The Space She Invades (10/11) - HL/SPN

Feb 04, 2008 12:20

Title:The Space She Invades (10/11)
Author: strangevisitor7
Beta: Clarksmuse & idontlikegravy
Prompt: #54 Air for crossovers100 My claim is Highlander general series and my table is here
Rated: PG - 13
Fandom: HL and SPN; The rest of the Immortal!Dean can be found here. But this story can stand alone without reading the whole series.
Characters: Sam and Dean Winchester, Sarah Blake, Duncan MacLeod, Connor MacLeod, OFC - Katie
Pairing: Sam/Katie
Disclaimer: The characters you know and love all belong to their respective creators. Except Katie she's mine and dedicated to clarksmuse

Summary: This one is all about Sam! Dean wants to get Sam married and settled into a normal life. But normal life isn’t something that comes easy for the Winchesters. Sarah's been possessed by the spirit of Duncan's first love Debra Campbell.

Chapter Summary: Sam and Katie search for Debra's grave and work to free Sarah from the spirits influence.

A/N: Chapter title from the Rush Song "Time Stand Still"

Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4; Chapter 5; Chapter 6; Chapter 7; Chapter 8; Chapter 9; Chapter 10; Chapter 11

The Space She Invades - Chapter 10: Time Stand Still

Sam woke up to the first rays of gray dawn breaking through the small window. Katie was curled into the nook of his arm. He smile thinking of the incredible night they'd shared. Reluctantly, he shook her awake.

“We have to get going,” he whispered into her ear.

Katie rolled over and flung the pillow over her head. “Five more minutes,” she begged.

“Come on sleepyhead.” Sam leaned over and began kissing the exposed skin of her shoulders.

Katie moaned and rolled over propping the pillow behind her head. “If you start that, we may never make it out of the room today.”

Sam braced himself on his elbows and looked down at her. “I like that plan, but unfortunately, we have work to do.” He placed a quick kiss on her lips and rolled out of the bed before he took her up on her offer.

“Chicken!” she yelled after him as he gathered his clothes and headed into the bathroom. He emerged five minutes later dressed in jeans and a striped button down shirt. His hair was still a mess.

She stood waiting in the room with the sheet wrapped around her. She giggled when she saw him and tossed him her brush. He looked at it. “What? You don’t like my hair?” he quipped.

She smiled and reached up to run her fingers through it. “I like it very much, but not when it’s standing straight up.”

Sam moved to look into the mirror. “Oh.” He laughed and used the brush to tame his hair.

Katie smiled and took her turn in the bathroom. She dressed quickly in jeans and a solid blue sweater.

Less than an hour later, after a quick breakfast, they were in the rental car headed toward Debra’s grave.

The mist still lay heavy on the hills and there was a chill in the air. Sam hoped it would burn off soon or it could hamper their search.

After a short drive, Sam parked the car at the end of the dirt road. “We hoof it from here,” he said.

Katie got out of the car and slung her pack onto her shoulders. Sam grabbed his backpack and the shot gun. He unfolded the hand drawn map from Connor and pointed toward a copse of trees. “We should follow the perimeter of this forest; the grave is in the next valley.”

“Lay on MacDuff,” she quipped.

He laughed. “I don’t think it’s a good idea to mention the Scottish play when we’re tracking a ghost in the Scottish highlands.”

Katie laughed with him. “Point taken.”

He took her hand and they walked in silence following the tree line.

“We should stop and have you practice with the shot gun,” Sam said after they’d walked about a mile. “This area is deserted.”

Katie nodded and put down her pack. Sam demonstrated how to load the shells and then handed her the shot gun. She repeated the procedure to his satisfaction.

Standing behind her, he then showed her how to hold it. “The spray is pretty wide, and if you brace it against your shoulder and fire perpendicular to your body, you should hit anything coming toward you. See if you can kill that tree.” Sam indicated one directly ahead of them.

“Okay,” she said and fired off a shot. She missed the tree. “Oops.”

“Don’t jerk it up. Try to hold it steady. Squeeze the trigger, don’t yank it,” he explained.

She repeated it once more with better success and then reloaded the gun.

Sam smiled. “Not bad. Try to keep your eyes open when you fire. Don’t be afraid of the sound. Do it again.”

“Are you sure we should waste the ammo?” Katie asked.

“I think we have enough to spare, and I want you to be a little more comfortable. Besides, that tree looks very dangerous.”

Katie tried not to laugh but instead focused on seeing the tree as a charging ghost to be dispatched. Her next shot went wide but the last one found its target. She gave a small yip of victory.

“You have officially killed your first tree. Well done!” He gave her a hug which turned quickly into a kiss. Katie responded eagerly.

He broke the connection. “We better get moving,” he said reluctantly.

“Too bad. It’s beautiful here.” She looked across the quiet hillside. The sun was beginning to break through the clouds creating a halo effect that took her breath away.

“Hey, no sightseeing.” Sam quipped, though he had to admit the view was spectacular.

Quickly, they packed up the ammunition and shouldered their packs.

The grave was right where the map showed it to be. It hadn’t been taken over by the forest but the marker was well weathered.

Katie kneeled by the headstone. “I can’t read it. Are you sure this is the right one?”

Sam knelt beside her and examined the faded markings. “Yeah. I’m positive.”

He grabbed the shovel off his pack and began to dig. Katie joined him and they worked side-by-side in comfortable silence.

Once they got down a few feet, Sam indicated that Katie should take up guard duty. “I’m not sure how far down she is, and once I disturb the bones, we can’t be sure what will happen.”

Katie a nodded and climbed out of the shallow hole to begin a perimeter sweep.

About fifteen minutes later, Sam stopped digging. “I found her.”

Katie can over to look into the grave. “Wow. I’ve never seen old bones like this before. I mean I’ve been to museums. I guess I expected her to look like a person.”

Sam climbed out to stand next to her. “After all this time, there’s nothing but bones left.”

Nodding, she handed him the container of salt. Sam sprinkled it liberally over the exposed remains.

“Does it feel colder to you?” Katie asked.

Sam paused. It was still the same slightly overcast, chilly morning. The mist hadn’t quite lifted of the tops of the hills. The quiet of the area gave the whole morning a surreal atmosphere. “Don’t let your mind play tricks, and stay focused.”

“Right. Sorry.” Katie began her patrol around the grave again.

Sam grabbed the lighter fluid and saturated the bones. He pulled the matches out of his pocket and lit one. He was about to drop it, when the wind picked up.

The match blew out and there was unearthly howl. Katie rushed to Sam’s side and he took the gun from her. “What was that?” she asked.

Sam didn’t answer. He was on high alert. Then the sound of a woman in pain pierced the night. Sam pushed Katie to the ground as the apparition appeared opposite the grave. He fired twice and it dissipated.

Quickly, he attempted to light another match, but he was also trying to hold the gun. Seeing his difficulty, Katie got to her knees and snatched the matchbook from his hand. She struck the match and dropped it in the grave. The bones ignited. The wailing returned, but there was no sign of Debra’s spirit.

Sam helped her to her feet. Katie was vibrating with adrenaline. Sam pulled her close to his side while continuing to scan for any more disturbances.

“You’re shaking,” he observed.

“Just a little,” she admitted. “I think I need to sit down.” Sam released her and she sank back down to the ground, pulling her knees to her chest.

“You okay?” he asked.

“Oh yeah. I’m a little…” She huffed out a deep breath and shook her hands as if trying to rid herself of excess energy. “That was just a bit scarier than I expected.’

Sam sat down and put his arm around her. “Not like sitting in the movie theater.”

“No, not at all,” Katie agreed and added more seriously. “So, pretty standard stuff for you though?”

“Just another day at the office,” he smiled grimly.

She nodded and leaned back against him. “You should call Dean.”

“I’ll try, but I doubt there’s service out here.” Sam pulled his phone out and showed her the lack of bars.

“Well, I’m sure they can tell by now,” Katie suggested.

Sam looked at his watch. “It’s about 6AM there. I doubt Dean’s even awake.”

He held Katie closer and kissed the top of her head. They'd done it and he just wanted to savor this quiet moment with her before the rest of the world invaded.

sarah blake, katie collins (oc), immortal!dean, dean winchester, connor macleod, duncan macleod, supernatural, crossovers100, sam winchester, highlander, my fic

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