Chapter 2: Left Turn At Albuquerque - Mag7/HL/Ironman

May 05, 2011 20:12

Title: Left Turn At Albuquerque (2/?)
Author: strangevisitor7
Fandom/Universe: Ironman (Marvel Movie 'verse)and Magnificent 7 (Part of the Aces Immortal Highlander AU)
Beta: ithildyn
Rating: PG
Characters: From Ironman: Tony Stark, Pepper, Rhodey. From Mag7: Vin Tanner, Ezra Standish, Buck Wilmington, JD Dunne, Chris Larabee, Nathan Jackson, Josiah Sanchez. OC's from the Aces Immortal 'Verse: Charlotte Sparrow (AKA Pearl Black) and Cecily Desjardins. Special cameo appearance by Reed Richards

Summary: Tony is testing some improvements to the Ironman armor when things take a 'left turn'.

A/N: This is part of the Aces Immortal series created by me and ithildyn, which means that Ezra Standish is Immortal in this story.

Banner by ithildyn

Chapter List
Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4; Chapter 5; Chapter 6; Chapter 7; Chapter 8; Chapter 9; Chapter 10; Chapter 11

Chapter 2: Left Turn At Albuquerque

The Present

Ezra walked into Tony's workshop to find Rhodey and Reed Richards having a heated argument.

"What do you mean you've lost his signal?" Rhodey snarled.

"I mean that he is no longer registering on the scanner." Reed turned back to the counsel and ran his fingers over the touch screen. "It doesn't make sense."

"Reed, what the hell did you do? Where is he?"

Richards waved a hand distractedly at Rhodey. "Can you just stop talking while I find him?"

"Am I interrupting?" Ezra asked, announcing his arrival.

Rhodey glared at Reed, who didn't even give Colonel Rhodes the courtesy of acknowledging the man's anger, before accosting Ezra. "What are you doing here, Ez? This isn't a good time."

"I can see that." Ezra smirked.

"Tony's not here, so whatever plans you had will just have to wait."

"Tony's missing?" Ezra walked up behind Reed, trying to decipher the information he saw on the screen.

"Not missing, just not registering," Reed insisted

"He's obviously crashed and it's your fault," Rhodey said

Richards didn't bother to look up as he continued to manipulate the data. "Don't be ridiculous. If he'd crashed, it would show up on the readout."

Rhodey looked like he wanted to throttle the scientist, but held his temper. "Just tell me where he was when you lost contact."

As Ezra listened to the two bicker over Tony's disappearance, he realized that this had to be the day he'd been waiting for since he'd first met Tony. He knew very little of the circumstances which had sent Tony to the past and the man had never revealed the exact date of the incident; he'd babbled something about time paradoxes. Ezra had found it hard to keep secrets from everyone for so long; it would be a relief to finally share what he knew.

"Over New Mexico." Reed stared at the screen. "I don't understand. Everything should have worked. He must have done something wrong."

"I knew Tony shouldn't have let Reed anywhere near the suit," Rhodey huffed under his breath as he pulled out his phone. More loudly he said, "I'll get a jet to do a fly over and hopefully he'll be sitting on a rock somewhere waiting for rescue."

Ezra put a hand on the phone and leaned in to whisper, "Actually, Rhodey, that won't be necessary I think I know exactly where Tony is."

"How could you possibly - "

Ezra put a finger to his lips to silence the colonel before tilting his head toward Reed. "I suggest we take this upstairs, Charlotte and Pepper should hear what I have to say as well."

Reluctantly, Rhodey nodded and followed Ezra up the stairs. Once the workshop door shut behind them, he asked again, "How do you know where Tony is?"

Ezra smiled over his shoulder. "What do you know about time travel, Colonel?"

As they reached the first floor, Rhodey grabbed Ezra's arm and spun him around. "Are you saying that you met Tony before; in the past?"

Ezra nodded. "Back when Charlotte and I were living in New Mexico. And believe it or not, I hated the guy the first time I met him."

Rhodey laughed. "Why is it I'll believe that Tony is a victim of a time travel accident before I'd ever believe you two weren't thick as thieves?"

"It was not an auspicious meeting, and Tony - well let's just say I was -" Ezra paused as he remembered meeting the man who would someday become his best friend, "not impressed by his charm," he finished. That was putting it mildly.

The Past

Ezra paused at the entrance to the kitchen. At the sink his sister, Cecily, was doing battle with the dirty dishes. He watched as she attacked a skillet with vengeance all the while muttering to herself. It was unusual for Cecily to be doing these types of chores, but it seemed the dishes made a perfect scapegoat for her frustrations.

As he crept closer he could hear her grumbling about idiot long haired trackers and how rude frontiersmen need to be taught about how to treat a lady.

"I think you've beaten the breakfast dishes into submission," Ezra said cheekily.

Startled, she whirled around, the wet skillet still in her hand sloshing water all over Ezra.

"Hey!" He jumped back as he wiped his face free of the water.

"Serves you right for sneaking up on a person." She smirked, and with her free hand she reached back into the sink intent on sending another spray of water toward him.

Ezra anticipated her motion and went on the offensive. Grabbing both her wrists, he dislodged the skillet sending it clattering to the floor and manhandling her away from the sink, before she could turn this into all out warfare.

She tried to twist out of his grasp. "Let me go!"

"Not until you calm down." He held onto her hands wanting to be sure she wouldn't try to retaliate. "I don't think the breakfast dishes are the ones you're truly angry with. Maybe we should talk about why you came back."

"I don't know what you're referring too." Cecily finally pulled away from him and returned to her assault on the cutlery. "I came back because Mama and Jess needed me and not because of any scruffy gunslinger."

She was lying and not very well. Ezra didn't blame his sister for being upset. She'd done and said some horrible things to Vin while she'd been possessed by the cursed necklace. And while she'd tried to apologize, Vin had remained distant, unable to forgive her.

When it had become clear to Cecily that Vin would make no effort to repair their relationship, she'd packed a bag and left Four Corners swearing that she would never 'set foot in this god forsaken backwater town again'.

It might have been true, if Jess hadn't been caught in the crossfire between the peacekeepers and some bounty hunters who hadn't gotten the message that Vin was no longer a wanted man. Vin had felt responsible for Jess getting shot by the criminals looking for him. It was when Charlotte had pointed out that he was no more responsible for others actions than Cecily had been under the influence of the cursed necklace, that he'd begun to see his situation with Cecily in a new light Charlotte wanted her daughter home in case the worst happened, which fortunately it had not, and Vin had volunteered to bring Cecily back. Ezra was sure, given Vin's new insight into their relationship, that the lovers would patch up their differences on the trip home from Colorado. Unfortunately, the two had come back more estranged than ever, and Ezra had resigned himself to the idea that Cecily and Vin were not meant to be. That didn't mean he was going to stop trying to promote their reconciliation.

"I know that you're hurt that Vin hasn't been by to really talk to you since your return. You just have to give him time."

"TIME! It's been weeks!" She turned from the sink to glare at him. "He had his chance. I refuse to wait for some...some..." Her fury escalated as she searched for just the right word to describe the handsome tracker who had broken her heart; not that she'd ever admit it. "MAN to decide to forgive me for something I didn't do!"

"Let me help fix this. I could talk to Vin." Ezra had been reluctant to overtly interfere as that type of meddling often backfired.

"I have nothing to say to Mr. Vin Tanner. He's a pigheaded mule without the good sense God gave a goat." She turned back and plunged the next dish into the soapy water.

Ezra waited, sure from the set of her shoulders that she wasn't finished yet. "And another thing," she whirled back around wooden spoon in her hand which she shook at Ezra to emphasize her point, "no more pie! Let him know that mama's kitchen is off limits unless he's ready to act like a gentleman and apologize!"

Ezra tried not to chuckle at her contradictory statements. It seemed Cecily had quite a lot to say to Vin Tanner. He was about to reply when he heard the front door open.

"Cousin Ezra, you here?" Timothy called out.

Ezra and Cecily exited the kitchen together.

"Timothy," Cecily said. "What are you doing here? I thought you were out mending the southern fence."

"I was, but I found a stranger." He pointed through the front picture window to where a man waited in the courtyard. "He told me his name's Edward Stark. He was attacked, robbed and he isn't thinking to clearly. Thought I'd bring him here, get him some clothes, food, and maybe let him rest."

"Is he hurt?" Cecily asked.

"Says he's not but he said some mighty strange things."

"What kind of things?" Ezra asked.

"Didn't know where he was or the year and mentioned something called a telephone. Figured he meant telegraph," Tim explained. "He also asked about the blacksmith and about the law in Four Corners."

"What did you tell him?"

"Mentioned the seven of you and told him Tiny was looking for help in the livery if he needed a job."

"Did you mention that I was here?"

"Yeah and that seemed to make him happy." Tim frowned as he realized what he might have done. "I'm sorry Cousin, Ezra, I didn't think...I mean I wouldn't be able to tell."

"It's all right, Tim." Ezra said as he pushed past the teen to peer out the window at their guest. He breathed a sigh of relief at the lack of an Immortal buzz.

Cecily joined Ezra at the window, a look of concern on her face. "Is he?"

Ezra shook his head. "No. Not Immortal. I don't recognize him. But, Tim, you said he knew of me?"

"Not exactly. He just smiled. Maybe he was happy about you being the law and might be able to help find his things."

"I suppose so." Ezra was not convinced it was as simple as that. It was very possible this Mr. Stark did know him though the name wasn't familiar. There had been many marks over the years who might come seeking revenge. He would just have to be on his guard.

"He appears harmless enough," Cecily said as she watched the man standing in the yard. "But what is he wearing?"

"Some fancy union suit I reckon. It's all the clothes the bandits left him

Cecily nodded, a look of determination crossed her face as she took charge. "We must help him then. Ezra, you must loan him some of your clothes. Tim, set an extra place at the table for lunch."

"My clothes!"

"You don't expect him to wear one of my dresses, do you? Beside he looks to be about your height." She turned to look out the window once more. "Maybe a little broader in the shoulders. He's quite handsome."

"Cecily? What are you thinking?" Ezra didn't like the mischievous look in her eye.

"Really, Ezra, I don't know what you mean! He's been the victim of a terrible crime and we need to help him. Now go!"

buck wilmington, vin tanner, mag7, ironman, charlotte sparrow (oc), aces immortal, ezra standish, my fic, crossover, cecily desjardins (oc), jd dunne

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