Chapter 4: Left Turn At Albuquerque - Mag7/HL/Ironman

May 18, 2011 22:44

Title: Left Turn At Albuquerque (4/?)
Author: strangevisitor7
Fandom/Universe: Ironman (Marvel Movie 'verse)and Magnificent 7 (Part of the Aces Immortal Highlander AU)
Beta: ithildyn
Rating: PG
Characters: From Ironman: Tony Stark, Pepper, Rhodey. From Mag7: Vin Tanner, Ezra Standish, Buck Wilmington, JD Dunne, Chris Larabee. OC's from the Aces Immortal 'Verse: Charlotte Sparrow (AKA Pearl Black) and Cecily Desjardins.

Summary: Stranded in the past, Tony runs into some familiar faces. In this chapter Gunfight!!!

A/N: This is part of the Aces Immortal series created by me and ithildyn, which means that Ezra Standish is Immortal in this story.

Banner by ithildyn

Chapter List
Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4; Chapter 5; Chapter 6; Chapter 7; Chapter 8; Chapter 9; Chapter 10; Chapter 11

Chapter 4: Left Turn At Albuquerque

They'd been traveling in silence for almost 20 minutes and Tony couldn't take it anymore. The desert stretched in front of them, with only the occasional copse of trees or rock formation to break the horizon; and that did nothing for the monotony of riding a horse this long.

"Really boring country you've got here."

Ezra did not respond to his comment. This was getting ridiculous. In the present, they were buds, pals; some might even call it a bromance, but this Ezra really didn't like him. Tony wasn't used to not being liked.

"Do we have much further to go? Because I gotta tell you, I may be walking funny for a week from all this riding." He choked on his own laughter as he caught the frown Ez sent his way. He'd had just about enough of prissy Ezra. "What the hell is your damn problem with me?"

"Mr. Stark, I don't have any 'problem' with you."

"But you don't like me." It wasn't a question. "Which is crazy, because everybody likes me." He knew he was sounding a bit petulant, but he was hot, tired, sore and just wanted to go home. He was missing his Jacuzzi something fierce right now.

"Who are you, Mr. Stark?"

"I don't know what you mean. I've told you I'm an inventor. You know I was attacked on my way to meet with some investors in California." He reached back to lay a hand on the Ironman suit, unconsciously confirming that it was still in place.

"I'm afraid that I don't believe your story."

"That's crazy, Ez. Why would I lie about being attacked?"

Ezra continued as if Tony hadn't interrupted him. "You speak as if you know me, yet I am fairly certain that we have never met. So please tell me the truth. Who are you and what do you want from my family?"

The sound of distant gunfire distracted both men from their heated conversation.

"What was that?" Tony asked relieved that the distraction would put off the uncomfortable turn the conversation had taken.

Ezra didn't answer, he simply spurred his horse into a gallop, heading toward the echoing sound.

Tony hesitated only a moment before encouraging his horse to follow.

As the sound of gun shots grew louder, Tony could see a nasty looking rock formation about two hundred yards ahead and several men crawling over it, shooting at another group who were hidden from view. Ezra pulled his horse to a stop in a small copse of trees which conveniently shielded their presence from the gunfighters and dismounted. He held a finger to his lips indicating that Tony should stay silent. Ez studied the conflict before nodding to himself.

Tony could no longer contain his curiosity and leaned in to whisper, "Anyone you know?"

"My friends are on the other side of that formation," Ezra said. "They require my assistance."

"How do you know that?" Tony had yet to glimpse any of the men returning fire from the far side of the rocks."

"I know their guns," Ezra explained. "These men," he pointed to the four that Tony could see on the rocks, "are obviously criminals attempting to eliminate the law and make their getaway."

Tony nodded. "What can I do to help?"

Ezra eyed him with suspicion before coming to a conclusion. He grabbed a rifle from his saddle. "Stay here, and if any of the miscreants should attempt to get away, shoot them."

Tony hadn't expected Ez to take him up on his offer and could not cover his surprise as he took the rifle.

"You do know how to use one of these?" Ezra asked.

"Of course." Tony took a quick inventory of the weapon and felt satisfied he could use it effectively, if necessary. "I guess this means you trust me."

Ezra gave him a wry smile. "If you shoot me in the back, I promise there is nowhere on earth you will be safe from the repercussions."

Tony almost chuckled. Anyone else would assume it would be Ezra's fellow lawmen chasing him down, but given that Ez was Immortal, Tony knew it would be the man himself out for vengeance. "I don't have a death wish."

"Good." Ezra shucked off his red jacket, draping it over his horse before drawing his two pistols from their holsters. With a small nod at Tony to stay put, Ezra headed straight toward the bad guys.

Tony watched as Ezra kept low to the ground, crossing the open area before him and moving quickly towards the battle. Knowing that Ez was Immortal didn’t diminish Tony's awe at the sheer boldness of heading unprotected into a gunfight. Ezra and Tony both acted the quintessential pampered playboys, it was why they got along so well, but since he'd become Ironman, Tony wanted his life to mean more. Watching his friend play hero, he suspected that maybe, in the present, he should be helping Nick Fury with his attempts to recruit Ezra to join the new team of heroes that S.H.E.I.L.D was forming. The Immortal certainly had a special ability and the fearlessness the job required.

Ezra crept closer and then fired both guns. The shots were true and two men toppled from their respective perches. Ezra moved quickly to find cover as the third man, realizing they'd been outflanked, fired blindly behind him before getting a bead on Ezra and firing several more shots in the gambler's direction. Tony wasn't sure, but he thought that Ezra may have been hit as he'd ducked out of sight.

The gunfire died momentarily before Ezra popped back into to view to fire in quick succession; missing number three, but killing the fourth criminal. Now Tony was sure he'd been hit as Ez was using only one gun as his right arm hung limply at his side.

The two exchanged close range fire across the rocks. As Tony debated stepping from his hiding place to help, he noticed two men creeping around the rocks. Without knowing if these were the good guys, it seemed prudent to stay put.

Tony watched as a man, dressed mostly in black, came up behind the remaining bad guy and brought his pistol down on the man's head knocking him out cold.

And just like that, the fight was over.


Ezra rose from his hiding place and holstered his weapons as his fellow lawmen appeared. "I trust everyone is safe?"

"Great timing there, Ez!" Buck gave him a hearty pat on the back and Ezra flinched.

"You ok?"

"Nothing a little time won't fix." Ezra rolled his shoulder and confirmed that the wound was almost healed.

"That makes nine," JD said as he joined the conversation.


"Nine times you've taken a bullet," Vin explained. "JD's been keeping count."

"You are too enamored of my ability, JD." Spotting only four of his companions, he asked, "Where are Josiah and Nathan?"

"Off with Charlotte delivering the latest Peterson baby," Chris replied as he finished tying up the surviving criminal, even though the man was out cold.

"Of course; I had forgotten."

"Nice work, Ezra," Chris said, eyeing the three dead bodies.

"Thank you. Though I am tired of sacrificing my haberdashery to the cause." He fingered the hole in his shirt.

"How about you let me write this adventure for your chronicle since you weren’t there for the beginning," JD pleaded. "Bet I can make it more excitin' then the way you tell the stories.

Ezra laughed and shook his head. Ever since the others had found out that Vin had been hired by the Watchers to chronicle Ezra's Immortal life, they'd all insisted upon reading the accounts of their adventures to make sure, Ezra surmised, that they were portrayed accurately for posterity. JD constantly complained that Ezra never got his part right and had been begging to write his own version of events. "My life is not a dime store novel, JD."

"Sure it is!"

"I'm all for lettin' someone else scribe this stuff," Vin said smiling. "My hand gets to cramping with all the big words Ezra likes to use."

"Are you suggesting that I am not capable of doing our adventures justice?"

"I've read your version of the Watson brothers capture." Chris laughed. "It was kinda boring considering all we went through to bring them in."

"I worked very hard on creating an enjoyable yet accurate account."

Vin snorted his disagreement. Ezra looked to his friends, who seemed to agree with Vin's assessment of his storytelling skills. "You can't be serious. I am a very good writer."

"Not really," Buck quipped with a mock yawn.

"I don't believe this."

"Don't take it so hard, Ezra," JD said sympathetically. "So, you going to give me a shot at it or not?"

"JD, I don't think - " Ezra stopped when he noticed Mr. Stark approaching with their horses. Damn, he thought. Ezra had forgotten about his unwanted companion.

buck wilmington, vin tanner, mag7, ironman, charlotte sparrow (oc), aces immortal, ezra standish, my fic, crossover, cecily desjardins (oc), jd dunne

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