Into The Coming Storm (4/8)- SPN/FF/HL/SV - Immortal!Dean

Jun 18, 2008 15:20

Title: Into the Coming Storm (4/8)
Author: strangevisitor7
Beta: Pen37
Rated: PG - 13
spoilers: For the movie Serenity: The plot goes AU from the end of the movie
Prompt: #70 Storm for crossovers100 my table is here
Fandom: Firefly, Highlander, Supernatural & Smallville. The rest of the Immortal!Dean Universe can be found here.

Characters: From FF: Mal, Zoe, Wash, River, Jayne, Simon, Inara, Kaylee. From I!D 'Verse: Dean Winchester, Duncan MacLeod, Richie Ryan, Chloe Sullivan and Sam Winchester. Dean/Chloe

Disclaimer: The characters you know and love all belong to their respective creators.

Summary: The Immortal hunters have joined forces with the crew of Serenity in hopes of capturing a Reaver and finding out what these creatures really are. Unfortunately, the answers are not what they expected.

Chapter Summary: More questions are raised after the encounter with the demon including whether or not Zoe is infected with the Reaver virus.

Chapter List:
Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4; Chapter 5; Chapter 6; Chapter 7

Chapter 4

Chloe was there to meet them as they came aboard. She could see from the hard look in Dean’s eyes that something significant had happened.

“What did you find?” She asked as he approached with the others following in his wake.

“Demon.” He huffed out, disgusted by the thought of the creature they’d encountered.

Chloe blinked. “That’s unexpected.”

“We’ve got trouble coming,” he agreed and then his look softened. “How are you? Doc clear you?”

She laughed. “Truthfully he didn’t know what to make of my blood work. Figured there was no point hanging around. So, tell me about this demon.”

“We’ll get everyone together,” Duncan said. “Tell it once.”

Chloe nodded.

“What about Zoe?” asked Mal.

Chloe shifted uncomfortably. “Not sure. You should talk to Simon.”

Looks passed between the Immortals. “Where’s River?” Duncan asked.

“In the cockpit,” the blonde replied. “Simon thought Wash should be with Zoe in case they found anything.”

“Wang ba dan Who said she could do that?” Dean snapped. “Richie go make sure your girlfriend doesn’t do anything stupid to my baby.”

Richie nodded a little surprised at Dean’s positive reference to his growing relationship with River. They hadn’t talked about it but Richie fully expected to receive the “stay away from the crazy chick” lecture and was a little worried that it hadn’t happened.

“And find out what she meant by her last prediction,” Dean shouted after him. Richie turned and threw him a half salute before jogging up the steps to find River. Dean watched him climb the steps relieved that there were no visible signs of the near panic from earlier evident in his gait.

Duncan was already on his way to the infirmary. “Jayne, take care of the guns,” He called over his shoulder.

Jayne smiled. “Sure thing.” The others deposited the rifles and other armaments into the big man’s arms before following Duncan to the infirmary.

Dean paused before leaving. “Nice to have someone who appreciates our armory as much as I do,” he said. Jayne had taken to the Impala’s weapon cabinet as if it were his own personal toy room. Dean had been impressed with the care he’d given to cleaning and handling the guns as they’d prepared for the mission.

Jayne nodded at the compliment before they each went their separate ways.
Zoe was sitting on the infirmary’s patient bed holding her husband’s hand as Simon sat in front of a light microscope examining blood samples. Kaylee and Inara were standing off to the side lending moral support to their friends.

Duncan strode into the room. “Simon. What’s going on?”

Mal walked over to his first mate. “How you feeling Zoe?”

“Just shiny, sir.”

Wash let go of his wife’s hand and stormed over to confront Duncan. “What the hell happened?” He shouted forcing himself into Duncan’s personal space and causing the Highlander to take a step back. “You promised that everything was going to be fine. The shen sheng de gao wan Immortals were going to take care of everything. Now the Doc’s saying there might be something wrong with Zoe’s blood.

“I’m sorry.” Duncan said; the complete sincerity in his voice throwing Wash off his rant.

“That true Doc?” Mal asked. “Zoe infected?”

Simon sighed and looked up from his equipment. “I don’t know. The story the Winchester’s told about their encounter with a demon virus, indicated it might take a few hours for anything to show up. I’m just being cautious.”

“But you already cleared Chloe,” Dean said as he slipped an arm around his girlfriend.

Simon snorted. “Chloe cleared herself. Her blood work is too anomalous for me to even begin to guess what it is supposed to look like. Or even speculate if she’s infected without a comparison sample from our Reaver.”

Dean looked down at her frowning. “You could still be sick.”

Chloe rolled her eyes. “Phenomenal healing powers remember? Besides I never came in direct contact with any blood. I don’t know what you are all worried about. I healed Zoe.”

Simon stood up. “Look, until I’ve had a chance to examine some samples from the Reaver I’m not clearing Zoe to leave the infirmary. As for Chloe…” he shrugged.

“She stays too. Both woman need to be isolated until we know for sure.” Mac said. Chloe stared at him but he stood his ground.

“Fine!” She said grumpily and plopped down in one of the stuffed chairs along the infirmary’s far wall.

On a ship full of Immortals a sick bay was unnecessary and the space had been partially converted into a study, with large comfy chairs along one wall and book shelves on a second. Prior to Simon’s arrival the medical equipment, what little there was, had been pushed into one corner. Serenity’s doctor had reclaimed some of the room, but it still looked more like a library than a medical facility.

Sam leaned over to Dean. “Gee looks like Mac can win an argument with Chloe.”

Dean glared up at his brother. “Not now Sam,” he growled. “We need to pay our prisoner a little visit.”

Richie walked down the corridor toward the cockpit. His head was still spinning from the revelations the demon had thrown at him. He’d convinced Dean he was okay and silently wondered where the strength had come from to fool his friend.

The door to the cockpit slid open and Richie stepped inside. River was sitting in the pilot’s chair, her knees pulled to her chest, intently studying the deserted landscape out the front windows.

As the door slid shut she turned and favored Richie with an open smile which became a frown as she studied the worried expression on his face. With cat-like grace River unfolded her self from the chair and approached him.

He gave her a half hearted smile. “See anything interesting?”

Without a word River folded her arms around his waist and laid her head against his heart. “It’s not your fault.” She intoned quietly.

Richie’s breath hitched as he returned her embrace and rested his head on hers. He didn’t respond but simply drew strength from the nearness of her.

Over the past week, he and River had been spending more and more time together. Sam had even commented that his shadow had found a new home.

He didn’t like to admit even to himself that he had been letting Mac and Dean take care of him for too long. Richie knew that only River could really understand what he’d been through. Even though his Immortal family had saved his sanity, he knew that in many ways he still wasn’t whole. River had somehow shown him the way to reclaim the man he’d used to be. Maybe Dean had also sensed that River was good for him and that was why he’d yet to receive a lecture from his brother about his involvement with the enigmatic woman.

If he really was somehow responsible for unleashing this virus - PAX - what ever it was- on the ‘verse than it was about time he stepped up and stopped letting his fears control him.

He reached to lift her chin and stared into her eyes. “What do you know about the Reavers? The demon said that I was the source of the PAX.”

“Demons lie,” She stated simply as she smiled up at him. Somehow when she said it Richie believed her.

“Then where did it come from?”

“All of us. All the special people that were collected. Demons have been working on taking over since Earth-That-Was. Nothing new. Not your fault.”

“No, it was never my fault,” he whispered and reached out to stoke her hair, tucking a wayward strand behind her ear.

River nodded as she grasped his hand. “What happened to us will make it better. The door was opened and the circle is complete.”

Dean called it Yoda speak but River always made sense to Richie. He smiled for the first time since the demon tried to crash his world. “It all happened to bring Sam here. We can stop what the demons are planning.”

“Yes,” she said. “Sam is the key.”
Some Helpful Firefly Slang
Of course: Dang ran
Damn it: Zao gao
Everyone shut up!: Ni men dou bi zui!
SOB: Wang ba dan
Nuts/Crazy: Kuang zhe de
Damn, my god: Ai ya
Enough of this nonsense: Gou huang tang
G**d*mn monsters: Tian sha de e mo
(exclamation): Shen sheng de gao wan
Crap: Go’se

richie ryan, immortal!dean, dean winchester, jayne cobb, duncan macleod, supernatural, sam winchester, crossovers100, highlander, my fic, firefly, smallville

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