The Space She Invades (1/11) - SPN/HL - Immortal!Dean 'verse

Jan 24, 2008 15:24

Title: The Space She Invades (1/11)
Author: strangevisitor7
Beta: Clarksmuse & idontlikegravy
Prompt: #6: Hours for crossovers100 My claim is Highlander general series and my table is here
Rated: PG
Fandom: HL and SPN; The rest of the Immortal!Dean can be found here. But this story can stand alone without reading the whole series.
Characters: Sam and Dean Winchester, Sarah Blake, Duncan MacLeod
Disclaimer: The characters you know and love all belong to their respective creators.

Summary: This one is all about Sam! Dean is way too invested in Sam’s Love Life. He wants to get him married and settled into a normal life. But normal life isn’t something that comes easy for the Winchesters.

Chapter Summary: Dean and Duncan escort Sam to New York State to visit Sarah Blake.

Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4; Chapter 5; Chapter 6; Chapter 7; Chapter 8; Chapter 9; Chapter 10; Chapter 11

A/N: Special brainstorming thanks to Clarksmuse who only wants to see Sam happy. I wish I could wrap Sam up and give him to her but this story will have to do.

A/N2: The story title and most of the chapter titles come from Rush Songs: Tom Sawyer, Time Stand Still and Spirit of the Radio

The Space She Invades - Chapter 1: Road Trip

Sam couldn’t believe he’d let Dean talk him into this road trip. As much as he wanted to see Sarah again, his brother’s single minded determination to marry him off was just embarrassing. What was Dean’s obsession with his sex life? Seriously, it was a little much. And this time, Dean had company in his madness. It seemed that Duncan was on Dean’s side about getting Sam a so-called normal life. Sam snorted silently, Like that was even an option.

Sam shifted again in the front seat of the Impala. With all the time he spent living in the damn car, you’d think he’d have found a comfortable position for napping. Hell, who was he kidding? There was no way he could sleep, not with his mind working overtime to sort out all that had happened this past year and what the end of this trip might mean.

Last year, Dean had died. Torn apart by the Hellhounds come to collect on the crossroads deal. But he hadn’t died, because Dean was Immortal. Then Duncan and his crew had shown up to train Dean in a Game whose rules were changing. The Winchester’s had shown Immortals that their belief in a fighting until there can be only one was false and that Immortals were meant to be champions for good. Duncan had embraced his new calling and joined the hunt. They’d returned to the road, only to witness Dean almost lose his head because of some crazed Immortal intent on continuing the antiquated Game. If not for Chloe, Sam might have lost Dean for good.

This past year had been all about Dean, and that was fine with Sam. It was a year he hadn’t expected to have, and he wasn’t sure he was comfortable with the idea of starting a life that didn’t include daily doses of his big brother. Sam smiled. Yep, Dean was exactly like a drug you wished you didn’t need but couldn’t live without.

But the spotlight on Dean hadn’t lasted. Sure, Chloe had distracted Dean for awhile and Sam knew that he still missed her, even if he had taken up with Amanda. But after Richie had graduated college last week, Dean had suddenly decided it was time to focus all his energy back on Sam.

If Sam was being honest with himself, he would have to admit that he was a little jealous as he watched Richie get his diploma. Sam had thought he’d be a lawyer by now, but that just proved life doesn’t go exactly as you plan, especially when you’re a Winchester. So what made Dean believe any of his plans had a chance of succeeding?

When Sarah had first walked into theirs lives three years ago, the first thing Dean had quipped was ’Marry that girl, Sam.’ Dean was so sure even then that Sarah was perfect for him, but Sam wasn’t. Sarah was smart and beautiful. She had accepted their paranormal live style in stride. Still, they had shared only one kiss and years of cross country email exchanges. Did she even think of him as more than a friend, and did he want to change her mind?

He twisted again to find a position that wouldn’t leave him with a stiff neck.

“Everything okay, Sammy?” Dean asked as he reached over to turn down the radio.

“Yeah Dean, I’m just terrific.” Sam tried not to sound as grumpy as felt.

“Well, you better be. I’m sure Sarah isn’t going to be in the mood for one of your moods,” Dean teased.

“Dean, just drop it. I told Sarah we were coming for a job. Nothing more.” Sam sat up straighter and gave up on the idea of any rest.

“Wait… you're kidding! We’re driving across the country and you lied to her about a job?” Dean shook his head, a little disgusted by Sam’s wussy behavior.

“Sam, most girls would find it incredibly romantic to know you were traveling all that way just to see them,” Duncan offered from the back seat. Sam had thought Mac was asleep, but apparently a conversation about his sex life was too interesting to pass up; even for a four hundred year old Immortal.

Dean snickered. “Romantic, nothing. You’d totally be getting laid tomorrow if you had told her the truth.”

Mac leaned forward to join the conversation. “Dean, it’s not about that. I thought Sam was looking for something more with this girl.”

“Yeah, but he hasn’t slept with her yet and you have to make sure she’s …you know …willing to…” Dean trailed off as his hand made a lewd gesture that got Duncan laughing.

Sam just got angry. “You know Dean, you’re disgusting.” Not for the first time, Sam wished that Chloe was here. Her presence kept the more salacious parts of Dean’s nature in check.

Duncan reached over the seat and grabbed Dean’s wrist to stop the gestures. “I think Sam gets it, but maybe your way isn’t the right approach.” Duncan dropped Dean’s wrist and turned toward Sam. “You should tell her how you feel. Simple as that.”

“Thanks Duncan, but I think I got this under control,” Sam stated. Dean snorted. “What, Dean?”

Dean just shrugged his shoulders and became very focused on his driving. “I’m staying out of this. You and Mr. Romantic can work out a game plan.”

Duncan laughed and leaned back in the seat. “I’m happy to just ride along. I’ve got no more advice to give.”

Sam waited, but it seemed this particular intrusion into his personal life was over. He leaned back and once again tried to find a way to nap. New York was still a half day away. He hadn’t managed to kill Dean yet, and when you’re brother’s Immortal, Sam figured that alone made this trip a success.


It was late afternoon when Dean pulled the Impala up in front of Blake’s Auction house. They’d spent the night in a very nice local hotel, which Duncan had insisted upon, so that Sam could make himself pretty for Sarah. Sam sighed. The Highlander was definitely spending too much time with his brother.

Sam got out of the car and turned when he heard the noise of the other doors opening and his companions exiting the Impala. “Oh no. You are not coming in,” Sam said.

“What? I like Sarah,” Dean said as he closed the door to the Impala. “And Duncan hasn’t met her. He drove all this way. You should at least introduce them.”

“Dean, it’s okay. That can wait.” Duncan reached for the front passenger door. “Good luck, Sam,” he said as he settled back into the car but didn’t shut the door.

Sam glared at Dean and indicated that he should join Duncan in the car.

“Fine! But we’ll be back soon. I want to make sure Sarah’s still cool before you get all up close and personal.”


“One hour,” he insisted. “We’ll be back for introductions and then she’s all yours. Besides, Sarah probably wants to see me again, too.”

“I highly doubt that,” Sam muttered but realized that their quick return could provide a safe retreat if things got awkward. “Okay, Dean, back in an hour. But if I give the signal...”

“You have a signal?” Dean laughed “Oh, you mean my signal. Sure, Sammy. I’ll clear out if you give ‘the signal’.” Dean continued to chuckle as he got back into the car.

Sam headed toward the door when he heard Dean say to Duncan, “He won’t be using the signal.”

Sam sighed. Dean was probably right.

sarah blake, immortal!dean, dean winchester, duncan macleod, supernatural, crossovers100, sam winchester, highlander, my fic

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