The Space She Invades (2/11) - SPN/HL - Immortal!Dean 'verse

Jan 25, 2008 15:06

Title: The Space She Invades (2/11)
Author: strangevisitor7
Beta: Clarksmuse & idontlikegravy
Prompt: #64: Fall for crossovers100 My claim is Highlander general series and my table is here
Rated: PG
Fandom: HL and SPN; The rest of the Immortal!Dean can be found here.
Characters: Sam and Dean Winchester, Sarah Blake, Duncan MacLeod
Disclaimer: The characters you know and love all belong to their respective creators.

Summary: This one is all about Sam! Dean is way too invested in Sam’s Love Life. He wants to get him married and settled into a normal life. But normal life isn’t something that comes easy for the Winchesters.

Chapter Summary: Sam renews his acquaintance with Sarah Blake. But it doesn't go exactly as he had hoped.

Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4; Chapter 5; Chapter 6; Chapter 7; Chapter 8; Chapter 9; Chapter 10; Chapter 11

The Space She Invades - Chapter 2: I Say Hello and You Say…

Sam was directed to an office at the top of a metal staircase by a helpful employee.

He knocked on the door and a female voice said, “Come in.” Slowly, he opened the door to see Sarah sitting behind a big oak desk talking on the phone.

She smiled at him and held up a finger indicating that she would just be a minute. Sam was grateful for the reprieve. He smiled back. She was beautiful, just the way he remembered. Sam felt his breath hitch a little as he looked at her. She had her hair pulled back with just a few curls falling forward to frame her face. He realized he was staring and he forced himself to look around the cluttered office.

His eyes settled on a picture sitting prominently on the credenza to his left. It was one of him, Dean and the Impala that he’d emailed to her after their time together. Over the years they had exchanged a few photos along with all the emails, and he was secretly thrilled that she printed it out for display among the pictures of her family and other friends.

He continued to stand awkwardly in the middle of the room; hands shoved deep into his pockets, and tried not to eavesdrop on what sounded like a personal conversation. Sarah caught his attention and mouthed “Sorry” before pointing him to the small couch that sat along the right side of the room.

He nodded and sat. He listened politely to her side of the conversation.

“Yes, he just got here,” Sarah pointed at him to indicate that she was talking about him. “So you’re still coming… No it’s okay… I would love for you to meet them…Then it’s settled… Right, a couple of hours… Me too… Bye, Con.” She hung up the phone and smiled.

“Sorry about that, Sam.” She circled the desk, and he rose to receive the chaste hug she offered. “It’s so good to see you again,” she gushed, adding, “It’s been too long.”

“It’s good to see you, too.” Sam waited for her to sit before taking his place at the other end of the love seat.

“Where’s Dean? Already working the job?” Sarah asked before continuing. “Tell me about it. I want to help.”

“Sarah…” Sam said hesitantly.

“Oh no! If you’ve come all this way, I get to come along. I haven’t seen so much as a belligerent knick-knack since you left, and I was starting to think I’d imagined it all.”

Sam chuckled. “Pretty hard to think you could imagine being nearly eviscerated by a nine year old with a razor.”

Sarah joined his chuckling. “True. So tell me already,” she insisted, patting one hand on his knee. “I’m a big girl. I can handle the gory details.”

“That’s just it, Sarah.” Sam took a deep breath. “There is no job. I…I just wanted to see you. You know, maybe spend some time together.” Sam exhaled and waited. What he saw in Sarah’s expression was not what he’d hoped for. Sarah looked at him with surprise.

“Oh Sam. Wow.” She stood and started pacing. She stopped when she faced him again. “I don’t know how to tell you this.” She hesitated and played nervously with the clunky silver bracelet on her wrist. “I’m seeing someone, and I think it might be pretty serious. I mean, I hope it is but…” Sarah trailed into silence and sent him an apologetic look.

He stood and nodded. “I guess I’ll just go then,” he said and pointed over his shoulder at the door.

“No Sam, please don’t go.” Sarah reached forward and grabbed his hand. “I thought we were friends. Please, let’s catch up. I really am very flattered that you came all this way.”

Sam held onto her hand and awarded her a small smile. “You’re right. We are friends and I would like to catch up. Besides, Dean wants to see you again, too.”

She smiled and Sam’s stomach flipped. It wasn’t as if he expected her to fall into his arms, but he had hoped to have a chance to get to build a relationship. He’d stayed away too long and he’d lost. Inside, he was hurting, but outside, as Dean would say, he had his game face on.

“Great. We can all do dinner. Con, my boyfriend, he’s coming up from the city and I’d like you to meet him. It should be fun.” She hesitated and in a sense offered him an out. But Sam was a gentleman.

“I’d love to meet him,” he lied.

Sam and Sarah had been talking for over an hour. He was still disappointed, and he’d been an idiot to think she would be waiting for him. But a friendship with Sarah was all he’d had before, and now he was sure he didn’t want to lose it. Besides, maybe this Con guy was evil or possessed and then he’d have an excuse to waste him. Not likely, but one could always hope.

He told Sarah about their latest hunts, leaving out pertinent ‘Dean is Immortal’ details from the stories. He spoke about their new hunting partner, Duncan, and gave her more details about Dean’s nemesis, Chloe Sullivan.

“I have to meet Chloe,” she laughed. “Anyone who can fluster Dean that way is automatically my best friend.”

Sam agreed. “Mine too!” He was about to share another Chloe/Dean anecdote when his cell phone rang. He showed Sarah the caller ID.

“You think he knows we’re laughing about him?”

“Dean always thinks every conversation is about him. So yeah,” Sam quipped and answered his phone. “Hey Dean! Upstairs… No, we’ll come down.” Sam looked at Sarah as he hung up the phone. “Dean and Duncan are waiting downstairs,” he said as she nodded.

He stood up and offered Sarah his hand. She took it and Sam ushered her out of the door. They stood on the small balcony outside the office. Sam looked down to see his brother and Duncan waiting for them, and Sarah waved down at Dean, who returned her greeting. Sam leaned over toward Sarah and pointed to the man next to Dean. “And that’s the other hunter I mentioned, Duncan MacLeod.”

She looked over to smile at Duncan. Suddenly, she gave a small exclamation of surprise and began racing down the steps, her eyes intent on Dean and Duncan. Sam watched in horror as she lost her balance and she slipped. He reached out to grab her, but the silky material of her blouse slipped through his fingers as she pitched forward down the steps.

As if in slow motion, her head banged off the wall with a loud thwack and her body turned completely around. Sam chased after her but knew he couldn’t catch her before her head hit the lower step and possibly broke her neck.

Then Duncan was there; he caught her as she tumbled backwards right into his arms and then he lowered her safely to the ground. Blood streamed down the side of her head. Sarah looked up at Duncan. “You…” Her hand reached weekly toward Duncan’s face as she passed out.

Sam was beside them and pulled out his phone to call 911. “Should we move her?” he asked. “There’s a couch upstairs.”

Duncan nodded and lifted Sarah into his arms as Sam gave directions to the 911 operator. Dean moved ahead and opened the office door where Duncan laid her down on the small sofa.

Sam followed behind and his heart clutched as he saw her lying there. Dean had already checked for vitals and tried to wake her. “She’s out,” he announced.

“Best to wait for the professionals,” Duncan advised. Sam knelt beside her to hold her hand as the three waited, the mood subdued.

“Mac, that was an amazing catch. You saved her life,” Sam said sincerely, not taking his eyes off Sarah.

Duncan didn’t answer and then Dean groused, “You have got to be kidding me.”

Sam looked over at them. Dean and Duncan had that far away gaze he’d come to recognize so well over the past year. Another Immortal had entered the building.

sarah blake, immortal!dean, dean winchester, duncan macleod, supernatural, crossovers100, sam winchester, highlander, my fic

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