RP: To the victors belong the spoils

Jul 07, 2007 23:11

Date: 7 July 2005
Characters: Arabella Figg, many others (will add later)
Location: Stoatshead Hill Quidditch pitch
Status: Semi-private (open to all pairs from the end of the BBBB race)
Summary: The racers and the people whose bonnet they captured have their own picnics around the Quidditch pitch (or elsewhere if they wish)
Completion: Incomplete ( Read more... )

justin finch-fletchley, caradoc dearborn, ron weasley, constance montgomery, alicia spinnet, dennis creevey, lavender brown, oliver wood, vincent crabbe, kingsley shacklebolt, katie bell, marietta edgecombe, july 2005, ginny weasley, place: quidditch pitch, dean thomas, arabella figg, padma patil, marcus flint, greg goyle, orla quirke

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Comments 205

shh_vincent July 8 2007, 06:43:36 UTC
Vincent stood around the finish line, holding the visor he had grabbed from the pole, watching the end of the race. The two who had got snagged by the bushes were the last to cross, and he snorted at the woman's - Bell, he thought - ire with the man, before turning away. He almost left outright, setting the visor down for someone else to grab - but he was here, and he was bored, and he was rather hungry, so there was really no point. Although he was having a hard time imagining a scenario where it would be an anjoyable afternoon.

He could always just get up and leave in the middle anyway - but he'd already befriended so many people in town, he was hesitant to do that ( ... )


shh_orla July 8 2007, 06:50:24 UTC
Orla saw the bloke holding her visor, and swallowed. He looked less than welcoming, and she could't help but wonder why he'd bothered racing if he didn't want to socialize. It was the only reason she'd volunteered to put one together, really: to meet new people. She had a suspicion this was the infamous Vincent Crabbe that Marietta had mentioned, and had to remind herself of the lesson she learned the hard way with Rabastan: people aren't always what tehy seemed. Besides, Marietta didn't like Harry, and Orla adored him, so maybe she'd get along with him. Assuming he was Vincent.

She finally approached him, still somewhat hesitant, but determined to make a good impression. "Hello. It seems you grabbed my visor, so I guess we'll be having lunch together." She phrased it as a bit of a question, unsure if he'd want to eat or just take the basket and go. She smiled brightly, mostly to cover her nerves. This was why she made herself do these things, to get past her reluctance to meet new people outside work.


shh_vincent July 8 2007, 06:57:49 UTC
Vincent turned to find a shorter bespectacled woman approaching him. He had no idea who she was - which in this case, he was going to take as a positive sign. She looked hesitant, but at least not annoyed, so that was a step in the right direction. "I did," he said, handing it back to her, "I didn't have a prearranged one to aim for - having little clue the race worked this way exactly." Not that he would have had a prearranged one even if he had bothered to familiarize himself with the details.

He held out a hand to her, wishing he could not change out of the casual clothes he had changed into for the race, feeling the trickle of sweat down the back of his neck, "Vincent Crabbe. And you are? Names might help if we will be having lunch." He was reserving judgement for now, and hoped to Merlin she had something cold to drink in her basket.


shh_orla July 8 2007, 07:09:05 UTC
Orla took the visor, then took his hand. "Orla Quirke. Nice to meet you." She looked around, trying to decide where to set out the food, then shrugged. There was as good a place as any. "Right then ( ... )


shh_constance July 8 2007, 07:01:19 UTC
Connie had grabbed the shoe on impulse after the worst broom ride in history - she doubted the shoe belonged to a girl, and if she was lucky, maybe she could wrangle lunch with an attractive bloke. That was the least she deserved after the bloody slaloms.

She held up the shoe with a grin. "Anyone missing something important?" she said with a laugh.


shh_justin July 8 2007, 07:32:15 UTC
The race was over. Unfortunately, the two racers caught in the bushes had become such a great spectacle that Justin didn't catch who had gotten his shoe. He'd been too busy watching in amusement as the last young woman fought free and blew through the finish line ( ... )


shh_constance July 8 2007, 17:08:00 UTC
Connie handed him his shoe and shook the offered hand. "Connie Montgomery," she said with a smile.

He was cute. Cute blokes with food were always good.


shh_justin July 8 2007, 18:39:29 UTC
Montgomery. Justin didn't recognize the girl, but something about that name stuck out in his mind. He didn't think they were classmates, and he didn't think they'd met during the war or afterwards. No matter, he'd probably figure it out over their picnic.

"Nice to meet you," Justin smiled as Connie handed his shoe back. "Thanks, I'll just, umm..."

He dropped the shoe on the ground and stuck his foot back in it, grass-stained sock and all. The laces were short and frayed, so he never bothered to tie them.

"Sorry, I forgot to bring a bandana or whatever. Hope the shoe was too heavy or anything," Justin apologized. Or too smelly, he added in his head. He held up his basket. "I hope you like Mexican. Have you got any particular place you want to eat? The spot where I sat to watch the race has a nice view of the pitch, and there are still some people flying around if you want some entertainment."


shh_marcus July 8 2007, 07:16:43 UTC
Marcus didn't care when the old bitch started to call the racers and the basket holders to gather round. He knew what he had won and he wasn't going to wait for her to tell him what he could and could not do. He'd beaten them all on his shitty broom and almost killed the old guy to win Padma. He'd claim his own damn prize. As he made his way through the crowd gathering, he looked for her until her saw her waiting in the back.

He wiped his forehead on his arm before he smiled and stalked over to her. When he reached her side, he smirked as he stopped himself from taking her and pulling her close for a fierce kiss. Instead, he captured her eyss as he handed her the scart and said, "You know, this means your mine."


shh_padma July 8 2007, 07:40:50 UTC
Padma watched him come over to her, grinning and blushing a little as her heart pounded in her chest. Gods, blood and sweat really did suit him, as did the predatory look on his face. She bit her lip as he reached her and held out her scarf, claiming her as his.

She smirked and took the scarf, reaching up wrapping the scarf around his neck and using it to pull his head down. "Oh, I know." And then, in front of the gods and everyone, she kissed him, deeply.


shh_marcus July 8 2007, 08:09:09 UTC
Marcus was about to make another comment when Padma wrapped the scarf around his neck and pulled him close. He smiled, thinking that she was being playful but then she kissed him. At first, Marcus was stunned and for a brief moment, he thought to push her away because who she was meant more than a kiss.

But something gave within him and as he felt her heart beating in her chest as she pulled him close and her body molding to his, he wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly. His mind drifted as he let himself become lost in the dizzying sensation of their kiss.


shh_padma July 8 2007, 21:01:35 UTC
Padma grinned at feeling his surprised, then gasped softly as he responded. Her fingers slid up the length of her scarf to wrap around his neck and pull him closer a moment. She didn't care that other people were watching. In fact, she forgot about them entirely. All that mattered was him.

She pulled away a moment later, looking up at him and grinning. "You need to see the healer, Marcus. I don't want you bleeding all over my picnic."


shh_ginny July 8 2007, 07:30:53 UTC
Casting a quick freshening charm, Ginny retied her ponytail and tugged her black Henley into place, blushing lightly as she realized it'd ridden up during the course of the race. Tying the bright yellow bandana around the end of her broom, Ginny slung it over her shoulder as she approached the basket area of the grounds, unsure of what to do next as the fliers hadn't really given too much away - understandably so since it would have ruined the surprise of it all. She figured the basket people would either tell her or the bandana owner would seek her out ( ... )


shh_greg July 8 2007, 07:43:21 UTC
Greg had made his way over to the finish line and was just looking to see who had grabbed his bandanna when a young boy tugged on his shirt and asked him where the Beater skills test area was. Greg pointed him in the right direction then looked around when Ginny walked over, his bandanna tied to the end of her broom.

He smiled at her with surprise and delight. "Yes, it is." Then he paused and continued drolly, "What gave me away?"

"Great flying by the way. It looked a bit crazy up there at times." He hefted the basket he was holding. "Um... shall we find somewhere to eat? To the victor the spoils and all that."

He hoped that she was willing to have lunch with him. They'd gotten along really well so far and he thought this might be a lot of fun. He refused to think about how pleased he was that she had grabbed his bandanna.


shh_ginny July 8 2007, 07:57:54 UTC
She smiled and gave a soft laugh at his humor, winking at him. "Oh, I think the 'bow wow' on the bandanna was a small clue. Regular kismet."

"Thanks but I can't take all the credit. This new broom practically flys itself." Ginny blushed lightly and nodded, glancing around. "Yes, please, let's... ummm... I'll let you lead the way, I can't see a bloody thing down here. There was a little area off to the side of the pitch that looked like a good place for a picnic... just there."

She touched his arm and pointed in the general direction, delighted that it was someone she knew that she'd 'won' as she truly enjoyed the wizard's company, even a bit moreso than she was comfortable admitting to herself.


shh_greg July 8 2007, 08:13:29 UTC
"Well, it was the only clean one I had," Greg said with a grin. "And reminded me that I need to do my laundry tomorrow."

He eyed the broom with interest. "Really? Is it a new one? Mine's pretty old and I could do with a replacement."

He peered over the crowd in the direction she'd indicated, trying not to think about the little thrill he'd gotten when she'd touched his arm. If he thought about this, he was going to do something stupid and make it all awkward so he was better off just relaxing and enjoying himself.

"Oh, yeah, I see what you mean," he said, catching sight of the area she was talking about. "It's this way."

He indicated a clear path through the crowd with his broom and started walking.


shh_katie July 8 2007, 08:29:26 UTC
It was hard to ignore her annoyance with Oliver - since it was more than considerable - but Katie forced herself to relax as she looked around for whomever she would be having lunch with. The someone who wasn't Cedric - significantly effecting her plans for the afternoon. She'd be taking off for a few minutes to make the World Cup announcement before the picnics started, but she was hardly going to refuse to have lunch with whomever had brought a basket just because she was displeased with the outcome ( ... )


shh_marietta July 9 2007, 04:57:17 UTC
Marietta had hoped that some handsome flyer would capture her bonnet, but that hope went down the drain when the race started and she saw who was actually competing -- though she wouldn't have minded if Mr Dearborn had captured her bonnet. He was a lovely man and she enjoyed talking with him at the Musical Club and when she inspected his Floo. As the race ended, Marietta stood on the balls of her feet, trying to figure out who had grabbed her favour. She'd seen most of the racers cross the finish line but had somehow missed the last few, apparently distracted by the activity of the earlier finishers. When she finally spotted the hat, she discovered that a woman was waving it ( ... )


shh_katie July 9 2007, 06:02:26 UTC
Marietta Edgecombe - it was hard to forget the purple pustules, even if she had forgotten the face itself. Though she had been upset at the time at the interference with Dumbledore's army, school was a long time ago, and she worked not to let her annoyance with Oliver transfer over to the other woman, tempting though it was.

She held out her hand, after moving the visor to the other one, "Katie Bell - and I promise I'm not irate over the idea of lunch with you, even if I had been expecting an afternoon with my boyfriend." Smiling then, she added, "Though, I suppose I can do that anytime. My annoyance is strictly reserved to the prat who fucked up winning the race for me, don't worry."

"So," she asked, peering around to the basket at Marietta's side, "what does that lunch entail then? And, did you want to stick around here, or head off to a less populated area? I've got an announcement I have to go make eventually, but for now I'm 'all yours'. I hope you didn't have a bloke who had been expecting an lunch with you."


shh_marietta July 9 2007, 12:05:02 UTC
Marietta thought the other woman was examining her for a moment, perhaps searching her memory. Suggesting she might be irate about having lunch with her, though, raised Marietta's hackles a bit. She searched her own memory and realised she remembered only a little about Katie Bell. "You played Quidditch for Gryffindor, didn't you?" she said, shaking Katie's hand. "And you had an...unfortunate accident in seventh year, I do remember that," she said, biting her lip at having brought up a memory that Katie would probably rather forget. "That was rather terrible for you, wasn't it? I'm sorry I brought it up. My memory of people from school isn't as good as it should be. You'd think I was about 80 years old the way I've forgotten some things. So you were trying to grab something your boyfriend hung up? Was it the visor or the shirt ( ... )


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