Chapter 5: Left Turn At Albuquerque - Mag7/HL/Ironman

May 29, 2011 12:58

Title: Left Turn At Albuquerque (5/?)
Author: strangevisitor7
Fandom/Universe: Ironman (Marvel Movie 'verse)and Magnificent 7 (Part of the Aces Immortal Highlander AU)
Beta: ithildyn
Rating: PG
Characters: From Ironman: Tony Stark, Pepper, Rhodey. From Mag7: Vin Tanner, Ezra Standish, Buck Wilmington, JD Dunne, Chris Larabee. OC's from the Aces Immortal 'Verse: Charlotte Sparrow (AKA Pearl Black) and Cecily Desjardins.

Summary: Stranded in the past, Tony runs into some familiar faces.

A/N: This is part of the Aces Immortal series created by me and ithildyn, which means that Ezra Standish is Immortal in this story.

Banner by ithildyn

Chapter List
Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4; Chapter 5; Chapter 6; Chapter 7; Chapter 8; Chapter 9; Chapter 10; Chapter 11

Chapter 5: Left Turn At Albuquerque

Tony had waited until the others had appeared and begun talking with Ezra, before emerging from his hiding place.

He was able to identify the four men from the few pictures that Charlotte and Ezra had kept from their time in New Mexico, and he was dying to meet the infamous Chris Larabee, the man Charlotte had chosen to marry.

"Mr. Stark, I told you to wait in the trees," Ezra snapped. Tony was sure he was worried about what a stranger might have overheard.

"I thought the danger had passed," Tony said, and eyeing the blood on Ezra's sleeve asked, "Were you hurt?"

"It's nothing," Ezra replied.

"I was impressed with that bit of bravery; crossing open territory like that to take out those criminals."

Ezra accepted the praise stiffly. "Thank you. My friends would have done the same for me."

"Any man'd be lucky to have a friend like that."

The two stared at each other before Ezra actually smiled at Tony, who smiled back immediately. It was their first friendly exchange, and Tony hoped that maybe Ezra was warming up to him.

"Ezra, you want to introduce us to your new friend?" Chris asked

"And tell us why he's wearing your clothes," JD added.

"This is Mr. Edward Stark," Ezra explained. "Tim found him wandering around near the southern fence, stripped of his belongings and left for dead by criminals. Given his state of undress, I agreed to loan him some of my garments"

"Is Tim alright?" Chris asked, immediately unconcerned about a stranger's welfare over that of his stepson.

"Tim was my savior," Tony said. "I was really lucky he found me."

"He's a good kid." Chris smiled with obvious fatherly pride.

"You must be Chris Larabee?" When the man nodded, Tony continued, "I can't thank your family enough. Cecily invited me to share their lunch. She is a lovely young woman." Tony couldn't help but smile at the thought of Cecily. He really should stop thinking of Ezra's sister that way, but as was typical, he had no real self restraint when it came to women. "I'm glad to know such hospitality still exists."

Tony noticed Vin glaring at him at the mention of Cecily, before leaning over to whisper to Ezra, who replied not quietly enough, "I thought my sister's activities no longer concerned you?"

Vin huffed, and with a curt nod said, "I'm taking this one back to town." He yanked the surviving criminal to his feet, jarring the man awake. "Let's go." Vin half dragged the man over to his horse.

"Did I say something wrong?" Tony asked, once Vin had disappeared around the rocks. He seemed to be unable to make a good impression today.

"That's just Vin. He don't like it when people get too familiar about Miss Cecily," JD said.

"Quiet, JD. The affairs of my sister and Mr. Tanner are not Mr. Stark's business."

"Ain't no affair anymore, Ezra." Buck laughed. "That boy is so mixed up when it comes to Cecily, but he ain't even trying to fix it."

"All he has to do is apologize and they'd be right back to courting," JD said.

"Well that ain't gonna happen, 'cause Vin's too damn stubborn," Buck said, laying a hand on JD's shoulder. "You pay attention, kid. Vin's doing it all wrong. Iffen you and Casey ever get to fighting like this, let her win and always apologize. Women like being right even when they's wrong. And then they're usually very grateful when you get to making up," Buck waggled his eyebrows, "if you catch my meaning."

JD pushed Buck away. "You are so full of shit, Buck. If Casey's wrong, I'm not gonna tell her she's right."

Buck sighed, "Kids," and shook his head.

Tony laughed. "I do believe you and I share a similar philosophy, Mr. - " Tony paused, waiting for Buck to fill in the name he already knew.

"Wilmington." He held out a hand which Tony shook. "This here is JD Dunne and that," he pointed to where Vin was riding away, "was Vin Tanner. Sorry for your troubles."

"Thank you. Sorry I upset Mr. Tanner."

Tony was a bit confused by the talk of Vin and Cecily's obviously broken engagement. He was sure that they were to be married soon given the year, but maybe he'd gotten it wrong. He hadn't given much weight to his harmless flirtations with Cecily, but if she was no longer promised to Vin then maybe something else was going on.

"Why don't I get Mr. Stark back to town," Ezra said. "I will alert the undertaker that his attention is needed here."

Ezra was obviously uncomfortable with Tony's interest in Cecily. Now that JD and Buck had confirmed that she was not spoken for, he was worried that Tony might follow up those harmless flirtations with something more daring.

As much fun as he suspected a liaison with Cecily might be, Tony had more important things to think about, and he really didn't want to get shot by Ezra or Vin, or even Charlotte.

"We should let Eddie here go through them saddle bags and see if he can use anything. Not like these fellas'll need their stuff anymore," Buck said as he nudged a foot at one of the dead bodies.

Tony smiled. Eddie. Well it seemed he'd finally made a positive impression on someone. "Thanks, Buck. Then I can return Ezra's things. I'm not much for the peacock look."

"Not many men can pull off Ezra's choice of colors." Chris chuckled in agreement.

"Says the man who wears nothing but black," Ezra said.

"Black is very slimming," Tony quipped. "It works for you."

"Thanks." Chris laughed before he pointed to himself for Ezra's benefit. "Blue shirt."

"It hardly counts." Ezra sniffed.

"Besides I did have more color in my wardrobe but Pearl threw away my serape." Chris shook his head as he grinned, obviously remembering the incident over his his favorite piece of clothing. "I loved that thing.

Ezra chuckled. "No one in their right might loved that ratty old horse blanket.

"Then who's the one that dresses Ezra?" Tony asked as he plucked at the borrowed purple jacket.

Ezra just shook his head. "Am I the only one with any taste in clothing in our little group? What is wrong with any of those colors?"

"I guess some of us less sophisticated people just don’t appreciate the time it takes to be a true clothes hog," Tony said with mock sympathy.

"Clothes hog." JD laughed. "That's Ezra all right. He's got more clothing than most girls."

"I really don't think that someone who continues to wear a bowl on his head ought to offer clothing advice." Ezra smirked

"It's called a bowler for a reason."

Tony continued to half listen to the teasing between the men as he went through the saddle bags that Buck had handed to him. They actually had some usable clothing in them, along with a few coins that he surreptitiously pocketed.

Chris came up beside Tony. "Any chance that these were the men who robbed you?"

Without realizing it, Chris had given Tony an opportunity to cement his story. "I don't know," he said, walking over to take a serious look at each of the dead bodies.

After a few minutes Tony returned to where Chris was waiting. "It could be, but they knocked me out and I just can't remember."

"You find any of your things in their saddle bags?"

"No, and none of these horses are mine. Still that man looks kind of familiar," Tony lied.

"They may have stashed stuff before coming into town. If we do find their hideout, we'll let you know."

"Thanks. At least I have a few things I can use until I make some money to be on my way." Tony indicated the pile of clothing he'd taken from the criminals, but said nothing of the almost six dollars he'd found. "Tim mentioned that there might be work in the livery."

"Tiny's always looking for help," JD said.

"I'd best be getting back to the ranch, but the boys can take you into town and introduce you around," Chris said.

"And I'm betting some of the ladies in town will take pity on your state and decide it's their job ta feed ya," Buck added.

"Speaking of feeding, Mr. Larabee -"

"Call me Chris."

"Chris." Tony nodded, surprised by the implied acceptance considering how unfriendly Ezra had been so far. "Cecily has invited me out for Sunday dinner with your family. If that would create tension - " He left the rest unspoken and Chris immediately knew he was referring to Vin's abrupt departure.

"You're welcome to come. My wife would have my hide if I didn't bring you along. She has a thing for hard luck cases." Chris smiled and smacked Tony on the arm before walking off to get his horse.

Much to his chagrin, Tony found himself liking Chris. The man had smiled warmly when speaking of Charlotte, and it was obvious to Tony that he cared a great deal for her. Tony had almost been jealous of the affection in Charlotte's voice when she'd told him about her time with Chris. While he'd never expected to actually sleep with Charlotte, liking Chris just put a damper on everything, and he almost felt guilty about his failed attempts at seducing his friend.

Tony sighed. "Ce'st la vie," he mumbled to himself as he began stuffing the things he'd appropriated from the bandits into the bags of the borrowed horse.


The Present

"What's happened?" Charlotte asked. "Where's Tony?“

Ezra turned from his discussion with Rhodey to face his cousin. Sometimes Ezra thought that along with immortality, Charlotte had inherited an almost psychic ability to know when things were going wrong, especially when Tony was involved.

"Charlotte, I have something I need to share with you and Pepper," he said, acknowledging the tall blonde who had followed Charlotte into the living room.

"Where's Tony?“ she asked again.

"Tony's missing," Rhodey said.

"Missing?" Charlotte and Pepper exclaimed at once.

"It's not what you think," Ezra said as he glared at Rhodey for dumping the information so unceremoniously. "I know where Tony is, and it is a story that will surprise you, dear cousin."

Ezra led the women into the living room and settled them on the couch before continuing. "Charlotte, do you remember a man named Edward Stark from our days in New Mexico? I believe you only met him once."

Charlotte furrowed her brow as she searched her memory for the name. Her eyes went wide as the memory came to her. "You're not suggesting that traveling inventor was Tony?"

Ezra nodded. "Yes, I am."

Charlotte shook her head. "I can't believe I never made the connection."

"It was right after Jess was hurt, and Cecily was going through a difficult time. Not to mention that you and Chris were still in the bloom of your honeymoon. I think you were a little preoccupied with the family to notice one itinerant stranger."

She quirked a small smile in acknowledgment. "Still, I wish you'd told me. I can keep a secret, you know."

"I wanted to tell you, but since you never figured it out, I assumed it would be best not to."

"Charlotte, you and Tony are great friends," Pepper said. "Ezra was right not to do anything that might have changed that relationship."

"I suppose so." Charlotte sighed. "Did you tell him to seek us out? Is that why he came to Four Corners?"

Ezra was confused. "You don't think I told Tony about his little time traveling trip?"

"But - if you didn't tell him," a look of panic crossed Pepper's face, "how do you know he'll be coming back?"

"Of course he'll be coming back," Ezra scoffed before realization dawned on him. "I just assumed when he disappeared in the past that he'd come back to the present."

"But you don't know for sure?"

"I'm afraid I have no way of knowing if he will return." Ezra ran a hand through his hair as the realization dawned that Tony might have simply disappeared forever. "It's not as if I could have stopped him from going, he never told me the date he'd traveled from."

"Then he must know he gets back," Pepper said confidently.

"You should have at least warned him that this might happen," Charlotte insisted

"No," Rhodey said. "Ezra did the right thing even if he didn't realize it. Time travel can be very tricky, and if there's one thing I know, it's that you shouldn't mess with the timeline. Tony had to make this trip because you two remember him in the past."

"I don't feel like I did the right thing. I should have at least warned him in some way. I was so excited about him making the trip; I didn't think that he'd be in any danger."

"But you said Tony left," Pepper reminded him. "If he simply reversed what happened he should be back soon."

"Or he could be lost in time," Ezra countered.

"I hope you're wrong." Rhodey said "But even so, we have to remember that whatever interaction Tony had with you two in the past, it made a difference in your lives now. The events of today had to play out the way they did in order to maintain the timeline."

Pepper reached for Charlotte's hand. "We just have to believe that Tony will find his way back."

Charlotte squeezed Pepper's hand. "You're right, Virginia. It's Tony. I believe he will get back."

"He's certainly overcome bigger difficulties before, and he does have the Ironman suit and a wealth of 21st century knowledge," Ezra agreed.

"So I have to know," Rhodey said. "What kind of trouble did you and Tony get into in the past?"

As worried as they were about Tony, there was nothing they could do but wait. Ezra thought talking about what had happened seemed a good way to take their minds off the idea that Tony might never return.

"None." At Rhodey's disbelieving look, Ezra continued, "I swear. He really wasn't there very long. Well long enough to ruin one of my favorite jackets and take me for a significant amount of money."

"You played poker with him and lost?" Rhodey asked.

Ezra laughed. "Yes, but then he'd been playing poker with me for years. I'd only just met the man. Still, I let him win because I wanted him gone from town. Losing enough money for him to catch the next stage seemed like a good idea at the time."

Charlotte smiled. "He cleaned you out, didn't he?"

"I let him win," Ezra insisted.

"Sure you did." Rhodey chuckled.

buck wilmington, vin tanner, mag7, ironman, charlotte sparrow (oc), aces immortal, ezra standish, my fic, crossover, cecily desjardins (oc), jd dunne

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