargo bay leaving Wash and the others to babysit Chloe and Zoe.

“Jayne,” Dean called to the big man as he approached the weapons cache. “We’re going to need the stunners again.”

Jayne popped his head out of the storage room. “Hadn’t even had a chance to recharge ‘em,” he said as he handed Dean two of the stun guns. “One’s dead but these have power.”

“Should be enough to put our prisoner out long enough to get the samples,” Dean said as he headed back to where the others were gathered around the holding cell.

They were watching the Reaver on the small monitor that had been installed as part of the storage room makeover. The creature was awake and beating on the walls. Its eyes were full of rage and its mouth open in silent screams but the sound proofing prevented them from hearing it.

Dean handed the other stunner to Sam. “Mal, you and Simon might want to stand back.”

Mal nodded and pulled the Doc back to stand with him as he drew his pistol just in case the Reaver broke through.

Hand poised over the controls, Duncan waited for Dean to signal he was ready. Glancing quickly at Sam, both Winchesters nodded as they brought the stunners up.

The door slid open and the Reaver, alerted by the sound, turned to charge them. The brothers fired simultaneously and the creature hit the deck; out cold. Dean moved to kneel by their prisoner checking on its condition.

“All yours, Doc,” he confirmed.

The Immortals stood with weapons ready to stun their captive again at the first sign of movement as Simon entered the cell.

Nervously, he knelt down to draw blood. He jumped at every perceived motion from the Reaver.

“Calm down, Doc,” Dean said. “We’ve got you covered. He isn’t going anywhere.”

“I’ve just never been this close to one and I didn’t expect it to be so horrific,” Simon explained as he studied the mutilated body on front of him. “Why do you suppose they carve themselves up this way?”

Shrugs from those gathered indicated that no one had a clue as to why the Reavers damaged themselves.

Simon rolled up the tattered sleeve of the Reaver to expose a vein. “I wonder if they are trying to rid themselves of the demonic infection growing within them.”

“You know that might be the case,” Sam said. “It may feel like something’s eating them up from the inside. Until the change is complete and their humanity stripped away, they try to fight it.’

“Does it matter? They’re frickin’ crazy,” Dean replied.

“Well, that goes without saying,” Sam agreed. “But the more we understand about the change, the better we’ll be able to fight it.”

“Maybe,” Dean said. “Almost done there, Doc.”

Simon filled another vial with blood and then gathered up his things. “I think I have enough to get started.”

Wash’s panicked voice blared over their coms. “Simon, you need to get back here. Something’s wrong with Zoe.”

Immediately Mal and Duncan took off for the infirmary. Dean indicated to Sam and Simon to join them while he took care of getting the Reaver back into lock-up.

“Zoe, honey you need to calm down.” Wash pleaded as he watched his agitated wife pace the infirmary.

“I can’t” she snapped as she clutched at her head. “I … I just can’t,” she repeated. Her stride quickened as she turned and walked the length of the room and back again.

Chloe and Wash both tried to hold her but she shrugged them off. “Don’t touch me.” She yelled; the normally calm demeanor of Serenity’s XO completely gone.

“Zoe.” Mal called as he walked into the room followed closely by Mac, Sam and Simon. “You not feeling so good?” He stepped in front of her doing his best to guide her back to the patient bed.

She snarled and backhanded him across the face sending him sprawling against the counter. “I’m guessing that’s a no.” Mal quipped as he dabbed the blood from his lip.

“Sam, Mac see if you can hold her while I administer a sedative,” Simon commanded as he ran to a drawer to get the appropriate medication.

Duncan moved to grab her left arm, while Sam grabbed her right and forcibly pulled her back to the bed. Zoe fought against them. “Don’t touch me. It hurts. It hurts.” She cried as anguished howls of pain escaped her lips.

The others in the room stood silently as the two Immortals labored to hold her steady.

“Zoe, listen to me.” Sam ordered. “You can fight this. We can help you but you have to let us.”

Zoe’s struggle lessened as her unfocused eyes looked toward Sam and she shuddered. “Help me,” she whispered.

Sam met her gaze, forcing her to focus on him. “Look at me. You have to calm down. Can you do that?”

Zoe nodded and slumped against Sam; the fight having left her for the moment. Carefully, Duncan helped him maneuver her onto the bed. Simon came forward with the sedative and plunged the needle into her arm. Sighing, she allowed her self to drift into oblivion.

“How did you do that?” Wash asked Sam.

“Do what?” Sam wondered confusion creasing his brow.

“We’ve been trying to calm her for ages before Wash finally called for Simon,” Chloe explained. “Yet you calmed her with a few platitudes.”

“What the Shen sheng de gao wan just happened.” Dean demanded as he rushed into the infirmary followed closely by Jayne.

“Zoe was out of control and Simon gave her a sedative,” Sam replied. “She’s fine now.”

“She’s not fine,” Wash shouted, panic creeping into his voice. “She’s infected.”

“That true, Doc?” Mal asked.

Simon sighed and shook his head. “I’ll need to take another blood sample and compare it to the Reaver’s. But my first impression is that Wash is right. She’s definitely not fine.” Simon grabbed the supplies he needed to take another vial of blood from Zoe.

Dean pulled Chloe to him. “You okay?” he asked concern written all over his face.

Chloe ran a hand along his cheek as if trying to smooth out the worry lines. “I’m fine. Whatever happened to Zoe, wasn’t transferred when I healed her. Actually, I don’t understand why I couldn’t heal her completely.”

“Maybe it was just some kind of panic from the Reaver attack,” he suggested hopefully.

“Maybe,” she repeated. “But that still doesn’t explain how Sam was able to calm her when no one else could.”

Dean turned to glare at his little brother, who along with the others, was focused on Zoe. Sam turned as if sensing his bothers scrutiny. “What’s up Dean?” he asked.

“How about you explain what you did to Zoe?”

“Why does everyone think I had anything to do with that? She was calming down on her own.” Sam insisted.

“Because you did,” Mac said. “I felt her respond to you Sam. There was a connection.”

“That doesn’t make any sense,” Sam protested.

“Find anything yet Simon?” Mal asked the Doctor.

“Give me minute, please.” Simon said testily as he bent over the microscope. “I’ve barely had a chance to compare…uh oh.”

“What do you mean ‘uh oh’?” Wash demanded. “That did not sound good.”

Ignoring Wash’s question, Simon scrubbed a hand across his face and settled in to examine the samples again. The room held its collective breath waiting for the doctor’s report. Simon sighed and slumped back in his chair.

“There’s evidence of an unusual substance in Zoe’s blood that matches the sample from the Reaver.” He admitted. “I don’t understand. It wasn’t in the first sample.”

Sam and Dean exchanged a knowing look. “That’s what happened to the victims from the first virus,” Sam said reluctantly. “It took a while for the virus to develop enough to appear in the blood samples.”

“I don’t understand,” Inara interjected. “This ship is warded. I drew the big trap myself. How did it get in here?”

“I don’t know.” Duncan said. “Maybe this virus is able to get around our protections. Maybe that’s what it’s designed to do.”

“You don’t know? You don’t know?! Then what good are all of you charms?” Wash shouted at the four hunters as he dug into his pocket and flung the protection amulet at Duncan. “Is she going to turn into one of - of those things?” He was vibrating with rage.

Duncan picked up the charm from the floor and turned it over in his palm. “Wash…I’m sorry.”

“Save it,” he snapped and went to stand next to the unconscious form of his wife. He took her hand and pressed it to his chest. “I won’t let her become one of those things.” He looked over to meet his captain’s eye. “Mal don’t let this happen.”

Mal stepped over to take Zoe’s other hand. “Wash. We’ll figure the gorram thing out but if it comes to it, I’ll do what’s necessary.”

“Whoa. Nobody’s shooting Zoe not while I can heal her.” Chloe protest and started to move toward the 1st officer.

Dean reached out a hand to stop her. “No Chloe. It’s too dangerous. Besides you already tried.”

“Well, I’m going to try again,” She said shrugging off his grip. The petite blond shoved her way past the gathered group to stand at Zoe’s bedside. Closing her eyes to improve her focus, she placed her hand on the woman’s shoulder. Confusion lined her brow. She opened her eyes and tried again, willing her powers to do their job.

Dean recognized the futility in her action as he came to stand beside her. “Not working?” He asked quietly placing a comforting arm around her waist.

Sadly, she shook her head. “It’s like there’s nothing wrong with her. I’ve got nothing to focus on.” She looked up at Wash who had silent tears drifting down his face. “I’m sorry. I don’t understand. My ability has never failed me before.”

“That’s because you are not the key.” River’s melodic voice cut through the silence that had descended upon the group.

“Oh great Yoda speaks.” Dean snarked as he turned to face the new arrivals. “Richie, she tell you anything we’d understand?”

Richie took in the gathering in front of him. “What’s going on? Is Zoe alright?”

“Sam can fix her. Don’t worry.” River said.

“How River? How can I fix her?” Sam asked. “Chloe’s the healer, not me.”

Enigmatically River smiled and approached Sam. “You are the key and you can fix her.”

“Somebody want to translate here?” Dean demanded, looking at Richie for the answer. “What did River tell you?”

Richie waited as eyes turned to him for an explanation. “From what I can tell, Sam is here because there’s something about him that has the power to defeat the demon's plans.”

“The demon did seem mighty distressed to find Sam up and around.” Mal said.

“And you did calm Zoe down,” Duncan added. “Maybe you can control the Reavers.”

“That’s right!” Richie said brightly. “The demon indicated that she had influence over them. What if you do to?”

Sam shook his head. “This is crazy. I don’t have any powers and I haven’t had a vision since I woke up on Miranda.”

Chloe moved to stand beside him. “Sam maybe you just haven’t really tried to access that part of you.”

“Well this is all wonderful conjecture but Zoe is turning into a Reaver and I want to know how all this is going to help her,” Wash said angrily.

“Control the source and the blood of the Immortal key.” River whispered as she held Sam’s arm. “You can save her.”

“Sam, give the Doc some of your blood,” Dean said. “Let’s see if Miss Cryptic is right.” Dean wasn’t happy with the idea that Sam was at the center of demon plans again. He thought they’d left that all behind when Yellow Eyes bit the dust. He should have known that there was more to Sam’s reappearance then simple wishful thinking.

Sam sighed. “Fine. Take my blood.” He said and offered his arm up to the Doc.

richie ryan, immortal!dean, dean winchester, jayne cobb, duncan macleod, supernatural, sam winchester, crossovers100, highlander, my fic, firefly, smallville

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